Chp.13 Enter Miraschon: The Debt Collector Pt.1

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-Next Day-

The next day, at the prison, it was free time for the inmates, as for Jolyne, she, Ermes and FF were together hanging out, (YN) as well to pretend he keeping an eye out on them...(YN) walks up to Jolyne and sits down with her...

(YN): Hey Jolyne.

Jolyne: Oh, hey (YN).

(YN): So, Ermes told me that you asked FF to hid your mother's disc somewhere else. I mean after all the time we had to take the effort to get it, look I'm just saying it okay?

Jolyne: I'm sure of it (YN), I can't drag FF into my mess that bad.

(YN): Yeah, I hear ya.

Jolyne looks and sees Ermes giving a smug look, as Ermes does some hand movement, telling Jolyne to make her first move on (YN)...Jolyne looks and to gently blush...she knows that she's already knew (YN) for some days, but then again...she could use some time to get with someone, knowing her first live set her up why not move she takes a deep breathe...and to sit properly, legs crossed...

Jolyne: So, Ahem, (YN), nice day today, isn't it?

(YN): Eh? Oh, yeah, pretty sunny, good I guess.

Jolyne: Hehe, yup! Sunny....anyways, I've been meaning to ask you.

(YN): Yeah? What's up??

Jolyne: Well...*Come on, think of something pretty kind to say! He's got a cute face-no! It'll be awkward! Uh, what can I even say to start off a hood chat with him!!* ....You...You have a cool stand!

(YN): ...

Jolyne Mind: *dumb bitch! Is that all you can say?! Now he's gonna think I'm saying weird shit!!*.

(YN): ...Fulgore is cool, I mean he's a robot, Mimic any fighting abilities from other stands, emit cool blades, and also can shoot lazer beams too.

Jolyne: Really??!

(YN): Heh, you betcha, but the downside is, When Fulgore shoots, it takes one hell of a time to recharge, so it's gonna be use a matter of time when something goes to shit.

Jolyne: Oooh, ok.

(YN): Yeah, but...your stand seems cool too, was is it, Stone Free you call it??

Jolyne: O-Oh! Yeah, it's not that great actually-

(YN): You kidding me?? The way you can extend threads from your body and punch hard like my stand, how is it not cool, it's awesome!

Jolyne: O-Oh!! Psh, of course it is! I was meant to say that.

The two chuckles together...Jolyne began to feel bit more comfortable around (YN) now...then suddenly, one of her threads appear out from her finger, and slowly slide around (YN) and to then pull him towards her closer...

(YN): Woah. Uh, Jolyne??

Jolyne: S-Sorry!! I didn't mean to, let me just-

She try to bring her thread back in her finger, but made it worse as she then tangelos herself and (YN) together up...Jolyne then manage to free themselves, and for Jolyne to trip and (YN) to catch her from her back...

(YN): I got you

Jolyne blushes and can feel her sides being grabbed by (YN) when he catches her from falling...

Jolyne Mind: Oh shit...he's actually kinda cute up close. And...he's touching me! Romeo didn't touch me like this but (YN)...this is a different feels-

FF: Hey guys!!

(YN) and Jolyne felt startled when FF appeared out of nowhere and Jolyne quickly stood up...

Jolyne: Shit FF!

(YN): Don't startle us like that.!

FF: Oops! Sorry, but hey, the way (YN) was holding ya look like he was gonna kiss you.

Both Jolyn and (YN) quickly look at each other and blush and to look away...

(YN): It's..not like that! She was gonna trip and had to catch her.

Jolyne: Y-Yeah! Don't say stupid shit like that FF.

FF: Meh, but hey! Isn't this place amazing!? It's lovely!

Ermes: Seriously?

FF approaches to the trash can and to take out two baseball gloves and a ball out...

FF: We should play catch! Here, I'll go that side and you stay here.

FF goes on me side...

Jolyne: Mm, anyways, (YN), about what you said about FF hiding the disks somewhere else, I trust her. White Snake has no clue it's new friend is alive.

(YN): Mm, guess so, it's safer that way. But, think of it this way, wouldn't it be okay if someone else hold onto your mom's disk? I mean send it to someone related to you??

Jolyne: I tried, but my visiting and phone privileges are gone, still hasn't have a plan to carry it out-


They then notice FF yelling at a female prisoner, who she then grabs and drinks FF's cup of drink she left on the bench...

Female Prisoner: Huh?? Fuck you say bitch? I enjoy a drink and you're over here insulting?

FF: It's not yours! It's mines! Put it down now!

Female Prisoner: Well if I were you next time, I wouldn't leave stuff around here in this place, so snooze, you lose, hehe!

The female prisoner then chugs FF's drink, and FF grunts and to drop her glove down...

Ermes: Oh shit!

Jolyne: FF just leave it alone, we can get you another one!

