Chp.74 The Aftermath Pt.1

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After the defeat of Dio, (YN) went back to his normal self until he started to sense something that someone was still alive due to his flames, he started running and finding the sense that he was feeling, he then arrive to a street where he found Polnareff still on the ground hurt as (YN) got off from his hell cycle and run up to Polnareff to check on him...

(YN): Polnareff! You okay buddy??

Polnareff was barely opening his eyes as he can barely see someone talking to him and thought that seeing (YN) was in his imagination...

Polnareff: (Y-YN) that you...d-did I finally manage to die peacefully and joining you as well??

(YN): ...I wouldn't say that.

Polnareff suddenly then open his eyes wide to have a better look to notice that he wasn't dead and knowing that (YN) was back alive...

Polnareff: (YN)!!???Oh mon dieu!!! Y-Your alive!?!

(YN): Yeah, you can say that. Hehe.

Polnareff then was able to stood up as he backed away a little to realize how shocked and surprised to see and knowing (YN) is alive...he got closer to him as he then gave him a light punch to the chest...

(YN): Ow?

Polnareff: Y-You're actually alive!! B-But how!? I say you die with my own eyes back at the hospital!

(YN): Hehe, what can I say, with my stand, I can never die. I'm sorry you had to see that Polnareff.

Polnareff started to get a little emotional ...

Polnareff: D-Damn you (YN)! Don't you ever do that again!

(YN): Hehe, I won't.

Polnareff: But all I can say is, I am glad and happy you are still alive.

(YN): Thanks.

Polnareff: Wait! What about Dio!?

(YN): I took care of him, he's no more.

Polnareff: Phew. That's a relief, I would hav finished him off myself with the helps of you as well...say, where are the others??

(YN): ..........


After finding and knowing that Polnareff is alive and Polnareff knowing (YN) is back alive as well...but Polnareff was happy and glad to hear that Kakyoin, Jospeh...and Jocelyn die and killed by Dio...the two were at the streets where both Jocelyn and Joseph died and bring Kakyoin as well by the SpeedWagon workers and doctors, they all placed the three on the ground as Polnareff and (YN) watches them...

Polnareff: I can't believe it...Bastard Dio killed them...and not only that...I'm glad Kakyoin found out the secret of Za Warudo with his last Emerald Splash....

Polnareff drop to the ground with both knees as started to become emotional...

Polnareff: I-It's my fault..I shouldn't have been there for them..and not be so provoked on my actions...

(YN): It's not your fault Polnareff...don't blame yourself...

(YN) then started at Jocelyn as he started to shed a tear from his eye as he shuts both of them he was in his head for a moment, he then started to have an image from his stand, Ghost Rider as he can hear his voice telling him "Remember, if I can bring someone back alive...then you can as well." After hearing his voice in his head, he suddenly open his eyes and gaps...

(YN): No way!

Polnareff: What is it (YN)?!?

(YN): Call me crazy...but if Ghost Rider has the power to bring me back alive from the dead, then with his powers held in my body...I can bring our friends back alive!

Polnareff: What your serious!?!

(YN): I-I mean..let me give it a try!

(YN) walks over to Kakyoin first as he then stares both of his hand, clenches them so he can focus and concentrate on healing and bring them back of the doctors from the SWF was seeing what was (YN) doing...

SWF Doctor: Hey! Mister (YN)! What are you-

Polnareff: Easy there Doc, hes going to bring our friends back alive.

SWF Doctor #4: B-Back alive!?! How is he-

Polnareff: Just shut up and look carefully damn it.

The SWF doctors and workers were looking at (YN) to see that he's gonna bring back their friends back alive, (YN)'s hands started to glow as he started to active some flames towards Kakyoin's wounded injuries, the flames started covering his whole body as it seems like the wounds here healing up and recovering by (YN)'s powers...after that, the flames were gone as Kakyoin's huge gap hole from his gut was now gone and recover and his injuries as well as suddenly Kakyoin started to open his eyes slowly...

Kakyoin: Wh-What the...Where am I??

Polnareff: K-Kakyoin!!

Kakyoin: P-Polnareff???

Polnareff rushes to Lakyoin as he gives him a hug as he started getting emotional...

Polnareff: Kakyoin! Mon bon ami!

Kakyoin: Polnareff??! Wh-Whats going on!?

(YN): Heh, knew it'll work.

Kakyoin: (Y-YN)!? You're alive!! B-But how!?

(YN): Ill explain later, but now I think I should bring back Misses Josephine and Jocelyn back alive, give me a minute.

(YN) walks up to Joseph as he then started using his powers to heal up and recover Joseph, bringing him back alive...the wounds were gone as the injuries were gone, after that, Josephine started to wake up as he stood up, knowing he was back alive and wounds gone...

Josephine: What the hell!?! I-I'm alive!? And..Polnareff!? Kakyoin!!?? You're alive!??

Kakyoin/Polnareff: Mrs.Joestar!!!!

The two rush as they checked on Josephine...

Josephine: K-Kakyoin! You're alive! But how!?

Kakyoin: hehehe I asked myself the same thing, but I think he's the answer for this

Josephine then notices (YN)...

Josephine: (Y-YN)...!?! You're alive! Dear god but how!? Polnareff told us that-

(YN): I know Mrs.Joestar, I'll explain everything...let me just bring back Jocelyn back alive.

(YN) then finally walks over to Jocelyn as he then kneels down as he then holds her hand gently and tight as he started to get emotional...

(YN): ...I cant wait to see you come back alive.

(YN) then places below other hand to Jocelyn's big wound gap of hole she has on her gut, he started using his powers to heal Jocelyn up and bring her back alive...after that, the gaping hole started to heal up as it started to shrink shorter and shorter as it was now completely healed, Jocelyn then started to open her eyes slowly...she then quickly stood up as she started observing herself that her wounds and injuries are now gone...

Jocelyn: Wh-What the!? I-I'm alive!? But how-

(YN): You can thank me later...

Jocelyn notices (YN) as she then seem like she was starting to becoming emotional as she then hugs (YN) tightly as (YN) can feel her crying and shedding some tears as she then says..

Jocelyn: ...I-I missed you...I-I never wanna lose you...never...

(YN) smiles a little and starts to get watery from his eyes as he wraps his arms around her and tells her...

(YN): ...I missed you too, and I don't wanna lose you...and never leave you...never.

As the two were having a moment, Joseph, Polnareff and Kakyoin, the three walked up to Jocelyn and (YN) as they were also hugging together as they were all relief and happy to know that all of us, especially Avdol and Iggy...are still alive and finally managing to end Dio...


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