Chp.11 Encountering Dark Blue Moon Pt.1

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As Polneraff joins alongside with Jocelyn and the others, they once manage to get on a boat that the Speedwagon offer them thanks to Josephine's help, they were now sailing, boarding first to Singapore...

Josephine: Hmmm. To get from Honk Kong to Singapore, we're gonna be on water for a full 3-4 days. Well in the mean time we get there, lets all just relax and keep our spirits up. But first I have one serious question...

Josephine then looks at Kakyoin, Jocelyn and (YN), sitting down with relaxation...

Josephine: What the hell is up with the high school uniforms you three?! Can't you all just find a pair of clothes to put on on this heat?! Isn't it ridiculously hot for you three??!

Kakyoin: Well we are students after all.

(YN): And good students must behave in such good manners no matter where their are. Sounding like a stretch to me, right Jocelyn?

Jocelyn: *nods*

Josephine: *scoffs* Japanese students are such stiffs to be honest.

Avdol: I see. So this is what they called Bushido. Like they say, clear their minds and let the flames feel cool.

Polneraff: Meh that's all well and good, but as for Kakyoin and (YN) that really won't let you get any girls...

???: Hey let go! Let go!

Suddenly, evryone notices a voice that sounded like a minor, the gang look to see a minor being held on by the hands of one of Speedwagon's sailors...

Sailor #1: Hold still you brat!

Joseph: Hey who is that?! I thought their weren't suppose to be no passengers on this boat!

Sailor #1: Apologies sir! I found this brat hiding on the storage holds!

???: Hey let go you bastard! If you don't I will brake your balls!

Sailor #1: Tell that to the police once we call them and get you, you little shit!

???: What?! Now wait! I'm sorry! I didnt mean no harm! I just wanted to board on this ship to get over to Singapore to visit my father! Please I'll do anything to stay on this boat just don't call the police on me!

Sailor #1: Hmmm. Lets see. Should I let you stay?? Nah! Not a chance you brat!

???: Nrrrrgh!! Fine then! Take this!

The minor the jump tiwards the sailor as the minor then bit the sailor's hand as he screams in pain as the minor lets go and then leaps out from the boat and lands on the ocean...

Polneraff: Woah! And there he goes! I say, that kid got guts!

Kakyoin: Is he really going to swim the shore from out here??

(YN): Beats me. Lets check it out. What should we do?? We can't just let her go like that...

Joceyln: *sighs* just leave him. He would've dive in if he wasn't a good swimmer.

As the minor started swimming, the sailor then started to seem afraid of the minor beinf in the ocean...

Sailor#1: No! Hes in danger! This entire area is invested with sharks!

Kakyoin: This isn't good, we have to do something!

Josephine: Hey kid come back! Its not safe to swim here! This area is invested with sharks!

Jocelyn then gets up from her chair as she walks over to the others and said...

Jocelyn: Yare Yare Daze...move out of the way. Ill handle it.

As Jocelyn summons her Star Platinum, Star Platinum then jumps and dives in the ocean as the Minor notices a bug shark coming after him, the minor screams in fear as the shark was close to choo her half...until Star Platinum suddenly came to the rescue and punch the shake saving the minor....

Star Platinum: ORA!!!

With a massive and powerful punch, he started taking out the shark as he saves the minor....the minor didn't know what just happen but all she cares is that she was save...

Jocelyn: So, who's gonna go and get the brat?

(YN): I got it.

(YN) suddenly then started to take off his red jacket and black shirt off as he was shirtless as Jocelyn saw everthing as she blush so hard she didn't wanted to see him shirtless and his body as she xovers up her face with her hat...after that, (YN) jumps and dives towards the ocean as he swims over to the minor and gets him....

(YN): Come on, you're safe-

As (YN) grabs onto the minor's shirt, he realizes something something didn't seem right...he started observing the minor as he places his pain towards the miner's chest as the minor suddenly started to blush...

(YN): Wait a minute. Are you-

(YN) then takes the minor's hat off as a long black hair started to fall down and to realize that the minor was a girl all along...

(YN): A girl?!

???: You perv! How dare you touch me like that!

(YN): Hey now, its not my fault you were dressing up like a boy! Hey-Ow! Come on its not my fault!

As (YN) was being hit by the girl while taking her with him to the boat, until suddenly, Josephine realizes something was off from the shark that was beaten up,, the shark then was torn apart as a human look alike fish with yellow glowing eyes then qas coming after (YN) and the girl...

Josephine: Hey (YN) come swimming with the brat quickly! There's soemthing coming after you!

(YN): what?!

(YN) notices as he started swimming faster as Kakyoin then uses his Heirophant green ro get him and the grill safe into the boat as the fish look alike then vanish...

Polneraff: It just disappeared like that?!

Joseph: Whatever it was, it qas probably a stand!

Avdol: Stunning, an aquatic stand! In all my dealings, I've never heard nor seen such a thing.

