Chp.73 The End Of Dio

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(YN) started to roar with his new look and powers as was quite fast as he goes after Dio...

Dio: What!?! Za Waru-

(YN) was able to stop Dio stopping time by striking a vicious punch towards his face, after that (YN) started throwing brutal rapid punches to Dio, the last ones then sends him flying away, crashing towards light poles as Dio started to recover himself a little...

Dio: Just what is he!?!

He then notices (YN) takeoff a big leap jump to the air as he then started falling, dashing towards Dio as Dio moved out of the way as (YN) landed on the ground causing a huge impact...

Dio: Nrgh! Take this!

Dio and Za Warudo both then pulled out knives as they both then tosses them towards (YN), (YN) then opens his mouth wide as he then burst out huge flames out form it as he melted down the knives...

Dio: Wh-Wha-

(YN) then quickly charges at Dio as he then swings a brutal punch to Dio's gut as Dio spat out blood, and then a knee to his chin and then a kick towards his gut again, sending him flying away again, but this time (YN) summoned two flaming chains from his hands as he started swinging them and stretches them as he grabs Dio around his neck, as he caught him, (YN) started laughing like a maniac as he then pulls Dio towards him, starts swinging him around a bit as he started smashing him to buildings, vehicles, light poles and finally tossing him in the air and slamming him hard to the ground ... after that, Dio was payed there in the ground as he was able to live and the fact he didn't had the strength to heal himself up...(YN) then started walking towards him as Dio was slowly starting to get up as he had a busted head open and bones popping out from his fingers and one on his elbow...

Dio: Za-Za Warudo!!! Stop time!

Dio was able to use Za Warudo to stop time as he then notice that a vehicle was driving from the other road, he quickly started to crawl quickly towards the car as he then resumes time as he was able to grab a on the car from behind...

Dio: I-I manage to escape! N-Now I just need to move a bit farther and-


Dio: What!?!!

Dio turns around to notice (YN) was suddenly catching up to him as he was riding on his hell cycle...

(YN): You wont get away that easy, Dio!

Dio: D-Damn it! H-How can he-

While riding his hell cycle, (YN) then summons flaming chains from his hands as he started swinging them around as he grabs one of Dio's legs, pulls him away from grabbing the car as (YN) then gives a "U" turn and starts driving the opposite road while dragging he does, (YN) then stepped on the brakes from his hell cycle as it caused Dio to send flying to the air and then pulled towards (YN) as (YN) jumps out from his hell cycle and then clenches his fist as he then swings and strikes a brutal vicious punche to Dio's head again, biting his head open as he then sends him flying crashing to the floor Dio was later there, he can barely move his body as he realizes he doesn't have enough strength to heal himself and knowing has has some broken bones in his he lifts his head up, he notices that (YN) was standing in front of him as he started walking towards Dio...

Dio: I-Impossible! H-How can you be this strong!?? Stronger than me and my stand Za Warudo!?!

(YN): I will make you suffer, and torture you like hell for every cruel things you have done, especially killing Jocelyn...after everything you have done, you won't get any sympathy from me.

Dio: C-Curse you!

Dio then was able to stood up as Dio summons Za Warudo to the land a leg strike to (YN), but (YN) then was quickly to notice as he then swings vicious punch towards Za Warudo's leg, causing it to shatter into pieces, and so as Dio's leg as well, being shattered as well...

Dio: AAAAAAAAAARGH!!!! Wh-What the hell!? What did you do!?!

(YN): Just like I said...making you suffer!

Dio again uses Za Warudo to them swing a punch at (YN), but (YN) blocks it as he suddenly rips its arm out, Dio's as well as Dio's stand started to lose strength as his stand started to fade away...

Dio: AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!! Y-You bastard-

(YN) quirky approaches to Dio as he grabs him by the neck, as Dio was being choked by (YN), Dio then uses his other arm to then pull out a knife and stabbed (YN) right in the forehead...but it didn't affected him the fact that (YN) melted the knife...

(YN): Dio....guilty.

Dio: Wh-Wh-What-What are—Ack! What are you doing!?!!

(YN): I will make you suffer and make you like hell for every cruel thing you have done!

Dio suddenly was shaking in fear and sweating a little as (YN) pulls him closer as Dio was force to stare at (YN)'s eyes...

(YN): Now, Look into my eyes...your soul is stained by the blood of the innocents. Feel their pain!

Dio was somehow being force to be seen by (YN)'s eyes as he started to yell in pain as soon he was witnessing the penance stare from (YN) and he started to go back with some memories for all the cruel and heartless things he has done back then in his young days...ruining Johnathan Joestar's life, killing his pet dog Danny, kissing Erina, poisoning Johnathan's father, killing all of friends, killing the innocent people from Johnathan's city, Killing more innocent people when he cane back out from the casket and stealing Johnathan's body, killing more innocent bystanders, Killing Kakyoin, Killing Joseph...and Killing Jocelyn...After witnessing for all the cruel things he has done to the innocence's, Dio's eyes were nothing but ashes and burned up...

Dio: Wh-What is happening!? M-My eyes! What happen!?! I-I can't see!

(YN): Dont you worried about it, what you gotta worry, is your visit from hell!

(YN) then pulls Dio towards him as he then opens his mouth wide as he started burring a lot of flames from his mouth as he started shopping the flames through Dio's mouth as well as (YN) was burning Dio alive from the isnide of his body as Dio started screaming in pain and his whole body melting and burning in ashes...


And so, Dio was now burned in ashes as his whole body exploded into pieces and soon to know that no longer alive and finally dead...for good. (YN) then lead out a huge victory roar as Helios flames started to fade away and his own body was going back to normal...(YN) started to feel like he was exhausted the fact he was using his powers too much...but it was worth it...

(YN): ..I-I did it...I defeated...and kill Dio....Jocelyn, I did it...for you...for our friends.


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