Chp.23 Encountering Wheel Of Fortune

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With a new set of Wheels, Jocelyn and the others head over to North Varanasi and heading over to their next destination; Pakistan.

Kakyoin: Soon we're about to hit the boarder of India Pakistani Border. Guess this is goodbye to India.

Josephine: You know I was starting to have mixed feelings at India, but then again I started to love the aura of Calcutta...

Polnareff: ...I'll be coming back some of these days, and I'll be giving Avdol a proper burial myself.

Everyone stood quiet as they gave a moment of silence the fact they have lost a friend, Avdol...

Polnareff: Anyways, the road is getting narrower.

Suddenly, a red vehicle was then shown in the front as it somehow was driving slow and was kicking dust towards Polnareff and then...

Polnareff: Damn bastard! Why the hell are you driving slow?! Out of the way!

Polnareff then was luckily enough to get pass through the red vehicle as he started becoming a bit reckless...

Kakyoin: WOW easy there Polnareff, your being reckless.

Polnareff: Hehe! This four wheel vehicle feels good to drive!

Josephine: You know, that crazy driving of yours might have fung some pebbles to the car.

Polnareff: Who cares. It's his fault he or she is driving to slow.

Josephine: What I'm saying is that since I'm wanted back at Varanasi of the incident that happened for me to get blame, we should be more careful out here and not cause more trouble.

Jocelyn: Just listen to what the old hag saying Polnareff. Besides, even your reckless driving might cause (YN) to wake up from his nap. And you know what happens when you try waking up from his nap.

Polnareff: ..alright alright. I'll drive safe...for now.

As they move on, Jocelyn was still sitting on top of (YN)'s lap as she then starts to stare at him, she stares at him for a while napping, she then blushes a little as she says in her mind...

Jocelyn Mind: He peaceful when he's sleeping/napping...heh kinda cute-wait the fuck am I saying?? *sighs* Yare Yare...there's that feeling again...why is it everytime I stare or even friendly chat with (YN) I get this...emotion feeling in my damn's not like I-

Suddenly, Polnareff suddenly pressed the brakes real hard as he stopped the car, causing everyone for Jocelyn collapse on the seat, she then notice (YN) on top of her, not just on top of her, but his face placed towards her breasts as she blushed really hard, (YN) then was waking up as he sees Jocelyn blushing...

(YN): oh hey Jocelyn...what's going-

As he then tried getting up, he then noticing something that he felt on his hand, his hand press towards on Jocelyns boobs as Jocelyn blush even more hard...

(YN): Oh shit! I didn't mean to I'm sorry honestly I-

Jocelyn quickly gets up, still blushing as she then hits (YN) on the head...

(YN); OwOwOwOw!! I said I was sorry!

Jocelyn: Sh-Shut up the hell up You!

Josephine: Hey what's going on back there!?

Jocelyn: N-Nothing old hag!

Kakyoin: And Polnareff, why did you stop?! Didn't Mr.Joestar told you driving recklessly may cause and accident!

Polnareff: I-I know it's just...look it's that red car again!

Suddenly, they all notice the red car appeared in from of them...knowing that Polnareff pass through him a while ago not too long...

Kakyoin: That's weird. How did it got in front of us if we passed through it??

Josephine: Guess he found a short cut somehow?

The red car then turns on and leaves...

Polnareff: It's leaving?

Kakyoin: Whatever. Just keep driving Polnareff.

Polnareff then continues to drive until suddenly, a big truck came out of no where as it was about to run over them...

Polnareff: The fuck?! Where did it come from?!

Kakyoin: No use hold on!

As the truck was inches to hit them, both Jocelyn and (YN) summoned their stands to stop the truck by getting hit as both of their stands strike a powerful punch towards the truck, causing it to flip over...

Polnareff: Phew. That was a close one. If it wasn't for Star Platinum and Ghost Rider, we would have gotten way more injured and run over.

Josephine: That is weird. Where did that truck come from though?!

Kakyoin: Not only that, that red car knew the truck was gonna hit us and yet he kept driving and didn't bother to give us a warning about it.

Jocelyn: Or maybe...either that red car must be one of the stand users...

(YN): Or the truck driver was just some random asshole....

