Chp.14 Miraschon: The Debt Collector Pt.2

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As we left off, Miraschon's stand appears, the debt collector as Ermes broke one of the rules of the bet, and now she has no liver and the money she has hidden in her stolen as well by the debt collector...and yet, Miraschon is nowhere to be found around as she fled when her stand appeared...

Mary Lynn Manson: If you sold this liver I'm holding on the black market, it would make up for the remaining 590 dollars you owe.

FF: Piss off!!

FF began shooting her bullets out from her finger at the debt collector, but as she did, none of them hit the stand, it just went through...

FF: Huh?! I-It didn't land a hit?!

Mary Lynn Manson: Thats because I am the shadow that lies deep within Erme's heart. The two of you possible cannot lay a finger on me nor attack. Ermes has broken the rules you establish, and lost the bet on her own. So I collected the debt she owes, or are they're any precious items she may have? If so, I can exchange her liver within an equal value...Jolyne?

Jolyne: Nrgh! What now you bitch!

Mary Lynn Manson: How about I exchange you for something for Ermes's liver, like let's say....the cute bodyguard you have with, (YN), yeah, that'll do. What you say?

Jolyne stood quiet, and to clench her hands and to grab the ball off from the floor and responds...

Jolyne: Fuck that.

Mary Lynn Manson: What?

Jolyne: This bet ain't over yet! We'll catch the ball a thousand times, and if we succeed of dosing that, you'll give back everything you took, and leave us alone!

Mary Lynn Manson: Okay, bet. But if you lose the bet, you'll have to give me something equal, like I said again, that cute looking bodyguard, I want him, so, how about it?

Jolyne gave some thoughts about it...and slightly sighs...

Jolyne: *I'm Sorry (YN)...I hope deep within my heart you have something in mind to get out of this mess, I know you do.* Fine.

Mary Lynn Manson: Excellent, with the rules set, the game has begun. See you later.

The debt collector vanish from the shadows...with the bet just began, Jolyne tosses the ball at FF...and Ermes barely able to talk and to keep herself alive with one liver in her body...

Ermes: J-Jolyne...

Jolyne: don't speak Ermes, you're not the fault here. Since Miraschon is a stand user, there's a high chance she might be working for White Snake, if that's the case, their aiming for my mom's disk, that's what the collector is for. You got drag into this mess cause of my family drama, I can't let you die for me.

FF: But how the hell are we going to find her inside?? We're talking about thousands throws in a row! And that stand of hers is basically Invincible's!

Jolyne: Yea, it is, but not as Invincible's as Fulgores.

FF: Eh??

Jolyne: Think FF, if we find (YN) in the building, we can have him help us track Miraschon down, and have him use his stand agains hers, if I'm correct, everything Fulgores mimics against other stands, he does it better! Her stand may be invincible, but Fulgores is way more, and her fair game as well! That's why she's putting distance between us! Let's go!

Jolyne and FF run off inside while tossing the ball at each other, too look for (YN) and Miraschon, so far they haven't found (YN), so they decide to look for Miraschon instead while still tossing the ball to each other, they arrive to the showers....

Jolyne: I'm sure I saw her come in here.

FF: Yeah, that door the other side, she must've left from there.

Jolyne: Okay, here it comes-

FF: Heh look! She's there!!

FF spots Miraschon hiding and to appear out, and to turn off the lights from the shower room, for Jolyne to already toss the ball...

FF: Seriously!!

Jolyne: Shit, I threw it already!

FF: Yeah but where, I can't see shit in here!!

Jolyne: Don't move then, it'll probably hit your body!

Then, the ball hits FF's face, and for her to quickly catch it with her parasitic body...

FF: I-I got it!!

Jolyne: Great! Now stay calm and keep it moving, over here!

FF: Where the hell is "here"?!? Nrrgh!!! That's it, I'm angry!!

FF began to shoot her bullets out from her finger, and as she does, she manage to land a hit and to hear a yell, and for her and JoJo to see Miraschon's hand shot and was leaving the room...

FF: Found the bitch!

Jolyne: Let's get her!!

FF and Jolyne go after Miraschon as she makes a run they chase her, there was an announcement saying about a lockdown, and that all inmate are gonna have to return to their cell's immediately and remain standing until the roll call starts. With a little bit of time, Jolyne uses Stone Free to strike a punch at Miraschon and have her cornered...

