22. Mesmerized

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Hlo darlings
The target isn't complete yet nut I've updated it because of the loyal readers😘
Annie dear do tell me when you will come to meet me ok😘😘 love u bhut sara
Here is another update.

The whole house was filled with hustle and bustle as today Sidharth was coming along with his parents for the Roka ceremony. Not only that, Gauri and Bhavya's parents were also here. So Om and Gauri's Roka ceremony was also decided to be done on the sane day and time. Nobody wanted to let anything go wrong even when it was just a simple affair with some personal friends and relatives as guests. Anika was especially running around the house like a busy bee. She just ate an apple as breakfast and that too because Shivaay was not letting her get up.
When Sidharth's parents met the Oberois and Mallika, they fixed the alliance immediately.

Both the families had met many times during professional parties but they were very happy to make this relationship personal by getting their children married to each other.
At the same evening, Gauri and Bhavya's parents came. So it was decided that both the marriages will be done together which means, double arrangements, double responsibility and double fun also.
As Shivaay was not at home, Anika took full advantage of it and kept working to do the preparations perfectly and skipped her lunch. Everyone tried to make her atleast sit and eat but Anika being Anika didn't listen to anyone.
Till the evening, everything was perfect. The decorations, the food arrangements and security arrangements, everything was just perfect.

The Oberois welcomed the Ranas And Gauri's parents were obviously staying in Oberoi mansion itself. So the Roka ceremony was done.
Everybody danced, laughed and had full fun with lots of teasings. Shivaay as well as Anika were relieved as the target of the teasings were OmRi and Sidika. Anika felt herself quite weak because of not having eaten anything. She was going to fall because of weakness while climbing down from the stairs. She would've been injured very badly by the mirror decorations if Shivaay wouldn't have caught her on time.

After that, Anika was showered with lots and lots of scoldings from the family and mostly Shivaay. Shivaay picked her up and took her to the room despite her requests. The function was almost finished and guests also left. Ranas also left except for Sidharth as he was stopped by Rudra because he had planned a boys' night out. MalRiVya also planned a girls' night out.

Shivaay wasn't ready at all to leave Anika alone as she looked weak because of the stress. He fed her the dinner with his own hands and asked her to not move from her place. He was adamant on not letting Anika go to Gauri's room. But they assured him that Anika won't move from her place and will rest. So he let her go.

On the pool side

Shivaay's mind was filled only with Anika's thoughts. He didn't want to leave her alone but he had come here with Rudra because Anika insisted that she wanted to spend time with Gauri Bhavya and Mallika.
Om : Shivaay, bhabi will be fine. Gauri, Mallika, bhavya, they are with her. Don't worry.

Shivaay just nodded his head.

Sidharth : Ok now what ?

Rudra : Now, Rudy presents to you the famous....

ShivOm : No Fruit punch !!

Om : God knows what you add in it, we always end up being in trouble.

Shivaay : exactly. No Fruit punch.

Rudra : Bhaiya, one shot will do nothing. Come on.

Shivaay : not at all.

Rudra ( Dramatically ) : Bhaiya, you don't love me anymore. ( In a crying tone ) Am I not your baby brother bhaiya, o God please kill me.

ShivOmSid : Shutup rudra.

Rudra ( To Sid) : you too.

Sid : Yes. Don't cry like a cry baby as Mallika says.

Rudra : I'll see her later.

Shivaay : Rudra did you call me here for this drama ?

Om : No, he called you so that bhabi lives in peace for some time as you don't leave my poor Bhabi even for a minute.

OmRu and Sid laughed on Shivaay's face but Shivaay glared him.

Om : Ok Ok. Now no more useless talks. Rudra, only one shot ok.

They gulped their shots and after that they sat on their places to talk. They talked about some random things, then their conversation led to the topic, First crush.
Sidharth : lets start from Om. Come on, tell us who was the first crush ?

Om : It was Gauri of course. I was 19 when I met her. She came to India with her parents and stated with us for a month or something. During that time we became friends. ( To Sid) now your turn.

Sid ( with a doubtful look ) : Do you want to know my secrets and tell Mallika, or you want to kill me after knowing that I had a crush on someone else.

Shivaay laughed seeing his face and assured him that it would be a secret.

Sidharth : So, my first crush was a girl whom I met in college. Well she looked sweet and innocent, that's why I felt like talking to her. But she was really egoistic, and after that I only saw her as a stupid social butterfly. After that I met Mallika. She was really demanding but cute and sweet at the same time. ( To Rudra ) your turn.

Rudra : Well !! My first crush was Shweta whom I met in 5th standard. Wait ! No. My first crush was anjali whom I saw in park. No no no not her. My first crush was Priya, the one who....

ShivOmSid : Shutup rudra !!!!
Rudra : but my crush...
Om : You have a crush on every girl, stupid.

Rudra : but O..

Sid : ok now stop it. It's Shivaay bhai's time.

Simultaneously In Shivika's room

Girls also kept talking about the marriage preparations and other things. Suddenly Mallika brought out the topic of First crush.

Mallika : First your turn Bhavya.

Bhavya : My first crush was on a boy who was one year senior to me in college. He was a big flirt but not a playboy and he used to respect girls a lot so I liked him for that quality.

