Chp.20 Hol Horse and Centerfold/Avdol's Death?!

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The next day, it was about to be afternoon, 11:30 am as the crusaders then was in a hotel resting for a bit and well...knowing that Polnareff is not with them anymore...

Josephine: Hey what's wrong Avdol?

Avdol: I just can't stop worrying about Polnareff...what if he actually needs our help.

Josephine: Don't worry about it. Just let him. If he can handle it, then so be it.

Avdol: ...

Meanwhile, Jocelyn was heading over to the bathroom and notices someone inside taking a shower and was finished...she waits for the person on the bathroom as the person opens the door and soon to be (YN), hair wet and a towel covering his lower body and showing his upper body, Jocelyn blushes as he kept starring at (YN), she somehow started to feel a bit...different if her heart was beating slowly...and calmly...

(YN): Oh hey Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: H-Hey! I-I-I didn't know you were in there-

(YN): Oh don't mind me. I was done showering. We're you gonna use the bathroom?

Jocelyn: Y-Yeah..!

(YN): Oh well you can-

Jocelyn rushes to the bathroom and shuts the door and locks it...

(YN): Well..that was weird...oh well.

-Jocelyn POV-

C-Crap...There goes that feeling again! Just what the hell am I feeling!? ...and why do I always feel like this around (YN) !? It's not like me! ...tch. It doesn't's not like I like him or something...or do I? Pssh. Hell nah. That's stupid. Besides, we're just friends...nothing romantic between us...I just myself...Yare Yare...there.


As (YN) then was changing into his clothes, he then tells Josephine that he was gonna go and take a little walk and come back later for their plan to head to Egypt...and so (YN) heads out and takes a little walk and starts to have a a view at the city of India... as he does he then notice something...doesn't seem right...(YN) started to feel like he's been being followed and watched...but doesn't seem to see anyone who's been following he just ignores it and kept he does, he keeps on feeling like he is being followed still...

(YN): What the hell?! I've could have sworn I'm being followed...but I don't see anyone following me. So what the hell is going on!??

???: I believe I can help you with that, Son.

(YN) turns around as he notices a man with a cowboy hat and a cigarette on his mouth....

(YN): Who the hell are you?

???: Hol Horse is the name. Oh and also...I'm a stand user like you.

(YN): What?!

Hol Horse: Yeah, I'm a stand user, and my card is The Emperor. Nice to meet you, (YN).

(YN) Mind: The hell! How does he know my name!?? And he's one of the stand users Rubber Soul told us about...

Hol Horse: Now your probably wondering how do I even know you. Well it's simple son, I was hired and sent by lord Dio himself to get rid of you and the others. So I suggest you say your prayers son and-

(YN): Look here cowboy, If I were you I wouldn't do something stupid if I were you.

Hol Horse: Oh really? Cause to make sure, that my stand, The Emperor is stronger than yours. Lord Dio said that you have a quite rare stand, but didn't told me how it works, so I'm suggesting your stand will not be a competition against mines.

(YN): You know, I don't give a shit about what your stand is, I'm still going beat you with mines!

Hol Horse: Oh really? ...Well, so be it then!

Hol Horse then summon a gun from his hand as he pointed at (YN)...

(YN): I'm guessing that gun is his stand!

Hol Horse: You underestimated me (YN)! And now your gonna die!

Hol Horse then shot his gun as the bullet was coming straight to (YN), (YN) summoned his Ghost Rider as Ghost Rider blasted flames from his mouth, but as he does, (YN) notices the bullet then moving around...

(YN): What the?!

Hol Horse: As you can see the bullet is also my stand! You have underestimated me and just cost your life!

The bullet was coming straight to (YN) as he then dodged it as the bullet then goes straight to his hand, blood pouring out....

(YN): D-Damn it! You are so gonna pay for that!

Hol Horse: Oh don't worry. I'll shoot you without you moving I just need my friend to help me out.

(YN): What Friend-!!!!!

(YN) then suddenly notice that he was being grabbed from behind as he notice no one was behind him grabbing him...

(YN): What the fuck!?!? There's no one behind me and I'm being grabbed!?!

Hol Horse: Not quite. Take a good look on that puddle that your standing on.

(YN) then looks at the puddle below as he notices someone behind him and grabbing him...but isn't from out here...

(YN): What the!?

He then notices the person has two right hands...

(YN): This's Centerfold!

The person then brought a knife out as he then stands (YN) through his chest as he started spitting out blood...

Hol Horse: Now to finish you off!

Hol Horse then started shouting several bullets from his stand gun as the bullets we're going through (YN)'a body as he started spitting out more blood...after that, (YN) then collapse to the ground as he wasn't moving at all...

Hol Horse: *grins* one down, 5 more to go. Come on, Centerfold. We got business to continue.

Hol Horse then walks away as so as they did, people were walking to (YN)...

Man: I-Is he dead?!

Woman: Don't you see! He got shot several times! If we can hurry and call an ambulance for him, there's a slight chance he can-

Suddenly, (YN) started to groan as he started getting up, the people around him backed away and was shocked, as he got up, the wounds he got from the bullet we're starting to heal up as for the stab he got...

(YN): That bastard...

Man: S-Sir! Are you okay!?

(YN): Yeah I'm fine. Just forget about it *Crap. Those bastards are about to go and find the others! I have to warn them before they get to them!*

And So (YN) started heading over back to the others at the hotel to warn them about Hol Horse and Centerfold, minutes later as he arrive to the hotel, he notice Josephine, Jocelyn and Kakyoin coming out of the Hotel...

(YN): Ms.Joestar! Hey guys!

Josephine: (YN)! Glad you're here-

Jocelyn: The hell happen to you?! Your clothes are covered in holes.

