The very first kiss

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When JK get out of the shower room. The girl was not in the flat. His heart stopped beating for a moment. Did she leave his place ?

Then, he just realized that she was in the balcony with a guitar. It was one of the decoration stuff in the appartment. She was sitting on the chair, playing guitar and singing a song that he did not know. Her hair flying with the night's wind, got on her small face. Far away, the moon shined in the middle of the dark sky. Stars are sparkling like her beautiful eyes. He stood inside, looking at her carefully. He wanted to grave this picture into his mind. To remember her forever.

When he went to the balcony, she was singing "Lost stars". It was one of his favorite song. She noticed his presence, but did not stop. He listened to her, and started singing with her. Their voices matched perfectly. The melody went high then low, became a wonderful melody of this amazing summer. When the song ended, they looked into each other eyes. The time stopped. At some moment in life, you would certainly ask at least once : "How long is forever ?". Then at the end, the answer was just "for a moment". Forever was actually the only one moment that you once lived and totally believed in it. The moment when you did not care about something else but the present that was happening, and gave all you had without caring about the result. We could or could not be together forever, but at that moment, all the love, all the feeling, all the belief were real and sincere. That was the real meaning of "forever".

"I did not know that you could sing so well", at night, his voice became so low, and sweet.

"So do you. What's the thing that you could not do ?".

"You are good in playing guitar too ! Do you practice fingerstyle ?", he seemed to be very interested in.

"Yeah. I learned it from my mom, and practice by myself a lot also".

"Wow, amazing. Your mom must be a great musician then. Even your voice is very soft and sweet. It reminds me to a senior that I know".

"A senior (sunbaenim) ?".

"Ah... yeah, someone I know and admire a lot. Anyway, I think you should go to bed soon. Tomorrow I can take you to the police office and help you remake your papers".

"Oh. Right ! Thanks a lot. I wanted to ask for your help on that but fortunately you have thought about it first".

"You're welcome, not a big deal. I'm glad that I can help", JK smiled. His half-long hair flying in the wind.

She turned away and got in the flat. Before coming in, she looked at him with sincere eyes : "I can't describe how I am thankful for all your help and assistance. You truly are my hero !", she smiled greatly.

JK was so happy hearing what she said.

"Amie", for the first time, he called her name. He weirdly felt like he was calling his fandom.

"Huh ?".

"Good night".

"Thanks. You too, have a sweet dream".

She came in the bedroom and turned off the light. JK stayed alone in the balcony. The wind went through his hair. He recalled the moment he saw her with the guitar. He's never had such interest for this instrument. But when he found out she mastered it, he felt so amazing. She had so much more for him to know and discover. Her voice, her talent, her stories, her secret, her name, her smile, and her tears. He closed his eyes, deeply sighed. She did not have feelings for him. How sad having a crush on someone who did not like you back ! He closed the balcony's door. Time to bed. Hopefully that the sadness would be buried with his sleep.

JK stayed lying on the sofa for hours, but could not sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about her face and all the things that happened lately. For the first time in his life, he's done such many things alone with a girl. Moreover, she was not a random girl. He believed that her name was a proof of destiny. He remembered how he was so determined climbing to the mountain, how he met her at the most dangerous situation, the mindblowing scent of her when they stayed close to each other, her light weight when he carried her on the back, her unstoppable cry in the middle of the way back, the long hours they walked together to the hostel, their late dinner with ramen, how she denied having feeling for him, how she played guitar and sang, the melody while they harmonized together. The whole process went through his mind, scene by scene, like the sweetest and most bitter slow motion. Is it the love that he wanted to experience ? Is it love ?

While he was deep in thoughts, a small noise from the bedroom door interrupted him. She seemed to not able to sleep neither. She silently went to the balcony and opened the door.

He didn't move, stayed on the couch and observed her. She stood for a long time outside. Her back made her seemed to be more lonely. Her shoulders started trembling, because of the cold or because she was crying ? He felt like his heart was burnt by hell's fire. She hide her face in her small hands, cried silently. He immediately stood up.

He approached her, standing behind her. His shadow overwhelmed her whole body. Then he opened his arms and hugged her from the back. She was surprised for few seconds, but still stayed immobilized. They remained the same position for a very long time without any word. She trembled unstoppably in his arms.

"If you want to cry, just cry out loud. It would make you feel better", he murmured in her ear, then slowly turned her toward him, removed her hands from her face, "I could let you borrow my shoulders".

She raised her head and looked at him with teary eyes. She did not know how to respond. She wanted to count on him, to hug him back and tell him how she wanted to be with him. But she was also scared of the uncertain future. So she tried to pull herself back, and hide all her feelings for him. Her heart pounding hardly for the hapiness staying in his arms, and also for the hurt of pretending she did not care. They looked deeply into each others' eyes. "Would he be able to read my mind, to know about my hidden feelings and words ?", she thought.

JK sinked into her eyes and tears. He knew she rejected him several times, but could not give it up. Her eyes reflected the hurt, but also a hidden love and desire. Or maybe it was just his imagination ?

"Why do you do that to me ?", he asked, "Why you always give me that feeling ? The feeling that you need me, and did not at the same time ; that I can have you right now, then lose you in the next second ; that you want to the by my side, but also run away from me ?".

She was shooked about what he's just said. Was she too obvious ? Her heart beats like crazy, her breathes became faster.

JK lowed his head, sticked his front to hers. "Amie", he closed his eyes. She was so confused by his action, but had no strength to push him. Her hands just merely put on his chest.

"Tell me the truth !", he suddenly opened his dark eyes, "Why did you reject me ?", he took a deep breath, "I know you have feelings for me too. I could sense it".

He knew that words could lie, but the eyes never did. He grabbed her closer. They sticked to each other without any distance. His arms put around her waist to hug her tighter. A familiar smell from his own shampoo and clothes, and her unique floral sweet scent got his senses paralyzed. He totally lost his mind.

The next second, they kissed. The wind blowed through their hair, and through the room's curtain. They both trembled while hugging and kissing each other. The heart strongly beated, the breathes taken away, the mind blowing, the love revealing. If a painter had to paint a portrait of love, it should be this scenery, this moment, at the balcony, during a starry summer night.

When the kiss ended, he hugged her tightly into his chest and kissed her head.

"I am sorry, Jungkook", she murmured, "I lied to you. I do have feelings for you. From the first moment you saved me from the abyss. I thought, you have also saved me from my own black hole inside of me".

JK stayed quiet, listened carefully to her.

"Sorry for rejecting you, even I didn't want to. I was in crises lately. Many bad things came to me at the same time and I was so lost and scared. I was afraid that I screw up because of my bad situation and make you hurt. Also, I was afraid of being hurt again and can't never be recovered from it. I'm... sorry, it's all about how lost and selfish I am...".

"I know that something happened to you. Just tell me. Don't suffer by yourself. You are now alone in a country that you barely know, even your Korean is very good. You could rely on me. I'll be there for you".

"I don't know where to begin. I think I would start crying again...", her voice trembled.

"We have all night for it".

"Well... actually, my mother has passed away for a week. Don't tell me anything. Just let me finish it... I told you about my name Amie, right ? It was given by my mother after she moved to France".

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