Chp.21 Avdol is Alive

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As Kakyoin and Polnareff went down to go chase and find Centerfold in the meantime, back at the village, Many people started gathering around Avdol as Josephine, Jocelyn and (YN) then walked pass them as the three notice Avdol on the ground....dead...

Josephine: good friend...

Josephine got in one knee as she started to feel bad the fact she has lost an old friend of his...As for Jocelyn, she covered her eyes with her hat as a tear drop from one eye from hers, (YN) then wraps his arm around Jocelyn as she then notices as she then leans towards him as for (YN) was starting to feel bad for losing Avdol...

Josephine: ...It was fun knowing you my friend...never knew this would happen so quickly...

(YN): This has to be Hol Horse and Centerfold...those bastards got him...Ms.Joestar, I'm sorry for you losing a friend like Avdol...

Josephine:'s fine (YN)....listen, (YN). I want you to go and at least buy a shovel near a store here...we have to give Avdol a proper's not much, but it's the least we can do...

(YN): Right.

Jocelyn: Be careful..

(YN): Dont worry, I'll be careful.


As (YN), Jocelyn and Josephine were on a empty area at Calcutta India, Josephine has a shovel as she started digging to make a burial for Avdol as (YN) was holding she was this close to finish up, (YN) suddenly notices something, he notices while holding on Avdol, he felt a move from his hand...

(YN): Ms.Joestar Wait!

Josephine: Huh? What is is (YN)?

(YN) then lays Avdol down to the ground softly...

(YN): I think...I felt Avdol moving...

Josephine: What?!

Jocelyn: Hey now. Don't play with us-

(YN): I'm not! I really felt his hand moving, look!

The three then notice Avdol opening his eye really slowly as he then opens them...

Avdol: ...Wh-What happen...M-Mrs.Joestar? Jocelyn?? (YN)??

Josephine: Avdol! Your alive!

Josephine kneels down as he was happy to see Avdol alive...

Josephine: It's amazing that your alive! B-But how?!

Jocelyn: Unless...

Jocelyn then takes off the white sleeve from his forehead as they all notice that a slightly wound was on his forehead...

Josephine: There. The bullet didn't went through his body after all, it just cut part of his skin, but why did it suddenly knocked him out?

(YN): I'm guessing Hol Horse's bullet must've have not only go right through his head, but it somehow cut through his skin and damaging his head and losing conscious...

Avdol: W-Wait...where's Polnareff?! I must-

Josephine: Easy there Avdol. Don't worry about him, he's with Kakyoin I'm guessing, but as for you, we have to take you to a doctor to check on that wound on your forehead...


As minutes pass by as Jocelyn, (YN) and Josephine took to Avdol to a medical building to check on the wound, he is fully recovered from it and is able to be free...the four got out from the building...

Josephine: How your feeling my friend?

Avdol: I'm feeling good, thanks for asking.

Jocelyn: Good to see your alive and wealthy Avdol.

(YN): Same here Mr.Avdol.

Avdol: Thank you two. But Mrs.Joestar, shouldn't we go and find Polnareff and Kakyoin? They must be having trouble dealing with the enemies...

Josephine: Yes we should. But as for you Avdol, I have  a huge task for you.

Avdol: What is it Mrs.Joestar??

Mr.Joestar then pulls out a map...

Josephine: Alright here's what you gotta do for me...

Josephine then explains his plan to (YN), Jocelyn, and Avdol...his plan was to send Avdol to an Island, but before he does, Josephine asks Avdol that he has to dress up as a rich businessman and give him a check of money to afford a submarine in order to reach to Egypt on time, that is the only way they can get there faster if they follow the the plan is settled, Avdol then was set off to another city to afford a submarine and then arrive to an island where they all can meet up once the plan the meantime, Josephine, Jocelyn and (YN) then started looking for Kakyoin and Polnareff...

Josephine: Now remember you two, we have to act like we know about death of Avdol, Polnareff will not know until sooner or later...

Jocelyn: What about Kakyoin?

Josephine: We'll tell him away from Polnareff, he doesn't have to know and this plan needs go as it is told. Besides he has a big mouth, and if he even tries to say anything, then any enemy we encounter next will just go after him...

Jocelyn: ...okay then.

(YN): Sounds good to me.

As they walk, they then heard....

Polnareff: Hey! Get back here you bastard!

Josephine: Hey that's Polnareff that I heard.

The three run to go see as they notice a man with a cowboy hat running away from them...

Jocelyn: Who the hell is that ?

(YN): That's Hol Horse. The stand user enemy that was with Centerfold...that bastard!

Josephine: He's coming this way! 

(YN): Stand back, I got this.

As Hol Horse then gives a left turn, (YN) quickly swings a punch straight to Hol Horse's face as he falls to the ground...

Hol Horse: Wh-What the?!? You!?! B-But H-How are you alive?!!! We killed you!

(YN): Think again...

Josephine Jocelyn and (YN) then heard Polnareff and Kakyoin coming this way...

Joseph: Remember our plan you two.

Jocelyn/(YN): *nods*

Then, Kakyoin and Polnareff then showed up...

Kakyoin: Ms.Joestar! Jocelyn! (YN)!

Josephine: ...We already know about Avdol. What a tragedy. We didn't have time to do much for him, but we have him a proper funeral.

Kakyoin and Polnareff stood quiet as them, Josephine, Jocelyn and (YN) turn their focus on Hol Horse ...

Kakyoin: The stabbing that Avdol got was from Centerfold, but his cause of his death was Hol Horse's bullet...what should we do with him?

Polnareff: I'll give him a sentence...

Polnareff summons Silver Chariot...

Polnareff: Death!

As Polnareff was about to strike Hol Horse with Silver Chariot, a young lady suddenly then tackled Polnareff down...

Polnareff: What the-

Young Lady: Please Hol Horse! Go and run! I don't know what's going on but I will always protect you no matter what!

Polnareff: H-Hey get off!

Young Lady: You are my everything darling! Please hurry and run!

Polnareff: Let go of me you stupid bitch! H-Hey (YN), Kakyoin! Don't let Hol Horse get away!

(YN): ...Too late buddy.

Polnareff: Huh?

Hol Horse was able to get up and get on a horse as he tells the young lady...

Hol Horse: Well said my little sweetheart! I'll gladly accept your feelings and keep on living!  Remember, I'm only running away because I love you baby! Forever and ever!

Polnareff: H-Hey! Get back here you bastard!

Polnareff gets up on his feet as the Young Lady was still holding him on his feet, dragging her to the floor as she then gets a scratch from her elbow...and so...Hol Horse got away...

Polnareff: Damn it lady! Why did you do that?! You don't understand what you-

Josephine: Hold it Polnareff. That lady is one of Hol Horse's victims. And he has no longer have any intentions of us, neither do we...

Josephine then wraps the young lady's scratch with a white napkin...

Josephine: Avdol is gone...We only left from Japan 15 days and we don't have time to waste.

Polnareff: ...Damn....Well, I guess it can't be helped then...very well then, we continue our journey to Egypt. In order to defeat Dio, we must fight as one. We can't go off on our own, or we will be played bolt the enemies hand...come on let's get a move on.

Suddenly, Polnareff looks back at he young lady as he tells her...

Polnareff: Say, why not you come along with us.

Young Lady: ...O-Okay.

The young Lady then gets up as she walks over to Polnareff as they all go and head over to their next destination...Varanasi, Calcutta.


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