Chp.46 The God Of Death: Anubis Pt.2

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And so the battle begins between Chaka and Polnareff, as Polnareff summoned his stand already, he expected Chaka to summon his as well, but he didn't, Chaka only pulled out his sword...but that's not important for Polnareff as he notice Chaka angrily started charging at Polnareff as Chaka swings the sword to him, Silver Chariot quickly blocks it as Chaka started swinging the katana to Polnareff aggressively as Polnareff started dodging Chaka's strikes..

Polnareff Mind: Somethings wrong here. His movements, his grip, his stance, that's a giveaway from an amateur. But that doesn't make sense...

Chaka suddenly disappear and hid behind the pillar as he swings the katana to the pillar, Polnareff then notices that as Chaka swing the sword towards the pillar, He somehow got cut from his chest as blood started to pour out..

Polnareff: AAAGH!! Damn it! The hell is going on here?! His sword pass through the pillar! If it wasn't enough, he didn't even cut a single it on my shirt! If I didn't move back enough, he would have killed me there!

Suddenly, Chaka's katana was coming after Polnareff again through the Pillar as Polnareff's Silver Chariot was quick enough to fight back and started dueling Chaka with their sword skills..

Polnareff: Come one you coward! Show yourself and face me like a real man!

Chaka then stopped as he suddenly started sprinting around behind the pillars, one by one each, his mind behind as he was no where to be seen...

Polnareff: Shit! I can't just lose him already. He must be his mind behind these pillars. Judging from his attack, his katana can go through solid objects. And he's tougher than I thought. But mark my words, he won't have the upper hand not for long!

Polnareff then climbs up on top of a Pillar as he calls out Chaka...

Polnareff: Hey Chaka! There's no way you can hide behind these pillars no more! Show yourself so we can end this now!

Polnareff then heard his evil laugh, echoing, knowing where could he be, he then suddenly heard a pillar being destroyed, as he notice that there was a big one behind him as it was falling towards him...

Chaka: HaHaHaHaHa! As you see Polnareff, my katana doesn't only pass through objects, with the power of my katana I can cut through this pillar with my blade! Now die Polnareff!

As Chaka was about to swing his sword and cut Polnareff through the Pillar, Silver Chariot points his sword towards the pillar falling as its sword suddenly shot the blade towards another pillar as it bounces to Chaka and stabbing right on his neck, blooding everywhere from his neck as Chaka then falls down and was yet defeated by Polnareff...

Polnareff: That was one of Silver Chariot's secret technique, not even Jocelyn and (YN) knows about it, Silver Chariot can shoot it's blade out. But the downside is that it can only be shot once only. If Chaka would have dodge it, I wouldn't have won. Well it's true I didn't kill him, I highly doubt he won't get up and go for another round.

Polnareff then notices something else, the katana that Chaka was using was on the ground, laying there as Polnareff goes and checks on it...

Polnareff: Well that's weird, how did it went back into its scabbard. Did it slip in by any chance???

Suddenly, as he took the scabbard from the katana for a little, Polnareff started to feel like seeing the katana made him feel like he was hearing voices in his head somehow...

Polnareff: I-I didn't notice before, but now since I've seen it close, I can tell that this is a beauty one...

Suddenly, Iggy started barking at Polnareff from behind as Polnareff then closed the katana back to the scabbard as the crusaders found Polnareff...

Jocelyn: Hey there Polnareff, thought we lost you.

Josephine: We were worried about you when you vanish by yourself, thought you've been ambush by an enemy. Everything okay? You seem a bit off.

Polnareff: O-Oh...right, it's you guys *Im so fuzzy I can't even think straight somehow, neither I didn't know they found me.*

Avdol: Polnareff, how did you come across with that sword??

Polnareff: Oh right. I ran up to some bastard that tried attacking me with it.

Josephine: An enemy stand user??!

Polnareff: Yeah, but's it's over. His name was Chaka and his stand was the Anubis, ruler of the underground. His stand is the sword, allowing him to be an expert swordsman, phase through objects and cut them. He was a powerful foe. That's why he was using this sword as a weapon to fight me.

