9. Why did you do this💔

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Hlo deary darlings

Target isn't complete yet. But I'm updating it for the loyal lovely darlings.

This your Eidi darlings and this ice cream too🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨

Eid Mubaarak😊😊 May Allah shower you with health, happiness and contentment 💖💖💖💖





Now it was time for the third rasam, UNTYING THE KNOT. In this rasam or ritual, A GANA ( a beautiful red coloured thread with Ghungroos and Some other stuff ) is tied in bride and bridegroom's hand on the day of Haldi ritual. A KANGANA ( a simple red thread with Ghungroos is tied on the hands of Ladies who apply haldi on bride/bridegroom ). After marriage, both have to open the knot on their partner's hand and that too with only one hand. It's which was basically a sign of their patience and how they would solve the problems in their partner's life.

The thread is tied before the Marriage, but here, the thread was tied on the spot.

First, it was Shivaay's turn. Shivaay held Anika's hand in his and started opening the knot ( Actually it's not at all necessary to hold the hand, chantomayi Shivaay ). It wasn't easy at all. Shivaay was trying really hard. After every single try he would pull the hand closer. The distance between them was almost finished by his continuous phlls. Youngsters were giggling at Shivaay's impatience whenever he acted frustrated. Despite trying faster, Shivaay took half an hour to open the knot.

Now, it was Anika's turn. Anika started doing the task. She was very gentle and patient. She made every move slowly despite the youngsters' saying that she should be fast. But, it worked wonders. Anika opened the knot in just ten minutes. Shivaay's eyes literally popped out of their sockets to see this. Then, Dadi cleared everyone's confusion.

Dadi : So, the result is, that Anika would be more patient in this relationship and she would always be there for My Billu when he would face any trouble in his life.

Usually, After loosing, The great Shivaay Singh Oberoi's ego would've been hurt. But here, he was happy and overwhelmed after listening all those things from dadi. These are mere Old rituals, but the significance of these rituals that they got to know, wasn't simple. It was the foundation of any relationship. The thing that She would always be there for him, with him, made his heart swell with pride. Why ? He simply don't know.

After all the rituals were finished, OmRu RiYa told Them that they want to play one more game with their bhaiya and bhabhi. So they brought a bowl filled with chits and asked Shivaay and anika to pick a chit for one by one. Now, Shivika had to do whatever was written in the chit.

When Shivika read their chits, they were shocked.

Rudra : Bhabhi, First your turn. Do whatever is written in your chit.

Anika : Rudra ( Extra sweetly ), Can't I pick another chit please.

Rudra : No, you have to do what's written in it.

Everybody cheered for Anika. Anika went to Their room and came back after 5 minutes. She wore one of shivaay's coats and Black Shades.

Om : that means Bhabhi have to do Shivaay's acting, Interesting.

Everyone cheered for her.

Anika ( Acting as if talking on mobile with full tadi ) : Fhat The wuck, How dare you do this Do you even know who al I ? I'M Shivaay Singh Oberoi. I won't leave you, Do you get that ?

And Boom.... Anika broke the phone into pieces and did Shivaay's signature step by running his fingers through his hairs.

Everyone clapped for Anika, Whereas Anika mumbled a Sorry to shivaay who was controlling his laughter. But his laughter vanished when He heard rudy saying that it's his turn to perform the task written in the chit.

Shivaay opened his mouth to say something but Rudra interrupted him.

Rudra : Now don't say that you also want to pick up another chit. But you have to do this only.

Shivaay reluctantly agreed. Everybody were so curious to know what was written in Shivaay's chit.

Rudra was about to ask what's written but just then they heard an annoying voice.

Ragini : Hello everyone.

Rudra ( Muttering to himself ) : I don't like to say bye to her, and here she's saying hello.

Everyone greeted her, but still were uninterested in Talking to her. She wasn't liked very much by Anyone, especially the youngsters. For Shivaay, She was just a friend and that too Okay Okay friend. She came and hugged Shivaay. Anika didn't like the way she hugged her HUSBAND.

Anika ( M ) : Wait, What ? YOUR WHAT ?


Anija ( M ) : NO Anika, why would you be Jealous of this Nagini.

Anika came out of her trance by Ragini's voice. Ragini hugged Anika.


