Chp.24 Enyaba's Justice Pt.1

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With a pair of another new wheels and (YN)'s own wheels, The Hell Cycle, the crusaders go off to their next destination, Pakistan. But before they get there, they made a quick stop at a thrift shop for a pair of new clothes for (YN) and they do, luckily for Jocelyn she found a school uniform that looks exactly the one she has, bran new and full wool, she then waits for (YN) at the dressing room as he finishes up putting on some new clothes of his, a red shirt, black pants and some black shoes as well, Jocelyn blushes a bit as she thinks he looks good on him with those clothes. After that, they paid for their clothes and continue their road to Pakistan. Minutes go by as the crusaders were driving on a road with thin fog....

Josephine: Gotta say Jocelyn, never thought you found yourself a Japanese school uniform exactly like how it should be.

Jocelyn: It's 100% wool.

Kakyoin: Say Polnareff, you sure it's safe for you to drive right now? The fog in this area is quite getting thick.

Polnareff: Yeah, but I can handle it. Since a there's a street drop to one side and no guard rail anywhere.

Josephine: Hmm. The fog over there is more thicker. Not even 3'o clock yet..

Jocelyn: Say (YN), how your doing back there with that motorcycle of yours?

(YN): So far so good. Just the fog getting thicker.

Jocelyn: Same here. Just be careful.

(YN): Right.

As Minutes go by again, they all finally arrive to Pakistan. And find themselves a quite town and parked their vehicles...

Josephine: Well I'll be damn. This town looks pretty good. I bet thousands and thousands of people live here.

Kakyoin: Hey lets go ask that gentleman over there at that hotel to book ourselves a room.

They all walked over to the person, crossing his arms....

Polnareff: This town is pretty quite. Every other place we have gone is always rowdy and noisy.

Josephine: It's probably the fog. Linen guys, In Pakistan and the further west in this Islamic world. This is how you greet people. You first smile at them and say...Assalamu Alaiku!

As Josephine said those words to the person/owner of the hotel, he then suddenly flipped the sign from open to close with an aggressive move...

(YN): I think what you said to him might have got him mad.

Josephine: No that's not right...E-Excuse me, no need to close for us sir, we just wanna book ourselves a room that's that okay with you??

Owner: ....I don't know.

The owner turns around and walks away inside the hotel...

Josephine: The hell you mean "Don't know"!? Your the owner of this no?!

The owner then disappears from the darkness...

Josephine: What's with that guy?!

Polnareff: I'm sure he couldn't understand you due to your incorrect pronunciation. Here, let me ask that guy over there.

Polnareff then walks over to the person sitting down...

Polnareff: Excuse me? Mind telling us where can we find another hotel? Preferably a hotel with a nice and clean toilet-GAAAAH!!!!

Polnareff then was shocked to see the person talking, looked like he seem to be dead...

Polnareff: Hey sir! Are you okay!? What-

The person then collapsed to the floor with that fear he has on his face and opened mouth as the rest of the gang ran up....

Polnareff: What the hell!?

Josephine: He's dead?!

Polnareff: With that look of fear in his face?! What could have killed him!? A heart attack!? Stroke!?!

Jocelyn: Not quite. Look closer.

Polnareff takes a closer look to notice as he notice the man holding a gun, knowing that the smoke means that it was barely shot...

Polnareff: He has a gun!

Kakyoin: Not only that, smokes coming out from it. Which means he just used it.

Polnareff: But how though?! If he shot himself blood would have appear from his body, and don't see wounds nor holes at all on him.

(YN) then notice something about the dead person, he somehow see something through his clothes...he then takes the dead mans shirt off as they all were in fear of shock to see the dead man's upper body filled with holes, perfectly holes...

Josephine: What the hell?!? His whole upper body is covered with holes!!

Polnareff: No kidding!! His whole body is filled with holes like a Swiss cheese from that cartoon show Tom And Jerry!

Josephine: Weird. There's no crumble of blood coming out from the holes.

Jocelyn: Careful. We might already encounter ourselves an enemy already.

Josephine: But who could it be??

Suddenly, through the fog, a little old lady with a cane was walking towards them, shown to be in her 80's, long gray hair and for somehow a bandage wrapped around from her left hands...the little old lady walks to them and said to them...

???: Well hello good travelers. I'm afraid this fog is dangerous for you all to leave. But to make you feel home, I own myself a hotel, if you like I can let you stay over the night for as much as you long. And also, the names Enyaba.

Polnareff: Finally, a normal person we can actually talk with.

Minutes later, medics then came to pick up the dead person and take them to the medic somehow...

Kakyoin: Careful you guys, we may not know who the enemy is or where he/she could be hiding, so I suggest all of you to keep your guards up.

Polnareff: You know, for a quite weird town like this these people are starting to look really creepy as hell.

Enyaba: Come along now fine travelers, the hotel is just right up ahead. Come on Mrs.Joestar.

The gang follows the old lady, Enyaba to the hotel building as they all arrive...

Josephine: Huh. That's an odd hotel.

Enyaba: I know it looks small, but it has history. 20 years ago,  one of the 007 films was filmed here, and when John Lennon from the Beatles stayed here once and live for an entire time.

Polnareff: What seriously?!

