Chp.39 Iggy/ Geb's N'Doul Pt.2

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-Author POV-

And so The crusaders make their way to their destination to arrive at Cairo as Joseph and the others were in the vehicle as (YN) on his hell cycle...

Polnareff: Mrs.Joestar why are you letting this mutt getting away with this!?! It's not fair he gets to be in the front seat while the rest of us are you squished in the back of the trunk!

Josephine: Look I know it's not ideal, but you have to wait his gum flavor runs out, when it does throw another one at the back of the seat so you all can come in the front.

Polnareff: Alright then...(YN) so lucky to have his own vehicle.

Jocelyn was looking out as she started to stare at (YN) riding his hell cycle as she started blushing a little...

Jocelyn Mind: Tch. Why does it feel like when I talk to him or interact with him, I get this freaking feeling inside my body...doesn't make any sense. I never felt like this in front of other guys..but (YN) on the other hand...he does.

Josephine: Crap!!

Josephine quickly steps on the brakes, so as (YN)...

Polnareff: Woah! What the hell was that?!

(YN): Mrs.Joestar, what happen?!

Josephine: Everyone take a look over there!

Everyone got out from the vehicle as so as (YN) as they notice what was Josephine talking about...they saw a helicopter that is from the SpeedWagon Foundation, the helicopter was crashed to the floor..

Kakyoin: It's the SpeedWagon Foundation helicopter! It went down.

Avdol: There's no sign of explosion or gun shots.

Josephine: Careful guys, I bet my life we are dealing with a enemy stand user.

Jocelyn: Hey look! It's one of the pilots!

They all looked at the pilot as he was dead already...half of his bottom body being squished to the helicopter...

(YN): Whatever happened to him, it ain't pretty.

Josephine: Damn. Poor bastard. Let's go and check out carefully. Who ever did this may be hiding somewhere.

The gang walked over to the pilot as (YN) notices the pilot's mouth filled with water, he then tilts the pilots head to the side as the water from his mouth was starting to fall out from the mouth...and it was much more water...

(YN): There no way all of that water can be only from his must be flowing from his lungs...which means-

Jocelyn: He was drowning in the dessert! But how!?! This is getting weirder and weirder!

Polnareff: Hey you guys! We found the other one here!

Josephine, Jocelyn and (YN) Dan to the others as they found themselves the other looked like he's alive still...but he's in bad shape and didn't seem he hasn't been drinking water somehow...

Josephine: Hang on! You gotta get a hold of yourself! Tell us what happen?!

SWF worker #2: W-W-Wa...W-Water..

Josephine: Water?! Ok! Polnareff hurry pass me that canteen!

Polnareff: Right.

Polnareff passes Josephine the canteen of water to give the pilot some to drink, but the pilot suddenly started to look scared and terrified as he yells out...

SWF worker #2: NO! Don't! The water!! The water attacked us!!

Josephine: What?!?

Suddenly, the water inside the canteen came out as it was a shape of a hand with claws as it the grabs the pilot's whole face and ripped his whole head apart...the crusaders then got away from it as they lay down on the sand to figure out what the hell just happened...

Josephine: That's the stand! It was inside the canteen! Damn it, why would attack these innocent pilots if they have done nothing wrong. Avdol, did you see what kind of stand we're dealing?!

Avdol: I just saw the shape of a hand. But I don't believe I saw it leave...who could the user be. The foundation user did say the Dio gathered 9 other stand uses...could it be that this one is one of them?

Josephine: Hey Jocelyn I need you to find the stand user.

Jocelyn: Yeah I know. I'm on it.

Jocelyn started to search the stand user with binoculars...

Jocelyn: Nothing. Nothing around us. This may be a problem. If the stand is here, then the enemy user is far away from here we won't be snake to find him.

Meanwhile, Kakyoin and Polnareff were on the other side as they were closer to the canteen of water that attacked the pilot...

Kakyoin: Hey Polnareff, use your stand and slice up the canteen.

Polnareff: What?! No. Did you see what it did to that pilot!? It grabbed its whole damn face and ripped it apart! I can't let that happen to me as well! B-Besides your closer, couldn't you just use your emerald splash to destroy the canteen ?!

Kakyoin: Yea, but I don't want to.

Polnareff: W-What?! You don't want to and your telling me to do it?! What the hell?!

Kakyoin: Like I said, I don't want to and that's-

Suddenly, the water that attacked the pilot before merge out from the sand and got in front of Kakyoin and Polnareff as it turn into a shape hand again...