(YN): Yeah, a better one! just don't make a scene and-

Then, FF points her finger at the female prisoner, as her nail slightly opens, and to shoot two look alike swamp bullets, and to Hm through the female prisoners mouth, as it did, she then began to feel weird in her mouth, her cheeks began to grow, and yet to crack and bleed out...she was in so much immense pain whatever FF shot, it caused her to vomit out everything she drank to the cup as FF snatched the cup away from her and leaves...

FF: Aw man, it looks so icky and gooey, but hey, at least it's full again, lucky.

..she then drinks the Jolyne, (YN) and Ermes looked in disgust knowing FF will drink anything liquid, even anyways, she then goes and puts on the glove and to play catch with Jolyne as Ermes and (YN) try to teach FF how to throw the ball....
Half an hour later, some inmates were outside still and some went back in their cells, Jolyne and the others were still outside together, playing catch with FF...

FF: Oh man! Did you know Jolyne? We are going to make 86 catches! Bet you think we'll hit 100??

Jolyne: Heh, probably, we'll see if you don't mess it up.

(YN): I honestly didn't knew FF can be already hood in catching

Ermes: Same.

Then suddenly, a female inmate approaches, and heard what FF said about making 100 catches to each other, and said...

???: Bet you 100 dollars says you won't.

They all look and spot the female inmate that place a bet out of nowhere...

Miraschon: I'm Miraschon, and FE26789 is my prisoner number, if the cute guard is curious, heh.

(YN): ...Not really.

Miraschon: We'll see~..anyways, I'm willingly to bet 100 dollars that your little game of catch will end before you reach 100.

Jolyne: Okay you, what are you up to?

Miraschon: Just trynna kill time..have a look.

Miraschon then slightly pulls out some bills of 20's and hundreds out from her sock, and Ermes quietly gasp to see that kind of money she has, even Jolyne and (YN) seem surprise she has that kind of money as well...

FF: We can do it! Only 13 more catches!

(YN): Not now FF...hey, that's quite the cash you got there, how did you manage to sneak that in here without the guards noticing?

Miraschon: Oh you know...

She began approaching to (YN), and as she does, she places her finger on his chest, slowly moving it around and looking at him in the eyes...

Miraschon: I have my ways hon~you know, you seem like a new guard as well~maybe we can...get along~?

Miraschon whispers at him up close, as (YN) didn't react to nothing as he grabs her hand, slightly gripping it and to slowly back her away...

Miraschon: Ooou, you're a rough one, I like it~

Jolyne approach and stands between them, backing Miraschon away from (YN)...

Jolyne: Okay bitch, what's you're actual deal? Why bet all of the sudden? I don't have that kind of cash on me, so won't be much of a bet.

Miraschon: It doesn't have to be money. I'll take anything within bet: Drugs, cigarettes, gum, some phone time, hell even a vibrator to keep me entertained...but I guess that guard with you can be a bet in as well~it'll be much better than the vibrator~

(YN): ...

Jolyne: Yeah no, not gonna happen, I don't do bets, so get lost will ya?

Ermes: Give us a sec!

Ermes then talks with JoJo and (YN) in private...

Ermes: Jolyne, you should go along with this. You got crazy luck, and if you don't have, I'll lend you. Look, FF may be suck at throwing, but you two are close to make 100 catches, you'll clutch it.

Jolyne: Yea but there is more to it.

(YN): Besides, I already have a feeling it might be set up by White Snake.

Ermes: Yeah that too, but that girl Miraschon, I know her, she's on the same floor with me. She's a stupid gambler that ruined her life commuting small robberies.

(YN): ....You know Jolyne, maybe you should bet on her.

Jolyne: Aw not you too.

(YN): No really JoJo, think about it, you can bet her on phone usages and visits, that's way you can have someone give your mom's disks and give it to you mom. It's the only way to at least have your mom be okay, right?

Jolyne: ...Yea, you're right, and Ermes, if you say so about her being dumb on gambling, then I'll do it.

Ermes: Sweet.

Miraschon: So, you're in or out?

FF: Hell yeah I'm in! I wanna do it for sure, we can win!

Miraschon: Okay then, but do you even have 100 dollars on ya?

Jolyne: She don't, but I do. So yeah, I'm in, but the conditions of this bet is if you raise your voice or even move an inch from that spot, the bet is called off.

Miraschon: So the game has begun Huh? But it won't be fair if the distance is too close or hold onto the ball too long.

Jolyne: More than 3 meters apart, holding the ball for 10 seconds.

Miraschon: Okay then. It's a bet.

FF: Hehe, alright then! Let's get this started!

Miraschon then stands aside for Jolyne and FF to begin catch the ball up to 100 times, and so far they catches 87 times, 13 more to go...

Jolyne: Hey (YN), you don't seem too worried at all.

(YN): Not really, I mean it can't be that hard, FF can catch and throw a ball, and manage to do so 87 times, so how hard can it be to catch 13 more to get to 100. Besides, if things goes East, I'll have Fulgore here taken care of.

