Chp.16 Encountering Yellow Temperance Pt.1

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After hearing the rumors that Kakyoin may be the traitor all along and might betray the crusaders and kill them all, he was outside at the pier with Jocelyn, (YN) and the minor girl, still looking weird and never said a word....the girl then runs over to a cabinet where a man sells ice cream....

Man: Hey there sweetie. What can I get for ya?

Girl: Can I get some ice cream?

Man: Sure, but hey. Ill give you something better. Here, try some of these fresh and delicious coconut juice ive made, trust me you will like it.

Minor Girl: Well...Jocelyn?

Jocelyn: I guess we can try some of those. 4 of them please?

Man: Coming right up.

The man then hands them their coconut juice with straws on it...

Man: Okay, that'll be twelve dollars.

Kakyoin: Here, I'll take it from here.

As Kakyoin pulls out his wallet, suddenly a man who seems to be trouble then snuck up behind Kakyoin and snatch his wallet away from him as he runs away...

Thief: Ha! Thanks for the wallet punk!

(YN): There goes your wallet...

Kakyoin turns around as he then seems to be a still looking weird with a menace look on his face as he then summons his Heirophant Green to chase down the man that stole his wallet, his stand then got up to him as he grabs his feet and causes him to trip to the floor, the man tried to get up but suddenly realizes that Kakyoin was behind him as Kakyoin then says to him...

Kakyoin: So, you disgusting worthless piece of shit! Who the hell you think you are?!

Jocelyn/(YN): Hm??

Minor Girl: Huh??!

Kakyoin: Ill make sure you were never born!

Kakyoin started to get really aggressive as he then strikes a knee towards the man to his face as he caused him to brake a nose and bleed as he grabs him by the hair...

Kakyoin: Get up you vile cockoroach dick! Do I look like easy pickings for you?! How dare you steal my wallet! I'll make you suffer for that!

Kakyoin then started grabbing the man on a brutal backbracker move, causing him to scream in pain...

Jocelyn: Hey Kakyoin! Wha the fuck are you doing to the guy!?

(YN): Oi Kakyoin! Your gonna kill the bastard!...The hell?! What's up with him lately!? He is never like this!

Jocelyn: Dont know either but we gotta stop him! Hey brat! Stay here! We'll be back.

Minor Girl: O-Okay...just make him stop!

Jocelyn and (YN) then goes running up to Kakyoin as (YN) then shoves him, letting the man go as he falls down to the ground, hurt...

(YN): Stop it Kakyoin! What the hell is up with you?! Your losing control!

Jocelyn: Your acting likes some bastard! Thats not like you! Whats up with you?!

Kakyoin stood quiet as he turns around and stares at both of them weirdly as he says...

Kakyoin: That hurt you know. You shouldn't have shove me like that like your in charge and shit. Besides that man stole my wallet and committed a crime. A criminal should be punish...come you two, you would do the same thing old pals...

Jocelyn Mind: ...This guy....

(YN) Mind: Im starting to not like his attitude...

Kakyoin: Hey. Whats the matter you two?! Whats with those looks on your faces!? *chuckles* Jocelyn, (YN), you two are making a way too deal about this, I'm just having a bad day, no big thing. I'm just exhausted from the trip. I'm just in a bad mood somehow...

Jocelyn: Just a bad mood huh?

(YN): Seems to be you were feeling pretty good by beating the hell out of that man.

Kakyoin: ....

Jocelyn: Anyways, the old hag and Avdol were thinking that it would be better to travel from here to India on a train. We leave tomorrow. We'll take the cable karts to get some Singapore tickets on the station.

(YN) and Jocelyn then were heading over the cable kart station as Kakyoin was still standing there and notices three beetle bugs on the tree, the minor girl the follows Jocelyn and (YN) as she notices Kakyoin wasn't catching up as she turns around and notice him eating soemthing off from the tree, Kakyoin slowly turns around and to realize that he was eating those beetle bugs on the treet before, which scared the girl a little as she runs and holds onto (YN)'s hand....

(YN): Hm? Whats wrong half pine?

Minor Girl: ...Nothing.

Jocelyn and (YN) notices that she was acting a little afraid, as the two notices her starrinf at Kakyoin, like If she starting to be scared of him as they both looked at him and notice him already walking over to them, with a weird look on his face still...Minutes later go by, the four then arrive to the cable kart station as they wait for a Kart as Kakyoin then calls for Jocelyn...

Kakyoin: Hey Jocelyn. Your gonna eat that cherry from your ice cream?

Jocelyn: Hm?

Kakyoin: If not then hand it over already. Im starving for christ sake.

Kakyoin then takes the cherry off from Jocelyn's ice cream as he then suddenly...shoves her away...

Kakyoin: Uh-Oh! Better watch out Jocelyn!

Jocelyn then trips as she was about to fall off from the station as (YN) quickly grabs her hands and saving her and pulls her up...

Kakyoin: HaHaHa! Good one huh?! HaHaHa!

(YN): Good one?!??!!!! Nrgh! Okay you red cherry fuck! Just what the hell is going one with you?!

Kakyoin: Easy there (YN) old pal, I was just having a little fun, just playing with Jocelyn, right good old Jocelyn?

Kakyoin then puts the cherry on his mouth and then....this happens....

Kakyoin: Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero.

As Kakyoin was doing..... that....with the cherry...he drops it and picks it up and still does it...

(YN): Okay something is really up with him. Oi Jocelyn, what you-

(YN) then notices Jocelyn's eyes were not to be shown by the darkness of her hat covering them as she was looking really really pissed off...

(YN): ...Oh boy. Kakyoin you done fucked up.

The cable kart then came as Jocelyn says to Kakyoin...

Jocelyn: Hey Kakyoin. The cable kart arrive. Get in.

Kakyoin started to stare at Jocelyn as well as suddenly...he looked like he has gone...bigger???!

Jocelyn: Hey. The cable kart arrive. And I told you to get in. *clenches her fist* Here I got your ticket here. I'm going to knock your possesed ass. Right in that cable kart!

Kakyoin: Huh?!

Jocelyn rushes towards Kakyoin as she then strikes a powerful punch straight to his face as Kakyoin's face suddenly was splitting in half?!?!? And blood pouring out...

Jocelyn: What?!?

(YN): Holy shit! Jocelyn you shouldn't have hit him that hard...

Jocelyn: N-No. Its not that!

Kakyoin falls down inside the cable kart as he suddenly started to laugh, with that face almost ripped in half...

Kakyoin: You are a bit off. Posses isn't the word your looking for...Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rero Rerooooo...

Jocelyn: No! This isn't Kakyoin at all!

Fake Kakyoin: Congrats on not being that dumb Jocelyn. And I notice that you haven't realized that my body has been growing a few times. Now then, why don't the two of us...get a ride together!

The Fake Kakyoin then grabs on Jocelyn's shirt and pulls her inside the cable kart with the Fake Kakyoin...

Minor Girl: Jocelyn!

(YN): Oi you bastard! Get your hands off from her-

As (YN) goes running to stop the Fake Kakyoin, The fake Kakyoin quickly turns and punches (YN) straight to his face, casukng him to back up and trip as the cable kart then started to leave...

(YN): No! Damn it! I have to go save her! Anne listen to me! I want you to make a call to Mr.Joestar and tell him evrything thats going on, got it?!

Anne: O-Okay!

Anne then goes to the telephone to call Mr.Joestar about whats going on as (YN) goes in another cable kart and go after Jocelyn to save her...

(YN): Hold on Jocelyn, I'm coming for you!


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