Polnareff: Of course he one of Dio's lackeys. That truck driver almost ran us over.

(YN): Lets find out then.

(YN) then gets out from the vehicle as he goes walking towards the destroyed truck, as he does he then opens the door as he one was there...

Jocelyn: Hey (YN), what you got??

(YN) then walks back to the others...

Joseph: Well?

(YN): ...No ones inside the truck.

Josephine: What?!

Kakyoin: But how?! ..Unless-

Polnareff: Jocelyn might be right. That red car must be a stand user!

Josephine: Now hold on a sec how can we be sure it's the red car that can be the stand user?! I mean it can't possibly just summon that truck!

Jocelyn: Who knows, but what we know is that he may be one.

Polnareff: Well then. Get on back (YN) let's go and find this friend of ours in that red car!

(YN) then goes back in the vehicle as they off on the they did, they then made a stop for a while to find themselves a little store out here. They all got off as they go and notice men sitting at some tables, they all went inside the store as Josephine notices a man squeezing some leaves at the cup...

Josephine: Say, what is that?

Owner: Fresh Sugarcane juice. Care for a glass?

Josephine: Sure. You guys want some?

Everyone nod, saying yes as the owne then took out four 5 glass of cups and pouring the sugarcane juice on each of them

Owner: Here y'all go. It's on the house.

Josephine: Thanks.

The gang then took a drink of the sugar crane juice....

Kakyoin: Oh...this is-

Polnareff: Deliciously good! Oh man now that's some good stuff!

Jocelyn: I'll say...

As they all finished drinking, Joseph's then notice something looking at the glass cup, a reflection showing the red car parked right beside their vehicle...

Polnareff: It's that red car!

Everyone rush to the red car as they notice no one was inside the car, but what they do know is that there's men sitting at the table...and one of them, might be the person driving this red car...

Josephine: Hey you! Who's the owner of that red car over there!

Owner: Red car? Excuse me sir, but to be truthfully with you, I have no idea it was there. I never seen it coming by here as well. Not to mention the owner didn't even got out from the car.

Kakyoin: The driver can't just be that dumb and announce himself.

Polnareff: He's messing with us!

Joseph: Yeah, and I guess this means one option, right Jocelyn??

Jocelyn: Yeah. Those poor innocent looking bastards outside....I say we should beat the crap out of them!

(YN): You read my mind.

The crusaders then rush outside as they all tackled down the men sitting down...

Kakyoin: Wait You guys! This won't give us answers!

Polnareff: Hey you! That's some weird ass hair cut you got there! Is that your red car?!

Male Person: Huh?! Not me!

Suddenly, they all heard the red car being turn on as the person's arm was out on the window as it then drives away...

Polnareff: What?! That bastard got away!

Josephine: Quick after him!

Everyone rushes towards the vehicle as Polnareff starts the car and drives away to chase after the red car...while on the road, they were lucky enough to catch up to the red car...

Polnareff: Damn. For a piece of shitty car like that, it can really get up and go.

The red car then gives a left turn and so as the others trying to catch up on the red car...

Kakyoin: Strange...the road we're going should be parallel towards some train tracks.

Polnareff: Who cares? We'll catch up anyways.

Suddenly, the red car goes to a curve as Polnareff as well, but as he gets out from the curve, there was a dead end?!

Polnareff: A dead end?!!!

Polnareff quickly pressed the brakes as the car stopped to the edge of the cliff, dead end...

Josephine: Where the hell he go?!

Polnareff: I-Impossible! He can't just disappear after the curve!

Kakyoin: and it's not possible for him to drive through that suspension bridge.

Suddenly, the red car appears behind them as it then started pushing them alongside with the vehicle....

Josephine: Hey! It's him! He's pushing us!

Kakyoin: How the hell did he got behind us?!

Polnareff tried to stop the red car from being pushed off from the cliff...

Polnareff: How the hell can a shitty car like that have this kind of horse power?! It's like fighting a tank! D-Damn it! It's no use! We have to get out now!

Kakyoin: No Polnareff! Your not supposed to leave until we are all clear to leave first and In fact, your not suppose to release the brakes!

Polnareff: .....Oops.

