Chp.4 Help In Need

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Kakyoin: So Long, Jocelyn Kujo!

Jocelyn: D-Damn it!

As Kakyoin's Heirophant Green was cllse to kill Jocelyn, he then heard a door cracked open as he then heard someone saying...

???: Oi. Nurse. You in here?

Kakyoin quickly hides somewhere for him not to be seen as he leaves Jocelyn laying there, injured...

Jocelyn: D-Damn it! Who ever entered I have warn him or her before its too late!

The person that came in the burse office was the name (YN). He had spiky red hair, a black shirt, black pants and red shoes, and red eyes as (YN) entered the room, he notices a bit of mess that happen in the room and the nurse laying on the ground, hurt and blood from her mouth...

(YN): The hell?! Oi Nurse! You okay?!!

(YN) rushes to the nurse and checks on her...

(YN): Shes fine. She just needs to get her wounds treated. But what the hell happened here!?

(YN) then notices someone moving from another side, he runs over and realizes Jocelyn bareky getting up, injured and blood coming from her mouth...

(YN): Oi Oi! You too?! Dont move your injured bad!

Jocelyn: I-Im fine! Just-

Jocelyn the collapse as (YN) quickly catches her from falling down to the ground, Jocelyn notices her beinf catch by (YN) as she stares at him, she suddenly blush a little as she tilts her hat down for him not to see her face...

(YN): Oi you okay!?

Jocelyn: Tch. Yeah im fine alright. You can let go now.

(YN) then let's Jocelyn go...

(YN): Well if you insist, now tell me whats going-

Kakyoin: Emerald Splash!!

Jocelyn: Look out!

Jocelyn then spears down (YN) as Her and (YN) were lucky enough to dodge Heirophant's Emerald Splash. As they were lucky to dodge it, Jocelyn was then on top of (YN) as they both stare at each other fkr a bit, Jocelhn quickly got up as she covers her face with her hat for him not to see her blush...

Jocelyn: D-Damn it!

(YN): Oi, you-

Jocelyn: I-Im fine! Just letting you you have to get out of here!

(YN): What?! Why the hell would I do that?! I cant just leave you here all hurt and the nurse is hurt as well!

Jocelyn: Its just-

Kakyoin: Well, looks like I've got company.

Kakyoin then apoeared as (YN) and Jocelyn turn around...

Jocelyn: You! Kakyoin!

Kakyoin: Listen friend, you've came in the wrong time. Now I will ask you to leave quietly or you will have to join Joceyln over here.

(YN): So, your the one is doing this huh?? Well I'm afraid I can't let you continue this, friend. I'm afraid I'm going to stop you.

Jocelyn: Hey. Don't be such a damn hero and get out of here. You have no idea what your dealing with!

Kakyoin: *smirks* very well. You will regret it, just like Jocelyn here. Take this, Emerald Splash!!

Jocelyn: Hey look out damn it!

As Heirophant Green's Emerald Splash so close to pierce up (YN)'s chest, Jocelyn then was much worried about (YN) that he was about get hurt. But as he was tbis close to get pierce by Heirophant Green's Emerald Splash, Jocelyn then suddenly realizes red aura was surrounding his whole body, until a spirit then appeared behind him and revealed itself, a human body with with a skull, having lots of flames on it and wearing black leather jacket, with spikes on two huge spikes on each side of its shoulder,, black gloves, black jeans and black boots as (YN) shouts out...

(YN): Hell Breathe!!!

(YN)'s stand then opens its mouth as it shot out a huge pit of flames from its mouth and as his flames then allow Heirophant Greens Emerald Spalsh to melt...

Jocelyn: What the?!

Kakyoin: What! No way! He stop my Emerald Splash! No one has ever stop my Emerald Splash! And that spirit...don't tell me-

Jocelyn: You have a stand as well?!

(YN): Hmm?? You know what a stand looks like??

Jocelyn then shows (YN) her stand to him...

(YN): I see. You have one as well. Anyways, my focus is on you, friend! Time to put you down!

Kakyoin: Not unless I kill you first! Take this again! Emerald-

(YN): Not so fast! Go Ghost Rider!!

(YN)'s stand, Ghost Rider, then summons some flaming chains as it then stretches towards Heirophant Green's neck as Ghost Rider then tights up the flaming chains to its neck as Kakyoin then started to struggle in pain and started to spat out blood and his neck started to feel like its burning up like his skin is about to melt...

Kakyoin: M-My neck!! Its feeling all hot! My skin feels like its going to melt!!!

(YN): Now for the final touch!

(YN)'s Ghost Rider stand then uses its flaming chains to to pull Heirophant Green towards him as Ghost Rider then started to clench both of his fists as he then strikes a powerful punch towards Heirophant Green's face, casuing to spat out Blood, Kakyoin as well, Ghost Rider then started throwing barrage rapid punches to Heirophant Green as the last punch then sends him flying crashing to the ceiling and caused a huge explosion, casuing to alert the whole school as the students were alerted as well. After defeating Heirophant Green, Kakyoin was all injured and bloody as well due to the beat up Heirophant Green got by (YN)'s stand, Ghost Rider.

Kakyoin: H-His powerful, almost as powerful as Jocelyn's. Incredible.

He then collapses to the floor and knocks out...

(YN): That was close.

(YN) then turns around and checks on Jocelyn again...

(YN): You okay back there??

Jocelyn: Im fine. Dont worry about me damn it.

(YN): Tch. Why do I even bother asking.

Jocelyn: But Hey...thanks for the help. Didn't know you have a stand as well.

(YN): I-

Suddenly, the bell rang as all students and teachers rush over to the destruction that happen...

Jocelyn: Hmm. We'll let them clean up the mess. But hey, mind doing me a favor? Can you carry Kakyoin and bring him alongside with me to my house? I'm ditching school for now and its very important. And dont bother asking, just do as what I say.

(YN): I didnt wanted to ask, but if you insist. I'll help you.

Jocelyn: Good. Come on then, my house isn't that far. Just 10 minutes from here.

(YN) then carries Kakyoin as him and Jocelyn go to the window and jump out of it as they walk out from the building and head over to Jocelyn's they head over there, Jocelyn then started to keep starring at (YN) for a while as she keeps covering her face while blushing...

Jocelyn Mind: Damn it. Why do i feel like this evrytime I see him, its not like me at all...yare yare daze. Anyways, Once I get home. I want that Kakyoin to talk with the old man and explain him everything about Dio.


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