(YN): I just came rushing to warn you all, there's another stand user here!

Josephine: What?!

Kakyoin: What do you mean (YN)?!

(YN): The one me and Jocelyn heard, the Emperor. He's working with the other stand user, Centerfold! His name is Hol Horse.

Josephine: Damn it. Now we gotta deal not one, but two enemies.

(YN): Wait where's Avdol!?

Josephine: He couldn't take it about worrying about Polnareff so he took off and went to look for him.

(YN): No! He's gonna get killed by Hol Horse and Centerfold!

Josephine: That's why we're going to find him before it's too late! Let's all split up and find him and Polnareff!

And so, Josephine, Jocelyn, (YN) and Kakyoin split up to go and look for Avdol and Polnareff.........It took each one of them minutes to find them and yet nothing, as for Kakyoin, he was worried about Avdol and Polnareff being in trouble until he heard someone shouting...

???: Hey! There's a weird fight going on over there!

Kakyoin: Mr.Avdol! Polnareff!

Kakyoin then goes rushing to where he heard about a weird fight was going on, as he arrive, he then sees Avdol and Polnareff, but suddenly, he notice Avdol looked terribly hurt as it looked like he was stabbed from behind, and yet, a bullet came straight towards him and hit his forehead....and then collapsed to the floor...

Kakyoin: Mr.Avdol!!!

Hol Horse: Well I'll be. Today must be our lucky day. My gun and Centerfold working together is always as good as I expected to be! With Avdol gone, the game is in the bag!

Kakyoin rushes to Avdol...

Kakyoin: Mr.Avdol!

He then notices blood coming out from his back as he was stabbed as well...

Kakyoin: H-He's just hurt that's all! It's just a minor wound. He will start speaking soon. H-He'll open his eyes any moment right Mr.Avdol! Please wake up! Mr.Avdol!

And was sad to know that Muhammad Avdol...was dead...Kakyoin places him back to the ground....

Kakyoin: I-It can't quick.

As for Polnareff, he then spits and kicks the dust and turns around as he says...

Polnareff: ...that what he gets for lecturing people. Look at him now.

Kakyoin: Wh-What the hell did you say Polnareff!?!! Mr.Avdol was worried about you!

Polnareff: I didn't even asked him my help! He was sure slow as hell, so they got him. Guys like him just get in the way and screw up! That's why I said I was going alone!

Kakyoin: You bastard! How dare you say that?! He wanted to save you and still cared for you!

As Kakyoin started to feel like knocking some senses to Polnareff for still disrespecting Avdol even though he died for him, he notices something from Polnareff, he heard him a bit sobbing as Polnareff then says...

Polnareff: I'm sick of this shit!

Kakyoin: Wh-What...

Polnareff: ...having people dying up for me.

Kakyoin: Polnareff...

Polnareff: I'm sick of it! You hear me!!!!!

Polnareff then shout to Hol Horse as he kept grinning...

Hol Horse: Well then, what are you gonna do about it, Pol Pol.

Polnareff: You piece of shit! I'm going to make you pay for what you did to Avdol-

Kakyoin: Polnareff wait! Don't fight alone! Remember what Mr.Avdol told you, don't fight alone! Please calm down, and slowly return towards me, look there's a truck we can escaped!

Polnareff started to calm himself down...

Polnareff: O-Okay

Until, Centerfold's stand showed up as Polnareff looked at the mirror to see him..

Polnareff: Y-YOU!!!!

Centerfold: Hey Polnareff! *laughs evily* It's your fault Avdol died you know...I think you owe him, your friend but the dust because of you...and don't be happy that you will see him again in the other world. And while your there, don't forget about your precious little sister. And boy, was she so very sweet. Once you reunite with your sister..:be sure to ask her how I exactly killed her!

Polnareff: RAAAAAAAGH! You fucking bastard!

Kakyoin: Polnareff don't! He's just trying to provoke you!

It was too late as Silver Chariot started striking his sword to the mirror as Polnareff notice that the pieces of glass, he can still see Centerfold as he then grabs him by the neck...

Polnareff: Wh-What?!

Centerfold: *Laughs evily* I'm in the mirror.Where your stand can't go. So close, yet so far! Hol Horse! Let's end this idiot!

Hol Horse: Ay Ay Sir!

As Hol Horse uses his Emperor stand gun and shot a bullet to Polnareff and Centerfold's stand, Hangman was ready to stab him, Kakyoin was there to save him...

Kakyoin: Emerald Splash!

With Heirophant Green's emerald splash, they pierce Polnareff and moved him out of the way to save he does, he manages to get on the truck and drive as he goes and saves Polnareff by grabbing his hand and getting him in the truck...

Hol Horse: Damn it! Kakyoin is it?! What a surprise!

But then again, his stand doesn't have the range to shoot down the truck....after that, he notices Centerfold's stand, the hangman not there anymore...

Hol Horse: Well I'll be. He went to chase after them. Heh, I guess Centerfold really wants to kill Polnareff.

Back with Polnareff and Kakyoin, Polnareff looked back at Avdol on the mirro as he started to feel real bad and says to Kakyoin...

Polnareff: I-I'm so sorry Kakyoin...

Kakyoin: ...

Polnareff : I-It's just that...I didn't cared if I die. So long as I could avenge my sister...but I understand now...I know Avdol was fighting for me...his sacrifice won't be forgotten...I'll fight to keep on living!

Kakyoin: sure you mean it, Polnareff?

Polnareff: ...Oui.

Suddenly, Kakyoin Elbows Polnareff straight time his face...

Kakyoin: That's all I'm giving you to proof that we've made up, Polnareff.

Polnareff: R-Right...Merci Kakyoin...

Kakyoin: When those bastards come at us again, We'll make sure we'll defeat them together!


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