Chp.30 Lali-Ho: Death 13 Pt.2

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As the night goes by, Joseph and the others were around the fire camp site as they started eating some meals that they pack on their for Jocelyn and (YN) both were watching at the stars up in the sky...

(YN): So this is Saudi Arabia Huh? About 8,800 kilometers from Japan.

Jocelyn: And it's been 4 weeks since we left Japan...if we don't hurry this up and stop Dio...We'll be in serious trouble.

(YN) notice that look on Jocelyn's face that she was starting to feel a bit worry about her mother back home still fighting over the fever she has due to the stand she has because of Dio, he places his hand to her shoulder as Jocelyn notices, looks at him as (YN) says to him...

(YN): Dont worry. We'll get their and stop Dio as soon as possible. That's a promise.

Jocelyn somehow smiles a bit as she covers her eyes due to her blushing as she replies to (YN)...

Jocelyn: Yeah.

The two then starts walking to the camp site as they both notice Kakyoin all quiet and still starting to act weird due to how he acted and scarring the baby the baby...

Polnareff: Say Jocelyn, what you think is up with Kakyoin? First he nearly kills us when he was sleeping and now he started to become more weird and somehow scared the baby. I hate to say this, but I think he at his wits ends. And also, we maybe send him back.

Meanwhile, the baby was in his basket as he stares at Kakyoin with that evil grin look on his face...

Baby Mind: *Chuckles* for a second I thought he was gonna figure me out. And here he is, doubting himself. What a fool. And to top it of we're in the middle of the desert, all I have to do is wait for them to fall asleep. And killed them in their dreams with my stand, death 13. *chuckles*

Suddenly, the baby notices (YN) standing aside from him, not even noticing he was there as the baby startled a little..

Baby Mind: This guy almost scared me! How long was he standing there?!

(YN) squats as he somehow started to stare at the baby for a while as the baby started to sweat a little...

Baby Mind: Wh-What the hell your starring at??!

(YN): ...Say, Ms.Joestar?

Josephine: Hmm?

(YN): Is it just me...or does this baby somehow have fangs on his teeth?

Josephine: Huh? That's preposterous. No baby can have fangs. Don't say dumb things like that. Your just seeing things that's all.

(YN): Yeah...Maybe I was...or not.

(YN) stares back at the baby as his eyes flowed red for a little as he made the baby jump scared a little and sweat a bit as (YN) smiles a little and leaves sitting next to Jocelyn...

Baby Mind: The hell was that?! His eyes flowed somehow!? ...Not only I gotta be careful with Kakyoin, but for somehow this (YN) might be another problem as well..he somehow knew I have fangs...but doesn't know everything about me, but still I gotta focus on him as well..

Polnareff: Say Ms.Joestar, what you cooking there? Smells good.

Josephine: It's a delicious new for baby food, for the baby of course. It's mix with milk, egg yolk, bananas, and bread all stewed together. Wanna try some?

Polnareff: Dont mind if I do.

Polnareff grabs the spoon as he takes one scoop of the baby food and eats it...

Polnareff: ...WOW! This is actually good! Give me some more!

Josephine: Hey now if you keep eating it, at this rate there will not be any food for the baby as well.

Baby Mind: That's right! Polnareff you bastard! How dare you eat my food! I'm wasting over here so hurry up you old woman and feed me!

The baby then notices something on his right side, a scorpion...

Baby Mind: Oh no! A scorpion!

The scorpion started crawling closer to the baby...

Baby Mind: C-Crap! What the hell I'm gonna do!?

The scorpion the jumps to the baby as the baby quickly grabs a pin and stabs the scorpion right before it even stings him...

Baby Mind: Phew. That was a close one-HUH!?

The baby notice that Kakyoin was watching the whole time...

Baby Mind: Crap! He was watching! Shit, what now!?

Kakyoin: S-So I was right! That baby is the enemy stand user! I gotta tell the others!

Kakyoin went to go tell the others what he just saw...

