Chp.38 Iggy Joins The Crew/Geb's N'doul Pt.1

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After arriving land, Josephine ask Kakyoin, (YN), Polnareff and Avdol to go and buy themselves a ride to head over to their destinations. In the mean time, Josephine and Jocelyn went to a telephone to call Mr.Joestar so Josephine can explain everything about what's going on and why was Jocelyn with him...Josephine told him that she's been helping her with some "work" alongside his trip. Josephine is trying to not tell him about the whole journey or she will be worried again. Mr.Joestar understands it all as she wishes both Josephine and Jocelyn luck on their "Works" after making a call with Mr.Joestar for a couple of minutes, Avdol and the other gang then arrive with a new ride...

Josephine: Alright. Now that we got a ride, let's continue our journey.

Polnareff: Hey no Mr.Joestar. I don't think we may fit. This ride is nice and all but it can only fit 5 people only.

Jocelyn: This Crap again? ...Yare Yare.

(YN): I assume you would say that. *Whistles*

As (YN) whistles, the others suddenly heard a loud engine as it was getting closer and closer as (YN)'s hell cycle suddenly and yet surprisingly arrived...

Kakyoin: What?! Your motorcycle!

Polnareff: How the hell did it get all the way here from Saudi Arabi?!

(YN): Once my stand's power is given to the hell cycle, it's powers has to be contacted by Ghost Rider. It knows where he is.

Avdol: Very Interesting.

Jocelyn: I gotta say, that's one hell of powers your stand got.

(YN): Yeah. That's how it works.

Jocelyn and (YN) somehow started to stare at each other for a while, smiling a little as Josephine isn't liking it all...

Josephine: Okay Okay. You can stop starring at each other now.

Jocelyn: ...Yare Yare Daze.....Well then, looks like our problem here is solved. Shall we get going then?

Josephine: Yea. Hop on.

As (YN) got on his hell cycle and the others on the vehicle, they all rode and heading over to their destination to find Dio.


The crusaders then stop in the middle of a desert as Joseph and the others are waiting for someone. Suddenly, a helicopter was to be heard as it was coming towards them, their two workers from the SpweedWagon Foundation as they started landing the helicopter slowly and gently..

Jocelyn: Hey, aren't those from the SpeedWagon Foundation?

Joseph: That's right.

Jocelyn: Aren't they suppose to be looking and taking care of mom back at Japan?? And so what, are we taking a helicopter with them here in out??

Josephine: No, not quite. As I much as I like to, the crew members aren't stand users at all. So we will be putting them in harms way if they take us a ride.

Kakyoin: Well if their not here to take us a ride, what's the occasion??

Joseph: ...They brought us a new ally.

Everyone were shocked to hear that from Josephine...a new ally is about to join them on their journey as well??? Who could it be??

Polnareff: Quoi? An ally?

Josephine: I have to warn you all he's bit of a handful, so it's a primary reason why it took so long to fetch him.

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar, you aren't seriously planning to take him with us are you? His pleasant will just hold us back.

Kakyoin: So he would actually harm us??

Avdol: Correct. So be careful with him.

Jocelyn: Not so fast Old hag, so if he's gonna join us, he's a stand user as well??

Josephine: Yes that's right. His stand's card is represented as The Fool.

Polnareff: Wait The Fool?? *chuckles* if you would ask me that's a stupid name to names it's own stand.

Avdol: If I were you Polnareff, I would count your blessings and beware of him.

Kakyoin: Hey look, the helicopter landed.

As the Helicopter landed, the two SpeedWagon Foundation workers got of the plane to greet Josephine...

SWF Worker #1: Mrs.Joestar, good to see you.

Josephine: Thank you for bringing him here. Must've been rough.

Jocelyn: So hell me, which of you is it?

SWF #1/2: Hmm??

Jocelyn: Which one of you is the stand user??

SWF worker #2: None us is the user Ma'am. The stand user is at the back of the helicopter.

The SWF worker then goes to open the door of the back of the Helicopter...and yet, the stand user no where to be seen...

Jocelyn: In the back Huh?

(YN): I don't see anyone.

SWF #2: Oh he right there. Trust me.

Polnareff: Hey Hey. Come on now, stop joking around.

Polnareff goes walking to the back of the Helicopter...

Polnareff: Come on you two, is the guys really that short he can't be seen. Come out Come our where ever you are.

SWF worker #1: Hey watch out!

Polnareff: Huh?? That's weird. What the hell this sticky stuff??

SWF worker #2: Please be careful! It was a rough copter ride and he's really in a bad mood!

Josephine: Step away! I told you he's trouble.

Avdol: Get back here Polnareff...slowly.

Polnareff: Whats the big deal you all? I just wanna know where the stand user is.

Suddenly, he heard something from behind as he turns around and soon to notice a little dog jumps on top of Polnareff's face with anger and started to act aggressive, shopping its teeth and staring to bite and pull down Polnareff's hair...

Kakyoin: A dog?!

Jocelyn: Dont tell me-

Josephine: Yep. This dog posses the stand of the Fool. His name is Iggy. And he's crazy obsessed over pulling out the chunks of people's hair. And to be honest, we don't know where he was born. But Avdol found him in New York that the dog catchers couldn't catch him. And thanks to Avdol, he's not roaming in the tree at anymore...oh crap. I forgot one more thing to mention, when he's in the middle of ripping down people's hair, he likes to-

Iggy suddenly farts on Polnareff's face...

Josephine: Pass gas in their face. It's a disgusting thing he likes to do somehow.

Iggy gets off from Polnareff's face...

Polnareff: You little mutt!!  You're gonna pay for that!!! Damn you!!! Chariot!!!

