Chp.10 Polneraff Joins The Crew

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After (YN) manage to save Avdol and defeating Polneraff, the gang thought it was over until Avdol didnt seem to be over after all, he realizes something that is behind the hair of Polneraff's forehead, he took a closer look and realizes a flesh bug on it and was working for Avdol asks Jocelyn to remove it out from him with her stand as she does, after taking the flesh bug out, Polneraff was unconscious as the gang then book themselves a hotel room for one night and one for Polneraff as well. The next day, the gang then qoke up early to head over to Egypt as soon as possible to stop Dio and saving Holly...

Josephine: The Speedwagon Foundation has charted us a boat. It can reach all of us to the harbor...

The gang then stopped and notice Polneraff standing infront of them...

Avdol: Well, it seems we've met again. So what's on your mind, Polneraff.

Polneraff: I've never get the chance to thank you all properly for freeing me from Dio's mind control spell.

Jocelyn: Young Jocelyn is the one who you should be thanking.

Jocelyn: Tch. No need to.

(YN): Heh, Looks likes your manners are wasting our time after all.

Polneraff: you wish. I have no need to be coming off that much heavy handed, but I'm not quite finish here.

Polneraff then walks over to Josephine and says to him...

Polneraff: Mademoiselle Joestar, I hope you will indulge if I ask you a very bizarre question?

Josephine: A bizarre question you say??

Polneraff: ...Ive notice that you didn't bother taking off your gloves yesterday at the restaurant. Now tell me, your left hand wouldn't happen to be a right hand??

Josephine: Huh?? Is my left a right hand as well?? Well I'll be damn. That really is a bizarre question, what are you trying to find out?

Polneraff: ...Im looking for the man who murdered my younger sister.

The Gang: *NANI SHOCK*

Polneraff: I don't know his face, but I can remember he has definitely two right hands instead one of each.

Everyone stood quiet as Josephine started to take off her left glove and shows his protetic hand...

Josephine: I lost my left hand 50 years ago during a terrible battle.

Polneraff: Hmm. I apologize for the rudeness. Please forgive me...

Josephine: Well its not that too painful to talk about it, we all wanna know what happen.

Polneraff then explains his story to the others what happen to his younger sister: 3 years ago, his sister and her classmate were both walking home form a rainy day back at his native home country, France. Suddenly, a man was standing besides the road, he had this shield around him for the rain not to wet him...until suddenly, her classmates chest suddenly got pierce as blood started to come out and collapse to the floor...Polneraff's sister wass alone as the man with the two right hands stole her innocence...killing her by strangling her to death...that all he wanted, no reason why, he just did it...the sick bastard...after Polneraff's sister dies, her classmate suddenly was alive as she saw the whole thing and ran up to Polneraff and told him evrything, she didn't know how the man looked like, but all she can remember is that the bastard had two right one believed her story besides Polneraff...

Polneraff: No one believed her story besides me. Thats why I've kept my stand power in secret to find the man and get my revenge for my sister. But mark my words...I swear an oath!!! *DRAMATIC IMPOSSIBLE POSE*

Polneraff: I promise my sister's soul that I will avenge her! To hunt down the killer and make him pay for his life! I will use my stand against him for righteous vengeance! And then a year ago, my travels had led me to Dio! Mind controlling me to kill all of you and lnwoing the fool I was to never trust him.

Avdol: Hmmm. I don't know...

Kakyoin: But hey, Dio does know the killer that murdered Polneraff's sister, so he might be working for him and we might encounter him any time sooner or later.

Polneraff: If that's true. So please, let me join you all on your adventure so I can track down the bastard who kill my sister and I will also join you all to take down Dio once and for all!

Kakyoin: So, what now?

Avdol: Well, I have no objections for him coming along with us.

(YN): Same. He still gonna follow us no matter what.

Josephine: Very well then, Jean Pierre Polneraff. Welcome to the crusaders.

Polneraff: The honor is all mines.

Jocelyn: *sighs* Yare Yare Daze...

Polneraff: Oh, and one thing...

Polneraff suddenly then walks over to Jocelyn as he then somehow started to flirt with her....huh?

Polneraff: Ou La La~bonjour. You must be Monsieur Joestar's Granddaughter, Jocelyn Kujo. I must say, you are quite the looker.

Jocelyn: Tch. Don't even think about it or I will kick your ass.

Polneraff: Oh? A feisty one as well. Me likey-

(YN): Oi. Back off. Just because you're with us doesn't mean a damn thing you can come all out to Jocelyn. Back off creep.

Polneraff: Oh whats the matter? You're jealous that I have the hots and you dont??

(YN): What did you say, Punk?!

Polneraff: You heard me brat! Your just not as good looking as I am.

Both (YN) and Polneraff somehow started to become...frenemies??? Anyways, Jocelyn then summons her stand as Star Platinum slaps both of them behind their heads...

Polneraff: Ow Ow!

(YN): The hell Jocelyn?!

Jocelyn: You two are being annoying! So just-

Girl: Excsue me.

Suddenly, two girls with one of them qith a camera holding onto it then ran up to (YN) all lf the sudden and they both said to him...

(YN): Oh? How can I help you two??

Girl #2: Sorry to be a bother, but can you please take a picture of us please?

Girl #1 Mind: He's so hot!

Girl #2 Mind: What a good excuse to talk with him.

(YN): Oh? Well-

As the two girls were "begging" and "asking" (YN) to take them a picture with their camera, Jocelyn then suddenly started to look a bit jealous and more annoying as she shouts out...

Jocelyn: Shut up already! Go bug someone else rather than him-

Polneraff: Easy there. Ladies I would love to help you two take a picture with your cameras. Now come along with me, the beach view will be a perfect shot for the both of you two.

The girls then follows Polneraff as he started to act a bit pervy towards them and started takinf pictures of their 
T H I C C thighs....

Polneraff: Ou La La. Now that's a keeper. One more for safety. Moui Bién. I would honestly take a picture lf your hearts as well. You twoo look so beautiful.

Avdol: Hmmm. This isn't the Polneraff that we've met a while ago.

Kakyoin: Its like his emotions change somehow...

Josephine: More like he has two brians, one downstairs and the other calling the shots.

(YN) then looks at Jocelyn and tells her...

(YN): Oi Jocelyn. Why did you had to shout them like that?? They weren't bothering you, you know that right??

Jocelyn: W-Well its just-I-uh...Tch. why do you care?! Besides, they were acting too nice towards you.

After that Jocelyn turns around with her hat covering her face, blushing a little...(YN) then shrugs as he and the others wait for Polneraff to finish as they continue their adventure...


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