Chp.51 Encountering Alessi

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As we left off with Polnareff already going to attack at Alessi, Alessi then suddenly summoned his stand as well...his stand was the shadow as its eyes open and goes after Polnareff, Polnareff jumps as the shadow stand barely touched him...

Polnareff: Oh man that was a close one! So I was right you are a stand user!

Alessi started starting at Polnareff menacingly as he then...runs away???

Polnareff: He's running!?! Hey Jocelyn, (YN)! I found an enemy! I'm hot on his trail!

Jocelyn and (YN) turned around to notice that Polnareff wasn't to be seen...

(YN): Polnareff, where did you go??

Polnareff: I'm on to him!!!

Jocelyn: Polnareff! Shit, where did he run off to?!

(YN): I don't know, but if I heard him correctly, he said he's chasing an enemy stand.

Jocelyn: Yeah, come on, let's go and find him.

Jocelyn and (YN) two split up to go look for Polnareff...back with Polnareff in his first person view, he was still chasing Alessi as he goes in Ana Alley as Polnareff continues chasing him....but every turn Alessi makes, Polnareff started to sound weird and somehow becoming slow...his voice started to become and sound like child little by little...not only that, his view seems to be like everything for him looks so big and couldn't keep up chasing after he got to the end of the Alley, he couldn't see Alessi, but what he notices is his voice, body and everything about him...

Polnareff: What the hell?! What's wrong with my voice!? And why are my clothes so huge?!

He takes a look at the reflection of the window he notices something about him and his body....he now realizes why he sounds weird and why he looks so small...he somehow turned back into a child...

Polnareff (Child): What the!??? Why am I a kid!?! No way! No way! No way! C-Could this really be happening to me!?! How the hell did I turn into a kid!?! I-it must've been that creep's power that I was chasing...that shadow...that was I'm his stand that it barely touched me when I jumped.. Damn it! How did I let him do this to me! Shit, now what!?!

In the reflection, he sees Jocelyn walking pass by as he calls her...

Polnareff: Hey you!

Jocelyn: Huh?

Polnareff: Hey Jo..Joc-I Hmm....Jackie? No wait Jasmine!? *the hell how come I don't know her name, I know who she is but don't know her name!?! Why I don't remember her!?!*

Jocelyn: Hey little kid. You wouldn't happen to see a guy. He's about this tall...and come to think of it, he has the exact same haircut like yours.

Polnareff (Child): Yeah! That's me!! That's me!!

Jocelyn: ...Yare Yare. Asking a kid was a awful idea.

Polnareff (Child): No wait! I-

As Jocelyn turns around and Polnareff still trying to confess her that it's him that's she's looking for, Alessi suddenly appeared as he blocked Polnareff's way...

Alessi: *grins and laughs* I take it that you realize body has change into a kid. Both your body and mind are going to be reverting to your childhood.

Polnareff (Child) Mind: H-He can't be serious if could just erase everything I know as an adult and go back having a brain as a I gues it's true! It's becoming a blur!

Alessi: *chuckles* You know, I love picking on the weak. It's so amusing. A'tta boy Alessi, A'tta boy.

Polnareff then tried to contact Jocelyn and (YN) for help, but Alessi won't let that happen...

Alessi: Not so fast. You're not going anywhere you brat *chuckles as he crouches down* you know, I can't say this too loudly, but picking on the weak really gets me going. I may be sick in head but hey, say La Vi. It's like everyone says, if your a little looney in the head, then there's a good chance your not. And it's good that I won't be able to lose to a kid like you.

Polnareff (Child): Ma'am!! Whatever your name is I need your-

Alessi then shuts Polnareff up with a vicious kick to the gut...Jocelyn turns around to notice no one was there...

Jocelyn: Could have sword I heard that beat calling me...oh well.

She then leaves to look for Polnareff, which she still doesn't know it's the kid she talked to a while...Polnareff then was hanged in a fence, blood was coming from his nose...

