Chp.5 Saving Kakyoin/(YN)'s Story

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As Jocelyn and (YN) holding on Kakyoin have arrive at her home, (YN) was then this close to step on Jocelyn's door way as she tells him..

Joselyn: Hey hold it.

(YN): Hmm? What is it??

Jocelyn: Before you enter, I need you to take off your shoes and Kakyoins first. Its part of a rule of my house.

(YN): I understand. I too live in a house where I don't wear nothing and walk barefoot on my house.

Jocelyn: So you live here in Japan??

(YN): Yes. I just move here from America not so long ago with my mother. And started at your school two days ago.

Jocelyn: So thats why I don't see you around as well. Anyways, lets go. Gotta find my old grandpa. He should be here.

As Jocelyn and (YN) walk over to her house, Jocelyn then heard her mother talking about her saying...

Holly: Oh I just have the best thought. My sweet daughter Jocelyn must be thinking about me. And I too be thinking about my little angle as well.

Jocelyn: Im not thinking about you.

Holly: EEEK! Jocelyn! What are you doing here out of School?! And...what happen to you?! Your clothes is covered in blood! And...who's this and why he's holding that teenager like that?!

Jocelyn: Its none of your business. Just tell me where's the old man and Avdol?

Holly: Oh, he should be at the other room.

Jocelyn: Come on (YN).

Jocelyn then walks over to the other room as (YN) says to Holly...

(YN): Apologies for this. Its probably something has to do with this guy I'm holding. Anyways, (YN)s the name. Nice meeting you Jocelyn's mom.

Holly: Nice to meet you too...

(YN) then walks over to Jocelyn as Holly yhen looks at a picture of Jocelyn and says...

Holly: Oh Jocelyn. I know you always be like towards me. But you know I can handle it. It doesn't hurt me. And I also be worried about you not telling me anything. But deep down, I can assure your still a kind hearted little girl.

Jocelyn: Hey mom...

Holly notices her daughter calling her as she turns around and Jocelyn tells her...

Jocelyn: You seem kind of pale. You okay? You don't need anything to help you out?

Holly then smiles as she realizes that eveything was true about what she said about her daughter, still kind hearted...

Holly: Yay! Nope! I'm okay.

Jocelyn: Yare Yare Daze...alright then.

Holly Mind: I knew it!

Holly then goes back inside to do her chores...

(YN): Your mother seems nice and kind.

Jocelyn: Shes always like that. Come on, there on the next room.

They both arrive to the room as Josephine and Avdol notices...

Josephine: Huh? Jocelyn? What are you doing here?? Aren't you suppose to be in school?? And who the hell is that person behind you and why is he holding that teenager on his shoulders??

Jocelyn: No time to explain old hag. This teenager thats knocked out has to do something with DIO.

Avdol: DIO?! Mrs.Joestar, I think DIO has mind control this person to kill your granddaughter.

Jocelyn: Say what now??!

Josephine: No time to explain! Just lay him here. Let me check on him.

Jocelyn: (YN), lay him down.

(YN): Got it.

(YN) carefully lays Kakyoin down to the ground as Josephine then started to check on him...

Josephine: Its no good. He will die in a mater of days.

Jocelyn: Wait what?!

(YN): The hell?! I didn't mean to beat him up that badly.

Avdol: So you were interfere on this as well??

(YN): Not exactly...I just came to the nurse to ask her something until I found...Jocelyn right?

Jocelyn: Yeah.

(YN): Yeah, I found her laying down all I injured until he started attacking me as well, luckily I was able to take him down and save Jocelyn. But you're seriously telling me he's going to die in a couple of days?!

Josephine: Yes but don't worry, this isn't your fault. Listen, there's a reason why he sworn loyalty to Dio and came out to right here!

A spider look alike then qas attach on Kakyoin's head....

(YN): The hell?!

Jocelyn: What the hell is that spider look alike on his forehead?! So your telling me that thing is the reason he sworn his loyalty to DIO?!

Avdol: Yes, its a flesh bug form from DIO's cells. Its connected to the boy's brain. Flesh bugs may be small, but they have the power to influence a person's thoughts into actions.

Josephine: DIO knows how to control the power of charisma to people he mind controls, that is why he order this boy, Kakyoin to go and kill you and the rest of us. And he won't stop until he kills all of us and not leaving us alive.

Jocelyn: So remove the bug.

Josephine: No we can't. His brain is too delegant and it can may cause brain damage if we even try to take it out. I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do.