Josephine: Well I'm glad you're all right, just don't run off all alone again, got it?

(YN): The enemy will find a away to attack you, even though your alone with just few seconds.

Suddenly, a boat was about to sail...

Josephine: Oh crap. The boat. That's us. The boat will take us to our next destination in the city. Come on all, let's hurry it up before it leaves us.

Polnareff: Right, let me just take this...sword just in case...

The crusaders then started running as they all head over to the boat to sail over to the city.


It was already day light, the crusaders book themselves a room for one night, as they do, Polnareff still had the sword with him as Iggy somehow started barking at it...

Avdol: Iggy, be quiet, you can't make noise over here.

Joseph: If you do, then we will get kicked out of this hotel.

Polnareff: What the hell is wrong with this mutt now? *sighs* oh well, since I got nothing else to do, I guess I should take this sword to cops now.

Avdol: Polnareff, did we not just told you not to go all by yourself?!

Josephine: Seriously, we already talked about this earlier. Jocelyn, (YN), go along with him will ya?

(YN)/Jocelyn: On it

Both Jocelyn and (YN) said it the same time as they both chuckled a little as they both joined to go with Polnareff to leave the sword at a police station....but not quite, instead, Polnareff then goes to a barber to get a short haircut for his precious and perfect hair to stand tall as Jocelyn and (YN) waiter patiently...

(YN): Oi Polnareff, shouldn't we take the sword to the police first??

Polnareff: Hon Hon, take it easy (YN).

Barber: A mans gotta look it's absolute best before he heads out.

Polnareff: Oh that reminds me, say fine sir, would you please place the sword over the counter table?

Barber: Sir thing.

Polnareff: Thank you.

As the barber places the sword on the table, he goes back doing Polnareff's haircut as he then started putting shaving cream around Polnareff mouth as he started using the razor to cut off the hair, but for Polnareff, it seemed like the barber was being a little aggressive with that razor...

Polnareff: Ow! Say would you watch! In case you know, that razor is dull! Come on now, sharpen that thing! This was suppose to be the most relaxing haircut!

Barber: S-Sorry.

Jocelyn: Yare Yare Daze, your such a whiner.

(YN): You read my mind Jocelyn.

The both chuckled...

Polnareff: Very funny you two.

The Barbara then comes back as he was finishing up sharpening the razor as he again puts shaving cream around Polnareff's mouth and chin...and for some reason, the barber then was starting to shave Polnareff clam and smooth, without any problems at all.

Polnareff: Ou La La. Much better. Now that's a shave, Mr.Barber. That's what I'm talking about.

Barber: Thank you...I'm glad you find it relaxing.

The barber started to sound a bit...menacing somehow...

Polnareff: bon très bon. And now would you mind getting under my chin?

Barber: Sure..right here. Under your chin right?

Polnareff then slowly opens his eyes as he then suddenly started to get shocked and surprised as the barber had the katana with him, holding it above Polnareff's chin...

Polnareff: What the hell!?!

Barber (Anubis): Remember me you fool!?! I am the Anubis and this time your gonna die!

Polnareff Mind: Man! How!?! I don't know how or where, but now what do I do!?!

Barber (Anubis): Now Die!

The barber then pushes the Katana towards Polnareff's chin as Polnareff luckily pulled back the chair down as the barber instead got cut with it as Polnareff got up, Jocelyn and (YN) waking up...

Polnareff: Damn! Just who the hell are you really?! And what have you down with the barber?!?

As the barber takes off the katana off from his chest, the katana suddenly started to have some glowing aura around it...

Polnareff: Wait! Could it be, the sword is actually the stand?! So, the guy back at Ko Ombo wasn't the user?! Instead, the stand controls people!

Barber (Anubis): Polnareff!

The barber aggressively charges at Polnareff as he summons Silver Chariot as Chariot blocks the barber's katana strike, but suddenly he can't hold on much longer the fact the barber was somehow stronger...

Barber (Anubis): If you haven't realize, I've memorized your Chariot's moves and powers during our last fight! I won't lose to another fight with you again!