Kakyoin: That's the-

The water shape hand then use its claws as it strikes both Kakyoin's eyes, knocking him out...

Polnareff: KAKYOIN!!

Joseph: It's the water! The stand left the canteen disguise as water and hidden the blood!

Avdol: No it's not! It didn't disguise as water! I think the stand is the water!

Polnareff: No! It got Kakyoin! It clawed up Kakyoin's eyes!

Joseph: Polnareff panicking isn't gonna do anything! Summon Chariot for protection!

Polnareff then tried to summon Silver Chariot, but notices his hand stuck to the water stand as it then turned into a hand again and ready to strike Polnareff, but before he even did, the dead Pilot's watch started going on, making noise as for somehow the water stand quickly goes over to the watch and attacked the watch and the pilot's hand..

Josephine: What?! This doesn't make sense. Why would it got the pilot's corpse!?

Jocelyn: it wasn't the corpse. The target was the watch.

(YN): It went after the watch because of the alarm sound somehow.

Avdol: That's it! The stand goes after its victims by sound!

Polnareff: Your kidding!

As Polnareff picked up Kakyoin, the blood from his eyes started to drip to the sand, making little drip sounds as the water stand quickly was coming after Polnareff...

Josephine: Shit! Hurry Polnareff! It's coming after you! Get over here now and don't drop Kakyoin!

Polnareff started running while carrying Kakyoin in his hands as the water stand started to get closer and closer to Polnareff...

(YN): Polnareff! Toss Kakyoin up! Trust me just do it!

Polnareff: What ever you say!

Polnareff then tosses Kakyoin up in the air as (YN)'s hands were Ghost Riders and summon some chains to garb Kakyoin and luckily he did and pulled him towards as he catches him as Polnareff was also lucky to made it with others on top of the vehicle as the water stand suddenly disappeared to the ground...

Avdol: I see now. It detects sound through vibration to the ground. And it moves freely around underground without even seeing it. That will put us in a major disadvantage.

Josephine: To make things worse, the user can be kilometers away from us.

Meanwhile, as we go kilometers away from the crusaders and find ourselves N'Doul again, the blind stand user, sitting down with a cape around and his cane with him as he can suddenly hear footsteps from before from the crusaders...

N'Doul: So the prey have refuge on top of their vehicle. Seems they realize that I, N'Doul was using the power of sound of finding one by one *chuckles* no matter. It won't be long until they will be all eliminated.

Back with the crusaders, they were checking on Kakyoin's wounds..

Polnareff: Hey, hows Kakyoin?!!

Avdol: Not good. The wounds seem bad and it may cause him to go blind. We have to get going and see a doctor soon as possible.

Josephine: But if we move from here the stand will just come after us as well. We can't be careless.

Inside the vehicle, Iggy was sleeping the entire time as he suddenly woke up, smelling something as he then gets out of the vehicle, as he does, the whole vehicle suddenly started to move and seem like it was being dragged down to the sand...not only that, the water stand was dragging it...

Josephine: WHAT THE HELL!!?!?!

As Iggy landed on the sand, N'Doul then heard some footsteps...

N'Doul: That sound. It's the dog. Interesting. It got out of the car right before my stand attack it. It anticipated when will my stand is gonna do. This mutt will be a nuisance.

Back with the crusaders, as they started to hold on to the vehicle being drowned...

Jocelyn: Shit! What now!?! The car is gonna get buried to the ground!!!

Avdol: I-I can't hold Kakyoin too long!

Josephine: Everyone! Move to the back!

Polnareff: Hey you stupid mutt! Aren't you suppose to help us?! Get your ass up and help us!!

Iggy: Hmmmmmm.

Back with N'Doul...

N'Doul: I see. That accursed dog must know I'm only four kilometers to the west....what to do?! Perhaps I have to deal with this dog first.

Back with Iggy, He was now started to feel sleeping and yet...he went back to sleep as we then go back to N'Doul...

N'Doul: *chuckles* maybe not. I'll leave the dog alone. Joestar and the others can't control that mutt anyways. The mutt is harmless if anyone wakes him up...Now for the kill!!

Back with the crusaders as they hang on on the back of the car, N'Doul's water stand tear out a wheel from the car as it then cut it in half...

Josephine: Son of a bitch! It cut the wheel in half! Move to the other side all of you! Shit! Everyone hang on!!!!

As the car was about to fall, the crusaders then started falling as they all land to the sand....after that, the water stand then went back underground...

Avdol Mind: It sunk into the sand. We should be alright if all of us don't make a move nor make a sound!

What will happen next???


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