Chp.69 DIO's World Pt.4

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Jocelyn started walking towards Dio...

Jocelyn: DIO!!!

Dio: Ho? You're approaching me? Instead of running away you're coming right to me. How ungrateful can you be, even though that your grandmother, Josephine had to sacrifice her life to tell you the secret of Za Warudo. Surely her pathetic please were a bitter of consideration!

Jocelyn: I have to move closer if I wanna beat the living fuck out of you.

Dio: Ho Ho! Well by all means, come as close as you like.

Both Dio and Jocelyn started walking towards each other to get ready to fight, as they got closer, Star Platinum was summoned as it tried to strike a punch at Dio, but Za Warudo then blocks it as he kicks Star Platinum's leg, giving Jocelyn a bruise on her leg and her left side pants ripped...

Dio: Too Slow, too slow! Za Warudo is more powerful than any other. Even without his tremendous power and speed, it will still outclass your pitiful Star Platinum.

Jocelyn: Your stand has a lot of common on mines as well. We're not long range fighters, but have incredible power and and speed.

Dio: If I'm being honest, Ive always have an desire to see how stronger Za Warudo is compare to Star Platinum. But, it seems pointless to compare them now.

Jocelyn: Wait are you serious? All you did was giving me a love tap on my leg, and you ripped my 20,000 yen pants.

Dio: Tch. For the life of me, I cant figure why you Joestar's are so stubborn and not accepting defeat. Ha, I will accept your cheap provocation, let are comparisons resume.

Dio summons Za Warudo as so as Jocelyn summoning Star Platinum, the two started throwing punches at each other, Star Platinum started throwing rapid kicks to Za Warudo but dodges it as Za Warudo tried to chop Star Platinum, ends up blocking it...

Star Platinum: ORRAAA!!

Star Platinum swings a punch to Za Warudo as it was able to get a hit...almost as Dio's skin of his cheek started bleeding a little...

Dio: Hmm. Comparing our punching speed?

Za Warudo: Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!

Star Platinum: Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!

Star Platinum and Za Warudo continue throwing rapid punches towards each other without stopping as Dio and Jocelyn started floating in the air as the fight started getting intense between them...Za Warudo then dodges a punch from Star Platinum and quickly throws a jab towards it face, causing Jocelyn to spat out blood...

Dio: *chuckles* It seems I was right about Za Warudo's speed and power are exactly superior than Star Platinum. I've seen enough. I'm satisfied I will end this game to the end.

Jocelyn: ORAAAAAAAA!!!!

Dio:It should have done ages ago but I will finally kill and end all the Joestar's bloodline once and for all! Using the power of my stand, I will send you all to oblivion! ZA WARUDO! Stop time!

Dio again uses Za Warudo to stop time as he floats towards Jocelyn...

Dio: Jocelyn, with this I will finally end the Joestar Bloodline. My hundred years struggle with the Joestar's ends with you. BEGONE!

As soon as Dio was about to land a vicious punch to Jocelyn to finally end her, he suddenly notices that her fingers twitch a little, which startled Dio...

Dio: What?!

Jocelyn again twitches her fingers again as Dio backs away...

Dio: What the!?! She moved her fingers! But how!?! What's going on!?! She shouldn't be able to think while move! ...wait! No way! Is her the Za Warudo's!?!!

Dio remember Jocelyn saying "Your stand has a lot of common with my Star Platinum"

Dio: Did she mean...that Za Warudo and Star Platinum are the same stand!?

Dio suddenly notices from Jocelyn's eyes, it was like if she was starring right at Dio...

Dio: Damn it. Can she see me now?? Can she constantly move?? Or is it subconsciously moving her hand? ...tch. Okay, times up.

Dio then flies behind Jocelyn as times goes running again, Jocelyn then slowly turns around and stares at Dio, knowing that he was already behind her...

Dio: Jocelyn, could you see me?

Jocelyn stood quite as she continues starring at Dio...

Dio: Must I repeat I ask if you can follow my movements!?!