Jocelyn: Old hag...lets not jump the gun. Kakyoin may not be in shape, but he's not dead yet!

Jocelyn summons her stand as she kneels down besides Kakyoin...

Jocelyn: Ill pull it out with my stand.

Josephine: No Jocelyn Stop!

Jocelyn: Old hag! Dont come near me. Just back off. I can remove this thing without damaging his brain. If my stand has the persocion to catch a speeding bullet, then it can do this.

Josephine: You don't understand! That flesh bug is still alive! If you even dare to try to take it out carefully, no matter what it can destroy his brain and kill him.

As Jocelyn's stand grabs the flesh bug, it then grow a pair of tentacles as it went inside Jocelyn's hand...

Josephine: Shit!

Avdol: It just went through her hand! This is bad, you have to let go Jocelyn! It can infiltrate anyone's brain who dares to take it out from another person's brain!

Kakyoin suddenly awakens as realizes Jocelyn taking the flesh bug out of his forehead...

Kakyoin: Wh-Why?! What are you-

Jocelyn: If I were you, I would not move, cause if you do, your brain is done for.

Kakyoin then stood still and calm as Jocelyn continues to take out the flesh bug, its tentacle then started to reach over to Jocelyn's face as it was this close to reach her brain at any moment...

(YN): Oi Oi! That thing has made it half way! Jocelyn let go or-

Josephine: Young man! Don't. Just back off.

(YN): What?!

Josephine: My granddaughter is very impressive. That thing has made it half way through her body and yet she still manages to be completely calm still, not even a tremble from she or her stand, her stand can move it with prestigious strength, its absolutely amazing!

Jocelyn continues to carefully take the flesh bug out from Kakyoin's forehead, then the flesh bug then qas completely out of his forehead

Josephine: Its completely out! Quickly kill it!

Jocelyn's Spirit: ORRAAAA!!!!

Jocelyn's spirit then takes out the flesh bug out of Jocelyn's body completely as it then rips it in half, tosses it away as Joseph then finishes the job...

Josephine: Overdrive!

With Josephine's hamon, he manages to kill the flesh bug and save Kakyoin...

(YN)'s Mind: What?? Jocelyn's grandmother's hand suddenly glow when he killed the flesh bug...could she be a stand user as well??

After saving Kakyoin, he then gets up as Jocelyn looks away outside as Kakyoin says to her...

Kakyoin: Tell me...why did you risk your life to save me after what i was gonna do to you which I didnt mean to??

Jocelyn: ...To be honest, I don't know. I really don't have an answer for that.

Kakyoin: Well...what matters is...thank you for saving me.

Jocelyn: Hmmmm.

Kakyoin: Oh and you...Uh-

(YN): Names (YN).

Kakyoin: Right. (YN), Jocelyn. I'm deeply sorry for what I have done. I didn't mean to hurt you two.

(YN): Jocelyn should be the one you should apologize. But hey, I'll take that apology.

Jocelyn: ...its nothing really. Don't mention it.

Joseph: Now Kakyoin, you might take a rest while ill go and ask my daughter to treat that wound you have on your forehead.

Kakyoin: That would be nice of you.


As minutes go by, Holly then put a bandage around Kakyoin's wound on his forhead to get treated and healed up...

Holly: There. That should do the trick.

Kakyoin: Thank you.

Josephine: Now that thats settle. Holly, I must ask...How in the hell can you live in the cramp house?! Its so uncomfortable!

Holly: Thats how we live in Japan Mama. You must get use to it.

Josephine: *sighs* very well then.

Jocelyn: So (YN), now that you helped us, aren't you going home??

Holly: Oh don't say that Jocelyn. I bet (YN) wants to stay a little longer to have some hot tea, right (YN)??

(YN): It will be great. Besides, I don't mind staying here and hang out for a bit.

Holly: Great! Now ill be back, ill go make some good tea.

Holly then exits the room as she goes and makes some tea at the kitchen as the others started to relax and Kakyoin resting as well for his wound to be healed up...

(YN): And also, there is something thats been on my mind lately.

Jocelyn: Hmm?

(YN): Excuse me, Miss..uh-

Josephine: Josephine Joestar.

(YN): Right. Ms.Joestar. I didn't help to notice after taking the flesh bug out of Kakyoin's head, you manage to kill it with your hand, but somehow it glow when you killed it. Tell me, you too are a stand user as well??

