Chp.13 The Perverted Orangutan: Strength

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As Jocelyn and the others, alongside with the sailors and the minor girl, they all encountered themselves a giant ship coming towards them, weird it just appeared without them noticing, but still they all aboard on the ship as they got everyone aboard the ship, they notice that everything was so foggy and can barely Jocelyn, Josephine, and Kakyoin go investigate the ship while the others outside of the, Jocelyn and the others notice that there is no one here, no one controlling the ship, and no one controlling the mechanics on the ship...weird that a giant ship like this would appeared without anyone controlling it...but suddenly, the minor girl found something as the three follow her, leading to a huge cage with a mammal inside...

Kakyoin: An Oraguntan??

Jocelyn: The hell is it doing here??

Josephine: Who the hell cares about it?! Come on! Lets check Avdol and the others...

The three and the minor girl leaves the room as the minor girl then stop for a moment and looks back at the orangutan...she suddenly started to have a bad vibe about it as she then leaves the room the four went outside, Avdol, Polneraff and (YN) were outside with the sailors to check out the mechanics of the ship, until Josephine notices the crane suddenly moving somehow as the crane quickly strikes at one of the sailors through its mouth from head behind, hooking him up and lifts him up and ending up killing him...

Minor Girl: AAAAAAAH!!!

Josephine: What the hell?!! That crane moved itself!!?

Sailor#6: B-But no one was touching the controls!

Josephine: Hey listen up you all! Keep your guard up and be careful! Someone is definitely here! Dont touch the machinery! If it moves or anything, get away from it! Get in the cabin for safety! You too little girl, I don't want nothing bad happen to you especially, so go with the other sailors and stay with them for your own safety, got it?

Minor Girl: Y-Yes..

Josephine: Good.

The Minor girl then goes with the sailors at the cabin as Joseph and the crusaders investigate some more...

Josephine: Okay you all. Has anyone one of your see anyone controlling the crane??

Polneraff: Nope.

(YN): Not us.

Avdol: I was the closes to the crane, but yet no one was controlling them. The buttons were damage as well, not working at all.

Kakyoin: Strange. OK heres what I'm about to do, I'll use my Heirophant Green to look around the ship more and more.

Josephine: Very well. All of us lets split up and search more on this ship.

Everyone splits up as they started investigating...


Its been hours, sunset qas already approaching as the crusaders stop investigating and yet...they have found nothing and nobody...not even Kakyoin's Heirophant Green...

Kakyoin: Its impossible. I had Heirophant Green to search every single area in this ship and yet nothing.

Josephine: Weird...well, the only we can do is wait until we reach land.

Jocelyn: Well if thats that, I'm going o make myself useful here in this ship.

Josephine: We'll be outside then.

Jocelyn then enters the cabin as for (YN)...he then remembers about Joseph and the others telling him, Avdol and Polneraff about an Oraguntan in this ship...

(YN): Ms.Joestar, you said that an Oraguntan is in this ship as well locked up in cage??

Josephine: Yeah but who really cares, maybe some dumbass accidentally aboard the ship and left it alongside...

(YN) Mind: An Oraguntan here on this ship, knowing the theres no one here, not a single person on this ship, just an Oraguntan?...something doesn't seem right...

(YN): Well, if you guys don't mind, I'm going to see that ape.

Josephine: Suit yourself. Its just sitting their like a dumbass as well.

(YN) then goes inside the ship cabin as he looks for the Orangutan, a minute later, he then finds a room with a huge cage..but suddenly...he notices something was wrong...the cage somehow was open and the cage lock was unlocked as well...and yet the Orangutan is not in the cage...

(YN): Its gone?! Damn it have to-no wait! Jocelyn! She might be in trouble!

Meanwhile, the minor girl was just walking around at the cabin until she then found herself a bathroom with a shower in it...

Minor Girl: Oh sweet! Lucky I found a shower to take, I've been feeling sticky and smelly from the saltwater before-

Jocelyn: Hey.

Minor Girl: Huh!? Oh. Hey Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: See you found a shower.

Minor Girl: Yea. Going to take one as well??

Jocelyn: Yeah, I feel sticky from the damn saltwater as well, wanna take one together?? We are both females after all.