And so, the red car manages the push off the crusaders with the vehicle off the cliff as they started it does, (YN) summons his Ghost Rider as Ghost Rider flies off to the red car as it summons chains and started tying up the cars winches, and connected to the other as they stop falling...

Josephine: Good thinking (YN)!

Jocelyn: Heh not bad (YN), but answer me this...are you a fan of sumo?!

Jocelyn summons Star Platinum as Star Platinum then started pulling down the chain and pulling down the red car as well, causing their vehicle to fly up and land safely back on the cliff as Star Platinum strikes a powerful punch to the red car as it caused the car to fall down...

(YN): Hehe...well I'm a bit fan of it...

Kakyoin: Tell me about it...

Everyone got out from the vehicle as they went to the cliff to see the red car destroyed...

Josephine: Well, I didn't see anything that looked like a stand attack, I think it's right to say that person was just a psycho.

Polnareff: I'll say, what comes around, goes around.

Kakyoin: But I'm still quite not understanding, how did he get behind us? Strange...

Suddenly, they heard the radio from their vehicle talking saying...

???: Actually Kakyoin, it's not strange at all.

Polnareff: What the?! It came from the radio!

???: I was able to do that cause that's part of my stand, Joestar!

Josephine: What!? He knows my last name, so that means he's the stand user enemy, working for Dio!

Kakyoin: But where is he?! Could he be really sending a signal from the car down there?!

Polnareff: No way! Do you see the destruction down there?!

Jocelyn: ...Unless. His red car is possible his stand. Remember the boat stand?

???: Correct Jocelyn! The Names Zz As you can see that my stand is called The Wheel Of Fortune!

Josephine: Wheel Of Fortune?!

Suddenly, the ground started to shake...

Kakyoin: What the?! An earthquake?!

Josephine: Everyone stay calm and get in the car-

Jocelyn: No stay back old man! Don't get near it!

Polnareff: No way! Couldn't be!

Kakyoin: Unless-

(YN): Below us! Everyone take cover!

The red car that fell off from the cliff suddenly merge our from the ground, crashing through the crusaders vehicle ending up destroying it as everyone fall down to the ground...

Polnareff: Impossible! That thing just emerge out from the ground! Okay I have to admit it! This whole care is the stand!

Kakyoin: And looks like the stand user is inside the car..

Suddenly the red car, Wheel Of Fortune, started to repair itself...

Kakyoin: No what?!

Joseph: It's like that things alive!

The stand user then drives Wheel Of Fortune towards the crusaders as for Jocelyn she then step up to take down Wheel Of Fortune...

Jocelyn: Heh. Let's see who's stand is stronger!

Josephine: Jocelyn don't! We don't know what his powers are!

Wheel Of Fortune then suddenly shot something at Jocelyn as she then got shot as three wholes appeared from her body, blood pouring out...

Jocelyn: What the?! What did he shot me?! Couldn't see anything!

Zz: HaHaHaHaHa!!! You'll soon find out!

Wheel Of Fortune again shot something as this time (YN), Polnareff and Kakyoin five to save Jocelyn and all of them took the shot from Wheel Of Fortune...

Polnareff: Damn! What the hell is this?! The wounds are deep but they sting like hell!

Kakyoin: The car shot at us and yet we didn't see what it shot?! What the hell did he shot?!?!

(YN) then started to regenerate his body...

(YN): This bastard really pissing me off.

Zz: HaHaHaHaHa!!! And soon I'm going to destroy your legs, and run you over!

Joseph: Everyone run between the boulders! We'll figure out about his power once we get away from him!

The gang started running away between the boulders as they got to the other side...

Polnareff: Now what?!

Josephine: We have to figure out what his stand powers is!

(YN): *sniffs 3x* hey why do I smell gas? ...why do y'all smell like gas?

Kakyoin: Come to think of it, I'm starting to smell gas as well.

Polnareff: *sniffs* n-no way! It's coming from us! Our bodies smell like gas!

Zz: HaHaHaHa!!!

Suddenly, Wheel Of Fortune jump over between the boulders that they were running too and landed on the ground...

Zz: I see you guys figured it out! Don't you just love the smell of the gas!

Kakyoin: I see now! The bastard was shooting us small amounts of gas with such high speed like bullets! Incredible!

Polnareff: Bullshit! How!?!