Jolyne: Huh, how unfortunate of you to run away. Now that you're a stand user, I won't need to hold back.

Miraschon: N-No wait! Look, just take the money, and the liver, all yours!

Jolyne: Good, but that's not what I want only...I want to know who gave you stand power here. It was White Snake, isn't it? And don't lie.

Miraschon: Wh-What...are you talking about?

Jolyne: You think it's the right time to fuck around??

Miraschon: H-Hey you got to believe me! I don't know who that is, all I want is to go on parole!

Jolyne tosses the ball at she did, Miraschon smugs, and to stand near some buttons on the wall and presses one for a gate to appear and to close and trap Jolyne with her and keeping FF out...

Jolyne: Huh?!? This is-

Miraschon: An elevator. One that transports our meals. So, how much longer now? 5 seconds...or is it 4?

FF: No! Jolyne!!

FF rushes for Jolyne, but the doors of the elevator shuts completely as the elevator goes up, leaving Jolyne holding the ball with she counted down to zero...

Miraschon: Try throwing the ball now Jolyne, oh wait! You can't! This game is over, you're dead Jolyne Cujoh!

Then, Miraschon's stand appears behind Jolyne, and to inject her whole hand inside her side gut...

Miraschon: Mary Lynn Manson will always come and collect what it's owe! No matter where they be hidden, or being unaware, she will know! Now, first I'll take an organ of yours, and to cover the remainders, I'll be taking the most precious possessions from you, which is your mothers stand disc! It'll belong to me!

Jolyne: N-Ngh!! Y-You bitch....! *N-No!! Not like this...Ermes...FF...(YN)'m...So-

Then suddenly, the elevator stops to the next floor, as the door opens...

Miraschon: Who ever is there, stay out of my way!

Miraschon uses her stand to strike to whoever was standing in front of the elevator....and then, surprisingly Fulgore grabs Mary Lynn Mansion's hand, not letting her go...

Miraschon: What the?! Is that-!!!

With such luck, (YN) arrived in time, saving Jolyne...

Jolyne: (Y-YN).!

(YN) walks in the elevator, grabbing and lifting Jolyne up onto his arms and taking her out with Miraschon alongside as well...he places her on the floor and for her to lean on the wall...

(YN): You alright?

Jolyne: I'm fine...damn, I'm so relieved you showed up, what..happen??

(YN): The bastard of the guard woke up and tried to be a prick still, so I ended up knocking more sense into him and gave up, after that, I bumped into FF and she told me everything. So I told her to go look after Ermes, I have her in her cell and I'll come after you. Just stay here....I'll handle her.

With that said, (YN) then walks and approaches to Miraschon, as she and her stand were being grabbed still by Fulgore...

(YN): I knew you were trouble earlier.

Miraschon: Heh, you don't have to tell me twice doll face...You know, Jolyne there bet on you.

(YN): Did she?

Jolyne: ...

Miraschon: Heh, yea she did, and she lost the bet, which means that you'll be with me sweetie, don't worry, I'll take niice good care of you, real good~

(YN): Hmm, I don't blame her, she had no choice...but, sorry to say this but the bet is off.

Miraschon: What?

(YN): ...Cause I have a bet I wanna place, and that'll include you.

Miraschon: ....O-Oh. Oooh, I see here, hehe, well then handsome, what will the bet be?

(YN): ...Well, I wouldn't say much of a bet, I would say...Truth.

Miraschon: ??

(YN): Here how it goes; If you tell me the truth...then I'll give you a special treat, if you know what I mean.

(YN) smoothens Miraschon's cheeks as she slightly gives a smug look...

Miraschon: Very well then~

(YN): But before we start, I need you to give back everything you have that belongs, like let's say, Ermes liver.

Miraschon: ...Fine.

And so, Miraschon uses Mary Lynn Manson to give Ermes her liver while being held by Fulgore still...

Miraschon: There, all set.

(YN): Good,'s the truth, you get 4 chances, lie to me, it won't end well, okay?

Miraschon: I hear ya doll~

(YN): Okay So, tell me...Did you get your stand powers from White Snake?

