Chp.50 The End Of Mariah Pt.3

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As we left off where Mariah thought he has one the fight against Avdol and Josephine, after the train passes by, she notices a hole dug in as Jospehine and Avdol were in it..

Josephine: Good thinking Avdol! Your burned through the railroad ties and dug a hole!

Avdol: Tch Tch. You see Mrs.Joestar, Mohammad Avdol always plays the role of thinking the smart way! It's more of my style! HaHaHaHaHa!!

Mariah: Nrgh. So you think the two of your outsmarted me?!? You...You...YOU ROTTEN EATING PIECES OF SHIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!

Avdol: Magicians Red!!!

Josephine: Hermit Purple!!!

The two were able to get up on their feet as they summon their stands...Jospeh uses Hermit purple to stretch and catch Mariah around her neck...

Josephine: Ha! This time you're not running away from us now! I regret that I am now strangling you enough to put you in the hospital for weeks! I can't just let your magnetic power free will ya?!

Suddenly, Mariah somehow smiled as breast from hers suddenly grow bigger...

Jospeh: HMMMM!?!!

And then her other breast grow bigger as well...

Joseph: HMMMMMMMMMM!?!?! *How can she grow them so hug?! I wish I can do that too!*

Mariah: Are your imaginations getting bigger~? Sorry but it looks like my breast aren't growing bigger~HaHaHa. But there's no worry. I have manage to stack some weapons in my bra!

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar duck!

Suddenly, pieces of metal nails were coming after Jospeh...

Avdol: Magicians Red!

Avdol uses Magicians Red's flames to melt down the nails...

Mariah: *giggles* You have no chance of winning. Your magnetic force will keep getting stronger and stronger until heavy metal will crush both of you to death!

Avdol: She's getting Away again!

Josephine: No wait. That's not it. She's keeping a certain distance between us. Remember, she's a stand user. So she has stay close to her target, if she's close to us, we can catch her. But if she's too far away from range, her power won't work. The magnetism is a work of a stand! So it follows the rules of the stand! Once the users is far away, it's power weakens!

Avdol: So what now? If we don't free ourselves as soon as possible, we may be able to be crush by more heavy metal objects!!! Should we keep running away from her, won't it weaken the power??

Josephine: No. even if we're able to escape this magnetism, it won't mean we have defeated her. I, Josephine Joestar, may have run away from battles in my younger days, but I've never abounded a fight! The real showdown begins NOW!!!!

Jospehine uses Hermit Purple to create a map of the city...

Josephine: Look there! That's mark tells us we're there. And that pebble moving shows us that woman running. As long she continues moving down the road, she'll eventually loop around and head that way. If we split up, we will get her right here! I don't care if she a woman or not, once we get her, I'll give her a piece of my mind!!!

They both somehow were manage to free themselves as they started running to look for Mariah...Minutes later. As they arrive in town, they manage to find Mariah as they continue chasing her down...

Mariah: Those idiots are getting closer to me. But at this rate, they'll catch up to me.

Avdol then takes a turn so she can get to the other side to stop her, as Josephine continues chasing her, a lot of metal objects started coming attaching to his body, cans, pipes, nails, a bike, anything that's metal as it was making him slowing down...he suddenly stopped, so as Mariah...

Mariah: *giggles* I must say, you're looking like you can barely move. But don't worry, the wild goose chase will end here now.

Josephine: Hmph. Interesting you would say that. But if I were you, I would look behind you.

Mariah: What?!

She turns around to notice Avdol behind him, his body was attached by metal objects as well, cans, pipes, nails, and a big metal board...

Avdol: Hehe. Your now caught between us. There's no way you will run from us. The tables have turned.

Mariah: *chuckles* oh really? You think I have no where to run?? Have you idiots even been listening??? If you think you were chasing me down her, then think again, I was luring the both of you here all along! Look above idiots!

Mariah pulled three knives, tosses them up as the knifes cut some electrical wires...

Avdol: Oh no! The power voltage are also-

Mariah: HaHaHaHa!!!! Power lines are extremely magnetic as well!!!

The electrical wires were coming to Jospeh and Avdol...

Avdol: Magicians Red!

Magicians Red burst flames from its mouth as it burned down wires for him. As for Josephine, she manages to use Hermit Purple to catch the wires from being shocked...

Mariah: Avdol may be able to defend himself with his stand's flames, you on the other hand Joestar, you will die! My stand the goddess of Bastet's is way beyond better and greater than your Hermit Purple! Hope you set your prayers cause it's time for you to die!!!