Mallika : Gauri, your turn. Come on.

Gauri : Om. When I came to India for the first time, I didn't want to stay here for long because I thought I won't have any friends here and I will get bored. But when I met Om, we became good friends and he never let me feel alone. ( to Mallika ) Don't think we will leave you, your turn.

Mallika : Sidharth. During my first day in college, he saved me from ragging. I fought with those boys who were doing my ragging. But then they wanted to take revenge from me for insulting them. But Sidharth saved me.

Gauri : Ok. Bhabi ( with a teasing look ) now your turn. And we don't want to listen no from you. We want to know who was that lucky guy who was your first crush.

Mallika/ Bhavya : YES.

Anika ( stood up and went towards the window, staring at the moon ) : Sh..Shivaay, he was my first crush. I met him in the hospital for the first time. That time, I was not in a condition to notice anything or anyone. But when I met him when he came back from London just after one month of our marriage, I noticed him. You know what about him made me mesmerized ? His eyes. Everytime I looked in his eyes, I found a different shade of his eyes. Different emotions, different shades. Now, when I know him well, I can tell what his eyes are trying to say, when he is sad or happy or angry or irritated. But there is only one emotion that I fail to acknowledge. I don't know what it is, but it makes me feel... mesmerized.

Mallika/Gauri/Bhavya : Awww...

Mallika : have you ever told this to bhai ?

Anika : No.

Mallika : What ?

Bhavya : You should tell him.

Gauri : He will be so happy.

Anika : Ok ok now just.. stop it. I'm going to give Shivaay his medicines.

Mallika : Bhabi bhai has strictly said to not let you walk. Give me the medicines, I'll give those to him.

Anika : Don't worry I'll go and give these to him.

Gauri ( Teasingly ) : Say directly that your are missing him so you want to see him.

Mallika/Bhavya : oooooooo...
Anika : Sh..shutup.

Anika left from there towards their room to go to the pool side. From one of the windows of their room, it could be heard what was being conversed between the persons sitting beside the pool.

On the pool side

Shivaay : I don't know who she was. I didn't even see her face. But something in her was mesmerizing. She was beautiful in a way she behaved, beautiful in a way she thought about others' happiness forgetting her own pain. Still, she invades in my dreams. Still I want to meet her, once. I Don't know why, but when I see Anika I feel that she's around. Anika makes me feel lost the way She did.

Anika's tears started streaming down her cheeks as she heard what Shivaay was saying. Shivaay was unknown to the fact that Anika listened when he was talking about that girl. Only she knows what she felt listening what he said. Don't know why, but it hurt her badly. Was that the reason that he didn't want to come close to her ? This question was enough to break her heart and she left from there.

She went back to Gauri's room after composing herself. Gauri Bhavya and Mallika noticed the change in her behaviour and her sad face was something they couldn't ignore.

Gauri : Bhabi, are you ok ?

Anika : I'm... I'm ok. Just headache.

Bhavya : bhabi you should take rest. Come I'll take you to your room.

Anika : N..no it's o..Ok. Don't worry.

Mallika : Are you sure bhabi ?

Anika : Yes.

Anika sat on the bed quietly. She was unknown to Mallika Gauri and Bhavya's talks. Her mind was only stopped on what she heard. Slowly she drifted into deep slumber. When Mallika noticed her sleeping, She signalled Gauri to take care of her and she and bhavya left toward their own rooms.
On the way, they met OmRu and Sidharth as they were also going to sleep.

Rudra : Are you gossip queens done with your talks ? ( looking at his watch) So soon!

Mallika : just shutup.

Actually Anika bhabi wasn't feeling well, so we thought to let her rest. Shivaay who just came there listened to their conversation.

Shivaay : W..what happened to Anika ? Why you didn't tell me that she's not fine. I told you to let her rest.

He left towards Gauri's room to see Anika. He found her sleeping. He went and sat beside her and caressed her hair. He found her burning with fever. He picked her up in his arms and took her to their room followed by Gauri who looked equally worried. Shivaay made her lay down on the bed and covered her with the duvet properly.
Shivaay : Gauri, bring me a cloth and bowl of water.

Gauri : Ok.

Gauri brought both the things. Shivaay made the cloth wet and placed it on Anika's forhead. He sat beside her and stroked her hair.

Shivaay : Gauri, go and sleep. I'm here.

Gauri : If you need anything, just tell me bhaiya.

Shivaay nodded and Gauri left from there. Anika's face was showing a little discomfort, a kind of sadness and that made him worried. He can tolerate everything but not her sadness, her tears. He can't tolerate her silence. He likes to hear her endless talks. He likes to see her doing all those hand gestures while talking. He likes to be mesmerized by the twinkle of her brown orbs.
He sat beside her whole night waiting for the morning to come so that he can look in her eyes, talk to her and see her smile.

Precap : Shivaay restless because of Anika's ignorance, sizzling Romance in the baarish.
The picture given as a header is eidited by me. How's it ?

Target : 190+ votes 30 comments

Hope it was good enough and you all enjoyed it. Complete the target soon ok.

Thanks to all those who always vote and give their love to the story.
Love you all a lot😘😘😘😘

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