Chp.32 Hail 2 U: Judgement Pt.1

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As Josephine said, she wants to head over to an island before heading to Egypt. There I someone very important waiting for her and he is known to be also important to their journey somehow. The crusaders then arrive to the island....

Polnareff: Say what's the big idea? Does someone actually live here? This is such a tiny little island. Practically deserted.

Kakyoin: I have to agree. Ms.Joestar, are you sure there is someone here living in this island?

Josephine: He's been living here by himself. A man told me back at India, and I'm sure I heard him correctly.

Kakyoin: Wait?! When you said a man in don't mean-

Polnareff: Mangos from India?!

Kakyoin: *sighs*

Suddenly, Jocelyn and (YN) notices some bushes moving as they both see eyes looking at them, eyes that are from a human...

Jocelyn: Hey old hag. Hate to break it to you but there's someone watching us from the grass over there.

Polnareff: Huh?!

The person that was starring suddenly got up quickly and started running away as he somehow started to look like a friend of them that they know...

Kakyoin: From the back he looks-

Polnareff: I know! I think I can recognize him!

Everyone started to chase the person. As they got to his little house they see him feeding some chickens as he started to say...

???: Eat up now. Are you hungry, Michael? What about you Prince? I mixed some shells that the two of you love. Make sure you all sure. Make sure you eat really good, Lionel.

Kakyoin: That voice! Could he be-

Polnareff: It can't be! I thought he was-

Josephine: Hold it Polnareff!

Polnareff: Huh?

Josephine: I'm gonna go and talk to him. The rest of you wait here for now.

Josephine goes up to y'all to the person...

Josephine: Excuse me sir. The names Josephine Joestar, sorry to come here on the island but we've been traveling to Egypt with these four-

???: Go away! I won't hear it!

Polnareff: It can't be! H-His voice exactly sound like-

???: I won't say it again! Don't talk to me, got it?! No one has ever seen me when they have good news and only come for bad news! Just shut up and go away!

He turns around as they all were shocked to notice that the person...the person who looks and sounds exactly like their old friend that does back at India...Avdol...

Kakyoin: Mr.Avdol!?

Jocelyn: Avdol!?

(YN): No way!

???: Just get out of here and leave me alone!

Jocelyn/Polnareff/Kakyoin/(YN): No wait!

The person who looks exactly like Avdol rush to his house and shuts the door...

Josephine: ...Don't worry you guys. That's not the Avdol we know and died sadly...that was his father.

Polnareff: His father!?!

Josephine: He withdrew to society and lives some on this island. I'm sorry I didn't tell any of you all about this. But if it ever became known to let Dio know his father is here, Advol's would be in great danger. I would never forgive myself for what would have happen to him...but I have to talk to him and tell him the sad news...that his beloved son has died.

Polnareff then started to have flashbacks back at India the fact he saw Avdol, his friend being killed in front of him as he stared to blame himself...

Josephine: Dont let yourself go there. Avdol's death wasn't your fault.

Polnareff: No is. It was my responsibility for Avdol's death. I'll carry that burden as long as I live.

Polnareff started to feel more bad...

Kakyoin: Is it safe to know that his father is a stand user as well?

Josephine: He is but I'm not sure what it's powers are and what his stand looks.

Kakyoin: Judging by the way he reacted to us, I'm assure he could at least help us with assistance.

Josephine: You just leave the talking to me. I'm sure my words would be able to reach him.

Polnareff: You guys can stick around here...I'll need some alone time. I'll be near the ocean back at the boat...

Polnareff started to leave as the rest started to feel bad for he was gone completely, the rest of them looked at each other as they nod, Joseph and then walked together as they went inside the they did, they see Avdol's father changing into clothes and his gray hair being washed as it was black somehow...after changing, the shocking plot twist is that Avdol's father....Is actually Avdol himself and alive!!!!

Avdol: Hello again, friends.


As the sun was already sunset, Polnareff was near the Ocean sitting as he was talking to himself...

Polnareff: All I wanted was to avenge my sister's death...but now it lead me to a responsible for my friend Avdol's death. There's nothing I can do to make this up to his father. *sighs* talk about depressing.

Suddenly, something caught his attention as he saw something shiny, he gets up and walks over to what he saw as he picks the object up, it was a lamp, a magic lamp, covered with barnacles, looks pretty valuable, so he started cleaning the barnacles off until the lamp started to shake as the lamp was bursting out of smoke as it caused Polnareff to trip, after that, the smoke suddenly vanished...

Polnareff: What the hell just happened!? By the looks of it the air trapped inside burst out and was scared for nothing. Oh well, luckily I'm not dealing with any Aladdin magic.

