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As we left off, Nukesaku was leading Josephine and the others upstairs to Dio's room. As they arrive to the room and entered, they all notice a coffin laying there to notice that that's where Dio is sleeping and hiding...Jocelyn summons Star Platinum to destroy the window so sunlight can bright right to Dio...

Josephine: So that's him. The two of us never met, but I heard about this monster for longer than I can remember. The thought of him has been burning in my mind since the day I was born....okay you guys, we'll attack him once he gets out from that coffin. Be careful. We don't know what tricks he has on his sleeves.

The four then spread around the coffin to make sure they won't let Dio get away..

Josephine: It's time Nukesaku, open the lid.

Nukesaku: Aaaaagh! Wh-Wh-What ever h-happens, I-I'd never betray you lord Dio! I promise! I-I only brought these fools here's cause I know you are strong enough and have the power to take them all down easily, and you will gain victorious and-

Jocelyn: Enough with your shit! Just open the damn coffin!!

Nukesaku: *nervous laughing* P-Please I'm begging you! G-Give these bastards a cruel and violent end!

Nukesaku then started to open the coffin slowly and steady as Jospeh and the others get ready to fight Dio once he gets out, but as soon the coffin was open, everyone got confused and shocked to see Nukesaku inside the coffin, but with his mouth torn apart and dead...

Jospehine: What the hell!?! How did he-my eyes were locked on him the entire time! Did anyone see him going in that coffin!? No wait, did somebody put him in without us knowing!?!?

Polnareff: No I was watching the whole time! Once he open the coffin and then a second he's already in it!

Kakyoin: Polnareff's right, but I don't believe it's a mind trick, nor super speed neither.

Jocelyn: Yare Yare Daze! This bastards playing mind tricks with us!

Suddenly, they all felt a strong and weird feeling from behind...


Josephine, Kakyoin and Jocelyn started running towards the window as Polnareff was waiting for Dio to come out...

Josephine: Polnareff what are you doing!?! Come on!!!

Josephine uses hermit purple to grab Polnareff and take him with her as they all jumped out from the window and started falling...

Kakyoin: Okay. What was that feeling back there!?! That feeling was far more powerful than any stand has encountered before!

Josephine: I sense it too! It felt tremendous! It felt like someone was going to shove an icicle right in my Ass! If we didn't know what was and didn't got out from there we would all be dead for sure!

As they were close to hit the ground, they all used their stands to grab on half of the building as they pulled themselves up and standing on a roof...

Josephine: Damn it! Look, the sun is almost gone below the horizon.

Kakyoin: Which means Dio will have the advantage in the dark.

Jocelyn: Tch.

Polnareff: Come again! Don't tell me we're going to retreat the fight until the night! Look Mr.Joestar, I ain't going no where! I'm staying right here and finish that bastard once and for all!

Kakyoin: Polnareff's right. We have to go and end Dio.

Josephine: Nrrrrgh. I wanna get this over with as well, but the battle is turned upside down. We still haven't know what's his stand's power. If we all fight him, then we will die for good! Dio has only until sunrise to kill us! We gotta work together to fight him and figure out how to put him down, we just-

Polnareff: No way! I'm not going back on my word! (YN) die for me, for Avdol, and for Iggy! He died for us by sacrifice himself to save us! I have to do what he told me, and that is to defeat him and end that motherfucker!

Polnareff then started running to go look for Dio...

Josephine: No! Come back Polnareff-

Jocelyn: Forget it Old hag. He's not going to listen.

Kakyoin: What now Jocelyn?? What should we do??

Jocelyn: ...I'll tell you what we're gonna do. He went down there to fight Dio. As we retreat we will be also fighting him. Which means, we will all be fighting him by both sides!


It was already night time, in the city of Cairo, Kakyoin and Jospeh then walked up o a man and asks him...

Josephine: Hey Sir, would you let us by this truck off from you?? What do you say??

Man: The hell are you saying!? No way! This baby is all mine and I won't just-

Josephine hand the man $5,000 dollars...

Man: It's all yours.

The man exit his truck and took the money as Jospeh and Kakyoin enter the truck, Jospeh starts the trick and starts driving to look for Dio...

Josephine: Buckle up Kakyoin.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Dio was on top of the building as he sees Josephine and Kakyoin on the road as he goes following for Polnareff, he was hiding at the alley to see him flying away...

Polnareff: I've found you bastard. Think you can run until dawn!? Think again Dio! Don't matter how strong his stand is, mines is capable to defeat him! Once I'm angrily pissed off, Silver Chariot will boost his strikes faster and move quicker! He's dead for good!

Jocelyn: Hold it Polnareff. I had them to let you go cause cause convincing stubborn bastards like you can be such a pain in the ass. But the Old man and Kakyoin agree for me to stay close to you and help you fight Dio, so here I am.

Polnareff: *smiles* Jocelyn!

Jocelyn: *smiles* Yare Yare.

. . .
Meanwhile, Back at the hospital...Avdol and Iggy were still in their rooms as they were still resting for their injuries to get their wounds healed up and recover by the help of the SpeedWagon Foundation. (YN) on the other hand was still in the same room that he died and still laying on the bed...suddenly, we then started to go zooming inside his head as everything was dark inside his head. Suddenly,(YN)'s eyes were open to notice that he had woke up around a place where is nothing but darkness...he gets up, looks around to see nothing but darkness, he notices that his wound from his gut is gone...but this doesn't seem right. He seems to be waking up inside his head, but in the real world, he's still dead....

(YN): ...Where am I?


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