Chp.48 Encountering Bastet's Mariah Pt.1

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The crusaders then arrive in the southern side of Egypt as they arrive to another destination, the city of Luxor.

Polnareff: Woah. This place here is really amazing.

Avdol: It is. This is the tombs of the famous King Tutankhamen, which lies to the valley of Kings. If what I heard is true, some of the people here in the residence still dig deep here to look for some treasure without letting the government know.

(YN): Interesting.

Jocelyn: Say, where's the old man???

Avdol: He went to go use the restroom, Iggy l went to join him since he can detect the scent of the enemy.

Polnareff: Is that true?

Avdol: Do you wanna go as well??

Polnareff: Hmmmmmm. If only it's a normal bathroom.

Meanwhile, Josephine was in a cabinet, a bathroom of course as he notice the the toilet was nothing but a huge pile of hole as the piece of shits turn into dusts....

Josephine: Ooh My God! The climate in this damn place is so dry even the piece of shit turn into dust. Which means instead of using water, it gets rid of it with wind...and what's with the bucket of sand over there??

Josephine walls over to the bucket of sand to notice that this is what you use after using the bathroom...

Josephine: So your telling me that instead of toilet paper, I have to use this sand to wipe my ass??!

Desert sand is sterile...


Josephine then exits the bathroom, Iggy as well...

Joseph: I think I'll pull a Polnareff until we get to the hotel and rather do my business in a normal toilet.

As she exits the bathroom, she suddenly notice a electrical outlet that is connected to a boulder...she goes observing it the fact it doesn't have no wires...

Joseph: This does not make no sense. How in the hell can an electrical outlet be in this boulder?? I wonder what's use for. Besides, there's not electricity over here.

She then touches the electrical outlet as it then gives her a massive electric shock to him, sending her flying away....

Josephine: Son of a bitch! That thing shocked me and sent me flying away! The hell!?

Avdol, Jocelyn, (YN), and Polnareff then finds Josephine and Iggy...

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar, is everything alright? We should probably get going already.

Josephine: O-Oh right we should. Just give me a sec. *That scared the hell out of me, the fact it's still active. Maybe the outlet is connected inside the rock and to the ground somehow...who knows.*

The crusaders then started heading over to the hotel, but before they head over there, they head over to a mini market to take a little break...meanwhile, on top of a hill, the mysterious beautiful lady from before was just there, watching the whole time, this mysterious beautiful lady is none other than one of the nine stand users, her name is Mariah and her tarot card represents the Goddes Bastet

Mariah: Now how does that old saying go again? Curiosity killed the cat?

Mariah flicks her fingers as the electrical outlet attach to the boulder suddenly disappear...weird. Anyways, the crusaders then stopped by on a mini bar market as they got themselves some rest. As for Joseph, his prosthetic hand started to act weird after roughing and getting shocked by the electrical outlet...after that. The crusaders then head to the hotel so they can rest up before heading to Cairo.


The next day, it was morning as everyone then woke up...expect Josephine, Avdol was waking him up...

Avdol: Ms.Joestar, Mrs.Joestar wake up. It's time. Polnareff is outside bragging to find a restaurant to eat breakfast.

Josephine: *yawns* I'm up I'm up. Tell Polnareff to stop crying, I'm up.

Avdol: Very well. We'll be downstairs waiting for you.

Avdol then exits the room as he heads downstairs with the others to wait for Josephine to get ready....Josephine got up, wash her face, teeth, and puts on his clothes. As she does, the wheel chair suddenly bump into Joseph, she moves it out of the way, as she walks over to get her hat, again the wheel chair then again bumped into her....

Josephine: The hell!?! What is up with this damn chair?! It's like it moved on its own.

Josephine then grabs her hat, moves the chair away as she then exits the room. As she does, two young females then pass by Josephine as one of the female's dress suddenly was lifted up from behind and going towards Jospeh's prosthetic hand...


The female gave Josephine a punch as the two of them ran away..

Joseph: I-I don't understand...What the hell just happen!?

Josephine then started running away as he suddenly notices caps of bottle sodas in her body stuck to it, and she also started to notice metal objects coming after her as she got hit some of them and dodging them, once she got out from the hallway, she then arrive to the escalator...

Josephine: Damn it! What the hell was that now!?! All those metal objects started coming after me for no reason! But why?! Unless....oh no! If I do remember, my prosthetic hand has been acting weird since yesterday from touching that electrical outlet and it's still acting up and now metal objects are coming attached to my body! That could only be one thing, this must be work for a enemy stand user! But who!? Who and where is the stand?!?

Suddenly, a woman's chains from her skirt suddenly strike to Josephine, tying him up and dropping him down...

Josephine: What the!?! Excuse me Miss! I need you to help me! I beg of you! Your chains from your skirt is wrapped around my body! Just please help me and stop the emergency button from the escalator before I get dragged into it!

The woman suddenly started to ignore Joseph...

Josephine: H-Hey! What the problem you bitch!?! Are you even listening to me?!

The woman....the woman that Josephine is begging her to help him, wasn't just an ordinary was Mariah as she then laughs...

Josephine: What the!?! Why are you laughing!??!?

Mariah: Enjoy the ride, Josephine Joestar!