Minor Girl: O-Oh. Sure yeah. No problem. I don't mind.

Jocelyn: Good. Come one, lets get in.

Both Jocelyn and the Minor Girl went inside the bathroom as they started taking off their clothes to get ready to shower...Jocelyn turned on the water as they started taking a shower together...the Minor girl suddenly started to stare at Jocelyn and her body as Jocelyn notices...

Jocelyn: Yes?

Minor Girl: O-Oh sorry. I couldn't help notice your really have a good body...

Jocelyn: Thanks. Its nothing really. Here, let me put some shampoo on you.

As the girls were showering together, suddenly, the door suddenly was open by someone, as the door opens, the sailors from the other room were seen to be killed, all of them, Jocelyn and the Minor girl didn't notice someone was approaching them from behind, until now, Jocelyn quickly turns around and notice the curtains beings pulls down as the Oraguntan from before was the one walking up to them before, and the one who killed the sailors...

Jocelyn: What the fuck?!! That damn ape we saw in the cage! The hells he doing here?!

The Oraguntan started starring at Jocelyn and the Minor girl, but not just at them, he was looking at their bodies...the Oraguntan started act like some sort of pervert as it started licking his lips around....

Jocelyn:'re not just an ordinary ape aren't you?!

The Oraguntan suddenly scrrams as it then charges at Jocelyn and the Minor Girl as Jocelyn summons her Star Platinum, Star Platinum then was going to strike a punch as the Oraguntan suddenly uses his leg to block its punch...

Jocelyn: H-He blocked it?!!

Suddenky, a fan from the ceiling suddenly broke as it started flying towards Jocelyn and the Minor girl as Jocelyn grabs and holds the Minor girl and dodges it...

Jocelyn: Hey brat! Get yourself a towel and get ot of here and get help now!

Minor Girl: Wh-What about you?!!?

Jocelyn: Ill take care of this damn pervert ape! Go now!!

Minor Girl: R-Right!

The Minor Girl grabs a towel as she uses it to cover her body as she leaves the bathroom as Jocelyn has to deal with this perverted Oraguntan...

Jocelyn: Star Platinum!!

Jocelyn summons her stand as Star Platinum tried to strike at the Oraguntan, but the Oraguntan was still standing still as Suddenly, four metal poles appeared behind Jocelyn as the poles tied both of her hands and feet..

Jocelyn: What the?!?! Where the hell did these come from?! I-I cant move!

The Oraguntan then suddenly started to get closer to her as he started to see her naked body as he started acting like a perv towards Jocelyn...

Jocekyn: You fucking perv!

Until lucky for her, she heard (YN)'s voice calling her from the halls, Jocelyn tried to scream at him for help but suddenly a pole covered her mouth to keep her quiet as the Oraguntan looks at her and shushes her the Oraguntan slowly walks backwards towards the wall and suddenly started to sank his whole bady inside the Jocelyn then started to realize that maybe...this whole ship is a stand...and that the stand user all along?!! Meanwhile...(YN) was calling Jocelyn as he then notices the Minor girl running towards her...

(YN): Hey you!

Minor Girl: (YN)! Please help!

(YN): What happen?! ...and where the hell are your clothes??

Minor Girl: Thats not important! Jocelyn's in trouble! And that Oraguntan in the cage is somehow attacking us!

(YN): As I thought. So he is the stand user. Okay, just stay close to me. No matter-

Suddenly, two fans from the ceiling suddenly fell as they started flying towards (YN) as he then dodges them while protecting the Minor girl as well...

(YN): What the hell?!?

Then glass from the window shattered as the broken pieces started flying towards (YN) as the pieces of glass started piercing his face, causing his face to bleed, but after that, the wounds from his face from those glass were healing up...

Minor Girl: Your...face?! Its not..bleeding?!

(YN): Dont worry about that. Remember, just stay with-

Suddenly, five metal poles started to stretched towards (YN) as the poles tied up both of his hands and feet and his neck..

Minor Girl: (YN)!!

(YN): Damn it!

