Chp.22 Josephine Encounters The Empress

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The crusaders, alongside with the young lady from before, Nena, who Polnareff is trying to flirt at her, were all in a bus as they were heading over to the next stop, the city of Varanasi...but before they even arrive to the next stop, there was something going on with Josephine ...she has this bug bite on her right arm as it got a bit swollen and a lot worse...and so, they arrive to their destination, they all got off as Josephine looks back at her arm as the bite got more and more worse...

Jocelyn: What's the matter old hag? You don't look good...

Josephine: Meh. This bug bite is getting more and more infected and swollen. Might go to the Clinic and check on it.

Polnareff: Say, why does it look like a persons face?

Josephine: Stop kidding around Polnareff that's creepy!

Polnareff: HaHa! I'm only messing around. Want me to go with ya?

Josephine: No! And stop treating me like an old lady.

Josephine then walks away to head over to the clinic, as she does...Nena then started to look really....weird and suspicious as she kept starring at Josephine and her right arm. Minutes later, Joseph arrives to the Clinic as she goes sees a doctor, she was in a room with a doctor as the doctor checks on the bug bite. He then tells Josephine ...

Doctor: Don't you worry, I will cut it off.

Josephine: Say what now?!

Doctor: Don't worry. I'll cut it off carefully, If I don't then it will get worse and might cause problems with your arm.

Josephine: Hey now. Isn't their anything other than cutting it off, like giving me a medicine so it can ware off??

Doctor: Don't worry my friend. We'll numb on the areas. Now please lay down.

Josephine then lays down on the bed as the Doctor puts on a mask and has a cutting knife...

Doctor: Alrighty then. Let's see.

Josephine: Come on now! Make it quick!

Doctor: Don't worry. It will.

Josephine then looks away as she avoids not to faint or anything by getting the bug bite cut off...she heard some slices and cutting....

Josephine : H-Hey, are you done yet??

But as Josephine takes a little peek, she suddenly notices that the Doctor was cut all over from his face and blood pouring out and collapsed to the floor...

Josephine: What the hell!?! How did that happen?!

She then heard a squeaky voice...

???: Hey Doctor! Trying to cut me off?! You are so stupid you know that!

Josephine: Wh-Who said that?! Who is it?! ...U-Unless-

She checks the bug bite as he notice that the bug bite shown a face like a real person...talking....

Josephine: What the !?! The hell is that?!

Empress: I am the Empress of the Empress Card! And now I'm going to kill you so badly!

Josephine: How the hell did you got on my arm!?!

Josephine grabs the scalpel as she tries cutting the Empress face down, but the Empress somehow grow teeth as it grabs the scalpel and takes it away from Josephine and uses the scalpel and then cuts Josephine's prosthetic pinky...

Josephine: OOOH NOOOOOOOO!!!!! ....I least it wasn't my other hand...

Empress: Think you can cut me?! No way! I'm part of your body, Old hag Josephine! You can't get away from me honey! And your probably thinking "How the hell can I get rid of me" well guess what?! You can't! Not even your Hermit Purple can get rid of me!

Josephine: Why you-!

Suddenly, a nurse comes in the room...

Nurse: Doctor, here's the equipment you-

And notices the Doctor dead...on the ground...while Josephine stood quiet...

Nurse: Doctor!

Josephine: No wait! Don't get it wrong I-

Empress: I did it! The names Josephine Joestar, an American, staying at Hotel Clarks!

Josephine: What?!?

Nurse: Murderer!

Josephine: No wait!

The nurse runs off to call the police...

Josephine: ...oh nooo...


Minutes later, police arrive to the clinic as Josephine was lucky enough to get out of there and hide at the alleys...

Empress: HaHaHa! Now you can't go to the hotel! I can kill you here anytime I want!

Josephine: You little piece of shit! I'm tired of hearing that annoying voice of yours! Take this!

Josephine swings her right arm to crush the Empress face, but suddenly the Empress grew two arms as it avoids from being crush..

Josephine: The hell?! You grew arms!?

Empress: Don't you get it! I'm your body! And now try to avoid this...Hey Officers! The murderer is over here!

Josephine: What?!

Josephine tries to run away but with the Empress now with two arms, it's holding on a bar and not letting Josephine run away as An officer then came to the alley as he spotted Joseph...

Officer: Josephine Joestar! You are under arrest for murder! Surrender yourself!

The officer pulls out a gun and points it at Josephine ...

Josephine: Nrgh! Hermit Purple!

Josephine summons Hermit Purple as the vines then started squishing Empress and let's go as the Officer shoots the gun as Josephine, Dodges it and runs off, Covering Empress with a small blanket and arrives back out at the streets...she continues running passing through stores as he heard munching and crunching coming from the she does, he notices and apple, then lettuce, banana, marked with bites on them..

Josephine: The hell are you doing!?!

Empress: I'm eating! The more I eat, the bigger I get!

Josephine: Why you-

As she takes off the blanket, the empress grew bigger as it now has half a body on Joseph's arm as it then strikes a punch towards Joseph's face...

Empress: Look how big I got!

Josephine: Y-You disgusting bitch! I'll teach you a lesson-

The Empress then bites Josephine's arm...

Josephine: OH NOO!!! Crap!

The Empress lets go as she then gets into a fighting possession...

Empress: Now that I've grown enough, I can totally reach to you and beat you up badly so I can end your pathetic life! Now Die!!!

