Chp.31 The End Of Death 13

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-Author POV-

As we continue, Jocelyn, Josephine and Polnareff were somehow awoke as the three found themselves surrounded and somehow being around in some amusement park...

Josephine: What the?? How in the hell did we arrive in some amusement park?! We were literally in the middle of the desert.

Polnareff: Th-That's right!

Josephine: Huh? What is it Polnareff?

Polnareff: I know this place! Jocelyn, Ms.Joestar! My memories are coming back! Please be on your guard! We've been transported into a dream world....full of nightmares! This is bad! Really bad.

Josephine: Oooh so it's a dream huh? Well in that cases we can all just relax and wait until we wake up then.

Polnareff: Dont make the same mistake as I did! Listen you two, what Kakyoin was telling us before was all true! Baby.Stand! Meaning we are in enemy territory! Which means that the stand is here...and that baby is the stand user and the enemy!...Crap. Now that I think about it...why did I have to knock Kakyoin out that fact he was telling the whole truth!

Jocelyn: Hold on a sec, if he's knocked out, doesn't that mean that he's here as well?

Polnareff: That's right! He should be here! We gotta find him! Where can he be!? I have to find a way to make this up with you!

Jocelyn: Woah...

Jospehine: Polnareff! Good lord what is wrong with your hair?! Did you end up brushing it bad or something!?

Polnareff started to wonder what was Joseph talking about, so he looked at his hair that fact it was long, his hair started to spread everywhere as it started tying him up to poles...

Polnareff: You guys help!

Josephine: Polnareff!

Suddenly, Jocelyn's chains from her uniform started to act up as it started wrapping around her neck and started to chrome her as she tries to fight back...

Jocelyn: What the fuck!?!

Josephine: Jocelyn! HUH!? Hey what's wrong with my prosthetic hand!? It feels like-

Suddenly, Josephine's prosthetic hand grow...

Josephine: HOLY SHIIIT!!! What the hell is going on!?

Polnareff: How are we suppose to fight back!? This is madness! Damn, anything can happen in this dream! No rules at all! ...

Death 13: Hehehe..

Polnareff: Wait! I-I remember one rule! His murder weapon! If he's gonna kill us! Then he has to use his stand...nothing but his stand!

Death: Lali~Ho!

Josephine: What the hell!? What is that!?

Polnareff: That's the stand I was telling you guys! And that baby is the stand user!

Death 13: Lali-Ho! DIE!!!

Jocelyn: Oh yeah?! STAR...

Polnareff: Jocelyn is no use! It's impossible to summon our stand in this world!

Jocelyn: PLATINUM!

Suddenly and somehow, Jocelyn's Star Platinum manage to arrive...

Polnareff: That's odd! Her stand appeared somehow!

Star Platinum then looks back at Jocelyn as her stand started attack her for some reason...


The last punch sent Jocelyn flying crashing with the others...

Jocelyn: Th-The hell!?!

Star Platinum: HaHaHa!

Star Platinum started to act weird and stupidly somehow as it's head popped out and shows Death 13's face...

Death 13: Lali-Ho! I'm a fake! Oh the overwhelming power! The terror! It's so much fun! My Death 13 is surrounded your guys subconscious and unguarded spirit and that is why you can't summon your stand's! I mean, if you would have summon them while sleeping, then they would have been in this dream world with you idiots as well! Death 13 would never be force to be defeated! The only way to defeat my stand is with another stand! Now stay still you fools as I use my murder weapon to kill you all and gain my victory!

Suddenly, a green rope appeared behind death 13...

Death 13: Lali..Ho?

Death 13 felt a hand onto its shoulder as for some reason...Heirophant Green popped out from behind...

Heirophant Green: Lali-Ho...

Death 13: Oh it's just one of the fakes I made.

Death 13 flicks its fingers to make Heirophant Green go away...but for somehow it didn't work as Heirophant green then grabs Death 13's neck...

Death 13: A-AAACK!! What the hell!? I don't understand! This one doesn't seem fake! This one...this one is the real one!?

Polnareff's hair went back to normal, Josephine's Prosthetic hand as well and Jocelyn's Chain from her uniform as well...

Polnareff: Hey look! Kakyoin is over there!

Kakyoin: Hehe, obviously it slip your notice the fact I brought my stand here. Once I was knocked out, I was still having Heirophant Green summon and concede it to the ground once I slept.