(YN): Polnareff, what the hell is going on!?

Jocelyn: Is the barber the stand user!?!

Polnareff: You two be careful! The sword is the stand! Trust me it's too dangerous to use both of your stands to go against the sword stand! This barber isn't the stand user it's just a puppet the sword is using him!

The barber suddenly backs up as he again aggressively charges at Polnareff as he somehow started to take advantage as Polnareff started struggling dealing stand, controlling the barber..he notice that the stand has become more stronger than before...and so Polnareff has an idea! He grabs the blanket, tosses it in the air for the barber not to see as Silver Chariot then shoots its blade out, bouncing off the wall and going after the barber, but this time he manage to block it without looking at it...

Polnareff: How in the!?!

Barber (Anubis): In case you haven't realize yet, I've already know your moves already Polnareff. It doesn't matter who's my wielder is, as long I battle against you once, I've never never never never never NEVER!!!!! Lose again twice!!!!

Polnareff: Damn! Without my blade, I can't fight back! Jocelyn, (YN) help me out here!

Jocelyn: Star Platinum.

(YN): Ghost Rider.

Jocelyn and (YN) both summoned their stands as the barber notices as he goes after them, Star Platinum and Ghost Rider both strike a vicious punch to the barber's face, sending him flying out crashing towards the window and outside...

Polnareff: Think that finishes him off??

Jocelyn: No, the punches were just a shallow.

(YN); Even if it took just everything we had. Shit. This guys strong.

Jocelyn: It's been quite a while now. Since we see a stand like this one. It only relies on strength.

The barber suddenly stood up...

Barber (Anubis): Not bad Star Platinum, Ghost Rider. Rumors were heard that both of your stands are powerful. Now that I've seen it's power and speed. I can now easily defeat it.

Shopper: Hey Khan, what's wrong with you??!

Polnareff: You and everyone else stay back, your friend over here is being mind controlled! Go back inside and hide.

We gone then started to back away as (YN), Polnareff and Jocelyn we're ready to continue their fight against the barber being mind control by the stand Katana...

Polnareff: Careful you two, the more we fight the stand, the faster it gets, and the next attack will be faster and stronger!

The barber suddenly gives himself a jump to the air as he holds to the katana and falls towards (YN) as he gets ready to stop him, but suddenly Jocelyn stepped up as she uses Star Platinum's both arms to catch the katana ...

Barber (Anubis): HUUUH!?! How!?! With her bear hands!?!!

Star Platinum: OOORRAAA!!!!

Star Platinum then breaks the katana in half...

Barber Mind (Anubis): I-I don't believe it! It's unreal! For her to take that kind of risk! N-Now it's becoming clear, the truth about Star Platinum, it's not only it's speed, strength nor's Jocelyn's nerve of steal of ability to make any quick decisions...and now...I know...for sure.

After that, the barber lets go of the katana, which the blade is now cut in half, he falls down unconscious...

(YN): Jocelyn, you okay??

Jocelyn: Y-Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for asking.

Polnareff came back with the scabbard...

Polnareff: Nice work Jocelyn,  but both of you, whatever you do, don't touch the sword. You snap it in half, but the enemy stand might be there still. Anyone who you touches es the sword, gets mind controlled by it, let's get the blade back without touching the tilt.

Polnareff carefully started putting the blade away in the scabbard without touching and so he did.

Polnareff: Phew. Now that that's settled, we should probably get rid of it instead of giving it to the police. This thing knows everything about our stands. But how do we get rid of it???

Jocelyn: How about we toss that piece of shit at the bottom of the river of Nile?

Suddenly, and Officer arrived...

Officer: Hold it you three! This is the police!

Polnareff: Perfect timing, officer, this ma over here need to be sent to the hospital now.

Officer: I have multiple reports of a brawl fight here in the barber shop! And what are you doing with that sword!??

The officer suddenly started to try taking the sword away from Polnareff...

Officer: Hand that weapon over immediately!

Polnareff: H-Hey stop it! Don't!

Jocelyn: Hey! You pig, let him go!!

(YN): Jocelyn wait!