Anika felt something wrong with her tone as if she was threatening her, but She ignored it.

Rudra : Ok. If now it's done, so can we focus on the game. Bhaiya, do what you're supposed to do. Shivaay nodded nervously.

Shivaay slowly took a step towards Anika. He came closer to Anika. Anika was looking at him with confusion. But her confusion turned into a big shock when... Shivaay Kissed her on both of her cheeks. Anika's eyes widened in Shock. She was complete red due to shyness. She made an exvuse that she's going to get Janvi's medicines and literally ran away from there. Shivaay also made an excuse and left. Ragini was fuming with Anger and jealousy. She left from there without saying anything. Whole Family burst out laughing while looking at Shivaay and Anika's reactions, and didn't bother to think about Ragini at all.

After the family fun time, all left for their respective works. Till then Anika gave Janvi her medicines and Returned back in their room. Shivaay waa also back. As Anika closed the door and turned, She saw Shivaay looking at her. The pinkish tint of her cheeks was so adorable that Shivaay wasn't able to move his eyes away from her face. Anika tried to avoid his gaze and so did Shivaay. But both of them ended up laughing like maniacs.

After a month

In this One month, Many things had changed in Shivika's relationship. They became the best of friends. Their morning started with having Tea and Espresso together. Anika used to send lunch for him in his office. Shivaay always denied saying that he would eat in the office canteen or order something from restaurant but deep down his heart, he always waited for the food made by Anika. The fact was that now, he actually didn't like anything until it's not made by Anika. They used to go for late night walks to eat Ice-cream on Anika's insistence. How much ever he Refuse, but He Loved it whenever he used to see Anika's cute tactics, when she joined hands with Rudra to annoy him and plotting against him or Eating Ice-cream like kids. He Loved when, She loved his brothers and family like he loves them. He loves it when she cares for him, when she gets worried if he gets a little late from his office. He still remembers when he got late at night and she slept while waiting for him, without having her dinner. 

He loved her selflessness, He loved his care and concern for him. He started coming home early in the evening. It was a big shock for The family as well as his office staff because Shivaay never returned home before 9 pm. He changed his work routine, his habits for her. He loved to be scolded by her for not keeping the things in correct places. He loved when she calls his Espresso, Kaali coffee or Saira bano. BUT BUT BUT, SHE'S JUST HIS BEST FRIEND. LOL...

Anika's condition was no less. She have got equally habitual to Shivaay and his care.

Dadi was the happiest to see her Billu's happiness. Her billu got someone with whom he can share his problems, OmRu got a Mother in Anika, Dadi got a Daughter, And Janvi's health was getting better. Even, Mallika was happy for Her brother. Although she doesn't talk much with Anika but she knew that She's a Beautiful soul, with a golden heart. But, For Now She had to deal with her own PROBLEMS.

It was a normal day for everyone. Om was as usual, being annoyed by Rudra. Gauri was busy with her dancing. Bhavya had to go to the hospital ( She's practicing as a junior doctor ). Janvi was busy with her dolls and Shivaay had left for office. Dadi wanted someone to go and buy her medicines. Shivaay had given strict orders that only Family members would go and buy dadi's medicines because he was over protective about his Dadi. The medicines could be bought from the hospital only. Om was going to his art gallery and Rudra had already left for college. So Anika went to the hospital to buy the medicines.

At evening

All the News channels were showing only one news. "THE REAL FACE OF THE MOST REPUTED FAMILY'S DAUGHTER. " , "Mallika Singh Oberoi has been spotted visiting a Gynaecologist." And Media had spread the rumours of Mallika being pregnant.

The whole Oberoi Mansion was Silent except for the voices of the Media people, who were asking numerous questions from the family. Security was trying their level best to stop them for entering inside. Here Shivaay was red with anger after knowing the shit that Media was talking about His Baby sister Mallika. He trusts her and couldn't believe all this. Dadi was praying it to be wrong. OmRu were with Shivaay because they knew How much he loves Mallika. She is like his Daughter. They knew shivaay would lose his temper if someone talked rubbish about Anika. Mallika was teary eyed thinking about everything that was happening.

Shivaay came to Mallika and cupped her face. He asked in a breaking voice.