Mariah tosses more knifes towards more wires as they got cut as Luckily, Avdol manages to use Magicians red flames to burn them down...

Avdol: You vile woman! I'll burn you straight to hell-

Suddenly, Avdol's body started to seem like it was being pulled in another direction...suddenly, a vehicle then approach to Avdol as it was connected to him from behind...

Avdol: D-Damn it!! The magnetic force got more stronger it's already connect me with heavier metal objects! Th-This weight! Is crushing me!!!

Joesphine: I-I think I can hold any longer with my stand holding these wires!

Mariah: *giggles* Josephine Joestar, since you're going to die anyway, I can confess that you're the quite the catch, it's true that I know you for a short time, but you were so clever and hilarious. Not to mention, you're experience will make younger women greed with judgement. Plus, you're very gorgeous. I know you and I are decades apart, but if I'm being honest with you, and knowing I'm a woman would have been a splendid lover for me~

Josephine: W-Well, if that's how you really feel about me, then what do you say you give me a hand?? I've seen that your stand is far greater than my Hermit Purple! I can't hold it anymore! Please I beg you! Turn off your magnetism!

Mariah: Well, I would do it. But then again, you are no match to be more charming and good looking than Lord Dio himself.

Josephine: S-So you're telling me you rather not turn off your magnetism no matter what?!

Mariah: But of course. Now come on, don't you need to die right now.

Josephine: Even though I'm grabbing to you?!

Mariah: I won't say it again you bitch!

Josephine: ...Hmph! Then If that's how your gonna be. Then it's your lost you slut!

Mariah: What!?!?

Suddenly, Josephine started to float by the water touching it's tips...

Mariah: Shit! Shit!

As she turns around, she notices Avdol coming towards her. And is, Jospehine and Avdol both crash into Mariah with heavy metal objects attached to their bodies, crushing her as she started spitting out lots of blood from her mouth...

Josephine: Haven't you been listening to us? We told you you've been caught between us the whole time. Magnets are attracted to each other you know. It's too late to do anything about it now.

Avdol: There's no way she can hear you Mrs.Joestar. It looks like she's passing out due to the magnetic force crushing her, and likely to have all of her bones crushed and not able to move again at all.

And so, after finally defeating Mariah with her magnetic stand powers, both Avdol and Josephine's body are no longer magnets as they are now free as the metal objects repel from their bodies...

Josephine: Now, how about we get that breakfast we talk about back at the hotel?

Avdol: Indeed. All this running already makes me hungry.

And so, Avdol and Josephine head off to look for the others as Mariah is not defeated...Meanwhile, back with Jocelyn, (YN), Polnareff and Iggy..

Polnareff: Daaaaaaamn. Where the hell could those two be at?? We've search everywhere and yet nothing.

Jocelyn: And it's only 9 am.

(YN): Say...don't you think they may have run into an enemy stand???

Polnareff: Come to think of it, maybe we should keep looking for them again.

Jocelyn: I guess. Yare Yare. Come on.

Polnareff: Come on Iggy.

And so the four then walk again to go looking for Avdol and Joseph again to see if they have run into an enemy stand...until someone stepped up...this person suddenly showed, a weird looking haircut, wearing sunglasses....

???: Hmmmmm. Since Josephine and Avdol aren't around, I, Alessi, will take the great honor to take our Polnareff, Jocelyn....and (YN)! I'll do what it takes to achieve victory. A'tta boy Alessi. *laughs evily*

This weird looking dude, his name is Alessi, his stand names is the set, representing the tarot card the god of storms and violence. Favorite phrase "A'tta boy" and so, Alessi started following them.


Minutes go by, Jocelyn, (YN) and Polnareff then arrive to the city as they continue looking for Avdol and Joseph, Polnareff notices Iggy wasn't with them..

Polnareff: What the!?! That mutt. I bet he ran off to get some food with out ya...Huh??

He suddenly notices a strange person walking behind him, not to mention this person was following him, Jocelyn and (YN), it was none other than Alessi himself...Polnareff looks at him as Alessi started to act like nothing is going on besides him following them...

Alessi: Oh dear. That's not good. Now where have I drop my wallet??? Not over here.

Polnareff: Hmmmmm. Hey. What are you doing?? I can tell you've been following us, haven't you? I can already see the evil of your eyes, so don't lie.

Alessi: I'm so sorry good man. Are you talking to me?? I'm not sure what you meant about "evil eyes" oh look, I've found my change. *picks up a penny*

Polnareff: Is that so? *summons Silver Chariot* then prove it to me. It'll be easy your not a stand user, unless you are one! Take this!!!

What will happen next???


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