Josephine: Oh. Well I wouldn't call it a stand, its a technique called hamon. Its not a stand. But to answer your question, yes i do have a stand. Here..

Josephine then summon his Hermit Purple stand from her hand as purple thorns came out...

Josephine: This is my stand, called Hermit purple. My satnd allows me to take spiritual picture from far away by smashing a camera.

(YN): Interesting.

Josephine: Why'd you ask?? Are you also a stand user??

(YN): Yes. Here allow me to show you my stand. But not here. Come outside.

Josephine: Eh?

Avdol/Jocelyn: *Shrugs*

Josephine, Jocelyn and Avdol then follow (YN) oustide as they arrive in an open space for (YN) to summon his stand...

(YN): Alright. Here goes.

Red aura then started to surround all over his body as a pit of flames burst oir from the ground as his stand, Ghost Rider emerges our from the ground amd revealed itself...

Josephine: Woah! Thats his stand?!

Avdol: Wait a sec! It couldn't be-

Josephine: Hmm? Whats the matter Avdol?? You know his stand?!

Avdol: Im afraid I do. His stand...has to be one of the most rarest and most powerful stands no user has ever got. Besides Jocelyn's, (YN) is lucky to have that powerful stand. His stands name is Ghost Rider!

(YN): So you know my stand?? I'm guessing your a stand user as well??

Avdol: Correct. My stand is called Magicians Red. Its similar like yours due to the flames, but your stand's flames is way more powerful than mines. I've heard about Ghost Rider, it says that the stand Ghost Rider possesses the ability to generate, control, and project mystical fire, or "hellfire" at will. Hellfire is an ethereal and supernatural flame that burns the soul of a person and can also be used to burn their physical body. He also possess formidable superhuman strength, which it can easily lift up a truck. And whats more surprising is that both yours and Jocelyn's stands both seem to be powerful. But what I fear most about his the fact its immortal.

Josephine/Jocelyn: What?!

Avdol: Yes. You see. Killing the stand user like (YN) won't really be that much of an accomplishment, since the spirit itself will find someone else to posses. ... In conclusion, it is difficult, if not, impossible to kill Ghost Rider, other than killing its stand user.

(YN): I knew you were going to say that. Never knew your that smart about knowing my stand.

Avdol: So I'm guessing you notices that you and your stand cannot be dead due to the stand being immortal??

(YN): Yeah. Mind telling you guys how I got it?

All three of them nod...

(YN): Okay then...11 years ago. I was 7byears old. I was on the car with my father as he was taking me to school as my mother qas at home.. Until one day...we had a car accident due to a truck hitting us, after the incident I wasn't able to survive and thought I was gonna die. Until suddenly, I started waking up as I notice a spirit besides me inside the damage car, as it was with me, I notices the injury and wounds I got were starting to heal back quickly as the wounds and scratches weren't to be shown. As the ambulance came to save me and my father, they were surprised and shook to notice that I wasn't injured nor wounded...but as for my father...he didn't made it.

Josephine: Hmmm. I'm sorry for your fathers lost.

Avdol: Same goes to me. Terribly sorry.

(YN): Its fine. He's in a better place now.

After witnesssing (YN)'s stand and Backstrom of how he got it and tye death of his father...Holly came with the tea as they Josephine and Avdol manage to cheer him up by joining him for some tea. As for Jocelyn, she then walks up to him as she places her hand onto his shoulder to cheer him up, he smiles, which causes Jocelyn to bluch and cover her face as (YN) enjoys spending time with them...


As minutes go by, it qas already sunset. As (YN) had to go home already. He then thanked Holly for the tea as he waved bye at them and Jocelyn as he exits her home property, Jocelyn then cathes up to him at the sidewalk as she calls him...

Jocelyn: Hey (YN).

(YN): Hmm??

Jocelyn: Again...thank you for the help back there.

(YN): No problem...well, see you tomorrow?

Jocelyn: ...Y-Yeah whatever. But aslo...

(YN): Hmm??

Jocelyn: *Blushes a little* Yare Yare...can we walk school...and then coming back home???

(YN): *smiles* sounds cool. Pick you up at 7am?

Jocelyn: Sure.

(YN): Cool. See you then.

(YN) then walks as he heads over to his house as he talks to himself...

(YN): Jocelyn Kujo...sounds like a nice name for a chick like her...sure she can have an attitude, but deep down she can be a nice person as well.

Jocelyn: D-Damn. Why is it so hard to even ask a guy like him to be friends?! Well whatever, at least I manage to say something like that....


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