Jocelyn goes up to help Polnareff, but suddenly, the Officer pulled out the scabbard as both Polnareff and Jocelyn stared and touch the sword as an echo laugh was to heard from the sword, both Polnareff and Jocelyn were trying to fight back and not get mind controlled by the stand....but it was too late already...

(YN): Jocelyn! Polnareff! *N-No Damn it! Their eyes...those stares...Jocelyn and Polnareff are now mind controlled by that sword!*

Officer: H-Hey! The two of you drew the sword!!!

Jocelyn (Anubis): Oh? We drew the sword?? *chuckles* I don't think so.

Officer: Wh-What?!

Polnareff (Anubis): Officer, you should be really careful of your accusations. Since you call yourself the server of the law.

Officer: Wh-What are you two doing!?!

Polnareff/Jocelyn (Anubis): I'm simply trying to attack the person who drew the sword!

(YN) quickly kicks the Officer out of the way...Polnareff and Jocelyn both stared at (YN)...

(YN): I don't know who you are or where your hiding, but I think it safe to say that Polnareff and Jocelyn are under your control. *Fuck. Come to think of it, I've never had the chance to fight against Polnareff, nor did I ever fought Jocelyn as well. And the thing is, both of Star Platinum's and Ghost Rider's strength and power are exactly. But mines is way stronger, And I can't just hold back if I end up fighting Chariot and Star Platinum. If I'm not smart about this...I could end up killing Polnareff...and worse...killing Jocelyn as well...I can't let that happen. But come again, how is the enemy stand able to control both Jocelyn's and Polnareff if only one can be mind controlled. the only way to avoid being mind control is to avoid to touch and not stare at it.....damn it. Now I see, Polnareff stared at it and Jocelyn touched it. Now it makes sense.

Polnareff (Anubis): *chuckles* As I said before, at this point I have already witnessed Ghost Rider's entire moves.

Jocelyn (Anubis): And if I ever done a battle with your before....

Jocelyn/Polnareff (Anubis): Then I...WILL NEVER LOSE AGAIN!!!

With Jocelyn holding onto half of the stand's blade and Polnareff with the other half, they both started charging at (YN) as they both started swinging the katana at him, he started dodging their strikes as he summons Ghost Rider to land a punch at Polnareff, but Jocelyn quickly blocks it with Star Platinum's

Jocelyn (Anubis):Hey now!

(YN): Damn!

Polnareff/Jocelyn (Anubis): HAHAHA!!RAAAAAAAGH!!!

Both continue striking the katanas at (YN) as Ghost Rider started blocking them, but couldn't keep up with them both somehow...

(YN) Mind: His speed, it's incredible! He's getting faster! I have to find a way to stop the sword!

Polnareff (Anubis): This time...

Jocelyn (Anubis): Ill take your head!


Ghost Rider manage to strike Punches to Both Jocelyn and Polnareff towards their faces, sending them flying crashing to light pole...

(YN) Mind: His speed and power are overwhelming, without a doubt, this is the fastest stand I ever face. At the rate I'm going this won't end will.....I have to fight Polnareff and Jocelyn with everything I got...or else I'll end up killing them both...and I won't let that happen

He then notices both Jocelyn and Polnareff getting up with their grins on their faces...

Polnareff (Anubis): To think you are actually faster that Star Platinum...I almost had you. But now, I have acquire that skill as well. Now tell me (YN), you wouldn't dare to kill your best friends??? Would you???

(YN): Tch. Bastard.

Jocelyn (Anubis): And I know you would never lay a finger on Jocelyn...because it's seems like you really care about her so much.

(YN): You better not do nothing to her, cause if you do, I will burn you to hell! Let's just get this over with!

Polnareff (Anubis): *chuckles* If you insist, now take a closer look (YN), what I'm about to show you will put an end to this once and for all! So let's see! Here! Feast your eyes on Silver Chariot...

Jocelyn (Anubis): And Star Platinum plus Anubis...

Jocelyn/Polnareff (Anubis): Tag Team Swordsmen Ship!!!

(YN): Damn. Here goes.

The battle will start on the next chapter....


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