Chp.67 DIO's World Pt.2/Kakyoin's Message

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As Dio then arrives to another top of the building, Dio suddenly was alerted that something was coming dashing towards him, they were emeralds as he started blocking them...

Dio: This is..

Dio then was alerted again as he notice more emeralds started dashing towards him as he stated blocking them more...

Dio: Kakyoin's Heirophant Green!

Dio continue to block and deflects every emeralds that was coming dashing after him as he notices green string barriers were surrounding him...

Dio: Heirophnat's Barrier!

Dio then continues to block and deflect more emeralds as the last one he kicks some out of his way as he notices that Heirophant's barrier has tied his leg up and notices all the barries around him...

Dio: So you turn all this into a web?

Kakyoin: That's right!

Kakyoin was from a far distance from Dio as he was standing on top of a tower...

Kakyoin: Anything that touches Heirophnat's barrier is instantly surrounded within 20 meters, surrounding you as well in every direction! You're done Dio! Now I can sense both your movements and Za Warudo's!

Dio slowly bright his leg back to his position as he stood still and grins, Joseph was behind a wall as he stared observing everything that's happening...there was a moment of silence between Kakyoin and Dio as Dio kept grinning. After that, the billboard suddenly got destroyed and collapsed from the emeralds as he shouts out...

Kakyoin KURAĪ DĪO!! Hankei 20 metūro no EMERARŪDO SUPURASSHUOOOO!!!!

Kakyoin in his own language shouts out his ultimate attack to Dio as Heirophant's Emeralds started speeding every where by the barriers as they were dashing to Dio...

Dio: *chuckles* You're an utter fool Kakyoin! My stand, Za Warudo's ability, you will witness its true power and how it's capable! And rule the world!

Kakyoin Mind: Alright! Here it comes!!

Dio: Behold, Za Warudo!

Dio summoned Za Warudo as the Emeralds suddenly hit Za Warudo, but not quite, as it hit it, smoke appeared out of no where and suddenly Kakyoin was sent flying away and soon to notice his gut was baldy wounded and leaving a huge hole on his stomach...


Josephine: Huh!?! Kakyoin! He went flying through the air like a rag doll! But how!?! Kakyoin!!!

Kakyoin then crashes to a tank of water as water started spilling out from the tank as he notice that he has a huge hole on his gut...

Kakyoin Mind: I-I don't understand! What just happen!?! D-Did he really hit me!?! *notices a hole in his gut, blood pouring out* I-I can't move, not a single inch...I think my injuries are fatal..I-I can't speak either as well...and yet..the barriers suddenly started get torn apart...H-How??! I should have sense every move from him with the barriers...he manage to destroy all of them with a blink of a en eye...not even a split was instant. How did he shatter my 20-meter raiders at once...I don't understand...what's his secret..

Joseph: KAKYOIN!! Shit! I had enough! Hermit Purple-Huh!?!

Joseph notices a Dio behind him...

Dio: Your next on the death lost, Joseph. *shows his wound neck to Jospeh* in order to completely have this body and own it, I must drink a blood of a Joestar, which will be either you or Jocelyn.

Josephine: DIO!!!!!'

Back with Kakyoin...he then started looking at the clock as he notice something about it...he knew that it was 5:15am...and knowing before fighting Dio, it was 5:05...

Kakyoin Mind: That's weird...I could have sworn it was 5:05 for a while and now it rapidly went to! That's it! N-Now I get it! The time! That's it! I-I have to tell Joseph the truth about Dio's terrifying stand power! I-If I don't, then I will fail my fellow friends and get killed!! Misses J-Josephine! L-Look at the clock!!

Kakyoin with barely enough strength to summon Heirophant Green, he was able to do an Emerald Splash towards the clock and destroying it...

Dio: Hmm?

Josephine: What the!?!

Kakyoin Mind: Th-That's my final Emerald splash...make it count...

Dio: But why? That attack was utterly pointless. Well I suppose your now just a dying hero long his way to make his final moments.

Josephine Mind: Kakyoin can't just out of no where and use his attack with such slack. What is it? Why did you attack the clock Kakyoin!?! What is it that you're trying to tell me?!

Kakyoin Mind: I-It a message..I-I don't have the strength anymore to give you have to decide for it...let the others know...f-farewell, my good friends....and (YN)...hold tight buddy...I'm joining you as well....


Noriaki Kakyoin has died. Joseph started to let some emotions to see his friend Kakyoin die in front of him...

Josephine: K-Kakyoin...NRRRRRRGH!!! Hermit Purple!!

Josephine summons Hermit Purple as she catches and grabs Dio...

Joseph: Take this! The sun's own energy, Hamon!

Dio: You fool! By all the stand I have witness, yours is the only weakest!

Dio broke free from Hermit Purple....Josephine then started running away and jumping towards the buildings one by one as Dio started chasing him...

Josephine Mind: Kakyoin, why did you destroy the clock!? Are you trying to send me a message?! How is that suppose to solve Dio's true ability! You figure it out after your final destroyed the clocks, but aimed it to the hands...which stops the clock....HUH! No way! Impossible! Dio's stand, Za Warudo, has the power to...stop time whenever Dio commands it to!! Damn it! Stopping time allows him to move freely is such a deadly combo as well! It'll be impossible to beat him with that kind of power! Okay Joseph, stay calm, stay calm-

Suddenly, she somehow arrive to another building without noticing as she soon to land on top of it and turns around to know Dio isn't chasing him no more...

Josephine: Huh!?? Where did he-

Za Warudo appeared infront of him as he then swings his arm to punch Josephine, but then stopped as he backed away with Dio...

Josephine: Say, Whats the matter?? Aren't you gonna hit me Dio? Or you don't care about drinking my blood anymore??

Dio: ...You're running Hamon through your body to protect yourself. Quite impressive. And use Hermit Purple to fuse with it like some high voltage wires. Very genius.

Josephine: Same goes for you. I've been using this little truck to protect myself. Thanks to Kakyoin's message now I know your stand's true ability, stopping time. But there's a limit for you to use that power, like 3-4 seconds.

Dio: So you've finally figured it out? Quite the accomplishment. Congratulations.

Josephine: Tch. You should congratulate Kakyoin he gave his life to give us a fighting chance!

Dio: So what?! Am I suppose to care? It doesn't matter if you know Za Warudo's secret ability? What can your worthless Hamon and stand do against my power!

Josephine: Hermit Purple and Hamon!

Dio: Idiot! I can kill you with or without going through your Hamon!

Za Warudo then dashed towards Joseph and punches him straight to his face as he sends him falling to the ground as Josephine uses Hermit Purple to hang on as she landed on the ground safely but still wounded from that he falls to the ground and slowly gets up, she notices Jocelyn standing on the sidewalk from a far distance...

Jocelyn: Old hag.

Josephine: Jocelyn!


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