Chp.45 Enter The God Of Death: Anubis Pt.1

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As the crusaders arrive to the hospital, Avdol was already able to set off to go out with the others, unfortunately for Kakyoin, his injuries is still not improved yet, Kakyoin's eyes injuries will be healed very soon and will take time for a full recovery, but no worries, Kakyoin will catch up with the others once he's completely healed up. But thanks to Kakyoin, he knows that Dio is 800 kilometers away from his lair in Cairo...Kakyoin wishes there safe on their journey as he waits for his injuries to be healed and can't wait to joined them soon. The crusaders then aboard a ship as they go onto their destination, Ko Ombo.....meanwhile, in the city of Ko Ombo, a young man was then on his way home. His name was Chaka. Chaka was about to head home as he was getting some stuffs he bought in the town, as he continues to walk, something caught up his attention,

Chaka: A sword? What's something like this doing here?? This looks...amazing. It must cost a fortune...did someone drop it?? No it can't be, people can't be that dumb to drop this precious thing like this.

Chaka picks up the sword on the ground as he notices how beautiful it looks...he then opens the top of it as the sword was revealed, the sword was so shiny that it made Chaka focus on it even way more...

Chaka: Woah. I-It's amazing....

Chaka stares at the sword as he started to know something about it...

Chaka: What...What?? I-I can somehow hear it? It doesn't make no sense...but I can hear the blade blazing...I-I don't know...this blade is somehow making me feel nervous for some reason...I-I-

???: Be calm, Calm down Chaka.

Chaka: Wh-Who are you???! I-I can't see you, but I can hear you voice in my head...

???: I am a stand of a god called Anubis, ruler of the underworld, and lord of the dead. Stay calm, I'm not going to do nothing to you...but you can do me this favor.

Chaka: Wh-What favor???

Anubis: Since you have unsheathed me, you shall become my user,Yes, my stand user, you are an expert in swordsmanship, you are stronger than anyone else. Wield me and you shall kill.

After Chaka hearing Anubis's voice in the blade, his personality and behavior started to be different, he looked menacing as he grins and says ...

Chaka: Anyone who gets in my was shall deserved to be killed. Now, who shall I slice into pieces?

Anubis: Here's who you can kill; Slaughter Joseph Joestar, Slice Polnareff, Cleave Jocelyn in two, you are a fighting genius, a master of the sword. No one will be a match against our blade! No one!!

Chaka then chuckles as he then heads over to find Joseph and the others with the sword in his hand as he goes off to kill them...meanwhile, the crusaders then finally to their destination, Kom Ombo. The crusaders decided to take a break as Josephine went to go use the bathroom as Avdol, Jocelyn, Iggy, Kakyoin and (YN) started looking around the place on Kom Ombo. As For Polnareff, he then somehow got lost as he wasn't paying attention due to him speaking with a man who is trying to sell him a real Papyrus...Polnareff started to look for them as he arrive to a place where looked like a coliseum, as he walks over calmly, he suddenly started to notice that someone beside him was following, it was Chaka, the young man who has the Anubis sword. as he and Polnareff started walking towards the Coliseum as they both stop and still stared forwards as Polnareff tells Chaka...

Polnareff: Gotta say, you gotta a lot of balls following me my friend. It seems like you're following me to attack me while we're around with innocent bystanders. Also, guys like you are a rare breed, stand users don't usually show themselves. Kind of noble. So tell me your name.

Chaka: The names Chaka. And my stand is known as Anubis, the one know true ruler of the underground. Now Jean Pier Polnareff, prepare yourself to surrender your life.

Polnareff: HaHa. You don't say, Chaka. Man oh man. You do really got some balls to say that to me. And your tougher as well, more manly enemy than I first thought...Well then, give me your best shot. Let's see if your Anubis stand can keep up a match against me.

Polnareff then walks more steps forward as he then turns around as both Chaka and Polnareff both started standing a distance from each other as they place their fighting stance. Chaka then took out his katana sword...

Polnareff: Silver Chariot...lets do this.

The battle between Polnareff and Chaka continues on the next chapter...


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