Death 13: Y-Y-You can't do this!!!

Kakyoin: Now, it's time for your punishment, Baby.

Death 13 was struggling to free himself as he tried to take off Heirophant Green off from him...

Kakyoin: Give up Death 13! You keep resisting, I'll snap your neck like a twig even though your a baby!

Jospeh and the others ran over to Kakyoin...

Josephine: Kakyoin!

Kakyoin: You guys!

Jospeh: We one you an enormous apology.

Polnareff: I thought we thought you have lost your sanity during our trip. I mean a baby stand user? Crazy. And you've been fighting all alone. And for that, I apologize.

Kakyoin: No worries Polnareff. Besides, you were the reason I found a way to summon my stand to the dream world, if it never happen, we would have been all killed. So I should thank you for that.

Jocelyn: Good to hear...hey wait! Where the hell is (YN)?!

Polnareff: Oh! Now that you think of it, he wasn't here with us!

Josephine: Could that mean he's somehow awake!?

Kakyoin: Dont worry you guys. He's-

Death 13: ENOUGH!!!!

Death 13 manage to take off Heirophant Green off from him...

Polnareff: Oh No!

Death 13: Kakyoin you fool! You haven't killed me yet just because I'm a baby and your just holding back! But all of you are still idiots! All of you are still trapped in my nightmare!

Kakyoin: Your nightmare? ...Or "His" nightmare.

Death 13: Huh? His Nightmare? The hell are you-

Suddenly and somehow, the skies turn red as the clouds turn black...

Josephine: Huh? What the hell is up with the sky?

Jocelyn: No time! We have to find (YN)! He may be somewhere here!

Kakyoin: Easy there Jocelyn. He's here. He's just...helping me out.

Death 13: Wh-What the hell is going on!? I'm not doing this! These idiots aren't doing it, then who!?

Suddenly, an echo laugh was heard as flames started to burst around the amusement park...

Polnareff: Woah! These flames! Is this Death 13 doing it!?!

Josephine: No! These flames feel and seem oddly similar, theses flames are from-

Jocelyn: (YN)! So he is here! But where!?

Kakyoin: Behind Death 13.

Everyone look at Death 13..

Death 13: What are you punks looking at?! This isn't me doing this!

Kakyoin: Oh we know it's not you, it's him behind you.

Death 13: Behind me..?

Death 13 turns around as he sees a huge skull with flames around it and red scary looking eyes, that skull is Ghost Rider and yet it started to scare Death 13...

Death 13: WAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Wh-What the hell is that!?

Ghost Rider started to summons lot of himself, knowing that anything can happen in a dream, surrounding Death 13 and scarring the living hell out of him...

Death 13: AAAAAAH! Get away from me! Get away!

and (YN) suddenly appeared behind the others...

Jocelyn: (YN)!

Josephine: Oh thank goodness you're here and alive (YN)! But how the hell you manage to summon your stand here like Kakyoin?!

(YN): Meh. I already knew that little squirt was the enemy. I mean come on, that Brat has been starring at Kakyoin really weird, and yet that brat had fangs which makes me feel odd that baby's don't have fangs, but this one does. So I to help Kakyoin to fight it as well. But I guess scarring him with my stand seems more fun than fighting.

Death 13: Y-You! I knew I was forgetting about you! P-Please! Stop this! These scary freaks are scarring me and freaking me out!

(YN): Well...I don't know about that. What do you say Kakyoin?

Kakyoin: We could stop this. But if you want all this to stop, then how about you do me a favor and heal my wounds from my arm? Anything is possible in the dream right?

Death 13: R-Right! You got it!

Kakyoin: Well, it's settle.

(YN): Hold it...let me give this little brat one more scare.

Ghost Rider then got closer to death 13 as his eyes glow brighter as it roars at it as Death 13 screams the living hell out of himself....



Hours have passed until it was morning already, Kakyoin and (YN) we're the first ones to be awake, making breakfast as well as they both went to wake up the others...

Kakyoin: Alright! Rise and shine everybody.

(YN): Time to get up y'all. Come on Polnareff, breakfast is ready.

Everyone got up as they went to go wash their faces at the puddle...

Polnareff: Oh man. I feel like I had a terrible dream last night.

Josephine: You and me both. I can't remember. But all I know is that it was terrible and horrifying.

