First conversation : what's your name ?

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He went down for some minutes, realized that the sky became much darker than before. He was still worried about the girl. "What if something happens to her ? Can she go down alone by herself ?". Then he also remembered, she was clearly showing him that she did not need his help.

At the end, JK still went up to find her. He could not stop thinking about her and let her alone at this place. When he nearly reached the top, he saw the girl, and immediately has his heart broken. She was trying to stand up several times, but failed. "Why ? What happens to me ?", she murmured, very lightly. Her legs seemed to not listen to her, and had no strength anymore. The sun was going down behind her back, leaving her in its shadow. JK noted several wounds on her legs and arms, because of the previous accident.

He walked toward her. She seemed to be astonished seeing him again, then shyly lowed her head.

"Get on my back !", JK turned around and get his knees down.

"Huh ?".

"Hurry up ! We'll be in trouble if staying here longer", then he did not wait for her to move, took her on his strong back.

They did not speak during the whole time. JK realized that she was still trembling : "You okay ? Are you cold ?". He turned his head toward her, then saw that she was crying on his back. He turned back and stayed quiet, continued to going down. He did not know what happened to this girl, what she did alone on the top of the mountain at this time, and why she made him feel that she needed him, and didn't at the same time. But what he cared about, was he wanted to protect her, and know about her more.

He was deep in thoughts carrying her on his back. Her sweet smell overwhelmed and lead him to a lot of imagination. Until he realized a tear from her fallen down on his right cheek. He stopped walking. She started to hug him tighter from the back, her face still sticked to his cheek and she cried even louder.

He let her cry out as long as she wanted. Once she stopped crying, he accelerated. They came very quickly down from the mountain. The night became to fall. The village was very calm. They could even hear the sound of the wind going through trees' leaves. JK walked more slowly to calm down his pounding heart.

"Thank you", the girl suddenly told him.

"Huh ?", JK turned his head.

"I mean, thanks for saving me. And for carrying me down here. And not leaving me alone up there...", she suprisingly became more talkative after crying.

JK nodded, smiled at her through his shoulder. He did not know what to reply. Actually, he did have lots of thing to tell her, to ask her and to hear from her, but did not know where to start. So, they both just stayed quiet for a moment.

"You can let me down now. I think I can walk", she suggested.

"Are you sure ? I can carry you to your home. I am not tired", JK told her, then flustered for what he just said, "I mean, it is not like I want to go to your place, but...".

She giggled, then insisted "I really can walk now. Don't worry. Plus, you are sweating a lot though".

JK finally listented to her, putting her down. She lost the balance for a while, then quickly took it back. Her hands holding his arms which took around her waist, protecting her from falling. For a moment, they stayed very close to each other. He pulled her toward him. Her scent was right next to him, which made him a bit lost.

"Ah... sorry", he finally let her go. Both of them blushed.

"Which way do you want to go now ?", he asked.

"I don't know. I have no home here", she tried to smile.

"Oh ? So you are a tourist, right ? Which hotel do you stay tonight ?".

"Well... I don't remember the name and the address, actually. I saved all the information in my phone, which was fallen from the mountain lately. Even if I remember, without a passport, they will not let me check in, I guess...".

JK opened his mouth widely, looking at her. She had nothing other than her outfit with a light jacket tied around her waist. All of them are pretty dirty due to the accident. Also, lots of wounds on her arms and legs. She was wearing a large T-shirt and a jean short.

"Don't tell me you have lost everything lately... ?".

"Right ! My bag and everything I have was fallen down. Should I go looking for them now ? Haha...".

JK knew that she tried so hard to stay calm.

"That was the reason that makes you cried so much ?".

"Well... kind of. Lots of thing happened to me lately, but I was so confused when I realized that I have lost everything. No paper, no money, no relative in Korea. What should I do for this night ? I was... scared, actually".

"You're not scared now ?".

"Still. But I force myself to get used to it. I'll find a solution for tonight. Maybe asking some local people to host me freely ? Or going to the police...".

"The first plan sounds so dangerous for a girl like you. What if... the host is a bad person ? And do you know where the police station is ?".

She shaked her head, then nodded : "You are right".

"Do you know emergency numbers to call in Korea ?".

Once again, she shaked her head, explained : "I must saved them in my phone also...".

"Why don't you ask me to help ?", JK looked straight in her eyes.

"Huh ?", she opened her bambi eyes widely.