Josephine: What!?!? Don't tell me!!! If you know who I am, then that makes you the enemy stand user!! Your the enemy stand all along!

Mariah: Once you made contact with my stand Bastet's magnetic energy, your whole entire body is nothing but a magnet. Toodles~

Mariah walks away...

Josephine: D-Damn it! N-Now what!?!? I-I can't do anything else! I'm about to get dragged in the escalator any moment!!!

As Josephine thought that he was about to be dragged in the escalator, luckily for him, Avdol came to the recuse as he pressed the emergency button to stop the escalator from moving, saving Jospehine...

Josephine: Avdol! Oh thank goodness your here!

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar, what happen??

Josephine: Careful Avdol, I just found the enemy stand that I'm under spelled from yesterday. The enemy's stand's power made me nothing but a magnet.

A metal place then hit Josephine from behind the head as Avdol notices...

Avdol: I see.

Josephine: I didn't knew it until know. That's why my prosthetic hand has been acting weird. And by the looks of it, the magnetic force is getting stronger and stronger the longer the stand's power remains in affect.

Suddenly, Josephine then spotted Mariah as she then smiles, turns around and runs away...

Josephine: Look! There she is! It's her the enemy! Come on let's go get her!

Avdol: But what about Jocelyn and the others!?! Should we get them as well?!

Josephine: There's no time! The more we waste time, the more the magnetic force gets difficult.

Avdol: Right!

Meanwhile, outside of the hotel...Jocelyn, (YN), Polnareff and Iggy were waiting for Avdol and Joseph to come back..

Jocelyn: Whats the hold up?

(YN): Come to think of it, Mr.Avdol went to go looking for Mrs.Joestar and yet the two hasn't come back yet, wonder what's taking them so long?

Polnareff: *gasps* OH NO! What if those to sneak off...

(YN): What??

Polnareff: Their probably having an amazing breakfast as we speak!

Jocelyn: *sighs* their probably using the bathroom or something. If they don't come back in 5 minutes, we'll go looking for them.

Polnareff: Yeah, the bathroom. Makes sense. You know, come to think of it, the bathroom from this hotel is spotless and clean.

Back with Avdol and Josephine, the two were still chasing Mariah as she then makes a turn and notices the two that Mariah has entered the women's restroom ....

Avdol: Clever. Just as I suspected. She went in the women's restroom. Now what???

Joseph: We go in. My life is on the line.

The two then entered the ladies restroom...

Avdol: Okay, we're in. Now, which stalls can she be in?? Do you have a way to find her??

Josephine: Well for one, she got some amazing smooth legs.

Avdol: H-Her legs!?!

Josephine: That's right. Just look for her legs. Believe me when I say it, you don't wanna miss them. *Wish I had smooth legs still*

Avdol: S-So we have to take a peak!?!

Avdol started to feel a bit embarrassed the fact he has to take a peak under the ladies stalls to know which one is the stand user hiding...he started taking peek one by one as he then found one, one where some ladies legs were smooth and beautiful...

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar! I've found her. Are these the legs your talking about???

Josephine then goes to Avdol to see if he found the right one, but as he goes passing through the other stalls, the locks from the stalls went from occupied to vacancy, the doors from the stalls open itself as the ladies inside of the stalls notice Avdol and Jospeh here in the ladies restroom...but the stall that Avdol and Jospeh are, open itself as an old lady was in that stall...

Old Lady: Oh my~you could at least say you want some of this~

Josephine: Holy Shit! Avdol, we got the wrong one!

Avdol: This is bad! We got the wrong person! I thought those were the legs of the stand user!

Joseph: How can you screw that's up! !?

Avdol: N-Now what?!


The ladies then started tossing things at them for being such perverts, which they weren't as Avdol and Jospeh jumped out from the window...

Avdol: AAAAAAAGH This isn't fair! I'm not suppose to be called a pervert! Polnareff should be the one being called that!

Josephine: Quit whining Avdol! Look over there!!!

At the end of the Alley, Mariah was there as she then again starts to run away...

Avdol: She's heading that way!

Josephine: After her!!!

Joseph and Avdol stared running to continue chasing Mariah...

Jospehine: Oh I almost forgot! Avdol, whatever you do do not touch any electrical outlet! No matter what! That's one of her stand users power, if you do then it'll turn you into a magnet as well!

Avdol: O-Oh no! I-I think I already did!

Josephine: What?!? Where!?! How!?!

Avdol: Back at the hotel, when I was about to turn off the emergency button from the escalator, there was a electrical outlet near the button. If only I have know.

Josephine: Damn that bitch!

Avdol: Excuse me Mrs.Joestar but could you please give me some space, can can't run without you stuck to me!

Josephine: I was about to say the same thing!

Avdol: What are you talking about Ma'am!?! Your currently stuck to me!

Josephine: Oh shit! Since you and I both touched the electrical outlet, then that means our bodies is magnetic and our bodies are gone be magnetize and stuck to each other!

The two fall down to the ground, stuck as Mariah then faces to them with a smile on her face..

Mariah: *chuckles* you'll never beat me.

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar, I-I can't believe I'm saying this but...this situation is-

Josephine: Yeah. She's too powerful. But we're not giving up yet!

What will happen next??? Part two will continue on the next chapter


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