Shivaay : What's all this, Mallika ? I TRUST YOU. So just tell me the truth, I'll make everything fine princess, you just tell me.

Mallika was so happy to have a Big brother who loves her so much. But she was also sad that she had to loe to him.


Shivaay became numb after hearing this. Never ever in his wildest dreams he wanted to hear or believe something like this. How could Anika be pregnant when They never took such step. Is she Pregnant ? If yes, then Does that mean that She....

Dadi, OmRu and RiVya were on cloud nine after Mallika's words registered in their mind. They were so happy. Dadi went to anika and took her hands in hers.

Dadi : Puttar, whatever Mallika said, Is it right ? Are you..

This question was running in Shivaay's mind too and he wanted to listen No from her. But...

Anika ( shut her eyestightly to gain strength ) : YES DADI, I..IT' TRUE.

Dadi was gave a teary smile and kissed Anika's hand and then Kissed her forhead. Then Dadi came to Shivaay and congratulated him followed by OmRu And RiVya. Mallika was guilty from inside and left for her room crying. But, there were two souls who knew what storm this will bring in their life. SHIVIKA.

Shivaay left from their without saying anything while Anika looked at his retreating figure.

Dadi : Puttar, He must be surprised. You go and talk to him.

OmRu handled the Media saying that those reports were of some relative. They didn't tell the actual truth because SHIVIKA's marriage is yet not revealed to the world, as Dadi wanted it to be grand.

At the pool side

Shivaay was not in his senses. He was completely shattered after knowing that Anika Is Pr... How could this happen ? He didn't want to believe it. He was hoping it to be a dream and wanted to wake up from this nightmare. But, It wasn't a nightmare. It was truth, ATLEAST FOR HIM. Images of Anika being with someone else were flashing infront of his eyes. The Anika he trusted had broke his trust. He wanted to shut his eyes, mind and heart and wanted to ignore everything. But They say, "You can close your heart to the things you don't want to see. But You can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel. "

Shivaay (H) : No, Anika can never do this.

Shivaay (M) : She has done.

Shivaay (H) : But She's so innocent. I can see it in her eyes, those eyes can't lie to me. The innocent her orbs depict, can't be a lie.

Shivaay (M) : How much do you know her ?

Shivaay (H) : .....But, She can't do this.

Shivaay ( M) : Did Mallika lie ? And Anika admitted it.

Shivaay ( H) : She can't do this.

Shivaay (M) : She did.

Shivaay (H) : She can't.

Shivaay got more frustrated and banged his hand on the Pillar. He satarted throwing things here and there. In this proces, his hand got injured badly but he didn't stop. He threw a vase and it broke in someone's feet. The person shivered seeing the rage in Shivaay's eyes. ANIKA had never seen Shivaay this much angry. His red eyes, crippled shirt, his blazer thrown away and his dishevelled state told her that this whole thing has affected him like nothing else could do, ever.

As soon as Shivaay spotted Anika standing infront of him, he turned his face away from her. He knew that if he kept looking at her then he would do something bad to her.

Anika : Shi..

Shivaay : Go from here.

Anika : Please Shivaay....

Shivaay ( Showing his hand to her while back facing her ) : I. Said. Leave.

Anika looked at his hand that was bleeding severely. She panicked looking at it and tried to hold it but the next second, She felt her left cheek burning. Shivaay slapped her being frustrated from everything, especially Her Pregnancy news that was killing him like a slow poison. Anika still tried to talk to him.

Anika : Shivaay your hand is Bleeding. Let me...

Shivaay ( Holding her From her shoulders harshly ) : Let you what ? Tell me.

Anika (being scared and crying ) : First aid...

Shivaay ( Tightening his grip ) : You will first aid my hand injury but what about the things you've done to my heart, to my emotions. What about the family's feelings, Dadi's feelings. They think that we are going to... leave that. You sent My sister to do your work, do you even know what My sister had to tolerate because of you. How dare you do this ? How dare you...

Anika had nothing to do expect crying. He jerked her and went away angrily. Anika sat on her knees, crying her heart out.

Mallika : BHABHI !

Anika listened Mallika's voice. She was surprised when She heard BHABHI from her mouth. She wiped her tears so that Mallika won't see them. But it was useless as Mallika had seen whatever happened between Shivika. She came and sat infront of Anika.