"I am the one who is with you now, and from the moment you had the accident. You should think about me first !".

They looked into each other eyes. She suddenly bursted into laugh.

"Why should I think about you first and ask for your help ? I don't even know your name. And who knows, you could be a bad guy too...", she teased him, her eyes looked like the beautiful croissant moon.

"What ? Do you think a bad guy would save you, risking his life up there, walking down then climbling up minutes later to find you because of worries, and giving you a piggyback down the whole mountain ? Also, I don't know your name neither, but could offer you a host tonight, if you need. Do you think a real bad guy would act the same ?", JK argued, feeling so unfair.

She listened to all he said, felt so sweet. She admitted that all he did made her so moved. The way he acted, the way he stayed quiet, not asking her anything, despite the huge curiosity he tried to hide.

"OK then, what's your name ?", she smiled at him and asked.

"Jeon Jungkook".

"Mr Jeon ! Jungkook-shi, would you host me tonight, please ?".

"Only if you tell me your name".

"Kim Amie".

"What ? Ami ?", he could not believe in his ears.

"It spells A-M-I-E, but pronounced as Ami. It means "friend" in French. My mom gave that name to me. She considered me as her one and only friend, when she moved to France and gave birth to me".

He almost told her : "Our fandom calls Army, and pronounced as Ami also", but stayed quiet. "She must not know about BTS, so should feel weird if I said so", he thought. Moreover, JK was glad that she had no idea about his group and himself. This fact made their encounter as a coincidence between a man and a woman, instead of between a fan or an admirer and a celebrity. What he wanted to be now, is being himself, a young 21 ordinary boy named Jeon Jungkook, and not JK of BTS.

"Your name is so beautiful ! I love it !", he sincerely said.

"Really ? Thanks... I did not like it when I was young, but now I love it so much too", she smiled but her eyes couldn't hide some sight of sadness.

"Oh, just wait for me for a second", JK suddenly said, then walked towards a small boutique. They have just passed by a pharmacy.

A few minutes later, he went out with a bag in hand. He took her to a corner and asked a shop owner nearby : "My friend has been fallen and get some wounds. Could I borrow your chair for a moment, please ? She needs to be treated".

"Of course, just take it as long as you want", the old man nodded and smiled at him so warmly.

JK let her sit down, open the bag and began to wash her wounds.

"Must hurt a bit. But I'll do it very quickly".

Contrary to what he thought, she did not scream at all. He quickly finish putting personal bandages on her wounds after washing them. He glanced at her. She did not show any sight of uncomfortable.

"Does it hurt ? You're much more stronger than I thought though".

"Well... I am pretty good in handling pain, I guess".

JK did not want to see these forced smiles from her. It burnt his heart.

She told him, half jokingly : "Hey Mr. Strongman, stop looking at me with these eyes. Do I look that fragile to you ?".

"Well, guess who cried out like hell just lately ?".

"Psttt, you don't understand. Stop making fun of me !", she pushed him with a big smile.

He also smiled at her, let her push him with no force. The shop owner looked at them playing with each other and said : "You guys are such a cute couple".

They both blushed. She shyly replied : "We are not a couple, actually".

"Oh really ? But you seem to fit each other well".

They looked at each other, flustered. JK slowed down his head, murmured in her ear : "But maybe we will, who knows".

"In your dream !", she punched toward him while he laughed and crunched his nose.

He loved the way she refused and teased him, the way she was so independant, despite the difficult situation, the way she cried and smiled, her natural look, her casual outfit, and especially her floral sweet scent. He was particularly sensitive in smell, actually. He liked cologne, perfume and even sope and soft fabric for clothes.

The two of them walked all the long way to his hostel. No one seemed to be tired. They just talked and teased each other non stop and the time passed so fast. When they stand in front of the hostel, he felt a bit nervous. They entered a small gate, which lead to an old style Korean garden. The hostel provided separated appartment for each guest. He rent alone an individual flat for one person, while his two friend rent a bigger place with separated bedrooms. They walked until the last block in the corner, where he stayed during this trip.

"We arrived. Just come in", he told her, after opening the door. The flat is very well arranged and designed. A 30m2 studio with single bedroom and American style kitchen. He only stayed here for 3 nights, but kept the place very clean, as it was his own room.

"Wow, such a good place !", she gave a compliment.

"It is not where I live, but I really like the architecture. That's why I only wanted to rent this place, and declined a triple room flat that my friends suggested".

