Chp.17 Encountering Yellow Temperance Pt.2

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As Jocelyn qas stuck on the cable kart with a fake Kakyoin, the fake one said to Jocelyn...

Fake Kakyoin: As you can see Jocelyn, I can transform into any organic matter I consume. I am a stand that anyone can see and touch, I'm the Yellow Temperance of the Temperance card!

And this is my really handsome face! And I gotta say...

The stand user, Rubber Soul his name, started to get closer to Jocelyn...

Rubber Soul: I never thought you would look so cute. Oh and by the way, take a good look at your right hand. See that little bit of me? A little of it attached to your finger and it really doesn't wanna let go. Let me warn you. I advice you not to touch it with your other hand, or it will go to your other hand as well. It's a slow eater, the more it eats, the bigger it gets. If you wanna get it off from you, all you gotta do is surrender yourself and well...go out with me? Come now Jocelyn, I know you want me. I can tell. With my handsome face I have, you really want me.

Jocelyn: Tch. Screw you! *Summons Star Platinum* ORA!!!!

Rubber Soul: What do you mean Ora?! While I'll digest you, I'll be sure to stuff your mouth with your own shit!

Rubber Soul uses his Yellow Temperance on Star Platinum's hand, which causes Jocelyn's hand to burn as she notices a bit flames from her whole right arm...

Jocelyn: What the?! This burns!

Rubber Soul: Oh Jocelyn. If you would have surrender, this wouldn't happen and would have dated me, but you decided to attack me, which didn't work! HaHaHaHa!

Jocelyn: Y-You bastard! *This bastard trynna threat me or something, I need to do something before things get even worse! Hope (YN) gets help as well!*

Meanwhile, at the cable kart station, Anne was making a phone Calle as she reach out Joseph...

Josephine: Hello?

Anne: Hello!? Is this Jocelyn's Grandma!? It's me Anne!

Josephine: Anne!? What's going on? What happen??

Anne: I-It's Mr.Kakyoin...

Josephine: Kakyoin?! What about him?

Avdol: So it's true, so he is the traitor..

Anne: Mr.Kakyoin's face just split apart! And turned bigger! B-But the thing is...Mr.Kakyoin isn't actually Mr.Kakyoin...he seems like a fake one and Jocelyn is in the cable kart with him and (YN) is going after her to save her!

Josephine: Okay calm down Anne. Where are you?!

Anne: I'm at the cable kart station. Near the trade center! And Kakyoin was attacking Jocelyn! What should I do!?

Josephine: That bastard Kakyoin! Listen Anne, Come to the hotel room as fast as possible and-

Kakyoin: Did someone say my name?

Avdol and Josephine notice Kakyoin entering the room....

Avdol: Kakyoin?!

Josephine: Kakyoin! Where the hell have you been!?

Kakyoin: Jocelyn and (YN) left me behind so I decided to sunbath by the pool.

Avdol: With your school uniform on?

Kakyoin: Yes. Why not?

Josephine: ...Anne? You still there?

Anne: Yes I'm here!

Joseph: Listen. Everything's alright. We've found the real one here. Anne just be careful because the Kakyoin Jocelyn is with is no other than a fake..or probably a stand!

Anne: Okay!

Suddenly Anne realizes (YN) jumped on top of a cable cart and to another to catch up to save Jocelyn...(YN) started leaping from one kart to another and noticed a shirtless dude with yellow liquids all over his body getting out from the cable kart and going to another one as Jocelyn follows them, he quickly started leaping on top of the karts as he got to them, busting through inside the kart as he noticed Rubber Soul using his yellow liquid capturing Jocelyn....

(YN): Jocelyn!

Jocelyn: (Y-YN)!

Rubber Soul: Oh? And who the hell are you!?

(YN) Cut the crap! I'm guessing your the one who dressed up as Kakyoin!

Rubber Soul: oh my! Never you'd be that smart! Well, don't mind me. I'm just here to make Jocelyn my girlfriend, isn't it right Jocelyn, my sweetheart?

(YN): Nrgh! You bastard!

Jocelyn: (YN) No! Don't come near him-

(YN) then rushes to Rubber Soul as he tried to strike a punch to Him, but then again Rubber soul uses his Yellow Temperance to cover (YN) around his body and started squeezing him...

(YN): A-CK! What the!?! I can't...move!

Rubber Soul: Well of course not! And now that I have you captured! This may be a good timing to kill you!

Rubber Soul uses his Yellow Temperance to squeeze (YN) as (YN) started coughing and spatting our blood a lot as bone cracking can be heard from his body

Rubber Soul: HaHaHaHa! Those bone cracking of yours sound so satisfied! There's nothing you can do! Because I win! And once I do! I'm going to collect my reward from Dio for doing my job! HaHaHaHa!

Jocelyn: Hey, you bastard...

Rubber Soul: Huh?! What is is toots?

Jocelyn: You think you killed (YN) huh? Hehe, well take a good look of him and think again, dumbass.

Rubber Soul: Huh!? What are you-!!