Kakyoin: Ms.Joestar! Everyone! Did you see that?! I was right after all! That baby is not normal after all! He just killed a scorpion by stabbing it with his own pin!

Josephine: Woah woah now Kakyoin, what the hell are you even saying?!

Kakyoin: The baby damn it! The kid isn't human! He's not even 6 months old and yet knows what a scorpion is, and he killed it with that pin!

Josephine: A scorpion?! Where!?

Kakyoin: On the baby's basket! Here!

Josephine goes running to get the baby quickly as Kakyoin starts to look for the Scorpion that the baby killed, and yet...he somehow doesn't find it...

Kakyoin; I-It's gone?! That can't be right! I swear it's true! He must hidden it somewhere! Check his clothes-

Joseph: Knock it off Kakyoin! That's enough.

Kakyoin: But Ms.Joestar!

Josephine: Like I said, you're just probably exhausted. Let's table this, for tonight. And talk about this in the morning.

Somehow Kakyoin started to feel like if he's actually saying the truth...or is he just losing it already...Joseph then goes sitting down at the boulder as he starts getting ready to feed the baby...

Josephine: Alright baby cheeks. Open wide and say Ahh.

The baby refuses to open his mouth somehow...

Josephine: Come on little one, it's yummy and delicious.

Baby Mind: Will you stop shoving that spoon to my face?! I can't eat right now you idiot!

Suddenly Kakyoin hits the spooon off from Joseph's hand as he says...

Kakyoin: Ms.Joestar you have to believe me! Listen, I'm not imagining things, I don't know where he hidden the scorpion but I can assure you he's the stand user! And I have proof to show you all that I'm telling the truth! Here!

Kakyoin then shows off his left arm carved with letters to the others as everyone were shocked to see that on Kakyoin's arm...

Kakyoin: See these cuts?! Read what the letters say carved in my arm! It must have happen when I was sleeping earlier during the plane crash!

Jospehine: OOH MY GOOOD!!!

Jocelyn: ...Kakyoin, don't tell me you did that to yourself?! Did you?!

Kakyoin: Say what!?

Polnareff: So I was right, it finally happen to him...Kakyoin...

Josephine: Ooh..My..God.

(YN): ...

Baby Mind: *chuckles* Kakyoin you idiot. How stupid you can be. Didn't you realize showing those carves in your arm to the others will make them think you have gone crazy?

Kakyoin: D-Did I made it worse??! *N-No! I can't let that happen! Guess I have to do it in force!* Heirophant Green!!!!

Kakyoin summons his stand as it then started charging to the baby as Joseph was going to fight back with his stand, until Polnareff quickly summons Silver Chariot and his stand knocks out Kakyoin from behind...

Polnareff l: It's no use...damn it, the guys has completely lost his mind.

Kakyoin Mind: N-No! This can't be happening! It's true! I'm certain of it! Jocelyn..his stand is the one I fight in his dreams! Polnareff..we can't fall asleep Mr.Joestar! And (YN) have to believe me as well...all of you...y-you all have to...believe in me. If we fall asleep...we will all be killed!

Baby Mind: Yes! My secret is still safe! Which means the ends is near! Victory is mine you fools!

Polnareff: I can't believe this will happen to, does that mean he will not be able to travel with us anymore??

Josephine: ...We'll discuss this in the morning. I'm right now we gotta get some sleep.

Josephine puts the baby back at the basket as he and the others pick up Kakyoin And put him on the sleeping bag, as they all did, the baby quickly gets up as he suddenly slays out the scorpion he killed out from his mouth...

Josephine: Huh? Did you say something Polnareff?

Polnareff: Me? Nothing. He's just really heavy.

Baby Mind: Yes. Yes. Sleep you utter idiots. Once you all do, I'm going to enjoy cutting all of you in half and ripping your guts out.


Minutes go by as everyone were asleep, the baby as well. As we got straight to Jocelyn to notice as she wakes up somehow...she notices that the sun was up somehow and knowing that she woke up in some amusement park....

What will happen next?


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