Wheel Of Fortune continues shooting small amounts of gasoline towards Jocelyn as she was starting to get hurt real bad...

(YN): Jocelyn!!! You motherfucker!!

Josephine: (YN) wait!

Zz: You! I thought I shot you with some as well! Well don't matter! Take some as well!!!

Wheel Of Fortune started shooting a lot of small amounts of gas towards (YN) as several wounds appeared to (YN)'s body as he started spitting out blood a lot...

Jocelyn: (Y-YN)! No!

Zz: Now all you need is a little of jolt!

The stand user then takes out a lighter, turns it on and tosses it while it's in towards (YN) as his body started to cover in flames as he somehow started to scream in pain

Zz: HaHaHaHa!!! Yes Yes Yes!!! Burn alive! You will be biting your final dust!

But as (YN) continues to be burned alive, he then stopped moving as he stood still and then smirks as he then asks Jocelyn...

(YN): Oi Jocelyn. Mind helping me out here?

Jocelyn: Heh. With pleasure.

Jocelyn summons her Star Platinum as Star Platinum inhales deeply and let's out a huge amount of wind blowing out from its mouth as the wind takes off the flames from (YN)'s body. After the flames were gone, (YN)'s skin was all burned up, but then again, his skin was regenerating back as so as his hair growing back...

(YN): Much better.

Zz: Wh-Wh-What?!?! How the hell are you alive?! You were burning to death!

(YN): That's not important. But what's important is that Your finished!

Jocelyn: Hey, mind joining you?

(YN): As you may.

Both Jocelyn and (YN)'s stands then rush towards Zz's Wheel Of Fortune car and started throwing rapid barrage punches towards it as Zz was getting crushed and finally burst out from his car and flying crashing towards a boulder...

(YN): That's quiet the punches your stand got.

Jocelyn: Yeah. *blushes a little*

Zz then gets up as he reveals himself as a very weird looking dude...

Kakyoin: What a odd guy. His arms look like boulders, but the rest look very small. Y'all about bluff.

Zz was trying to crawl away until he ran up to Polnareff...


Polnareff: Bonjour.

Zz: P-Please forgive me! I only did it for the money! Honest!

Suddenly, his Wheel Of Fortune vehicle started to change as it turns out to be nothing but an old junk busted car, and still works...

Josephine: Well now, he isn't the only odd one.

Kakyoin: So what should we do about him?

(YN): *smirks* leave it to me.


(YN) then finished up tying Zz onto a boulder and writing a sign beside him that says " I'm a Priest in training, Please do not disturb my ascetic exercises by undoing my restraints"

Josephine: Well then, let's take his car since he busted ours to be even.

Kakyoin: Looks busted. Hopefully it can last long to our destination.

Polnareff: Yes Yes But it's rather to be small as well. We all can't even fit and only the four of us can get in. How are we going to do it??

(YN) then starts to look around as he notice that there's a busted motorcycle somehow here all busted as he walks over to it...

(YN): Dont you worry guys. Our problem is solved.

Josephine: Uhhh (YN). That motorcycle is busted and yet we don't have time to fix it and we will lose time to get to Egypt.

(YN): Oh don't worry Mr.Joestar. This will take seconds to get this baby to work.

Joseph: Huh??

(YN): Observe.

(YN) then summons Ghost Rider as Ghost Rider started walking towards the busted motorcycle, he stand it up as he places both of his arms as he suddenly started to slams up and he does, the motorcycle suddenly and somehow started to change as the wheels were now flaming wheels, the whole body of the motorcycle started to rebuild itself brand new as the front of it had a huge monster skull...and so, the busted motorcycle was now rebuild and brand new looking as it was now...The Hell Cycle.

Polnareff: Woah! Awesome!!

Kakyoin: Impressive!!

Josephine: Holy Shiit! How did you do that?!

(YN): My stand also has this ability to bring back living objects that don't work or that are busted. Sorry I didn't mention it before you know.

Jocelyn: *chuckles* show off.

(YN) chuckles as well and also he blushes a little...

Josephine: Well now, let's get going.

Polnareff was going to drive as Joseph, Jocelyn and Kakyoin got on the car as for (YN) got on his Hell Cycle as they all aboard to their next destination: Pakistan.


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