Suddenly, the Oraguntan then cane out from the walls with a captain suit on and a cigar pipe on his moth, holding a book as well, he then walks up to (YN) and shoes him a word he was pointing, Strength, representing his name, and which means power, force, energy, or aid. And it represents the eighth card of his stand...the Oraguntan then started smirking at him, as in his mind he was saying "This whole ship is my stand! And theres nothing you can do to stop me!"...(YN) uses his stand to free himself, but Strength wouldn't let that happen as he started using his ship stand to tie him up again...strength started laughing...

(YN): This damn ape thinks he won huh?! If I were him, I wouldn't be too cocky about winning...

Strength then turns his attention to the minor girl as he started looking at her weirdly and acting like a perv...(YN) then uses his stand to take off a button from his jacket as he tosses it behind his head...strength tyrns around and notices the button that hit his head on the ground ...

(YN): Oi! Over here you damn ape! That button isn't part of your stand!

Strength suddenly started to get angry...

(YN): Tch. Are you angry? I guess I've ruined your pride thinking you've beaten us all...oh? Its not hurt at all isnt? Because apes like you don't have any pride!


Strength with anger started to charge at (YN) as (YN)'s Ghost Rider stand apleared infront of him as he then blasts a pit of fire from his mouth, burning Strengths whole face as he screamed in he does, (YN) manages to use his stand to burn down the pipes to free himself...after that, Strength whole face was burned up as he suddenly ran up to a wall and sank in...

(YN): Oh no you don't!

Ghost Rider then summons a flaming chain as he stretches it towards Strength's whole neck as his neck started to melt and scream in pain, Ghost Rider pulls the chain with force as he ended up killing Strength by ripping his head out as his body came out and collapse to the floor...

(YN): damn ape.

Minor Girl: H-Hes dead?!

(YN): That does not matter right now. lets go find Jocelyn!

Minor Girl: I-I know where she is. Its down that hallway and then at the bathrooms!

(YN): Okay! Lets go!

(YN) and the minor girl then started running down the hallway to find Jocelyn as (YN) started calling Jocelyn's name out as Jocelyn then was trying to free herself and heard (YN)...

Jocelyn: (YN)! I'm in here I need help! *Realizes she's still naked* W-Wait! NoNoNoNo! Dont come-

(YN) busts through the door as he enters the bathroom...

(YN): Jocelyn! Are you-

Suddenly, there was silence between them as (YN) sees and notices Jocelyn still has one hand tied up...and also notices that he was seeing her naked as Jocelyn stood really quiet and blushing so hard, (YN) as well as he was also too blushing...(YN) was still starring at her as he started to good her body looks, but Jocelyn then yells out...


(YN): S-Sorry!! I didnt mean to-

Jocelyn: ORAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Jocelyn punches (YN) away as he flies out of the bathroom and crashing to a wall and falls down to the ground...

Minor Girl: (YN)?!

(YN): I-I didnt even notice...damn she can punch...

As (YN) gets up, he and the Minor girl notices the ship starting to shrink somehow....

Minor Girl: What going on?!

(YN): The ship! Its going back to its normal self since that ape has no control of it anymore! Oi! Go in and tell...Jocelyn to hurry up and change! We have to get out of here now!


Minutes later, the crusaders and the minor girl were able to get out from the ship on a life boat as they notice the ship was shrinking to its normal self...

Avdol: I couldn't belive that the whole ship was a stand! And to think that ape was traveling by himself with his own stand as well! What terrifying power! I've never experienced something like that.

Josephine: If (YN) and Jocelyn wouldn't have figure it out, we would all have died. But luckily we did. We have to be ready if we encounter another stand user with an crazy stand power.

Polneraff: Hey you all wants some gum?

Josephine: Sure.

Everyone got a piece of gum, except for (YN) and Jocelyn, who both were quiet and looking away from each other...blushing a little...

Josephine: Hey whats the matter you two?? Both of you have been quiet for a while?? Is something wrong-

(YN)/Jocelyn: NO!!!

Josephine: Huh??

Jocelyn: Tch. I-Its nothing old hag, mind your damn business.

(YN): Nothing at all Ms.Joestar...

Josephine: Hmm. Okay then. Don't worry. We will arrive at Singapore in one day. We just gotta wait until morning.


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