Chp.43 Oingo Boingo Brother: Zenyatta and Mondatta Pt.2

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And so, the two brothers go into a café shop as they sneak inside to fin themselves the owner in the cashier counter table, the big brother, Zenyatta grabbed a pan as he swings the owner behind the head and knocks him out cold as the little brother, Mondatta, started dragging him to hide him in a room where no one can see him...

Zenyatta: Okay, according to your manga, these guys are gonna sit right on that table. That's where their gonna drink the poison.

Mondatta: Yeah, my stand Thoth, the god of writing has never failed me nor wrong in anything when it comes to predictions.

Meanwhile, Jocelyn, Joseph and Polnareff were having a walk in the city of Aswan...

Polnareff: Well? Are they gonna pull through?

Josephine: Luckily Avdol's injuries isn't that bad they just need to treat it right and get out at least tomorrow. Kakyoin On the other, has serious injuries from his eyes that need to be treated, if not he can go blind.

Jocelyn: I hate to say it, but if his condition isn't done nor heal by the end of this time, we might have to leave him behind.

Polnareff: Well now, since there's so many cafés around here how about we get ourselves some drinks?

Josephine: Good idea. But which one?

Polnareff then grabs his cigarette from his mouth as he tosses it in mid air as it lands to the ground and points at a café name Maxim...

Polnareff: There you have it, the cigarette has spoke.

The three go to the Maxim café. As they entered they sat down on a table as their waiter....Zenyatta, which the others don't know about him yet walked up to them and said...

Zenyatta: Hello there. Tell me fine may I be your service?

Polnareff: Well How about some teas you two?

Jocelyn: Sure, I'll take one.

Zenyatta: Alright. Three teas it is. I'll be back in a jiffy.

As Zenyatta turned around...

Joseph: Actually scratch that, we don't want any teas...

Polnareff: Huh? Why?

Joseph: Remember, we are still in enemy territory here in Egypt. We may not know when the 8 other stand users will arrive. So from now we'll drink beverages from bottles and cans. Excuse me kind sir, would you bring us 3 bottle of colas?

Zenyatta: COLAS!?!

Jocelyn: Yeah. Is that a problem?

Zenyatta: N-No. I'll go bring them for you.

Josephine: And while your at it, bring them to us so we can open the caps ourselves once you bring them.

Zenyatta Mind: Now they want un open colas!? How am I suppose to put poison on those?! Was the prediction wrong?! No it can't be! My brothers manga is always right! Damn it I got to get it together! I have to believe in my little bro, I just have to calm myself.

Suddenly, a man the shout out to Zenyatta...

Man: Hey you! Is this your idea of a cold drink!? You better not have your hopes up that I will pay for this!?!

Joseph: Wait, so the colas aren't cold at all??

Zenyatta: S-Sorry about the hassle, the fridge is down so-

Polnareff: Hey now Mrs.Joestar, don't you think your being too paranoid? Let's say an example that the guy who is bringing our drinks, is the enemy, and he was trying to damn us to put a little poison in our drinks?

Zenyatta: .....

Polnareff: How would he know to come in this exact café when there tons of them here in Aswan? And the fact I chose this one out of the wind.

Josephine: My point is we can't be too careful around here.

Polnareff: Well if your that worried, maybe let's go to a different one, the one across the street.

Josephine: Okay.

As the three got up and about to exit the café shop, they notice the other one across the street was set on fire...

Owner: AAAAAAGH!!! What I do!!?! My café is on fire!! Some jackass spark a cigarette and left it on the road!

Polnareff: Uh....oh boy.

Josephine: You know what, maybe we will have those teas. Three of them.

Zenyatta Mind: Yes! We won!

The three went back to sit down at their table as Zenyatta brought their teas...with poison on them, without Joseph Jocelyn and Polnareff knowing....

Polnareff: Goodness, what kind of jerk would light a cigarette and toss it to the trash? Really the nerve of some people.

The three grab their teas as they were about to drink the teas...

Zenyatta Mind: Finally! Drink it! Drink it till it's gone!

As the three sip their cups of tea, suddenly, a woman screamed as she shouts out...

Woman: A dog just took my cake!!

Woman: Who the hell brought this major mutt in the café?!

Iggy suddenly showed up as it then stole a cake from the woman as Joseph Jocelyn and Polnareff spat out their teas....

Josephine/Jocelyn/Polnareff: Iggy!!!

Iggy then started to run away as the three started chasing him...