Jolyne: Okay, thanks.

(YN): No problem.

And with that said, JoJo and FF began catching the ball back and forth, and to manage to catch it up to 100 catches with no problems at all...

FF: Woo-Hoo!! 100 times!!! Too easy baby! I could do it another 100 toss with a breeze!

Miraschon: Good one, and lucky too.

Ermes: Too lucky, anyways, the bet is set, fork over the money.

Jolyne: No, you've bet FF as well earlier right? So that'll make 200??

Ermes: Oh yeah definitely.

Miraschon stood quiet, and what she did is pull out a rolled stack of money...

Miraschon: I got a grand here if you can do another 100 catch.

(YN): Wait what?!

Jolyne: Are you for real?! Do you even have that kind of cash?!

Miraschon: Of course I do, anything with value is worth taking like I said earlier, but rules remain change only.

(YN): ...What do you think-

Jolyne: Hell no! We're done with you're games. We may won, but honesty, I don't like you a bit. So why don't take your bet somewhere-

Ermes: I'll take over then. F's pass the glove.

(YN): Ermes?! The hell you're doing?!

Jolyne: Yeah, what gives??

Ermes: Jolyne, (YN), I don't like this chick either, but the way she oddly fixated on betting. But still *pulls gum out and chews on it* If it's gonna be a grand plus the 200, there's no way we can pass this up, head up F!

Ermes throws the ball at F as Miraschon gives a smug look....and Jolyne and (YN) standing aside...

Jolyne: I don't like this.

(YN): Tell me about it, she again better a grand, something tells me this bet is gonna get into deep shit.

Later on, it was dawn, the sun set halfway down, and yet FF and Ermes keeps tossing the ball each other...

FF: 30...31...32...nice, let's keep going!

Ermes: Alright, coming at-

Suddenly, one of the guards grabs Ermes wrist, stopping her from tossing the ball...

Guard: Thats enough!! Todays exercise period is over!

Jolyne: What?!

(YN): Oh shit!

Miraschon: 5 seconds...

Ermes snatches her hand off from the guard and to toss the ball at FF...

Guard: Hey! The hells your damage!? You don't wanna have a problem here don't ya?!

(YN): Hey buddy, back off alright? I'll take care of this-

Guard: Huh?! And who the hell are you?! You don't tell me what to do!! If I were you son, I suggest you let me do my job here or else I'll have you on the grou-

(YN) viciously strikes a punch to the guard, knocking him down to the ground...

(YN): Oh fuck me, but he had it coming.

(YN) picks up the guard and to take him inside to treat him and make up about what happen...

(YN): JoJo, I'll be back in a min, just call the bet off.

Jolyne: Okay.

With (YN) taking the officer in the building, Jolyne goes talk to Miraschon about the bet....

Jolyne: Hey, the bets off, it's done.

Miraschon: ...Okay here's a thought for you. Let's say for a moment, a meteorite falls from the heavens out of nowhere. Sure it's wild, but you think the game should be called off, it's just over. You say the meteors fault, and not to convince me otherwise. So are you sure that's okay? Don't you think it would've been easier to toss the ball faster rather than slow?? Take a good look into your heart and see, if it's telling you didn't broke the rules, there's no need to worry.

Ermes: Oh fuck you-

Miraschon: 2 seconds.

Jolyne: What!!?

Ermee: F's now!!!

FF: H-Here!!!

FF was startled and didn't knew what was going on, so she tosses the ball, but she tosses it to low as Ermes rushes to grab the ball, and to slip from her glove...but with luck on her, she had chewing gum on her mouth from earlier, and with the combination to use her stands ability, Kiss, to duplicate another gum to catch the ball from falling to the ground and to go to her hands and made it seem like she catches it...

Jolyne: Phew...that was close.

FF: Oh-Hoo-Hoo!! Way the go!

Ermee: Yeah...let's keep going.

Miraschon: ...I'm merely a spectator here you know?

Jolyne: Huh??

Miraschon: I won't move a muscle or even think. But still, I can't prove of what she just did. On the inside, she knew what denying it, your friend broke the rules. And I know because....the debt collector: Mary Lynn Manson appeared before us.

In Ermes shadow, a stand appears, Miraschon's Stand, The Debt Collector. And to see the amount of money the bet was on...

Jolyne: No!! Ermes watch yourself!! Her stands behind you!!

Ermes: What-

The Debt Collector strikes Ermes, injecting its whole hand aside of Erme's side hood, and to pull out the money she hides in and her to scream in pain and blood pouring out...

Miraschon: No matter where you hide it or what item you have, it takes absolutely everything, and leaves everything behind.

Ermes: N-Nnrgg!! Kis-UAGH!!!

Suddenly, The Debt Collector again injects its hand inside of Ermes and to pull out her liver out and Ermes to collapse on the floor, bleeding out a lot and in deep trouble..

Jolyne: Ermes!!!!


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