Chp.66 DIO's World Pt.1

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Meanwhile, back at the city of Cairo, Dio was walking down the road as he started for his search to find Josephine and the others and kill them all

He then finds himself a vehicle that's a limousine...

Dio: The automobile. Such an amazing speed and power. In my younger days, all we had was shabby bourse drunk cabbages.

Suddenly a guard walked up behind Dio..

Guard: Hey punk! What do you think your doing!?! This automobile belongs to Senator Phillips himself and whoever tries to lay a finger or even try to steal it will get a beat down-

Dio suddenly grabbed the guards arm with one hand as he ended up braking the guard's whole arm in half as the guard started screaming in pain and fainted...Dio then enters the automobile to soon to be sitting next to Senator Phillips...

Senator Phillips: My My. You young folks these days are becoming more piss and vinegar. Times changing *chuckles*

Suddenly, Dio then grabs the two front teeth of Senator Phillips and pulls them out without a grudge, causing the Senator to bleed in pain...

Dio: Stop talking now and proceed to the front seat. It's time for you to drive.

Senator Phillips: Just who the hell are you sicko!?! After I'm finished with you I will ruined your life! *Yeah this is unforgivable! No one gets away with doing something like this to me! I was valet victorious in both high school and college! Not to mention I was the captain of the college wrestling team! Even I graduated, people respected me that's how I myself became a politician! I own a villa on a thousand acres in Hawaii! I married a beautiful model who's 25 years younger than me! And I pay 50 taxes more than anyone else! I've destroyed every enemy who's in my way! I am the Senator Phillips Damn it!!! Listen to me you low life punk! I'm gonna make sure you will go to jail for the rest of your miserable li-AAAGH!!!

Dio then grabs Senator Phillips's nose...

Dio: Hear this, I won't repeat my self. Go to the front seat and start driving.

Dio then throws Phillips to the front seat and ends up braking his nose..

Senator Phillips: *Just wh-who the hell is this psycho!?! He's gonna kill me! I have to get out of this car before he even tries to kill me!* Someone! Help me-

As Phillips gets out from the car, he suddenly appeared inside the car again...

Senator Phillips: What the!?! Help!!!

He agitating exist the car as he again appeared inside the car...

Senator Phillips: I-I'm positive I jumped out of the car but end up here again!! I don't get it!!! What's going on!!??

Dio: Here's your job, your job is to catch up to that truck. Fail to do so...and you will die!

Senator Phillips: Y-Yes sir!! *I don't get it! How am I still in the car!?! O-Oh that's right!! It's because I'm the Senator!! Of course!!!

Senator Phillips then started laughing like he sounded like he has lost it as he punches the gas and starts driving down the road like a crazy person...As Senator Phillips was driving like a lunatic, he then arrives to a road where there's traffic...

Senator Phillips: S-Seems like there's a traffic jam, I'm sorry sir.

Dio: Move it.

Senator Phillips: B-But there's traffic! I can't move if these cars don't move as well.

Dio: Theres a sidewalk. Drive right there.

Senator Phillips: B-But there's people! Their heading back home from work!

Dio: And your point is? Move it!

Senator Phillips: Y-Yes Sir!!

Phillips then drives to the sidewalk slowly...

Dio: Faster!!

Senator Phillips: Y-Yes Sir!!!

Phillips then floors the gas pedal as he starts speeding up the car as he started running over people and hitting them, a lot of people...after that, he manage to go back to the road again as there's no more traffic and continues driving down the road to chase after Josephine and Kakyoin...

Senator Phillips: HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!! Oh the things I do for you! I have done everything for you asked and will spare my life and let this Senator alive no!?!!

Dio: ...Wrong.

Phillips started laughing like a crazy person again as he manage to find Joseph and Kakyoin in the truck...

Dio: Found you two. Get closer, I cannot use Za Warudo from this far.

Josephine: Kakyoin! Behind us, it's Dio's drive! He's gaining on us.

Kakyoin; Hmph!

Kakyoin summons Heirophant Green as it then starts flying to Dio's ride and arrives inform of him outside the window car..

Dio: Kakyoin's Heirophant.

Heirophant Green: Take this Dio! Emerald Splash!!!

Heirophant started shooting emeralds at Dio..

Dio: *chuckles*

With a flick of a finger, Dio manage to deflect all the emeralds from Heirophant's Emerald Splash attack...

Heirophant Green: HUH!?! H-He deflected my attack with just one finger! Impossible!! Here's more! Emerald Splash!!

Heirophant then uses Emerald Splash again to Dio as Dio again deflected them all with one hand...

Heirophant Green: He even deflected the concentrated splash!! How's that impossible!!!??

Suddenly out of now where, Dio's stand, Za Warudo appeared infront of Heirophant Green as Za Warudo raises his arm and strikes a brutal punch to Heirophnat Green, sending him flying and crashing through several light poles...

Dio: Well that's a shame. He's too far away now. My punch seems to throw him out from Za Warudo's range.

Senator Phillips: Wh-What the hell is happening!?!

Dio: And what reason I have for me to explain you in this situation. Pay attention to the road and continue driving.

Back with Josephine and a Kakyoin, Kakyoin started bleeding from his head and hands..

Joseph: Kakyoin be careful! You were close to it!

Kakyoin: M-My apologies Mr.Joestar! *Damn it. It was only a few months ago when Dio told me if I was gonna vomit in fear of I ever betrayed him!? Screw him! That bastard, never again will lose to you again!*

Josephine: Are you okay Kakyoin!? Did you get a glimpse of Za Warudo!?

Kakyoin: Yes. I saw it. When I attacked Dio from ten meters away, if I got any closer to him I would be done for. But we know one thing for sure, his stand holds something more terrifying than we couldn't imagine. However we know two things about. At first, he doesn't have a long distance attack like Heirophant Green neither your Hermit Purple, he has a close range power stand just like Star Platinum within ten meters. It attacks with its fist, no weapons like bullets.But if we sneak up on him and get in range, we will have a chance to get him.

Josephine: We have to be careful. If we even make a wrong move, then he will definitely kill us...Say, why is his car stopping-

Kakyoin: Mrs.Joestar! Something coming towards us! Get down!!!

Suddenly, Senator Phillips then was sent flying away from Dio as he crash towards the back window of the truck and cause Joseph to lose control over the wheel and end up crashing the truck towards a building...after the crash, Dio then was walking down the road as he walks over to the crashing truck. As he arrives, he opens the door of the truck to notice that Josephine and Kakyoin weren't there anymore, only Senator Phillips, who he's dead now...he looks around as he sees the two of them climbing up the building..

Dio: There you two are.

Josephine and Kakyoin were making a run for until Kakyoin stopped for a moment...

Josephine: Whats the hold up Kakyoin!?!

Kakyoin: ...I understand now. *takes of shades* I know now how to uncover the secret of Dio's stand.

Josephine: How??!

Kakyoin: Follow me.

Josephine and Kakyoin then started using their stands to jump and fly to building to building. As they do, Dio then started flying up as he then stared looking for them...

Dio: I've only need to deal with Kakyoin and Joestar Huh? Interesting. Their attempting to strike me from both sides. Which means Jocelyn and Polnareff must be waiting on the wings to take me down from behind hehe. How useless.


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