Enyaba: Oh no young man. I was just fooling around. But it is a nice hotel. Put my hard work and soul on it. Now come on and-

Jocelyn: Hold it old do you know my grandma's name?

Suddenly, silence appears as the old lady stood quiet for a moment as she turns around with a smile and says to Jocelyn...

Enyaba: Oh why didn't you heard fine traveler? This one did said his name, didn't you?

Polnareff: I did? ...Hmm. I'm sure of it but don't remember. But anyway

Jocelyn then started to get real suspicious about Enyaba...

Polnareff: By the way m'am, what happen to your left hand??

Enyaba: Oh this? Oh it's nothing really. I just accident spilled boiling water on it. You know, as in my old age, this little old lady can't do nothing.

Polnareff: Oh really? Cause you look around 40. What you say we get dinner alone and I'll teach you how alto act like a 40 year old again?

Enyaba: Haha! Oh you. Don't make this old lady blush you naughty boy.

Enyaba and Polnareff both laugh until Enyaba then says I'm her mind...

Enyaba: Damn You Polnareff! It is you who I despise the most! Not only did you and your pathetic friends killed my seven stand users, but you killed my lovely son Centerfold! I'll make sure you suffer badly and get my vengeance on my son!

After that, Enyaba leads them inside the hotel as she goes to the counter table and made them sign their names for a room to book in...

Josephine: WOW. This is one hell of hotel here.

Everyone then sign there names in the guest list as Jocelyn then hands the pen over to (YN) as he was last to sign his name, as he starts writing his name, Enyaba started to notice about him...

Enyaba Mind: And I'm guessing this is (YN), the one me and Lord Dio was talking about at the very beginning of their worthless adventure. We know he has a stand, but what kind?? He a very odd one as well...I must keep an eye on him for a while...

(YN): There.

Enyaba: O-Oh. Very good kind man. Now let me show you all your rooms.

Enyaba then lead the crew upstairs for their own rooms. One for Polnareff, another for Kakyoin and Joseph, and another for Jocelyn and (YN)....oh boy...

(YN): Heh, this feels good. Bed feels so comfortable.

Jocelyn: I know...I give that old lady props for this hotel. Seems legit.

(YN): You can say that.

Jocelyn: Yeah....

For some reason, Jocelyn is starting to feel a bit down lately...she was looking outside at the window...

(YN): okay there? Seem a bit down?

Jocelyn: ....

(YN): Look if you don't wanna tell me, it's okay. I just wanna-

Jocelyn: It's my mom...

(YN): Oh...still worried about her?

Jocelyn: Yeah...

(YN) then suddenly gets up he walks behind Jocelyn slowly as he then slowly wraps his arms around Jocelyn as she notices and blushes a little...

Jocelyn: H-Hey-

(YN): Dont worry. I'm trying my best to make you feel this helping?


Wh-Why is he hugging me?? I don't like being hugged and yet not being close to boys but...he's...different...but for some reason....I don't wanna tell him to let go...his hug is making me feel...different...his arms...wrapped around me...they feel good...I somehow...then started to reach to his arms to I grabbed them...

(YN): Oh crap sorry. I didn't mean to-

Jocelyn: No No it's fine...just...I've never been hugged...

(YN): this is your first time-

Jocelyn: ...Yeah...

(YN): Well, if it makes you feel uncomfortable I can-

Jocelyn: No. keep...hugging me...

(YN): sure-

Jocelyn: Yes. B-But...I feel like I wanna take a nap...could you like..let go of me for a I can take off my...hat and jacket off? I wanna rest for a while.

(YN): Okay...


(YN) lets go for a bit as Jocelyn slowly starting to take off her jacket and her hat as she places them at the counter table as she turns around as she notice (YN) sees her differently without her hat and school uniform...having a dark green t-shirt and long beautiful black hair let loose...Jocelyn blushes more as she notices (YN) starring at her quite longer...

(YN): O-Oh sorry. It's just that-

Jocelyn: I know...I look stupid without my hat...

(YN): What? No. No you don't you look...cute honestly. Way cuter with your long hair...

Jocelyn: *blushes* whatever...I-I'm gonna rest now...

Jocelyn walks to her bed as she then stops, looks at (YN) as she tells him...

Jocelyn: Hey (YN)...Can you...come with me?

(YN): O-Oh! Well, I mean if that's-

Jocelyn: Yes, it's okay with me.

(YN): ...Okay then.

(YN) then walks over to Jocelyn as she started laying down on the bed as (YN) lays down with her...

Jocelyn: ...Can you...hug me again...?

(YN): Cuddle you?

Jocelyn: Yeah...that...

(YN): Okay...

(YN) then got closer to her as he then places his arms around Jocelyn's belly as she blushes...she then places her hands to his as she somehow starting to feel yet...comfortable with him somehow...

(YN): Is this..okay?

Jocelyn: is.

(YN): Okay....Hey Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: Hm?

(YN): We'll find Dio and end him to save your mother, and that's a promise.

Jocelyn then stood quiet for a bit as she then started to feel this emotion, she then smiled a bit and replies...

Jocelyn: I know...

They both then rested their eyes while cuddling each other until the next day to continue off their adventure....meanwhile, at Polnareff's room, he then wakes us as he says...

Polnareff: Man do I really need to shit. Hopefully this building has a clean AND normal toilet I can use.


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