Chp.65 The Spirit With Vengeance

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As we left off, (YN) suddenly woke himself up inside his head, but still dead form the outside...inside his head, he stood up on his feet as he notice he woke up, surrounded nothing but darkness...he started walking and still dark..

(YN): ...Where am I? And why is so dark in here?? I could barely the looks of it...I'm dead still....Jocelyn.....I'm sorry...

Suddenly, he started to hear some voices from distance from where he's standing, these voices were like if some demon spirit was talking...

(YN): Who's out there?! Show yourself!

Suddenly, he started hearing footsteps as he then notices a dark shadow figure silhouette was walking up towards him...

(YN): Who are you!? Stay back I'm warning you!

The dark shadow silhouette continues to walk up to (YN)...

(YN): You asked for it! Ghost Rider!!

(YN) was trying to summon Ghost Rider, but suddenly, he wasn't summoned yet, he tried summoning him, and still nothing, it's like he doesn't wanna come out...

(YN): What the hell!?! How come he isn't summoned!? What's going on!?

???: Maybe it's because I'm already here, walking towards you.

(YN) then heard the dark shadow figure silhouette talking to him. He then got closer and closer as he suddenly revealed himself as none other than (YN)'s stand, Ghost Rider, he friend on high flames from his skull and stood right in front of him...

Ghost Rider: Glad your up in your mind, (YN).

(YN): Ghost Rider??! Y-You can talk!? B-But how!? And when!?

Ghost Rider: For now. But that's not important, what's important is that you need to wake up and find your friends and Jocelyn and kill Dio.

(YN): ...I cant. I-I'm dead. I didn't use you to heal me up back, instead I only use you to fight back to save my friends...I couldn't let them die.

Ghost Rider: You're clever to do that. And it was the right thing to do so, but like I say, you have to wake up-

(YN): Are you even listening!? I can't! I'm dead! Once I am, there's nothing I can do! I can't even summon you while I'm dead!

Ghost Rider: That's where your wrong (YN).

(YN): What are you talking about??

Ghost Rider: You know that once your in battle and your almost near to death, you can be healed up and recover like nothing. But what you didn't that my powers are also to bring back from the dead.

(YN): Wait you can!? So if you can, then try to bring me back alive! I have to go find Jocelyn and the others!

Ghost Rider: I will do that but, before you wake up, there's something I gotta tell you.

(YN): What is it??

Ghost Rider: ...Once you are out there, and you fight Dio alone, you can't summoned me.

(YN): What?!

Ghost Rider: For you see, I have a way to make you stronger than him and and find his weakness to defeat him.

(YN): How??

Ghost Rider: (YN) was a blast being your stand. And I had good times with you. During our battles, we would figure out a way to defeat the enemies...but now the time has come for me. I will no longer be you stand any more, but...I will do something to make you stronger to fight Dio.

(YN): Wh-What is it??

Ghost Rider: ...Before you wake up, I'm going to fuse my spirit body and my powers to yours so you can be taking over my powers and strength. It is the only way to defeat Dio once and for all.

(YN): O-Okay...but, what about his weakness?? How are we, I mean I'm  going to figure out what's his weakness??

Ghost Rider: From what I heard from Joseph, Dio is nothing but a cold blooded, heartless and cruel bastard...and with that, you can be able to find it.

(YN): Okay but...with what I can do to find his weakness??

Ghost Rider: ...The Penance Stare.

(YN): The Penance Stare??

Ghost Rider: Yes. The Penance allows you to forces its victim to experience all the pain and suffering they have caused to others. The more the person has caused pain the stronger reaction they have. And Dio is the right one to do it with.

(YN): I see.

Ghost Rider: Oh...and one more thing...once your battling Dio, anger will be the key to make you stronger and defeat him.

(YN): Anger??

Ghost Rider: You will find out on your own.

(YN): ...Okay.

Ghost Rider: (YN)...are you ready?

(YN): Yes...And hey Ghost Rider?

Ghost Rider: Hmmm?

(YN): ...I'm going to miss you. Thanks for all the help for every battle I'm in and saving my friends. And thanks for being there for me back when I was a child.

Ghost Rider: ...*chucklesYou are welcome...Goodbye, Old friend.

As the two said their farewells to each other, Ghost Rider then dashed to (YN) as he started blasting flames from his mouth to (YN)'s mouth as he does, he starts to fade away. After Ghost Rider gave his power and fused with (YN), he was completely gone as (YN) started struggling somehow as he then led out a huge roar as his whole face started to flame up and his eyes were changing to red color...after all that we go back to the real world, (YN) suddenly opened his eyes as he then slowly stood up from the bed...he feels like he was all better..he then checks the big wound from his gut as it was all recovered and healed up...he jumps out from the bed as he puts on his own clothes as he exits the room as the SpeedWagon Foundation Doctors and agents notice him alive...

SWF Doctor: M-Mr.(YN)!? Your alive!?!

SWF Agent: But how!? And...the hole in your's gone!!

(YN): Where are Avdol and Iggy??

SWF Doctor: There at their rooms sir. Their still resting and still recovering from their wounds.

(YN): Good. Let them rest, I'll be heading out to find Mr.Joestar and the others to find and kill Dio.

(YN) then started walking down the hallways, then downstairs and then exits the hospital as he stood outside at it as he then checks his hands to notice he activated flames due to Ghost Rider's power...

(YN): Nice. Now it's time to roll.

(YN) whistles as suddenly, his he'll cycle then was driving down the road as it then arrive..(YN) gets on as he starts riding down the road to look for Jocelyn and the others to find and kill Dio and end that bastard once and for all.

(YN): Dont worry Jocelyn. I'm coming for you.


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