Alessi: As you know, my only mission is to wipe you and your good for nothing friends out. Unfortunately...

Alessi pulls out a gun...

Alessi: I don't have to time to save for the fun like you. Goodbye!

Polnareff (Child): Shit!

Alessi started shooting the gun at Polnareff, as the bullets we're about to hit Polnareff, suddenly, something started blocking the bullets away as a spirit appeared behind Polnareff...

Alessi: What do we have here. Silver Chariot I see. I should have know you were able to summon your stand as a kid, but then again...

Polnareff: What the hell!?! This guy so strong not even Silver Chariot isn't even strong enough like my adult self!

Silver Chariot: Pami!?

Polnareff: Even it's sword was bent by blocking those bullets!

Alesssi: My stand's power reverted you back in your child state. Which means your mental ability went with you as well, even your stand as well. Now, since you understand, I'll have to finish you off for real. A'tta boy Alessi.

Alessi then pulls out an axe with his first name on it as his shadow stand has one it's own as well, his shadow stand started going towards Polnareff as he gets ready to kill him...

Alessi: Say goodbye your shitty beat! Die!!!

Alessi's shadow stand swing it's axe as Mini Chariot blocks it, but ended up having its blade it did, Alessi started laughing and didn't notice the blade bouncing around and then going towards him and stabbing him right to his neck...

Alessi: AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!! It hurts!

Polnareff: Y-Yeah that's right! I meant to do that! N-Now that he's been stabbed, I have a chance to get the hell out of here and find that girl!

Polnareff then free himself as he then started running away to look for Jocelyn...

Alessi: D-Damn that Polnareff! He won't get away!

Alessi then started chasing him....Meanwhile, Jocelyn then stopped for a moment to find herself (YN) again...

Jocelyn: You found him?

(YN): No. you?

Jocelyn: No. Damn, where could that bastard be-

Joseph: Jocelyn! (YN)!

Suddenly, Josephine and Avold then finally found (YN) and Jocelyn...

Jocelyn: Avdol, Old hag. Where the hell have you been the two of you??

Jospehine: Sorry. We shouldn't have contact you first, but didn't have time. We encountered ourselves an enemy stand.

(YN): No wonder. So what happen?

Avdol: We were able to defeat her. The enemy stand was Mariah, her stand is the Goddess of Bastet's.

Josephine: Say, where's Polnareff??

Jocelyn: He also encounter an enemy stand as well, but we couldn't find him.

Josephine: Damn it. Okay, me and Avdol will go and this side, you and (YN) go that side and look for him, go!

And so, Avdol and Josephine went to look for Polnareff on one side while Jocelyn and (YN) go the other side to look for Polnareff...As Jocelyn and (YN) run off to look for Polnareff, they notice a kid running towards was Polnareff...

Polnareff (Child): H-Hey you two! Please help me! It's me!

(YN): Huh? Who's that??

Jocelyn: It's that brat...I was talking with him earlier, what did he want now??

(YN): Come to think of it. He kinda looks like Polnareff, he has his hair, and those clothes as well, but why is that kid wearing them??

Jocelyn: ...Unless-

Polnareff (Child): You two help me please! It's me! It's Polnareff! Polnareff!!!

Jocelyn: Polnareff!?! So that brat is Polnareff!?!

(YN): How!?!

They then got to Polnareff as Polnareff ran out of breathe...

Polnareff (Child): Thank goodness you two are here...

Jocelyn: Hey you, are you actually Polnareff??

Polnareff (Child): Yes it's me! Look I couldn't remember your name, I mean I do know you two, but I don't remember you guys names. It's because of the enemy's stand. It turned me into this! Once the stand touches you, it turns you into a kid and you don't remember nothing at all as an adult at all!

(YN): What the?! A stand turned Polnareff into a kid???

Jocelyn: Not only that, a stand that could turn anyone one into a kid, even us. Polnareff, do you know where's the enemy??

Polnareff (Child): Well...I was running away from him...and-

Suddenly, a shadow was coming closer to (YN) and Jocelyn from behind as Polnareff shouts out...

