Chp.12 Encountering Dark Blue Moon Pt.2

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After knowing who was the stand user on this boat, it was the captain all along, thanks to Jocelyn...

Josephine: Quite impressive Jocelyn. But what ticked you off that he was the stand user.

Jocelyn: To be honest, I didnt know he was the stand user.

Avdol: And (YN), I'm surprised that you didnt even bother to be worried of having a vein on your nose when a stand user smokes a little.

(YN): Jocelyn was smoking, and yet nothing happen when she smoked that cigarette. So I knew she was smart enough to pull of that trick. Knowing the old geezer is the stand user.

Captain: And I fell for it. Didnt expect this but damn your good. Yes, your right. Im not the capatin. The real one has already been sleeping with the fishes at the bottom of the ocean of Hong Kong.

(YN): If thats true then you can sleep to the bottom of hell you old fuck!

The fake Captain laughs as suddenly a big fish human arm popped out as it grabbed the minor girl's leg as she screamed for help...Everyone notices as the fake Captain's stand was revealed to Evryone, the stand was a fish human with four yellow eyes with big fish palm and fin...the stand represents the trouble on the water, lying and betraying. The Moon card, fearing with unknown, name Dark Blue Moon...

Fake Captain: Ive kept my identity so I can take care of yall one by one...but since you've all figured out I'm the stand user, then I will take all six of you, I'd probably break two bones of three...getting that girl here qas a sign, hoping my luck will change better. Maybe I'll take her with me to those manifest sharks on this area. And also, if you all even dare to save her at the ocean, I suggest all of you to give up. Fighting me in the ocean, makes me take advantage to take all of you like nothing!

Jocelyn: Well then, go on then. Just letting you know that you will underestimate me, dumbass!

Fake Captain: Underestimate? No, its all predictions! I hear your stand, Star Platinum is quite damn fast. I want to put that on a test. Not trying to brag here but at the ocean, My dark blue moon is way much faster than yours here on dry land. Now come, why not you come with me and tested it out if your stand is a match against mines! Unless your too afraid of a little...salt water!

Minor Girl: NOOO!!!!

As the fake Captain and Dark Blue Moon dives on the ocean with the minor girl with them, Jocelyn rushes to save the minor girl as she summons her Star Platinum...


With Star Platinum throing several barrage of punches to Dark Blue Moon and The fake Captain as well, His stand let the minor go as (YN) summons his ghost rider as Ghost rider then summons chains with no flames on as he stretch them out to catch the minor girl and savinf her from falling...after that, the fake Captain then was laying on the ocean, all bruised up from Star Platinum's punches...

Fake Captain: S-She attacked faster than we could fall...thats...impossible for a human...

Jocelyn: You'll be the one who will be dying on the saltwater. So choke on it, tell him Avdol.

Avdol: Good luck on those predictions. Tough break.

Polneraff: Yeah! Well said Avdol!

The Fake Captain was drifting away to the Ocean....

Polneraff: And there he goes. You know, I expected more from him but he was nothing but an old idiot.

(YN) then pulled the minor girl up to the ship...

(YN): There. Your safe now.

Minor Girl: Th-Thank you...

Suddenly, Jocelyn then somehow felt like she was pushed as she was holding onto the boat as she was being pulled in to the Ocean...

Joseph: Hey Jocelyn! What's going on?!!

Jocelyn: I-I cant move! Its like somethings pulling me into the ocean!

(YN) then went to go help Jocelyn as he garbs her on her waist and started pulling away from being pulled into the ocean, until suddenly Star Platinum's whole hand started to shred, Jocelyn's as well as blood started to pour out as evryone notice something qas attach to Star Platinum's whole hand...

Avdol: Wait?! Dont tell me-

Kakyoin: Those are barnacles!

Josephine: Those barnacles are attached to Star Platinum's whole arm already and their stuck to the side of the boat!

Jocelyn: D-Damn it! I bet that bastard's stand must have attached me with these pieces of shits when I was hitting him! And yet these shits are multiplying! And my stand's strength...its being drained!

Josephine: Wait a sec! The Captain suddenly disappeared! I cant see him no more on the water!

Suddenly, Jocelyn and (YN) while holding onto her suddenlt then falls out from the ship as the minor girl falls as well, luckily Kakyoin summons Heirophant Green to go and save the minor girl from falling, as for Jocelyn and (YN), they both fell down to the they did, they suddenly notice The stand, Dark Blue Moon behind them...

(YN): Damn You!

Star Platinum: ORA!!!!