The Empress then strikes a powerful punch to Josephine as she then blocks the punch with his Prosthetic hand, Empress started throwing barrage punches towards Josephine's Prosthetic hand as The Empress then started reaching to his face and started punching it as the last one cause Josephine to collapse and crash towards a table, and causing the case full with ashes break as the ashes were spreading everywhere....Josephine gets up as she starts running off again...meanwhile, Nena and Polnareff where in an alley as Nena then notices Josephine coming towards them, Nena quickly walks to Polnareff, gets close to him and tells him...

Nena: Polnareff, your right. I do need a wealthy and nice man, someone like you.

Polnareff: R-Really??

Nena: Yea. Polnareff, I know it's all going fast, but I'm starting to have more feelings for you more than Hol Horse, I love you Polnareff.

Polnareff Mind: Oh man! Today is my lucky day! Lucky me!

Josephine then passes by through them without him noticing, she then arrives in one alley as Empress tells him...

Empress: Josephine you idiot! You know your just running farther and farther away from your friends, you won't be able to call help from them!

Josephine: That's not what I'm doing!

Empress: Huh?

Jospehine: As you can see that as of right now, I'm going to end you for good! So say your last words! Have a nice dunk!

Josephine runs up to a barrel of black liquid as he dunks her whole right arm alongside with Empress to the black she does, the Empress then emerge out from the liquid as she somehow has a nail and stabbed Josephine on the neck barely...

Empress: You old bitch! Did you think you can just suffocate me and think you killed me?! Oh Josephine! Don't you understand you hag! A stand can defeat another stand! And you aren't a stand! Now stay still and I will-I-I will...

Suddenly, the black liquid started to dry up and feel solid as the liquid that the Empress is covered up can't move a single body...

Empress: I-I can't move!

Josephine: HaHa! As I expected to work!

Empress: Th-This is...coal tar?!!? B-But how?! How in the hell did you know there was coal tar here?!

Jospehine: *chuckles* with my stand power, Hermit Purple told me everything. Those ashes that I accidentally destroyed and were lay there on the ground, I manage to use Hermit purple to form a map with those ashes to find the coal tar and here it is!

Empress: What?! That's how you found it?! A map out of ashes!

Josephine: Yeah! Now I think you should be able to see the difference between our fighting experience. Once your opponent starts to boast about his victory, is already lost. And that how it works on my wild days, and that's how the OG Josephine Joestar does things. I guess I get better with age. And now...

Josephine uses hermit purple to wrap around Empress as she gets ready to rip him into pieces...

Joseph: Heres an example of how the OG Joseph Joestar really finishes his business: The next line you will be "Please Stop it! I beg you! TOYU!

Empress: Please stop it! I beg you-WH-WHAT!?!?!!

Josephine: *Winks and chuckles* this will hurt me more than you. See ya!

Joseph uses her Hermit Purple to strangle Empress by using a pole with force as the Empress rips into pieces and is no longer on Joseph's arm...

Josephine: Now then...where could the user be?

Meanwhile, at another alley with Nena and Polnareff...

Polnareff: So Nena darling, shall we seal our new love, with a sweet kiss?

As Polnareff gets closer to Nena and is ready to kiss her, he notice her acting weird as she started vomiting all over as he backs away...

Polnareff: What the fuck!?!! It's so gross! Nena what's wrong?!?

Nena kept vomiting as suddenly, her body started to rip in half as an old fat lady then busts out from her body and collapsed to the floor...

Polnareff: W-Wait what?!?

Josephine: So, she was the user all along.

Polnareff: B-But But But...

Josephine: She was an ugly old bitch who attached her stand to me as a tumor with a human face, and camouflage herself as a beautiful lady. And Polnareff, you were too careless, she was playing you all day like a fiddle.

Polnareff: B-But what?! Huh?! ...awww man....


As hours pass by, it was close to midnight as Jocelyn, Kakyoin, (YN) and Polnareff we're outside near a river waiting for Josephine to arrive

Kakyoin: And here I thought we were finally gonna rest easy...

Jocelyn: If only the old hag hadn't screwed up, she wouldn't be hiding from the cops. And (YN)...

Suddenly (YN) was dying from laughter...

Jocelyn: When are you gonna stop laughing??

(YN): HaHaHaHa I-I-I can't stop *wheezes* I cant believe Polnareff was gonna kiss...a fat old lady *wheeze*

Kakyoin: Hmm. It sure kinda funny.

Jocelyn: I'll say.

Polnareff: ...shut up...

Josephine: Alright. I've already taken care of things. We'll take this car. Polnareff, you'll do the driving.

Polnareff: ....

Josephine: What? Don't tell me your still in shock? I was the one who was attacked by the stand.

Polnareff: Sure...but I think I would have gone through that..

The crusaders then got in the car as Josephine got shotgun, Kakyoin got a window, (YN) in the middle and Jocelyn beside...but Jocelyn felt a bit squished...

(YN): Need a bit of space?

Jocelyn: Yeah.

(YN): Here. Let me just...

(YN) then moves more space for Jocelyn, but as he does, Jocelyn somehow accidentally sat on top of his lap as they both stared at each other, blushed and looked away...

Jocelyn Mind: This is so freaking embarrassing...

(YN) Mind: I hope this doesn't turn out to be more awkward...

And so Polnareff starts the car as they all go off to their next destination...Pakistan. But as. They set the road with a pair of wheels...a red car suddenly turns on as it somehow started following them...


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