Miraschon gave a little shock look, and yet to see (YN) was serious about she replies...

Miraschon: *nervously chuckles* C-Come on hon, isn't there another question I can ask you honestly? Like I mean, I don't even know this "White Snake" dude, so no, I don't-

(YN): Wrong answer.

Miraschon: Wha-

Fulgore with no hesitation, he squeezes Mary Lynn Mansion's hand, Miraschon's can hear the bones crack as she screams in pain from her hand...

Miraschon: AAAUGH!!!

Jolyne: H-Holy shit!

(YN): 4 more chances, again...Where is White Snake Hidden?

Miraschon: Y-You bastard!!! How dare you!! You realize what you're doing!? You're-

(YN): Not the answer I'm looking for.

This time, Fulgore slowly bents her arm back as she began stammering and grunting in pain...

Miraschon: Y-You fucking bastard!!

(YN): 3 more chances Miraschon, tell me the truth, it can't be that hard.

Miraschon: I-I'm telling you dumb Ass, I don't know who he is!!

(YN): *sighs* You're really making this harder for yourself aren't you?

Miraschon: N-No, wait!! No-

(YN) agains uses Fulgore to bent Miraschon's arm more back...

Miraschon: AAUGH!!!

(YN): 1 more.

Miraschon: You fucking dick!! I'll kill you for this!!

Miraschon uses Mary Lynn Manson to strike a punch at Fulgore...but as it does, it's punches went through, and didn't even land a single hit on Fulgore...

Miraschon: Wh-What the hell?! How come...I can't touch you?!

(YN): Heh, can't you tell? You're in my game now. My game, my rules...I am the shadow that lies deep within your heart, you surely won't be able to land a finger on my stand.

Miraschon: Wh-What..?! N-No! No, No way!! I-I could only do that!

(YN): ..So can I, bitch.

Miraschon began to stammer in fear of how scary Fulgore was starring at her...

(YN): Last chance Miraschon, and this time, I'm going to count to 4, as I do, you're going have to tell me where you got your stand powers, if not, then I say that arm of yours is gonna be no more for ya....1...

Miraschon: F-Fuck you..!!

(YN): 2...

Miraschon: L-Let me go damn it!! Let me-

(YN): 3...and...4-

Miraschon: Okay! Yes, Yes! I got my powers from White Snake, I was ordered to come after Jolyne Cujoh for her mom's disk, there!! That's all I know!!

Jolyne then approaches aside with (YN)...

Jolyne: Was that hard for ya?

Miraschon: ...

(YN): Okay then, just one thing...

Fulgore injects it's hand inside Miraschon's head, and yet to steal two discs she's got that White Snake put in her for her stand powers...afterwards, Miraschon then knocks out unconscious...

(YN): There.

Jolyne: What now??

(YN): ...Leave her here and let the other guards find her, right now we have to go check up on Ermes and FF, see if they haven't lost your mom's disk.

Jolyne: Okay.

(YN) leaves Miraschon alone, placing her on the floor and leaning her against the wall and to make their way they do, Jolyne glances at (YN), as she then gets closer to him, and leans against him...

Jolyne: ...Thank you, could've done it without you.

(YN): Heh, no prob JoJo, besides, we're a team.

Jolyne and (YN) smiles at each other and make their way back to their cell and to check up on Ermes and with FF as well....

Later on that day, it was night, outside the men's prison, we see a small church building, and inside the church, we see the priest from before, the user of White Snake, Father Pucci...

Pucci: Of course, I erased all knowledge of myself from Miraschon's memory disc, obvious choice, therefore nobody can reach me. The true difference between human and an animal is nothing less then whether or not they desire to go to heaven after they die. People should be living lives in such manner ways that'll lead them to heaven. For that is..the beauty inherent in the nature of humankind.

Pucci then pulls out a picture of him when he was a bit younger, and alongside with his partner he cares so much, and you guys may know him as well, he is none other than Dio Brando, or to say DIO himself...and yet, a kid seems to be in the picture as well, happens to be a kid, looks like to be 10 years old, smiling around with Pucci and DIO..

Pucci: Oh my sweet boy, wherever you are, I'm sure you're taking very good care of yourself, may god keep being on your not worry, I will look for the one responsible for you father's death, I promise you that.


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