"Good taste ! So, you go on a trip with 2 other friends ?".

"Yeah. I should call them now. You can take your time to take a bath. The restroom is over there. Your clothes are all dirty now...", he said, and just realized that she had no other clothes to change, "Right, I... can let you wear mine, if you don't mind. You have no other outfit anyway".

"OK. Thank you so much", she nodded.

JK went into the bedroom. He couldn't believe that he was alone in the same place with a girl, let her borrow his clothes. He was, kind of nervous and happy at the same time. It was a total new experience that he never went through. At some point, he also was excited about it.

"What clothes should I give her now ?", he wondered, then decided to ask : "Do you like some specific color or style ? I am not sure what to bring to you...".

"Well, I do not care too much about fashion now, to be honest. Just give me anything", she spoke out from the living room.

He thought for a moment, then decided to gave her the Cooky pyjama. When she saw the whole pink pieces, she did not hide her surprise.

"Is it really your pyjama ?".

"Yeah. Why ? You don't like it ?".

"That's not my point. I don't have any problem with it, but... I just, hardly imagine you wearing this whole pinky bunny pyjama while sleeping... Oh, perhaps... OK, nothing. Thanks anyway", she turned away, heading to the restroom.

JK was shocked while hearing what her said, she must have some wrong ideas... He stopped her with worries : "What are you imagining then ? Just finish your sentence", he rushed.

"Uhm... You really want me to be speak honestly ?".

"Of course !".

"Well, I do not have any problem with that at all, but it might belong to your ex-girlfriend, I think".

"...", he has NO ex-girlfriend, and even no official girlfriend neither !

"But I think it should be weird to take ex's pyjama during a trip, unless you still really love her and can't forget her...".

"Why do I keep feeling that you are being jealous ?", JK jokingly smirked.

"Are you crazy !? Definitely not ! But then I thought about second possibility...".

"What ? So there is another non-sense idea in your head !?".

"Well, this pyjama has no link to what you are wearing right now, all black ! Unless, you have a secret about your real gender...".

"ARE YOU SAYING THAT I'M GAY ?", JK can't believe in what he is hearing. This girl is unbelievable !

She looked at his face turning pale, then red, tried to not laugh out loud : "I just think no man had such weird taste in pyjama, pink is acceptable, but cutie bunny is... maybe too much, you know".

"This is the only one item I had in this color, I swear to God ! You can check my luggage, all others are in black, grey or white ! I kept this pyjama because I am the one who created this character, actually. Unbelievable ! I should not offer it to you ! I just think it is the only girly thing I have and it may please you more than a black shirt ! Can't believe you could have such imagination just because of a pyjama !".

She bursted into laugh, he was so sincere and detailed on his explanation.

"OK, I understand now, no need to show me your luggage ! But, wait, you created this cute pinky bunny ?".

"Yes. It names Cooky".

"Wow ! I'm impressed, really. It even has a name ?!".

"There is also an emoticon set on Facebook and Line for him and his friends, and commercial merches", he proudly showed off.

"Really ? Amazing ! So you must be an animation designer ?".

"Uhm... not really".

"So, a mangaka ?".

"No... just something related to art and the media. Now, go wash yourself ! I have a call to dial".

She finally got in the restroom. He did not really want to tell her that he was an idol. He did not know how she would react. She seemed to not really cared about showbiz, celebrities and social media, that made her not knowing a clue about him and his group.

He sighed, took the phone to call the flat owner to extend the rent for one more week. He planned to help her declare the lost to the police, and necessary steps to remake her papers and bank cards. The owner was pleased to accept his offer, as he paid immediately by banking transfer and no other guest would come in this month. Then, he called his two friends to tell them come back to Busan as planned, but he would stay a little longer.

"Did something happen to you while climbing to this mountain top ?", his friends were certainly worried about his sudden decision at very last moment.

"No. Just... someone need my help so I would like to stay for some days more".

"Someone ? Ohhhhh... Must be a girl then ?", they changed the intonation immediately, "hey, JK, you're not bad at all ! Climbing and fishing, huh ?", and laughed like crazy on the phone.

"Non-sense ! She really needs my help. Nothing related to your dirty mind !".

"Ohhhhh. We see, you're such a hero ! Good luck then ! Hope that she'll pay back a lot to you", they hanged up the phone after another laugh and joke.