Anika : Ar...are you ok ? D..Do you need something ?

Mallika : I'm sorry Bhabhi. I'm sorry. Everything happened because of me. I destroyed your relationship with Bhai. You both were so happy and I..I ruined everything. I won't let this happen. I'll go and tell THE TRUTH to bhai, then everything will be fine.

Anika : Shutup. You're not going to do anything of this sort. You're not at fault. Everything will be fine soon.

Mallika : But you're and Bhai's relationship is getting affected and I can't let this happen. I DID WHATEVER YOU TOLD ME, BUT I DIDN'T KNOW THAT YOU AND BGAI ARE GOING TO SUFFER LIKE THIS.

Flashback Starts

At the hospital

Anika bought the medicines and was returning home but she saw a familiar face outside the hospital, in a park. The person was crying hysterically. Anika went there and stroked the person's head. The person, as soon as looked at her, SHE Hugged Anika and cried more.

Anika : MALLIKA, what happened ? Tell me. ( Mallika kept crying )

Anika tried to break the hug but Mallika tightened her hold on her.

Anika : Mallika tell me Bachcha what happened ? Why are you crying and...

Just thrn then she saw something in Mallika's lap and was Shocked beyond limits. Those were... PREGNANCY REPORTS.

Anika : Ma..Mallika these re..reports..

Mallika : I'M PREGNANT. ( And she cried more. )

Anika : Shhh !! Don't cry and tell me everything.

Mallika : Shivaay Bhai's friend DAKSH did all this, to ruin Bhai and Our family's reputation. I was living with Gauri and Bhavya's family in London to complete my studies. Daksh used to meet me in college. I thought he's being friendly as he cares for me because I'm his friend's sister. One month ago, when Me, Gauri and Bhavya were to cone back to India, Me and my friends decided to do a party. We went to a club. I don't drink. I swear, I only had a simple orange juice and I don't remember anything after that. The only thing I remember is, Next morning I.. I was in a room a..and I saw DAKSH. I... He told me to relax as we both were drunk. But knew I don't drink. I couldn't undestand how it happened. And now, when I got to know about the pregnancy, I got to know That BLOODY DAKSH's real intentions. He.. clicked my photos with him.. an..and he clicked my photos when I was coming out of The Gynaecologist's cabin with these reports. He.. told me that he'll leak the photos in media. What would I Do ? What Would I say To shivaay bhai ? I broke his trust. I.. ( And she started crying again)

Anika : shhh.. No. Don't cry bachcha. Shivaay loves you a lot. He will trust you. And you're not at fault. It was all That DAKSH's fault. How could someone do this to his own friend. You don't worry shivaay will trust you.

Mallika : I don't care about that. But if Daksh did something, then Bhaiya's reputation that he earned with so much of hard work, it will be finished.


Mallika : But..

Anika : No Ifs and BUTs. Do as I say. Now tell me, Who is the doctor ?

Mallika : Dr. Riya Ahooja.

Anika : come with me.

They went back to the doctor.

Dr. Riya : Anika ! You here. How are you ?

Mallika looked on perplexed. Anika told her that Riya is her friend.

Anika : I'm fine. Riya I need your help. Can you please make these pregnancy reports on my name ?

Riya ( shocked ) : Are you Mad ? How can you..

Anika : do you trust me ?

Riya : Ofcourse I do. But..

Anika : then please do it.

Riya : O..okay

Flashback ends

Anika (Strictly ) : No. You're not going to do anything. We will tell him everything when the right time comes. And we have to find out About Daksh and how he did all this.

Mallika : Ok.

Anika : Now go and take rest.

After Mallika left, Anika again got lost in Shivaay and her relation. She was hurt because She broke Shivaay very badly. He is not at fault as he just reacted that way because he thought that she's pregnant with someone else' child. It's natura on his part to be angry. Anika kept crying until sleep took over her. She slept while Leaning to the recliner.


Precap : Reception.

Targe : 150 + votes n 35 comments and next time I won't give you update until you complete the target😝😝😝😉😉

Hey my lovely readers

Thanks to all those who voted for this story. Keep showing your love on me and I'll try my level best to make you love this story.

Love you all

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