Chp.44 The End Of Oingo Boingo Brother Pt.3

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In the road of the city of Aswan, Zenyatta and Mondatta were continuing running away from (YN) for a while as they somehow managed to lose him...

Zenyatta: I-I think...we lost him.

Mondatta: You sure big bro?

Zenyatta: Yes, I don't see him anywhere...I think we got lucky we got away with him....

Mondatta: Big bro, Look!

Mondatta and Zenyatta notice a vehicle parked that is familiar to Mondatta's manga stand, and just in luck, they have manage to find the crusader's vehicle...

Zenyatta: Well would you look at that, we found the car! How lucky we are, so little bro, all I have to do is make a bomb with an orange, place it in the car and have Jocelyn explode into pieces??

Mondatta: That's right big bro. My stand Thoth can see the near future and most can see it as a disadvantage, but once the prediction is printed, it can never change, no matter what anybody does, not ever.

Zenyatta: *chuckles* lucky for me. I somehow manage to have the bomb ready and a crowbar in my jacket to get in the vehicle. Hehehe, once Jocelyn peels this orange bomb, it will detonate to three seconds once she peels the orange. Alright little bro, go hide somewhere while I'll go plant the bomb in there.

Mondatta then hid behind a building as Zenyatta goes walking to the car and uses the crowbar to break in the car. As he does, he gets in as he places the orange bomb in the bag of oranges...

Zenyatta: *chuckles* this is it! This will be the end of Jocelyn. There's no way out-

Suddenly, Zenyatta then heard...

Josephine: Hey!

Polnareff: Who the hell is in our car?! Do you recognize this bastard?!

Josephine: What?! Is it Jocelyn??

Polnareff: No! Jocelyn said she was going straight to the hospital. Be careful!

Josephine: Dont let him get away!

Zenyatta Mind: Shit! It's Joestar and Polnareff! I have to get out and-

(YN): There you are you bastard!

Zenyatta notices that (YN) has found him and already recognized him due to his clothes...

Zenyatta: Double Shit!!! (YN) found me!?!! What now what now!?!! ........AHA!!! It's risky and a bit stupid and embarrass, but it's gonna work!

Josephine: Huh?! (YN)?! Where the hell have you been?!

Polnareff: Not to mention you didn't even watch over the damn mutt-

(YN): No time to explain! I have to deal with bastard first! He poison me! And not only that, him and that shitty brat that he was with are the stand users that Dio hired!

Josephine: What?! Well if you say so, don't let him get away then!

Zenyatta started to move around somehow as (YN) started to run as he then grabs him...

(YN): Alright you bastard! Im going to knock you—

As (YN) turns Zenyatta around, facing him as he gets ready to fight him, suddenly, Zenyatta started to look His whole body and his face started to look exactly like....Jocelyn???

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): H-Hey Hey now. What's the matter with you (YN)? Why so aggressive?? It's me. Couldn't you tell?

(YN): J-Jocelyn???

Joseph: Oh. So it's you Jocelyn.

(YN) lets Zenyatta, who looks exactly like Jocelyn go as he says in his mind...

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): *Chuckles* My stand, Khnum, gives me the power of transformation, I can alter my height, weight, voice, looks and scent whatever I see fit. I even use my hair to recreate this hat...not to mention...I was lucky and smart enough to able make Jocelyn's boob's size exactly how it is...

Polnareff: Wait I don't get it. Last time I heard was that you were heading over straight to the hospital.

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): Huh? I did?? I-Oh right. The hospital. I forgot that I left my wallet here, Yare Yare Daze.

Josephine: Say Jocelyn, where's you're school uniform?

Zenyatta (Jocelyn) Mind: School Uniform??? What's he talking about?? Does She wear one??

Josephine: Nothing personal friend, but these clothes you have doesn't make you look good.

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): O-Oh right! My uniform. Th-They got dirty and I have to put them in the dry cleaner, took them for a wash and use these clothes for now.

Polnareff: Is that so? Well in that case, come on you two, let's get in the car and head over to the hospital to check on Avdol and Kakyoin.

Zenyatta (Jocelyn) Mind: What?!

Mondatta Mind: Oh no! Not the car! Then that means-

Zenyatta (Jocelyn) Mind: N-No it can't be! I-If I get in the car with this face, then the real Jocelyn wouldn't get blown up! Instead, it will be me!! Shit!

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): Y-You know, it's a beautiful day outside, maybe we should over there and-

Suddenly, Zenyatta then bumps to (YN) from behind as he turns around, looks at him as (YN) stares at him menacing and oddly curious..

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): H-Hey now (YN), Whats with the stare??

(YN): Come on Jocelyn, let's get in the car.

(YN) suddenly forces Zenyatta to get in the car. As he does, they all got in the car as they all head over to the hospital....

