Chp.49 Encountering Bastet's Mariah Pt.2

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(Now this is where it get really really REALLY weird between Avdol and Josephine, if you know, you know)


As we left off with Josephine and Avdol having their bodies stuck together like a magnet, Mariah started to walk away again...

Josephine: Damn it she's getting away again!

Avdol: Blast! I can't believe I turned myself into a magnet and now we have to deal with this problem!

Josephine: Calm yourself Avdol! Getting hysterical isn't gonna help at all to defeat her! And by the looks of it, she's gone again!

Avdol: I don't see her anywhere.

Jospehine: Okay listen here. We have to get up on our foot. So in order to do that, we must work together and get up!

Josephine and Avdol both started to get up slowly as they try not to struggle. As they finally stood up, their still stuck together as they have to hold themselves not to fall...

Josephine: Okay now that we're up, let's try separate ourselves. If we're stuck together, that means the twice the magnetic force will affect us more. For now, Let's use that fence to grab a hold and fall apart. Ready Avdol?!

Avdol: Ready when you are Mrs.Joestar!

Joseph: Ok Go!

Avdol and Jospeh started as two teenagers started looking at them...

Josephine: Hey! The hell you two brats looking at!?! Can't you see we're practicing our dance moves!?

Avdol: I-It's true! What a perfect day to test our dance moves!

Joseph: Now run along! Get out of here damn it!

The two teenagers then ran away, as they did, Jospeh and Avdol continue to walk towards the fence. They finally manage to grab the fence together...

Avdol: Yes! We did it! Now what?!

Josephine: O-Okay, do you think you can slide off from me?!

Avdol: I think...I might be able to.

Josephine: Good. So here's what's gonna happen. I'll hang on the fence tightly as you start sliding down, freeing yourself until you get to the bottom of the foot. Since our heads stick together, our heads must and feet must have opposite polarities, letting us separate there.

Avdol: Yes! Makes a lot of sense! Here goes!

Avdol then slowly started sliding down to Jospeh's body until he reaches to the bottom of his foot, but as he got to his waist....Avdol stop for a moment as he looked quite embarrassed the fact that what their doing may look really really wrong...

Joseph: Hey Avdol, Whats the matter??

Avdol: D-Dont you think this position is a little...embarrassing?? I mean what if someone sees us like this and they may think-

Jospeh: Oh pull yourself Avdol! No one is looking at us! And don't forget I'm married damn it!

Avdol: I-I'm not saying it like that! Apologies!

Josephine: Then Hurry it up before-

Suddenly, Jospehine notices that the two teenagers from before came back, with some friends as well...

Josephine: AAAAAAAGH!! You two again!? And you brought your shitty friends too!?! Just go away! Take a hike or something! Beat it you ankle biters! Avdol hurry it up before it gets worst!

Avdol: I'm trying as hard as I can! I-I can't believe this is happening to me!! Oh the embarrassment!!

Josephine: Fuck it! I'll be the one moving!

As Josephine then turns around, both Him and Avdol suddenly separated apart as the two suddenly felt relief for a moment...:but then again....Avdol then was pulled towards Josephine as Avdol's groin then was connected to Josephine's Ass (Oh the humanity) as Josephine tried to move around to separate from Avdol and just make it worse to seem like those two are grinding each other (OH THE HUMANITY)....Meanwhile, (YN) then was walking down the city as he started looking for Avdol and Josephine, Jocelyn and Polnareff split up to look for them..

(YN): Where could they have gone off to???

Josephine: AAAAAGH!!

(YN) then heard Jospehine yelling...

(YN): Mrs.Joestar!

(YN) started running down the alley as he got to the end..

(YN): Mrs.Joestar, are you-

As he found both Josephine and Avdol...he came in the wrong time to see those two grinding each other....(YN) has never seen such bullshit before like this...he slowly backs away...Meanwhile, Jocelyn and Polnareff and Iggy then arrive together...

Jocelyn: Any luck?

Polnareff: No. nothing at all. Hey look there's (YN) coming.

The two notice him coming...but only having his eyes on fire...

Jocelyn: Hey (YN), why are your eyes on fire??

Polnareff: And did you find Avdol and Mrs.Joestar???

(YN): ....I think burning my eyes will take more than that to get rid of the image that I just saw.

Jocelyn: Huh?? What are you even saying???

(YN): Well I found Avdol and Mrs.Joestar but...

Jocelyn: But what??? Where are they??

Polnareff: Yeah come on. Tell us.

(YN): Come, they're right over there.

(YN) leads them to Avdol and Jospeh as the two then started following him...Meanwhile, Back with Josephine and Avdol....

Joseph: AAAAAAGH!!!!

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar!! Moving around like that may look like we're doing it! Oh dear I'm sorry, truly sorry!

Avdol then started trying to pull himself away from Jospehine as hard as he can, as he does, the two finally separate from each other as the two somehow fell off over the they did, in the alley way, (YN), Polnareff Jocelyn and Iggy were coming down from it...

(YN): There right here-Huh!? Their gone!?

Polnareff: I don't see them anywhere here.

Jocelyn: You sure you saw them here???

(YN): Yeah but...I don't know where they run off too.

Jocelyn: Yare Yare...looks like we have to keep looking for them, Come on.

Back with Josephine and Avdol...

Josephine: We did it!!! But for now we have to stay far from each other! Your magnetism is getting stronger by the second!

As the two stood up again, they have found Mariah again, sitting down, smoking her cigarette...

Josephine: Just look at her, smoking her cigarette on her morning! Avdol, try to go after her on that side. We can't let her get away this time. She's cunning, so this may be a trap.

Avdol and Jospehine then started approaching to Mariah, but as they took a step, the two notice that their foot got stuck on something...

Avdol: Damn it! Mrs.Joestar, I think we fell into her trap already!

Josephine: Huh?!?

The two notice that their foot hit stuck on a railroad tracks...

Josephine: Railroad tracks!?

Avdol: And I don't think we're gonna get off that easily!

The two tried getting their foot out off the railroad tracks, but suddenly, their foot started to approach to each other as they both got stuck again and falling down on the rail road tracks...

Avdol/Jospehine: Are you kidding me!?! We're stuck again!?!!

Josephine: Nrrrrgh! Son of a-Hmmm? That sound...

Suddenly, Jospehine started to hear something by hearing the railroad tracks...

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar, I think something's coming!

Josephine: Oh no! A train is coming! Avdol try using your Magicians Red to burn the tracks now!

Avdol: I would b-but I don't think it will-

They suddenly see the train fully as it was now coming to their direction...

Josephine: Avdol! Hurry it up and summon Magicians Red now!

Avdol: Like I said, I would but I don't want to, if I burn these tracks down, then the train will end up to derail, causing innocent people inside have an accident and be killed!

Mariah: *chuckles*

Josephine: Shit! That damn woman is Unadulterated evil! Okay, how about this! Hermit Purple!

Jospehine summons Hermit Purple as he then stretches Hermit Purple to  grab onto something to pull themselves away from the tracks...but it's no use, their magnetic bodies are too strong to repel from the tracks and the Pole that he's using to pull them out suddenly broke in half...

Jospehine: OH NOO!!! That didn't work!!!

Suddenly, the train then cane by as we think that it may have cause to ran over Joseph and Avdol.....

Mariah: *chuckles* I win.

Is it really over???

Part Three will continue on the next chapter...


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