Jocelyn: Same here old man.

The three go to sit down as they get ready to eat breakfast as for Jocelyn...she also couldn't remember the terrible dream she had last night, but what she can remember a little, is the fact she was terrible scared that she might have lost (YN) from her sight and leaving her all alone...she then notices (YN) walking towards her with a breakfast plate and hands her over it as he tells her...

(YN): Eat up Jocelyn. It'll make you feel better from that terrible dream you had.

Jocelyn: O-Okay.

(YN) walks away as Jocelyn was really confused the fact that (YN) knows she had a nightmare, she looks at the plate of meal (YN) made for her as she smiles and blush a little as she starts to dig in...

Polnareff: Oh wait! Kakyoin!

Kakyoin: Yes?

Polnareff: Are you okay?

Kakyoin: Yes I'm fine. Why you ask?

Polnareff: Because last night you were acting like a maniac and also had carved letters at your-

Polnareff then knew that the letters that were carved on Kakyoin's arm weren't there anymore...

Polnareff: Huh?! What?! Where did they go?

Kakyoin: Alright. I think I'll go change the baby's diaper. Hey (YN), wanna help me on this one?

(YN): Sure thing.

Polnareff: That's weird...and yet he manages to become to get along with baby unlike last night...oh well, never mind.

Josephine: Hey Polnareff. Hurry up and eat before I eat your breakfast!

Polnareff: Coming!

Back with Kakyoin and (YN), Kakyoin was changing the baby's diaper while (YN) was making food for the baby...somehow the baby was looking so terrified the fact it seems he looked so afraid when (YN) is near him...

Kakyoin: Heh. Everyone has forgot. A stand whose existence is completely forgotten? What a strange stand you have...but we haven't forgot anything. Since we both brought our stands in the dream completely, our memories stayed the same...listen, cause because your a baby, we won't eliminate, not even injure you. You have to go back with your mother. And don't you ever come back and even think to track us down again.

(YN) walks up to the baby as the baby started to shake in fear and sweat a lot....

(YN): Hey there buddy...want me to bring my stand out for you? My stand really wanna see your cute adorable face of yours.

The baby nods, saying no the fact he is feeling so terrified by (YN)...

(YN): Since you have been a naughty boy, you deserve to be punished.

(YN) grabs the spoon as he scoops up a little piece of the baby's poop...

(YN): In a manner such as this.

Baby Mind: Huh? Is that my poop??

The baby notices the poop (YN) has on the spoon as he then pours it to the baby's food and starts to mix it as the baby started to become disgusted....Josephine then started to walk towards them...

Josephine: Oh (YN), I see you made food for the little lad.

(YN): Yep. And I can assure you he's going to love his food. Hehehe.

Baby Mind: H-Hey! N-No! You wouldn't...

Jospehine grabs the baby on his arm as he grabs the food for the baby and was ready to feed him, he takes a scoop from the baby's food as he gets ready to feed him...

Josephine: Alright little one. Here comes the airplane and this time the food is delicious.

The baby refuses to open his mouth to eat his food the fact it has his poop mix with his food...

Josephine: This again? I don't understand why don't you like it. At those rate I have to force eat him.

Polnareff: Dont force him Mr.Joestar. If you do, then he will hate it more. In special cases like this.

Polnareff started tickling the baby to make him laugh, the baby was trying it's best not to laugh, but couldn't resist as he laughs as Joseph shoves the spoon with the food to the baby's mouth...the baby then had the food on his mouth...and swallows it...


Joseph: See? Told you it's delicious.

Kakyoin/(YN): Ba-Dum-TSS.

Jocelyn: Hmm?

And so, as they found themselves a town and found the mother of the baby and retrieve it to her. The Crusaders are now their way to there next destination as they have now crossed the Arabian Peninsula, and currently crossing the Red Sea, and finally about to enter Egypt...But...

Jocelyn: Hey old hag. Something's off. Your going the wrong direction. If we're heading to Egypt, shouldn't you be heading to West? It seems your leading us to that island.

Josephine: That's right. I have my reasons to keep it myself. But before we finally arrive to Egypt, we have to make a stop on that Island...someone right there is waiting for us.

Jocelyn/Kakyoin/Polnareff: Huh??

Josephine: He's a man who is extremely important to our journey.

Polnareff: What is that suppose to mean?

Josephine: You'll see.


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