Suddenly, a huge robot person alike appeared behind Polnareff as he scared him...

Polnareff: GAAAH!! Just what the fresh hell is this!?!

???: You get three! Three I say! Your wish is my command! You get three wishes! The names Cameo! I should thank you for freeing me from the lamp. And for that you get three wishes! Tell me your three wishes and I will grant them!

Polnareff: Hold it you freak! I know what you are, you're maybe a stand! Silver Chariot!

Polnareff summons Silver Chariot to attack the "Genie", Cameo, as Cameo started blocking Silver Chariot's sword strikes...

Polnareff: Damn. This stand is not that bad. But what awesome power. Hey listen buddy! By the looks of your power your user is near you so tell me where he is!

Cameo: Is that going to be your very first wish? If I were you, it will be so boring if you ask me.

Polnareff: Tch. Alright then you Genie fuck! If you really are one, then prove to me that you are and make me a rich man if you can!

Cameo: Are you sure? Going once...

Polnareff: Do as you want! I wanna see it on my very own eyes!

Cameo: Then consider it as your first wish.

Polnareff: W-Wait you mean it?!

Cameo: HAIL 2 U!!!!

Cameo suddenly disappear from the smoke that just burst out of nowhere...

Polnareff: I don't understand a single thing that happen...I don't know. Something doesn't feel right. That guy didn't seem an enemy and yet he manages to grant me three wishes...someone is shady on this island. Might as well tell this to Mr.Joestar, and yet maybe Avdol's father will know about this...

As Polnareff was about to go looking for the others, he heard noises coming from behind the bushes, like some coins dropping, he goes to check as he finds himself a hole filled with coins...

Polnareff: WOW! Is this for real! It can't be! This is real gold! This is no dream! Holy shit this is insane! Wait a sec! Hey you! I know you're out there! Are you mocking me!! B-but there's not way! How!?

Cameo then appeared on top of a palm tree...

Cameo: Now, what is your second wish?

Polnareff: You! How the hell are you doing this! Are you trying to plot something!?! If you are the enemy then fight me, if not then I can assure you I will take this treasure!

Cameo: Is that your second wish to answer your question? Just to let you know it's boring to say, but I have to thank you for freeing me from the lamp, so what will your second wish be?

Polnareff: Alright you bastard, you asked for it..................My second wish is to become a comic artist! That was always my dream as a kid! But I want to be one bigger than Disney! And yet I wanna build my own amusement park and calling it Polnareffland!

Cameo: ....

Polnareff: No No. scratch that idea. Give me a sec to think.....I made up my mind I want a beautiful girlfriend! And I mean I want true love! I'm talking about a girl who pinky swears she loves me and is really good and cute looking and feeling the same way as she does to me as I do to her as if that's how your power works to grant any wish true then do it Damn it!

Cameo: A girlfriend huh? Alrighty then-

Polnareff: No wait! Hold on a sec.

Cameo: ...

Polnareff started to think about his he then got one..he started to have high hopes on this wish...and feels like if it's true or not that it can be guarantee to become true...

Polnareff: H-Hey you...

Cameo: Hmm?

Polnareff: Do you..have the bring dead people...back to alive??

Cameo: What are you saying?

Polnareff: I'm asking you if you have the power to bring back my dead sister back to life! And while your at it, bring back my friend Avdol back to live as well! That shouldn't be too much to ask right!? *DRAMATIC POSE*

Cameo: ...

Polnareff: ...!

Cameo: Very well, I shall grant you your wish.

Polnareff: Wh-What?! Are you serious!? You can really do it!?

Cameo: Indeed. But you made two wishes there, so what I can do is grant them in order. First your sister...HAIL 2 U!!!

Cameo again disappear...

Polnareff: Hey don't just disappear! Why are you even doing this!?

Suddenly, Polnareff started to hear digging coming from some bushes behind him, he went to hear the digging as he starts to know who and what is digging, he then find himself dirt that was being rigged and the fact it's a shape of the woman's body and footsteps as well...

Polnareff: This hair...this is woman hair...and those footsteps as well...No! Impossible it can't be!

And suddenly, he started to hear a woman crying as he sees a woman with long black hair crying...

Polnareff: Th-There's no way! As far as I know it, my little sister's grave is still back at France but I don't understand how she manages to be here Alive!? Unless...

Polnareff started to walk closer to the woman still crying. Suddenly, the crying lady replied to Polnareff saying...

Woman: Please...don't come closer. Leave me alone. I-I'm not complete yet.

As Polnareff heard her voice, he stood still as his eyes started to get watery the fact that her voice sounds so much exactly like her sisters as he was surprised to know that it's actually her sister...

Polnareff: Sherry *sniffs* it is you. My sweet little sister...


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