Polnareff summons Silver Chariot as his stand goes after Iggy, as Iggy started to notice, the sand around him started to transform somehow as the sand then turned out to be Iggy's stand...

Polnareff: Holy shit!!!!

Jocelyn: So that thing is his stand, the Fool!

Kakyoin: Back when we were at Singapore, we fought an Orangutan stand user, but this is crazy!

Polnareff: Who the hell does this mutt thinks he is?! Bastard! Don't make me turn you into dog meat!!!

Silver Chariot tried to strike The Fool, but the stand suddenly turned its body into sand as the stand became solid and swallow up Silver Chariot's sword...

Kakyoin: So that's...

Avdol: Yea. The dog's stand is entirely and simply made out of sand.

Jocelyn: Hm. His stand maybe look stupid and all, but damn it looks tough to fight. I don't think I can be able to land a punch on it.

Polnareff: AAAAGH!!! Help me you guys! Take this dog off from me!!!

Kakyoin: I'm sorry Polnareff. I rather keep my hair clean and not messy rather than helping you.

Polnareff: You monster!

Avdol: Did you happen to being his favorite snack??

SWF worker #2: Of course I did. If I didn't, he wouldn't come with us otherwise.

The SWF worker pulled out a pack of coffee flavor chewing bubble gum.

Iggy: HMMM?!

As he does, Iggy knew he can smell it from where he is as he started running to go after it..

Avdol: The dog's scent of smell is incredible.

Kakyoin: And that is??

Avdol: it's coffee flavor chewing gum. Iggy would do anything to get rewarded with this sweet treat.

SWF worker #2: No Mr.Avdol! Quickly hide the pack before he-

Iggy then jumps and quickly snatched the whole pack of gum off from Avdol's hand and started sheeting all of the gum while the wrappers from the gum as well...

Avdol: Crap...well, at least he can do is taking off the wrapping first.

Kakyoin: How is an obsessed bubble gum chewing dog like him would help us??

Jocelyn: Yare Yare Daze.

(YN): *chuckles*

Polnareff: Damn that little menace! He ruined my precious hair! Espéce de salaud!!!

SWF Worker #1: He'll be distracted while chewing his gum. Let's get out the supplies.

The SpeedWagon Foundation workers started taking out the supplies from the helicopter and putting them to the vehicle as Josephine got herself a new Prosthetic hand...

SWF worker #2: Okay sir. The door and water is all in there. There are medical supplies and new clothes as well. Oh and we got yourself a new camera for your stand.

Josephine: Heh. Yeah I suppose it would be a lot easier than using a TV. Oh I know. Look sharp, all of you.

The crusaders then gathers around together as they all took themselves a groups photo...

Kakyoin: Fantastic. This is a perfect momentum.

Jocelyn holds on the picture as she smiles. She also notices herself in the picture as she sees herself besides (YN)...she looks at him in the picture as she smiles and blushes a little...

Jocelyn: (YN) does look...cute in this picture-

(YN): Say what now Jocelyn-

Jocelyn: NOTHING!!!! I-It's just..well....I mean, we all look good in the picture...that's what I meant..

(YN): Oh...Well yeah we do. Especially you.

Jocelyn: O-Oh...*blushes* thanks...

SWF worker #1: Well if that's everything, then I guess we should be heading back now.

Josephine: Before you two leave, answer this. It's regarding my daughter's condition and give it to me's my sweet little daughter ?

SWF worker #1: ....W-Well, to be perfectly clear with you sir, it's not looking good right now. She's losing strength rapidly. And nothing seems to help. And according to the doctors of the SpeedWagon Foundation, that she only have two weeks to live.

Jospehine and the others started to feel bad the fact Jocelyn's mother, Holly has only two weeks to live, if they don't make it in time to stop Dio, then it's over.

SWF worker #1: I also have other information sir. According to the report form our investigators, two days ago, nine unidentify men and women gathered in a building believe to be in Dio's hideout. And yet, they all left together.

Josephine: What?! You mean Dio has hired nine other people?!?

SWF worker#1: We have no clue who they are. The person who reported it got killed shortly after telling us. And the mansion where they met has been vacated. We have no luck locating these individuals. We wanted to track them down with our spies, but we decide not to cause we aren't stand users.

Polnareff: So those 9 bastards are stand users as well?!

Kakyoin: Hold On Polnareff. Think about it for a minute, it's impossible, besides Hol Horse's tarot card the emperor, there's one more tarot card that's left which is Dio's stand, The World, but...Avdol?

Avdol: I-I don't know. 9 more stand users?! How can this be?!

Josephine: For what I can gather, it's seems Dio's head hasn't been able to get use to the body yet. That monster would never run for us. He'll do anything to stop us from reaching to Cairo.

Jocelyn: Good freaking grief. We have to take out 9 other users within two weeks. That's going to be a pain in the ass.

SWF worker #1: Have a safe trip Mr.Joestar. We wait for your safe return.

Josephine: Thanks for your help. Look out for my Holly.

The two SWF workers got on the helicopter as they took of...meanwhile, Iggy then started to smell a scent from far away...on top of a huge hill, there was a person sitting down, he seems to be blind and yet he is one of the 9 stand users...

N'Doul: Heh, that mutt. It notices the great N'Doul from far away.

The blind man, N'Doul, got up as he grabbed his cane and started walking, he then hears a fly from his left ear as he quickly catches it, but the fly manages to escape...

N'Doul: So close. Hehe. What do you know, I just need more practice. All of this because of some Nile Ue Ue fly huh? If that never happened, The Joestar's and those other fools alongside with them would never know master Dio would be in Egypt.

N'Doul then felt a pebble from his cane as he suddenly hits the pebbles with his cane as the pebbles directly hit the fly that he catch....

N'Doul: *chuckles* I'll make sure they won't get near Master and the other stand users.


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