Polnareff (Child): It's the stand behind you! The stand is the shadow! Look out you two!!

Jocelyn and (YN) both turned around to see a shadow stand coming towards them, the two jumped to avoid it, but sadly the stand already touched them...

Polnareff (Child): Oh no!

Alessi: I did it! I really did it! I manage to touch (YN) and Jocelyn both at the same time! So tell me you idiots, how does it feel to be under my spell of my stand!

Jocelyn: Wh-What is this feeling..?!

(YN): I-I feel...weird...

Polnareff (Child): Oh no! The two are becoming a child like me!

Alessi: Oh (YN)! I heard that you had your stand when you were a child from an accident according from Lord Dio! And as for you Jocelyn, I heard that you just recently learned to use Star Platinum! Which means the two of you weren't able to use your stand as a child! So now the two of you are nothing but ordinary!

The two started to shrink more as they then started to look like children, they seem to be like 7 year olds...

Alessi: Guess I'm the winner! Take a good look Master Dio! Cause I'm about to kill Jocelyn and (YN)! You better give me a good reward! Now (YN), Jocelyn, it's time for the two to olyou to DIIEEE-OOOOOOF!!!!

Suddenly, as Alessi was about to kill Jocelyn and (YN), he then suddenly instead got two vicious punch to his face by (YN) and two 7 year olds like them...

Polnareff: WOW! What hits! They hit him with only their little kids fists!

Alessi trios to the floor as Jocelyn and (YN) cracked their knuckles...

Jocelyn (Child): Yare Yare...don't underestimate us just because we're kids...

(YN) (Child): we may be little, but we can assure you we can punch.

Alessi started to shake in fear a little as Jocelyn and (YN) walked up to him, raising both their hands...


With the two throwing rapid brutal punches to Alessi, sending him flying...

Alessi: WHAT?!?! Your seriously telling me that those two can still kick ass even as child's!?!

As Alessi trips to the ground, knocked out for a little, Josephine and Avdol then arrived to see the Polnareff, Jocelyn and (YN) kids...

Josephine: What the!? Who the hell are these kids??

Avdol: And why the three look exactly like Jocelyn, (YN) and .....Polnareff?? Wait! Don't tell me these three are the actual ones!

Josephine: how can we tell if these are the actual ones?!

Jocelyn (Child): Hey old hag. Why do you look like my piece of shit grandma??

Jospehine: ...yeah, that's my granddaughter all right. But how the hell did they all turn into kids???!

Alessi: Because of me!

Alessi stood up...

Avdol: So I'm guessing your the enemy!

Josephine: And your the one who made these three as child's!

Alessi: That's right! And now, the two of you will join them!!!

Alessi's shadow stand rush towards Jospeh and the others as he shoves all of them out of the way as Josephine himself got touched by the shadow stand

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar!

Alessi: Well Well Well! It appears you will be joining them as well, Josephine Joestar!

Josephine: Wh-What the hell is this feeling...why do I feel like...I'm aging...backwards!

And so, Josephine then was aging backwards as his aging stop as she seems to be the same height..but looking way younger....she now has brown hair, and no gray hair at all...

Alessi: Hmmmm. You should have been a child. But who cares?! You don't have nothing to fight against me! Not even your Hermit Purple! You had nothing to fight! And now-

Josephine: And now, for your next line, your gonna say is "I, Alessi will be the one to kill you and this time I mean it! A'tta boy Alessi!" Am I right?

Alessi: I, Alessi will be the one to kill you and this time I mean it! A'tta boy Ales- *chokes on words* WH-WHAT?!?!! How dis you—

Josephine: Hehe. Looks I'm back at my young days again. And these babies *grabbing her breasts* seem to be in good shape back in my young days! Haha!

It was at this moment that we all know, that Alessi had made a terrible and wrong move to make Josephine young again...(OH BOY HERE WE GO!!!! The return of the OG Josephine!) this part will continue on the next chapter...


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