Chp.70 DIO's World Pt.5/(YN)'s Return

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Dio: So long, Jocelyn Kujo!

Dio then swings the sign Pole as he was gonna chop off Jocelyn's head off...but as he then was gonna chop her head off, suddenly Jocelyn somehow was being pulled away as some chains got her legs and pulled her away from being killed as Dio miss from killing her..


Dio then notice someone besides him, he looks forward and notices (YN) luckily and surprisingly arriving here to save Jocelyn as he stares at Dio with a grin on his face...

(YN): Surprise!

Dio: Y-You!!?? (YN)!?!! But how are you-

(YN) then gives Dio a vicious and brutal punch to the head with his fists with his new power and strength thanks to Ghost Rider..with that brutal punch to Dio's head, it caused his skull inside to fracture...

Dio: Wh-What!!??! Th-This can't be-


With that brutal punch, (YN) sends Dio flying away as Dio crash landed to a building..

(YN): Jocelyn!

(YN) then goes running to Jocelyn as she then was regaining her strength after releasing her heart and letting it free..she then started to take the knives off as she started to think who pulled her away and saved her?? Until she notice (YN) waking up to her...

(YN): Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: (Y-YN)?!

(YN): Heh, I know it will sound crazy and all when I tell you how I'm alive, but-

Jocelyn then quickly rushes towards (YN) and hush him without even hesitation as she started shedding tears and feeling emotional...

Jocelyn: I-I knew it...I knew there will be a way for you to come back..and you did...I'm just glad and happy your back...

(YN): ...Like I said Jocelyn, I will never leave you by your side, never...

As the two were gonna have a moment, and realizing that this can wait cause of Dio still alive...Dio was lay in the ground to notice his head busted open and blood pouring out from it...

Dio: Wh-What the hell!?! I-I can't move! (YN), what did you do to me!?? I don't have control over my legs, I can't even head! The pain! It's like I have a headache and nausea! I think I'm going to vomit! This can't be happening to me! I am the definition of perfection! He actually damage my brain and paralyzed my legs!! ...Shit! Shit! Shit! I've gotta find a way out of here!!

Suddenly, Dio notice that both Jocelyn and (YN) arrives in front of him as Jocelyn has a bucket of gasoline and pour all of it over Dio...

Jocelyn: I covered you in gasoline so you can't hide. Normally I would hate to kick a guy who's in the ground, but you I don't give a damn. You killed Kakyoin and my grandfather and yet your lucky (YN) alive, but still, you've also killed many innocent bystanders.

(YN): So don't expect any mercy from you.

(YN) then light up flames from his hand as he gets ready to burn Dio alive...but suddenly, Dio started chuckling and then laughing like a maniac as he then yells out...

Dio: Come forth, ZA WARDUO!

Dio then stops time...

Dio: I-If I can...make it a little farther...

Dio started crawling away from Jocelyn and (YN) as he then grabs the back of the car...

Dio: N-Now...time will resume!

Time resumes as Dio was holding on the back of a vehicle as he started getting away from Jocelyn and (YN)...

(YN): Well he had his ear on the ground to listen a car coming near by.

Jocelyn: Clever, but he ain't getting away that easily!

Jocelyn then takes out a knife from her shoulder as she uses Star Platinum to use its strength to toss the knife at it did, the knife then hit Dio's hand as he let's go and started rolling over to the ground and still injured from his busted head...he then notices a sewer in front of him as he knew it can be a way to escape...but as he was gonna escape and open the lid of the sewer, Jocelyn and (YN) suddenly pop out from the sewer...

(YN): And where do you think your going? We've got unfinished business.


Jocelyn and (YN) jumped out from the sewer as they both stood in front of Dio as he was still laying there...they were ready to strike Dio if he tries to do something...and so he did...

Dio: Za Warudo! Stop-


With (YN)'s strength and power and Jocelyn's Star Platinum, throwing rapidly and brutal punches to Dio, last one send him flying away with full of injuries and a huge busted head as he started to bleed out...but as he was sent flying..he somehow started laughing as he yells out...

Dio: You two fell for it!! This is my escape routine! My victory is on shore! My genius has triumph over the two of you! Jocelyn, doesn't this street look familiar!?!

Jocelyn: Huh!!?! ...No! This street-it can't be!

(YN): What is it Jocelyn!?

Jocelyn: This street! This is where he-he-what have I done!?!

As soon Dio crash to the ground and smoke surrounding his body and the area where he the smoke dust was fading away slowly, there was a yellow aura to be shown as Dio was somehow kneeled down to the ground as he had his fingers inside Josephine's neck, as if he was sucking her blood to heal himself up and looked even different...

Dio: You failed! This was my escape route to your grandfather! And now his blood is mine!

(YN): M-Mrs.Joestar! Dio, You bastard!

Jocelyn: D-Dio! You're dead!!

Dio: Just as I thought, Josephine's blood suits me well. It's like it was meant to be mine from the very beginning. It's far more intense than anything I felt before! This sensation is absolutely incredible! A century ago, this body belonged to Johanna's husband! One hundred years ago, the blood that I have drank is from his granddaughter, Josephine Joestar! And the one who allowed me to make it this far was you two! The Joestar bloodline was been always mere dog shit on the road of my destiny! But in the end, it will appear that the bloodline are fated to my tools!

Jocelyn: Wh-Why you-

(YN): DIO!!!

Jocelyn: (YN) wait!

(YN) started to rush towards Dio as he was gonna strike a brutal punch again towards Dio, but this time Dio blocked that punch like it was nothing as he then kicks him straight to his gut, sending him flying away crashing towards a building...

Jocelyn: (YN)-AAAACK!!!

Jocelyn...who she didn't know and never notice that Dio quickly ran up to her as he then punches her straight to her gut, and leaving a gaping hole on her gut, Jocelyn started to suffer the pain of having that hole in her gut as she started spatting a lot of blood out from her mouth...

Dio: No more take backs.

After Dio leaving Jocelyn's gut with a gaping hole in it, he then sends her flying away with (YN) as he then gets up and notices Jocelyn flying towards him...he quickly catches her..

(YN): Jocelyn! Are you-

He then notices the gaping hole on her gut...

(YN): N-No! NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo!!! No! This can't happen! P-Please! Stay alive! F-Fight through it!! I know you can! C-Come on Jocelyn! Come-

(YN) then notices Jocelyn then reaching to (YN)'s cheek with her hand as she then gives him a little smile as she sheds a little tear from her eye and says her final words to her...

Jocelyn: ...D-Dont give up...g-give his hell our friends...and save yourself...

After that...Jocelyn's body then want moving at all as her whole body started to give off some smoke as a soul from her body started to leave as it then flies up in the air as the soul was a spirit and showed off to be an image Jocelyn....

(YN): J-Jocelyn...


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