Jocelyn: See what? You're not making sense. Need to have your eyes check Dio?

Jocelyn then started to fly away with Star Platinum as Dio started flying also and started chasing her down the city...

Dio: Just you wait! You cannot run forever! No matter if you see me during stopped time or not! If your stand does have the similarities to mines prove it! I want to see it!

Dio then suddenly got closer to Jocelyn as he was able to use Za Warudo's power...

Dio: Za Warudo! Stop time again!!

Dio stops time again as he starts to float towards Jocelyn slowly as he notice her whole right arm was twitching as well..

Dio: Hmmmm.

Dio reaches his right arm to Jocelyn's right as he notices hers started twitching again...


(Changed Eng Dub laugh to Jap)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After Dio's laugh, he notice a magnet on his clothes from his wrist, he takes it off and notices it was going to Jocelyn's right arm...

Dio: I see. You planted a magnet. Must've be when we we're exchanging blows. Looks like a wallet magnet or like a pocket planner. I must have admit, you had me fool. You're a clever girl indeed. But, if you're using tricks like these, then that means it proves that you can't move when times stop! You only added a few more seconds to your life! Now this time, this is the end, Die Jocelyn!

As Dio uses Za Warudo to go and strike and kill Jocelyn for good, he notices Jocelyn suddenly and shockingly and this time, she moved her whole right arm as she summoned Star Platinum and then jabs a brutal punch towards Za Warudo's gut, also Dio, leaving them both a hole in their guts as Dio started bleeding and spatting blood out from his mouth...

Dio: What!?! H-How...she was moving! She can really move!? What nerve...although she is only to move briefly! D-Damn it!!!

As time goes running again, Dio then was sent flying after the punch he got from Star Platinum, crashing through a jewelry store as Jocelyn then falls and luckily grabs onto a billboard...

Jocelyn: I was able to move for a second there. That's a good sign. Even so...that's not much. Only gave me enough time to give me a punch only.

Jocelyn then lands on the ground to notice that Dio was already up and already healed his wounds...

Jocelyn: Bastard. Looks like you had enough energy to heal yourself up, like that gaping hole I just gave you, it's not even there anymore.

Dio suddenly appeared behind Jocelyn as she knew he was behind her...

Dio: *chuckles* Looks like I was right. You can see my movements when time is stop.

Jocelyn: ...Nervous yet, sweetheart?

Dio: Not at all, Kakyoin did you quite the favor. With his brilliant mind, he was able to correctly know Za Warudo's secret. And because he pass that knowledge along as you were able to figure it out as well thanks to him and Joseph. Then again, you haven't had that much training as I have, so I'm guessing how long you can move when time is stop? Two seconds? Or maybe Three seconds?? Or even five seconds. Hell, you might be able to have more advantage to move more than me.

Jocelyn Mind: Damn. This isn't good. I could probably move longer if I had more practice.

Dio: If I would take a guess, you can only move for a second. So which means I still have more advantage than you. And Alsace more time to execute you! So as long you are able to move with Za Warudo's power, you won't have a chance to escape with your demise!

Dio then pulls out a bunch of knives from his pockets...

Jocelyn: What?!

Dio: You're white as a sheep. Do these bring back memories? Do they remind you that you're going to die like you're pathetic grandfather!

Jocelyn Mind: Fuck this bastard. How can he come up with this kind of shit?! I have to be careful!

Jocelyn then tried to fly away with her stand...

Dio: Theres no escape! Za Warudo!

Time stopped again as Jocelyn was frozen in the air as Dio floats up, he then started tossing the knives at Jocelyn as they were in mid air, ready to stab her once time goes on again..then again, Jocelyn then was able to move for two seconds as Star Platinum started punching the knives out of the way, and then freezes again to notice more knives was coming at her...time then starts running again as more knives started coming after Jocelyn as Star Platinum started punching more of them out of the way, but some got through to Star Platinum as 7 knives then stabbed Jocelyn..causing her to spat out blood as she started falling down to the ground and lands on the ground hard...after landing on the ground, some knives were stuck to Jocelyn's shoulder, legs, and one stuck on her hat..