Zenyatta (Jocelyn) Mind: Crap! What now!?! I have to un-do my Jocelyn disguise before it's too late and on top of that, I would be the one being blown up besides the real Jocelyn! What to do, What to do!?! Aha! I got it! I'll get rid of the bomb and put another one later so it can blow up the real Jocelyn and there, it can save my ass!

Zenyatta the grabs the orange bomb as he quickly tosses it out to the window...

Zenyatta (Jocelyn) Mind: I did it! Phew...what a relief. I'm safe

(YN): Hey look. It's Iggy. He's chasing our car.

Polnareff: And he has a orange in his mouth. Did you steal that Iggy? It could be a nice gift for Avdol and Kakyoin.

Zenyatta started to realize that the dog, Iggy that he saw befor at the café, jumped on the car with the orange bomb in his mouth...

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): WHAT?!?! YOOOOOWWWW!!!

Josephine/Polnareff/(YN): Come again???

Josephine: Everything okay back there Jocelyn? Never knew you would say something like that.

Jocelyn: O-Oh. Y-Yow? You know, Yow. Actually, I was pointing out that there's a cow.

Polnareff: A cow??? Hmmmmm. You know, your really acting pretty particular Jocelyn, your never like this and always chill...I hate to say this but I got to wonder...are you actually the real you and not some fake??!

Polnareff and Joseph started to become Curious about Jocelyn's behavior, she never acts like this, the fact this is Zenyatta disguising as Jocelyn, Zenyatta started to sweat in fear as he notices (YN) starring at him as both of his eye color started to glow red...

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): Y-Yare Yare Daze Polnareff, what the hell are you even talking about?? By the way, are we at the hospital yet?? *laughs nervously*

Polnareff: Hmmmmm. Oh well then. Anyways, Say Jocelyn...

Polnareff then lights up a cigarette...

Polnareff: I'm super bored. Why don't you show me that cool cigarette trick?

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): T-Trick?? What Trick??

Polnareff: That one you taught me a couple weeks. Look I think I can do it look.

Polnareff then lifts the cigarette with his tongue and perfectly placed it and lands on his tongue and closes it...

(YN): Say, you're getting pretty good Polnareff.

Polnareff: *chuckle in French*

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): *O-Oh that trick! Thank goodness! I know to do that one! It's risky but I can pull it off!* why don't you say so Polnareff, sure I can show you.

Polnareff: Awesome. While your at it, how about you do 5 cigarettes!

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): F-Five!?!

Polnareff: Come on now Jocelyn, I know you can do it.

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): *Why is this happening to me!?! Damn that Jocelyn and her stupid part tricks!?! How can she do these such things like this?! If I don't do it, then they will know something is up! There already becoming more suspicious little by little!?! And Polnareff being a dumbass is near to kill us all with that damn orange bomb he has in his hand!!! I-I have no other choice then!!!!*. Fine then, have it your goes...

Zenyatta then puts the five cigarettes in his mouth and lights all five of them up as he gets ready to do the trick. He was trying his best to land them on to his tongue without gettin burn or putting them out, and so, he actually pulled it off...

Josephine: Woooah. Very impressive Jocelyn

Zenyatta (Jocelyn) Mind: I did it! I knew I can pull it off!!

Polnareff: Here Jocelyn. Last time you did a super cool move while drinking this juice without putting the cigarettes out.

Zenyatta didn't know for sure if he can actually do that as well, he has to if not, then Joseph, (YN) and Polnareff will know what is up...So Zenyatta ended up trying to do the trick Polnareff told him, but it was too late as he couldn't handle the cigarettes in his mouth as he puts them out and failed and the fact it kinda started to burn the inside of his mouth..

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): AAAAAAAAAAAGG!!!

Polnareff: Awwwwww you failed.

Josephine: Jocelyn are you okay!?! Oh my god!!!

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): Y-Yeah...I'm fine...

Polnareff: Jocelyn, I know we said this already, but you've been acting really weird lately.

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): Y-Yeah I'm fine Polnareff. No need to worry about me-

(YN): Say Jocelyn, I couldn't help looking both of your hands being clasp like that...

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): My hands???? *My hands?? What's wrong with them being clasp like this??*

Polnareff: AHA!!! Are you aware you got your left thumb on the other?! Well are you?!??

Zenyatta (Jocelyn) Mind: Shit what?!?? I wasn't prepare for this! Does Jocelyn have a weird technique to clasp her hand with her left thumb on top the other!?!! Who even notices something like that?! The hell im gonna do!?!!

Polnareff: PFFFHAHAHAHA!!! I knew it! So it does mean that having your left thumb on top actually tells you your identify as a woman. And my fortune says that if you have your right thumb on top the other, you identify yourself as a man.

Joseph: Well how about that, I always put my left thumb on top the other as well.