"Such crazy...", he stopped talking while seeing her got out of the restroom. She seemed much more feminine in the pink pyjama, even though it is too large and too long for her size. Her cheeks blushed because of the hot water. The wet hair sticked to her small face. He just couldn't take his eyes off her.

"What ? What is crazy ?", she asked him with doe eyes, certainly heard his last words.

"Huh ? No, nothing", he looked into another way, "are you looking for something ?".

"Yeah, the hair dryer. I do not see it in the shower room".

"I have one in the bed room. You could come in".

"Could I ?".

"Of course. You'll sleep there tonight anyway".

"Do you mean we'll share the bed together ?", she opened her eyes widely.

JK found it so cute and funny. He could explain to her clearly, but wanted to tease her a bit. He slowly walked towards her, smiling eyes : "I planned to sleep at the sofa, but your suggestion is actually not bad. Should we share the bed tonight ?". His smirk made him looked like a real bad boy. They were standing close to each other. Her unique scent mixed with the familiar smell of shampoo and shower gel he used. He almost lost his mind and hugged her into his arms.

She took steps back, looking so confused : "That's... that's not a suggestion".

"You did have a doubt on my real gender just lately. Should I show you how manly I am tonight then ?", he get even closer, putting her into the bedroom.

"Stop joking around !", she punched, "just give me you hair dryer".

She started to dry her hair. JK watched every moves of the girl, every curl of her hair flying up and down every time the wind from the machine blowed up. For a moment, he just thought that she was so unreal. He tried to unfocus into her, found another thing to do.

"Oh, right. Are you hungry ? You have not eaten anything from this afternoon, right ?", he asked, "wanna eat some ramen ? I am good at making it".

She was not very hungry, actually, but did not want to deny his offer.

"OK then. Thanks".

JK started to boil the water and cook the ramen really quickly. When she finished drying hair and got out of the room, he's alreadly begun setting the table. He noticed her coming, turned his head with big smile : "Ramen is ready ! Time to very late dinner !".

She also smiled for his cuteness. The good smell of the ramen gave her appetite. She sit down and waited for him bringing the whole casserole. They served ramen by themselves into each bowl. JK pour the soup for him and her, and gave her an cooked egg at the end.

"You should eat more ! You are so skinny. When I lifted you from the abyss, I thought maybe the wind could blow you up", he said but not looking at her.

"Um. It is better than I thought. Not bad at all".

He ignored the ironic joke from her, eating a big mouth, feeling happier than ever.

"Woah, ramen is always a good choice. It is my best dish, actually".

"Impressive ! I did not know that you can cook".

"There are much more things you don't know about me. Anyway, it's feel a bit strange eating ramen that late with a girl. I mean, strange, in a good way".

"Really ? In my eyes, you should be the one who eats ramen every night with girls, to be honest".

"... What else in your imagination ?".

"Nothing. It's your apparence that speaks out loud".

"What ?".

"I mean, you are attractive, sweet, strong, thoughtful, and you can even cook. It is all about a whole lady-killer".

"... Do I have that much qualities ? I thought I should be very bad in relationship, though".

"You must be ! The girls went crazy about you for sure. Look at that long wavy hair ! They must chase for that look ".

"What about you ?", he stared at her.

"What ?".

"Would you chase for me also ?".

"No. Definitely not. You are the type that I would never date !".

Something broken inside him. "Why ? Didn't you just say that I'm a perfect guy ?".

"Yeah, but... You don't understand. Anyway, you can easily get any girl in this world. Just forget about me".

A few minutes ago, he still thought that happiness was right in his hand. However, it was just a beautiful butterfly that quickly leave him behind. For the first time, he felt the hurt of being rejected, even that it was not a real confession. He was always the golden maknae, who always had all he wanted. Just lately, the ramen was the best that he's ever eaten. However, it had such a bitter taste now.

"Would you like some beers ?", he stood up.

"No, thanks. I'll take some water".

They finished the meal in silence after that conversation.

"I'll wash the dishes", she started to clean up the table.

"Let me do it. You should take care of your wounds, avoid water or touch dirty things".

She did not deny his suggestion, just helped him to finish clean up. Standing behind him, she could felt the loniness and sadness through his back. Her heart was wrecked, she tried her best to not hug him from the back. How to explain to him the way she felt about him ? Her heart was burning for him every moment. The more she liked him, the more she was afraid and tried to run away from him...

"I'll take a shower now", he said without turning his head.

She was alone in the living room, did not realize that it was that spacious.

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