They both tried to strike Dark Blue Moon, but their stands punches were too slow as Dark Blue Moon was quick enough to dodge them away as it suddenly did a huge wind to blow them away and crashing towards a Boulder, causing their stands to fade away...after that, they both notice the fake Captain, still alive and yet able to move...

Fake Captain: Ha! Welcome land lovers! Glad you two can join me here on the water,this is where Dark Blue Moon reigns Supreme. And yet, it was a bad idea for you two and your friends to underestimate me. This will be deadly. Since we can talk underwater through our stands, how about the two of you pop out one of your cocky liners. But I feel ba for the both of you, you see you think you two can last longer here on water?? Think again land lovers! Because my lung capacity is three times better than the both of yours. See ive been training holding my breathe here underwater with my stand. So there's no way you can last longer than me! And my stands fins are sharper and stronger as well! And I see your Stand, Star Platinum is covered by one of Daek Blue Moon's barnacles, its so sad to see your stands strength being drain, because that'll give me time to finish the two of you off!

(YN): Tch. What now?!

Jocelyn: Dont know. With these shits covering and draining my stands power, I cnat fight.

(YN): Well, there one way we can do. We have to swim away and find a way to defeat this bastard!

Jocelyn: Right!

As Jocelyn and (YN) tried to swim away, Dark Blue Moon suddenly started swinging its arms around as it started creating a whirl pool around them, causing them not to swim away....

Fake Captain: Not so fast land lovers! My stands making a whirl pool around you so you can't escape! Keep swimming and you will lose breathe and strength as well!

The whirl pool was causing both Jocelyn and (YN) so much trouble to get out from the ocean and swim away...and yet the barnacles from Star Platinum's body started to spread more and more that his power and strength is becoming weaker and weaker....

Fake Captain: Enough! I'm going to finish the two of you off! I will use my stands hard and sharp fins to cut you up into pieces! So you last words!!!

As the fake Captain's Stand was ready to use its fins to cut up Jocelyn and (YN), both then started to stare at the fake Captain with an aggressive menacing look on their faces towards the fake Captain...

Fake Captain: Huh??!


(YN) with a yell of rage, he summons Ghost Rider as Ghost Rider summons two flmaing chains and the flames were blue somehow as he stretch them towards Dark Blue Moon's neck...

Fake Captain: A-AACK!! What-?!!

Jocelyn: Star Finger!!

With Jocelyn's Stand using a new technique, Star Finger, abling to stretch his two fingers, going towards Drak Blue Moon's eyes as its fingers strike towards the fake Captain's stands eyes, his as well...

Jocelyn: Sorry did we interrupt you?? Whos gonna be cut into pieces???

The Fake Captain suddenly was starting to have trouble speaking underwater somehow...

(YN): Whats that?! We can't quite hear you land lover! Speak up!

Fake Captain: B-But your power was beinf drained!! A-And you...wh-what kind of stand you have?! Its flames with those chains nearly almost melt my neck!??

(YN): No need to know. But what you really gotta know is that your nothing but an old damn geezer who cant even beat two teenagers. Tell em Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: ...See Ya, Gramps.

And so the fake Captain qwas defeated and was sent falling to the bottom of the  ocean and well...being sent to hell of course as Jocelyn and (YN) gained victory. After the fake Captain's defeat, (YN) and Jocelyn were able to swim up to the Ocean as Jospeh and the others notice...

Kakyoin: Jocelyn! (YN)! You guys okay??!

(YN): Yeah we're fine.

Jocelyn: Lets say the Captain is being sent where he was suppose to be.

Josephine: Alright! Way the go you two! Now hurry up and get on the-

Suddenly, an explosion was heard from the ship, the crusaders notice that the fake Captain planted some bombs after along....

-a day later-

It was already day...the crusaders, alongside with the sailors were then saved after the explosion...they were on a little ship as they wait for anyone to save for the minor girl as well along with them as well, Joseph then gave her some water to stay hydrated, she then offers the water as she says...

Minor Girl: Okay, I don't know what the hell just happen, I don't get any of this who are you people?!?

Josephine: Just think of us as fellow travelers. Your on your journey to see your father, well im on one as well for my daughter.

The Minor girl then took a sip of the water Joseph gave her, as she suddenly slat it out like if something scared her...

Joseph: Hey whats the matter?! Donr waste it thats the last water we have!

Minor Girl: L-L-L-Look over there! Everyone!

Joseph and the others then notices what was the minor girl saying, they all notices a giantnormous ship heading towards them and can a giant ship like that appear out of nowhere without all of them noticing besides the minor girl???


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