As (YN) qas on the ship, he notices Jocelyn holding his clothes as she lends them to him as she wasn't looking at him, blushing a little as she tells him

Jocelyn: H-Here...

(YN): Oh, thanks Jocelyn.

As (YN) puts on his black shirt and Jacket, the gang then were focus on the girl, knowing if she could be the stand user that summona that human fish look alike that was coming after (YN)...

Josephine: Could she be...the user??

Kakyoin: I don't know, but she did tried to purposely lead (YN) to the invested sharks and then the stand as well...

The girl notices the gang starting at her as she aggressively startd to get angry and pulls out a pocket knife and says to them...

??? Hey stop starring at me like that! Its weird! Whats with yall?! I have no idea what just hapoen but I will fight you all if you try to get near me! Dont underestimate
Me! You'll regret this! Come at me if you all dare!

Polneraff Mind: Is she playing with us?? Maybe we should toss her to the ocean again!

Kakyoin Mind: Calm down Polneraff.

Josephine Mind: It can't be the 10 sailors. I've check all of them and seem to be clear. But I don't know about this brat, they did say they found her on the storage on the boat.

Avdol: We'll see...Hey you! So how's Dio feeling so far??!

???: Huh?! What the hell is a Dio??!

Polneraff: Dont play with us your brat!

???: Hey I warned you punks! I will use my pocket knife on you guys as my 365th victims! Just come at me!

Kakyoin: *chuckles*

???: Hey! Whats so funny Jerkhole?!

Kakyoin: Jerkhole???

(YN): Im guessing this brat isn't the stand user.

Josephine: If not, then who can it be then? If that stand came out and tried to attack (YN), then the user must be here on this boat. So if it isn't the girl, who can it be then??

???: Hey Now! Is this the brat that has been hiding our ship?! You youve caught her then I appreciate it, I'll handle her myself!

Suddenly, a huge muscular man who hapoens to be the captain on this boat, appeared behind the minor girl and scared her...

Josephine: Woah there captain.

Captain: I may be the captain here, but if we let a brat like you stay here on this boat, we will cause more trouble. So since I have found you, I will bring you down to yhe biat and lock you up until we get to Singapore!

Josephine: Hey Captain. You have identified that all of your men here on this boat are clear right??

Captian: Of course I did. All of my men here on this boat. Each one of them are veterans for 10 years. I don't undertand why you have to be worried about my men being clear instead you should be worreid about having a brat here who may cause trouble around here. Oh, and by the way...

The captain the walked over to Jocelyn to notice her smoking a cigarette as he snatch the cigarette off from her mouth without hesitate...

Captain: I suggest you not allow smoking here on my ship. You may be a guest, but you must obey my rules. You got it, sweetie?

The captain suddenly turned off the cigarette by pressing it onto Jocelyn's hat as Joseph and the others watch, especially (YN), he somehow clench his fist knowing how the captain was treating Jocelyn, after that the captain then walks away from her as (YN) then looks at the capatin...

(YN): That bastard! I'll teach him a lesson for-

Jocelyn: Wait (YN).

(YN): Huh?? Oh come on Jocelyn I cant let that old bastard treat you like that!

Jocelyn: I know, but I know something is uo with him.

(YN): What do you mean???

Jocelyn then shout out to the captain...

Jocelyn: Hey pops! If you dont want me to smoke on the ship then just tell me, don't have to be such a jackass.

Captain: Huh?!

Josephine: Hey Jocelyn, dont be disrespectful to the capatin. Your the one involved as well.

Jocelyn: Tch. His rules dont mean shit old man. Ill be as rude as I want. And you know why? Cause the captain here is the stand user.

Josephine: What?!

Everyone: What the?!

Captain: A...stand user?? Im not understanding here...what is that??

Avdol: Jocelyn, its impossible that Captain Dragon isn't the stand user at all. Its very clear that he's from the Speedwagon Foundation and yet he doesn't seem to be one.

Captain Dragon: Say, whats this stand user your saying?? I'm already lost.

Polneraff: Jocelyn, saying random people being the stand user will be more trouble!

Kakyoin: Do you have any real proof, Jocelyn?!

Jocelyn: Of course. I found a way to differentiate stand users from other people. The trick is, if a stand user even smokes a bit of cigarette, a vein pop out from their nose

Everyone, especially Captain Dragon then checked their nose if a vein really does pop out when smoking a cigarette...

Polneraff: Jocelyn! You cant be serious now! And (YN) why aren't you scared you should be worried you have a vein on your nose if you smoke a little!

Jocelyn: Relax, I'm lying.

(YN): And by the looks of it, we have found the idiot of the stand user, haven't we?

Captain Dragon: ....*chuckles*

Everything stood quiet as Captain Dragon suddenly takes his hat off slowly as he gave the Crusaders a weird scary menace look on his face...knwoing that he's the stand user all along!


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