Jocelyn: Y-Yare Yare Daze...he thrown enough knives or what?? He even ruined my favorite uniform....good thing I stuff my clothes with these magazines on my chest, if not I would have been dead for good...I didn't think he would throw that best bet for now is play dead and take out Dio within surprise...shit! He's coming!

Dio then started floating to the ground as he lands as he notices Jocelyn laying on the floor as Jocelyn didn't bother to move her body and play dead....

Dio: I believe I will do one more check for good measure.  The Joestar's have a good way to come back from the dead. And there's a chance Jocelyn will come back alive and might be playing a death act. I must sure she is gone, for good. I will use this..

Dio then takes and grabs a sign pole...

Dio: I will use this to severe that head of hers!

Dio then jumps and raise the sign pole so he can get ready to swing and chop of Jocelyn's head...

Dio: It's time for you to die, Jocelyn!

Before Dio even chips Jocelyn's head, him and Jocelyn notices someone falling from behind Dio, it was Polnareff as he summons Silver Chariot and dashes right towards Dio and then Silver Chariot strikes its blade to Dio's head from behind and front...

Polnareff: The only one dying here is you, Dio!

Jocelyn Mind: Polnareff!

Dio then stops time with Za Warudo as he let's go of the pole...

Dio: Time has stopped. Let's take a good look at your face.

Dio then takes his head out from Charito's blade and turns around...

Dio: Oh. So it is you, Polnareff.

Dio then swings a brutal punch to Polnareff's chest...

Dio: Now time will resume.

As time resumes, Polnareff then felt a brutal punch to his chest as he spat a lot of blood out from his mouth as he was sent flying crashing towards a building...

Dio: What a shame Polnareff. You were so close, but dropped the ball. If you have lunge that attack of yours with more force, you could have torn my brain apart.

Polnareff: Y-You bastard...I-It's not over yet...

Polnareff then lost consciousness as Dio picks up the pole again and started walking towards Polnareff...

Dio: When will you all accept the fact that you all can't kill me. Joestar's Egyptian your group...will be no more once I finish with you.

Jocelyn Mind: Damn it! If I don't do something, Polnareff's dead for good. I was gonna keep up with this act and have the chance to catch him off guard and crush his skull. But saving Polnareff from this undead freak is now more important. But it won't be easy though, Star Platinum won't be that far enough within its range. It'll end up like last time. Damn it, I have to do something! I have to save Polnareff!

Dio: Enjoy the end of your afterlife, Polnareff!

Jocelyn: *twitches her finger*

Dio: HMMMM!?!!

Dio then quickly turn his attention to Jocelyn as he could have sworn he heard or felt Jocelyn move a little...

Jocelyn: Damn you Jocelyn...was she alive all along?! Or you're coming around! Hmmm...why don't we check her breathing.

Jocelyn then started to hold her breathe as Dio started to here her breathing for a bit...

Dio: No breathing...but, there no way to hide from the sound of her heartbeat.

Jocelyn silently uses Star Platinum's hand to garb and hold her heart to not make beat sounds, as it does, Jocelyn eyes were starting to change the fact she is losing her breathing, Dio places his ear on the ground to hear Jocelyn's heart vibrating...

Jocelyn Mind: Sh-Shit! This hurts! If I black out, I'm done for! It won't be even funny. If I die cause I used my stand to stop my own heart?

Dio: I'm sure enough, there is not heartbeat from hers. What do you know, the thought of her being alive was a thought of my imagination. But just in case, I'll chop off her head so that I can truly rest as ease. That's not a problem is it?

Jocelyn still was using Star Platinum to hold her heart until she has the right time to strike at Dio...but then again, it's making her weaker and weaker and it won't be enough to damage Dio...what now?

Dio: So long, Jocelyn Kujo!


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