Chp.9 Decisive Fight

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Polneraff: An Guard!!!!

And so battle begins, Silver Chariot started charging at Magicinas Red as it started swinging his sword towards Magicians Red as he started dodging them with an ease, arms crossed...

Polneraff: Come on now! Let's see what you got Avdol besides just having your stand not doing anything and only dodging! Show me what it can really do!!!

Avdol: Take this!!

Magicians red then open its mouth and blasted three fireballs at Silver Chariot as Silver Chariot was quickly enough to hit the fireballs with his sword and avoid being hit....

(YN): Wow! Thats some speed!

Avdol: ...Very Well then.

Avdol then started to find his inner peace somehow as him and magicians red then somehow was starting to do a powerful move...

Polneraff: I see. Its coming. You finally going to show me your true power, Avdol. But know this, it will never be enough!

Josephine: ...Uh-Oh.

Jocelyn: Uh Oh? What do you mean by that old hag??

Josephine: Avdol is going to blow his top!

Avdol: Here goes! Crossfire Hurricane!!!

Polneraff: Dont you get if, Avdol! It doesn't matter what type of fire power you do to my silver chariot, it will easily cut it with a gap and slice it in mid air!

A huge crossfire sign then was going towards Silver Chariot as it then started using its sword to cut the crossfire in midair and vanish it like nothing...

Avdol: What?! Impossible!!

Josephine: That was a terrifying attack! And yet he manages to cut it like nothing!?

Polneraff: Oh Avdol. That was nothing. Now, its my turn. Allow me to show you what my stand can really do other than using its sword. And it will really freak you out!

Avdol: Hmph! Go ahead then!

Polneraff: Silver Chariot: Line Up!

Josephine: Wh-What the hell?! He now has 5-no wait 6-No wait 7! He ahs a total of 7 stands!

Kakyoin: Impossible! Only a user can only held one stand only but 7?! Thats impossible!

Polneraff: Tell me Avdol, are you freaked out yet? These what you see are after images. Perfect mirrors of Silver Chariot. Guaranteed to fool your senses, sight, hearing, they can't follow any movements of Silver Chariot. Now, how do you like the swordsmenship now, Monieur Avdol!?

Polneraff's Silver Chariot and the copies of them then started to charge after Avdol and Magicians red as the Silver Chariots started swinging their swords at Magicians red, still able to dodge them as it then yells as Avdol then says...

Avdol: Alright then. Suffer by Red Bind!

Magicians Reds red bind started throwing bunch of flames towards the copies of silver chariot, but they manage to be so quick to dodge the flames like nothing...

Polneraff: Face it Avdol, your flames are no chance on going after the real silver chariot. Your just wasting time.

(YN): Damn it, this is bad!

Jocelyn: If Avdol keeps this up, he's going to exhaust himself!


Avdol continues to uses Magicinas red crossfire on the Silver Chariots, but still were manage to dodge them...

Polneraff: Non Non Non Non Non Non Non! You dont understand do you?! No matter how hard you try, my silver chariot is still faster than your Magicians Reds flames!! Now give up!!

Polneraff's Silver Chariot and the copies then charge at Avdol as they all started swinging their swords at Avdol, injuring Avdol and leaving cuts on his face as Blood started coming out from its cuts and started spatting out blood as well as he fells down to the ground...

Polneraff: Au Revoir, Monsieur Avdol!

Josephine: Avdol!

Avdol: Th-Thats such precision and speed from his stand...N-Now I get it! H-He manage to train his stand!

Polneraff: I see you notice. I've been training my stand for almost a decade. But now Monsieur Avdol, its time to end this!

Silver Chariot then started to charge after injured Avdol as Avdol can bareky stand as he can't do nothing else, suddenly (YN) then took a step and then started run as he goes and saves Avdol...

Josephine: Hey (YN) the hell your doing get back here!

Kakyoin: (YN)!

(YN) then reached to Avdol as he then risks his body to save him as he gets stabbed several times by Silver Chariot and the clones, after that, holes were left in his body as he spat out so much blood...

Avdol: (Y-YN)!

Polneraff: Well Well Well, it looks like someone is dumb enough to take some hits. Surely those stabs that you got will slowly kill you in a matter of time.

Josephine: N-No damn it! (YN)!

Kakyoin: N-No..!

Jocelyn: *sighs* good grief you seriously forgot...

Josephine: Huh?!

Kakyoin: What are you talking about, Jocelyn?!

Jocelyn: You two really forgot that no matter if he gets injured, badly wounded, or even close to dying...he never or will die?? Think about, remember his stand?

Polneraff: Excusez-moi??

(YN): *smirks* You think I'm going to die?

Polneraff suddenly realizes the stabbing wounds from his body suddenly started to heal up as the wounds were now not to be seen as Polneraff backs away with a fear shock on his face...

Polneraff: What the?!

(YN): Tell me, Jean Pierre Polneraff. What wounds are you talking about?? I dont see any on my body. Do you??

Polneraff: I-Impossible! How the?!

(YN): Ghost Rider!

(YN) summons his Ghost Rider stand as it appears behind him...

Polneraff: You have a stand as well?! Who are you?!

(YN): The names (YN), this is my stand, name Ghost Rider. As you can see, Ghost Rider possesses the ability to generate, control, and project mystical fire, or "hellfire" at will. Hellfire is an ethereal and supernatural flame that burns the soul of a person and can also be used to burn their physical body. So its basically like Avdol's Magicians reds flames, but only more powerful.

Polneraff: *chuckles* well now, if Your stands flames are similar to Avdol's but more stronger, then that means your still flames will be not be no match as well! Take these!!

Polneraff's Silver Chariot and the copies started going after (YN) as (YN)'s Ghost Rider then flies and stood besides him as it then opens mouth as (YN) says...

(YN): Hell Breathe!!!

Ghost Rider then spat a out a huge pile of flames out from his mouth as the flames then suddenly started to melt all of Silver Chariot and the copies swords....

Polneraff: What the hell?!?!! How!??! Thats not right!! I should have been able to swipe your flames like nothing!!

(YN): Like I said...more powerful flames. Now for my next move!

Ghost rider then summons two flaming chains from his hands as he started swinging them around as Ghost Rider swings the flaming chains at the copies of the Silver Chariots as they melt and vanish as the flaming chains caught and tied up the real Silver Chariot, the flaming chains started to burn Silver Chariot, Polneraff as well as he can feel the burn...

Polneraff: AAAGH!!! DAMN IT HURTS!! this isnt just some ordinary flames!! Its way too painful and way overheated!! Just qhat kind of flame his stand has?!?!!

(YN): Now to finish you off! And boy have ive been waiting to say this line from a video game!

Ghost Rider then pulls Silver Chariot with the flaming chains as (YN) yells out...

(YN): Get over here!

Ghost Rider then clenched his fist as he then strikes a powerful punch towards Silver Chariots face, also to Polneraff as well as he felt that punch and spat out blood...

(YN): Now for the final touch!

Ghost Rider then grabs Silver Chariot and tosses him in mid air as Polneraff goes flying as well...

(YN): Hell Fire!!

Ghost rider then opens his both hands and burst a huge amount of flames out from them, causing the flames to hit Silver Chariot and Polneraff as well, Polneraff's whole body qas on flames as he screamed in pain and falls down to the floor as his stand Silver Chariot then Polneraff now was defeated.


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