(YN): Hehe sorry Mr.Joestar, but that proves you identify yourself as a woman in your past life.

Joseph: Says you, how does it prove anything??its so stupid! HaHaHaHa!

As the three started laughing, Zenyatta started to feel like he wasn't feeling nor looking good at all..

Zenyatta (Jocelyn) Mind: Aaaaaaugh man...I'm feeling sick...these freakin lunatics are driving me nuts...I-I have to make an excuse to get out of here.

Polnareff: Say Jocelyn, how about we eat an orange and see who can finish it first??

Zenyatta notices the orange Polnareff has in his hands was the bomb...

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): Nooo!! Stop it! Don't peel it you idiot!

Polnareff: WOW now! The hell is your problem!?!

Josephine: Jocelyn, are you even okay?? This isn't like you, nor this is how you even behave...

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): O-Oh.'s just that...I don't think eating that orange you have isn't a good idea...I mean, you don't know where I came from when Iggy got it from the ground, it could have found in the gutter..

Polnareff: I mean it doesn't matter really, I can just wash it off later once we t to the hospital. Oh boy I can wait to see the look on your face when I beat you-

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): OWWW the pain!

Polnareff: Hey now, what's wrong??

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): Stop you car please! I have to go use the bathroom! Stop it hurry! I-I-I CAN HOLD IT MUCH LONGER!!!

Josephine: Calm down Jocelyn, we're almost to the hospital, you can use it over-

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): No No! It's fine! I can catch up you three later just go ahead without me! Let me out!!!

Joseph stops the car as Zenyatta then quickly gets out from the car as she was ready to run away, until (YN) then said...

(YN): Hey hold it Jocelyn!

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): H-HUH!?!

(YN) again started to stare at Jocelyn, Zenyatta, menacing as Zenyatta started to sweat in fear the fact that maybe (YN) has already found out about him, but no. (YN) hands Zenyatta a role of toilet paper...

(YN): Take this-

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): OKAY!!!

Zenyatta started to run off...

Zenyatta (Jocelyn) Mind: I did it!!! I actually escape from that hell hole! I can finally hide behind that rock and un-do this disguise and go back to myself!

Joseph, Polnareff and (YN) continue their ride as they were almost arriving to the hospital...

Polnareff: You know, Jocelyn did brought up a good point, who knows where Iggy found his orange, might found it in some gutter. (YN), wanna have it??

(YN): Nah. Just toss it out.

Polnareff then tosses the orange out. Meanwhile, Zenyatta then notices his little brother, Mondatta finding him finally...

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): Little bro!

Mondatta: Big bro! You finally got out from the car!

Zenyatta (Jocelyn): I did! Now I can transform back to myself and celebrate our victory! As we know that the Zenyatta and Mondatta brothers have won again!!! HaHaHaHa!!!

As the two brother continue running towards each other to reunite, they both suddenly stopped on something. As they did, they step on something and heard a clock ticking...they both look down to their foot to check what they stepped on...and bad luck for them, it was the orange bomb that Polnareff toss out...

Zenyatta/Mondatta: ARE YOU...KIDDING ME-

And so, the bomb caused a huge explosion causing the two brother to get injured so bad...

Polnareff: Hey did you two heard something?

Josephine: No.

(YN): Not really. Probably construction.

The three then finally arrive to the hospital. As they parked their car, Polnareff holding onto a bag of oranges, they somehow find Jocelyn here at the hospital, weird....

Josephine: Huh?? Well if it isn't Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: Hmmm? Hey what took so long? Oh and I see you found (YN).

Polnareff: Forget that, how the hell did you manage to get here so fast while using the bathroom?!

Jocelyn: Huh???

Joseph: Not only that, you got here before us, and yet manage to get your uniform as well from the dry cleaners.

Jocelyn: The hell are you two talking about??

Suddenly, an ambulance showed up as the back doors open as the paramedics then pull out two injured brothers...Zenyatta and Mondatta...

(YN): That guys clothes...looks familiar...

Polnareff: Yeah...And somehow I can't put my finger on it...

Jocelyn: You three know him?

(YN): Nah.

Polnareff: Nope. Can't say that I do.

Josephine: Right. Let's go and see how Avdol and Kakyoin are doing.

Jocelyn: Oh well.

(YN): Hey Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: Yeah?

(YN): okay now??? I mean, you acted so weird back there in the car, just wanna know if your okay???

Jocelyn: Yare Yare. What are you even talking about?? I'm fine (YN).

(YN): ...Okay then. If you say so Hehe.

(YN) chuckles as he smiles at Jocelyn, making her blush due to (YN) smiling at her...

Jocelyn Mind: *giggles and blushes* idiot


And so the brothers eventually gave up on their mission, the battle was over and after all the chaos and pain, Jocelyn and the others were known the wiser...BA-DUM-TSS!!!


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