Josephine: Damn it Iggy!

Polnareff: Come back here you shitty dog! Wasn't Iggy with (YN)?!

Jocelyn: He was but I guess this damn flea bag started wondering off without (YN) noticing!

Back at the café...

Zenyatta: Damn it! There were just about to swallow the poison! Dumb mutt! So what the hell is going to happen next?!

Mondatta:Let's see here...

Suddenly, an image appeared from the manga asa familiar character arrive to the shop...

Mondatta: Hey look big bro! Someone who's cane along with Joseph Joestar is coming here in the café

Zenyatta: Really?? Who can it-

(YN): Excuse me?

The two brother turned around to notice (YN) coming in the shop....

(YN): Sorry to bother, but I'm looking for a dog that I saw coming here, have you seen him??

Zenyatta: a dog?? Oh right. Yeah I did, it ran away.

(YN): *sighs* good grief. That Iggy really likes to wonder off.

Zenyatta Mind: Oh right! This is (YN)! I heard about him! Maybe we can kill him! But how??

(YN): Hey, I see you sell colas, can I get one?

Zenyatta: Oh sure. I'll get you one.

Zenyatta and Mondatta then walked to the counter as they talk quietly to each other...

Zenyatta: Lil bro! This is our chance to kill (YN)! We heard about him with Dio. If he drinks the cola with poison on it, then we have no problem at all!

Mondatta: Good idea!

Zenyatta then goes to the fridge as he grabs a bottle of cola. (YN) wasn't looking as Zenyatta quickly pours the poison on the cola as he goes and hands the drink over to (YN)...

Zenyatta: Here you go.

(YN): Thanks.

(YN) then started drinking the cola...

Zenyatta/Mondatta Mind: He's actually drinking it!

(YN) finish the whole bottle of cola...

(YN): Now that's refreshing.

Suddenly, (YN) started to feel a bit weird as he stared sweating a lot and started to lose his illusion as he can barely see Zenyatta and Mondatta smirking...

(YN): Wh-What did you b-bastards...p-put...

(YN) Suddenly spat out blood from his mouth and collapses to the floor as he wasn't moving anymore...

Mondatta: We did it bro! We killed (YN)!

Zenyatta: That's what I'm talking about! One down, six more to go! Come one bro, let's go. And this time, when we see the others, we make sure we killed them as well! Ha! We knew we're the one and only best brothers baby!

As Mondatta climb up to Zenyatta's shoulder, they both exit the shop and left (YN) "dead" as they walk over the road, they started talking about what the prediction will happen next...

Zenyatta: Alright little bro, what does your manga say?

Mondatta: Hmmmmm. Oh look! Hear this out: The brothers went out to look and to find the two guys, the girl and their dog. As they continue their pursuit, the brothers saw Joestar and the others got in a car and hurry to the hospital to check on their friends, Avdol and Kakyoin. But they have no idea Zenyatta has made a bomb that is shaped like an orange, placing it in their car. Jocelyn then was blown into pieces and her head was split in two and blood sprouting everywhere.

Zenyatta: Oh yeah! So al I have to do is make a bomb that looks like a orange, place it to their car without them noticing and have Jocelyn blow up to pieces! That's a really task to do! Let's go find them little bro!

Mondatta: Uh..big bro?

Zenyatta: Wassup lil bro?

Mondatta: B-Before we do all that, it looks like we're being chased by someone...

Zenyatta: Chased??? Who the hell even wants to chase us-

(YN): You!!!

Both turned around to notice (YN) was back on his foot and yet seem to be really pissed off...

Zenyatta: You!?! How the-

(YN): You think poisoning me can kill me!?! And don't think you didn't!?! Cause look what you drop!

(YN) them a bag of poison....

Mondatta: Oh no! You dropped it big bro!

Zenyatta: O-Oh Crap!

(YN): And by the looks of it, I guess you two are the enemy users! Well if you are, then I suggest you prepare to fight!

(YN) summons Ghost Rider...

Mondatta: B-Big bro! What is that!?!

Zenyatta: Th-That's his stand! More importantly how the hell is he back alive-wait! His stand! It's powers! N-Now I remember! His stand is the cause for him not to die! It's immune to death! I remember now! His stand more him can't be killed!

Mondatta: Wh-What now big bro!?

Zenyatta: Now...WE RUN!!!!

(YN): Get back here!

(YN) started chasing the brothers, just like Mondatta manga just predicted, behind chased by (YN)....what will happen next?


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