Rubber Soul notices (YN) then waking up as he then grins to Rubber Soul and said to him...

(YN): Heh, well that made my back better.

Rubber Soul: Wh-What!?! How the hell are you still alive! I was squeezing you and your bones were just cracking!

(YN): For now, that doesn't matter. But what matters is that I'm going to kick you ass!

Rubber Soul: Ha! Think again you dumbass! Your captured by my yellow temperance! You can't escape my-m-my...

Rubber Soul then suddenly noticed that his Yellow Temperance started to feel like something was burning as his Yellow Temperance suddenly started to melt...

Rubber Soul: What the hell!?! My Yellow Temperance is melting!? But how!!

(YN): Take a closer look.

Rubber Soul notices a stand behind (YN), Ghost Rider...

Rubber Soul: Wh-What the hell is that!?!!

(YN): What your seeing is my stand, Ghost Rider. If you don't know, he's melting your Yellow Liquids.

Rubber Soul: B-But how!?! That's impossible!

(YN): Cut the shit already! I'm going to end this! Ok Jocelyn, you might want to cover your eyes for this, things are about to get really heat up.

Jocelyn: Gotcha.

Rubber Soul: What!?

Jocelyn then shuts her eyes down and looks away as (YN)'s stand, Ghost Rider's flames then started to rise more and more as Rubber Soul's yellow temperance started melting as Ghost Rider theme release amount of flames around the kart, causing it to explode as well as Rubber Soul, (YN), and Jocelyn then started to fall down straight to the ocean. As they did, Rubber Soul then emerge out from the ocean as he notices Jocelyn and (YN) begins him as well..

Jocelyn: You know what more annoying besides you?! That cocky mouth of yours! ORA!!

Jocelyn then punches Rubber Soul straight to his face so hard, he lost three tooth's, and a bloody nose with a mess up face...

Rubber Soul: No please stop it! I don't wanna fight anymore! My beautiful face! It's ruined! It's so messed up they have to wire my jaw up! Please spare me, D-Dio told me to do this. L-Look I didn't wanna risk my life to capture you all. Please just spare me and forgiveness please!

Jocelyn: Okay then. If you are sparring, then I want something from you. How about a talk?

Rubber Soul: A-Anything!

Jocelyn: The other stand users. I want every info you got with the other stand users.

Rubber Soul: B-But that's the only thing I can't say. I-I mean I do have some pride you know. But I can't say, okay?

(YN): Well *cracks knuckles* that's honorable.

Rubber Soul: No wait! I remember now! There are four of them, one is The Emperor, Death, The Hanged Man and Empress.

Jocelyn: Got it. And what about their powers?

Rubber Soul: I don't know-

(YN): *lifts his fist up*

Rubber Soul: No No I swear I don't know I'm serious! Don't you get it. Stand users don't show their powers. If they did, then they would have expose their weaknesses. But I do know something! Some witch told Dio about stands. And also, the witch has a son, which is one of the four stand users I just told you. His name is Centerfold. He's unmistakable because he has two right hands. His card name is the Hangman. And he's the one that killed Polnareff's little sister right?! I heard bit of rumors about his powers...I think a mirror. Apparently he uses a mirror, it's one of his stands power. I haven't actually seen it. But Polnareff has no chance of winning. He's dead meat.

Rubber Soul then notices something, he then comes up with a plan to able to win....he swims to the gap of the floor as he sits down on the floor and tells Jocelyn and (YN)...

Rubber Soul: Hehe, you know. I just noticed I still got some luck on my side hehe. Sucks to be you two!

He then reaches to a man hole and uses his yellow temperance to go in the manhole, Jocelyn and (YN) notices the pipe towards them was burst out as yellow temperance started to come after (YN) and Jocelyn...

Jocelyn: Yare Yare...(YN)?

(YN): On it.

(YN) Simmons Ghost Rider as Ghost Rider then opens its mouth and spat a flaming beam towards Yellow temperance, causing it to melt as Ghost Riders flames was going through the pipe to the manhole where Rubber soul is as the manhole then burst out with flames, causing Rubber So to fly up and fall back to the Ocean, he meet out from it as (YN) then grabs him by his hair...

Rubber Soul: *Chuckles nervously* I-I was only kidding you guys...I swear I was messing with y'all. Be cool, Be cool....

Rubber Soul notices the two of them starring at them, menacing...

Rubber Soul: two aren't gonna punch me right!? Look my nose is badly broken and my jaw needs to be wired up...*chuckles nervously*

(YN): Just shout the fuck up already. I'm tired of you already. Your way too pathetic...We're done wasting our breathe...Jocelyn, care to do the honors?

Jocelyn: With pleasure *summons Star Platinum*

As she summons Star Platinum and (YN) holding onto Rubber soul to his hair, Star Platinum started throwing barrage and ferocious punches towards his face as the last one sends him flying away to the oceans and drowns...

Jocelyn: ...that felt good.

(YN): I feel you. Come on, let's go back to the hotel.


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