Chp.24 An Unkown "Green" Birth Pt.1

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(Note: Skipping the whole "Drake's Dream" part, not much of a fan to write it, doesn't bring the hype of the story either way, sorry :3)


After defeating Kenzou and Drake's Dream with the help of (YN) FF and Anastasia, FF then recovers from her battle as she heals her body wounds and to heal Jolyne's wounds too...
Meanwhile, somewhere in the SpeedWagon Foundation HQ, inside a medical room, some of the SWF medics have Jocelyn attached with several wires to her body, scanning her wounds, brain and muscles...and Jocelyn still unconscious, sitting up on the bed with a pose...

SWF Medic #1: She's currently in a deep REM sleep, and has been some time. She woke up with a posture like an ascetic monk. And what it seemed like she might be awake, she went back to sleep for 24 hours. Makes sense since she got zero memory to speak of.

SWF Doc: How are her learning and cognitive skills after being revived??

SWF Medic #1: They're all normal, she's even memorized 30 English words. However, she's doesn't seem to know or understand her name as Jocelyn for her family, she shows no reaction, not even to pictures of her grandparents...her friends...her own daughter...and not even her own husband.

One of the medics look over at the monitor to check her brain...

SWF Medic #2: Her EEG and EKG read are as normal too. However, her muscle values are on the decline. Having no memories would indicate that he naturally has no motivation to go on living as the kind is shutting down. In response, the muscle begin to deteriorate quickly.

SWF Medic #1: Alright Doc, what's the plan?

SWF Doc: I don't know yet, we may have no other choice but to try and get her memories back.

As the medic gets close to Jocelyn, and to try touching her head, suddenly, her stand, Star Platinum emits quickly out for the other medics to Jocelyn to swing her hand, for the medic to grab and pull the doctor away from that punch and to break the glass cylinder, cutting her arm and to bleed...

SWF Medic #3: She's injured! Get her some first aid!

SWF Medic #1: I-I apologized doctor, I forgot to warn you about that before.

SWF Doc: Did...she just released her stand power??

SWF Medic #1: Y-Yeah, but doesn't have to do from her actual memory at all, but rather an instinct of defense.

Then, one of the medics notices the cuts Jocelyn got from her arm from the glass suddenly spell letters and to put a name...

SWF Medic #4: "Jo..lyne"?? Wait, Jolyne?! ..No, no way, how can she...

Back at the prison, Jolyne's wounds were recovered by FF, and (YN) relief it wasn't worse, and Anastasia...well just being a bit too comfortable with her, and (YN) made sure he doesn't act like that with her, but besides that, (YN) spots something on JoJo's arm, wounds, wounds that happen to be carved in letters...

(YN): FF, you missed there.

FF: Huh?? Weird, I didn't spot that before. Even if I treated them and healed them, they form shapes that spell something out.

Jolyne: ....

(YN): Well treat them, maybe it's hurting Jo-

Jolyne: No, don't. Leave them.

(YN): What?? JoJo...

Jolyne: It's fine (YN). *...I don't know how to explain this, but I know...this is...a message sent from my mom. Since before I was born, that lady has been watching over so many things, especially my dad as well when he was alive, to keep each other, their friends and our families safe. Dad would always keep me safe, as well as my mom, she made sure to keep my distance, knowing that's help me stay safe as well....Yes, I felt it I believe that through my body, my mom speaks to me...hopefully you get well soon mom...I can use your help too.*

With Jolyne leaving the carved name on her arm sent by her mom, she then sets her focus on finding the bone here, then again, she felt a bit dizzy from the blood loss form the fight, so (YN) helps her out by holding her, wrapping his arm around her waist as Jolyne notices...

Jolyne: (Y-YN)??

(YN): You seem a bit wobbly, don't worry I got you.

Jolyne: .*blushes and looks away* ...Thank you.

(YN): No problem, just remember, I'm on your side, no matter what.

Jolyne: *Smiles* I really appreciated it.

With (Yn) and Jolyne walking upstairs, Anastasia then felt...jealous, and upset to see his "bride" he tells FF..

Anastasia: FF, could you do me a favor...and "accidentally" cause (YN) and Jolyne to trip back?

FF: Eh?? You want me to do what??

Anastasia: Like I said, I want you to make them trip, it's not what you think...well sort of. Look if you do, I'm going to catch her in my arms.

FF: ..Why???

Anastasia: The thing is...I don't like them close, (YN) is just trying to steal her from me, knowing well I said it clear it gonna help her and marry her. He doesn't even feel for what I feel towards her, I truly desire her in my embrace. So, do it now, come on.

FF: Dude, don't you think you're taking this a bit overboard??!

Anastasia: I'll tell you again, I'm going to make Jolyne my wife, and no one will stop me, not even (YN), and you're gonna help me with that.

FF: ....fine.

FF then sneaks up to Jolyne and (YN) behind, and to accidentally punch their feet and to trip backwards as Jolyne was about to fall back towards Anastasia's for (Yn), he luckily had some air recovery and did a backflip and to land perfectly and to bump away Anastasia as (YN) ends up the one catching Jolyne onto his arms...

Jolyne: W-Woah! What just happen??

(YN): I..don't know to be honest, but you okay??

Jolyne notices the way (YN) was holding her, and to gently blush and feel shy..

Jolyne: ...Nice catch.

(YN): Yea...don't mention it.

The two gently smile each other...and Anastasia to glare and be more upset, and FF to whistle and look away...

Anastasia: Why you-

Jolyne: Hey! Up there!

They all look up and to see someone spying on them, an inmate of course, and seems to be the one that has DIO's bone...

Jolyne: That punks been spying on us the whole time, and has the bone on him!

The man try to flee, but (YN) quickly emits Fulgore as he rushes up and to swings his neon blades, slicing the man's leg off and to slap himself down...

FF: Ha! Nice one (YN)! Fucker won't get say this time!

Jolyne: Let's get him!

They all rush upstairs to the floor and to spot the man crawling up to a wall...

FF: I'll blow your head into pieces you dick!

(YN): Wait FF, don't shoot!

FF: Huh??

(YN): Look at his back, somethings wrong with it.

They notice his back suddenly causing a reaction, as his spine began to grow and to increasing his height somehow...

Anastasia: ...Jolyne, you di said that this man was a punk, a small punk, right? But now...he's getting much taller, taller as us, no, as of matter of fact...

The man began to speak..

Man: The sunlight...feels good...a...ahh...agh...

He then began to he slowly turns around...Jolyne and then gave an utter shock face to see that man's face being nothing but to have a thick huge branch on his mouth coming out and little tiny lotus popping out from his eyes...and then afterwards, his back of his head suddenly explodes into pieces and collapses to the floor...


(YN): His head just exploded!?

Jolyne: You think he's a Stand User??!

(YN): No, I don't know! He just died right informer of our eyes! Just stay away, doesn't seem like it that he's a stand user at all. Whatever we do, let us not get close to him and not touch him.

Jolyne: Wait, the bone! Where did it go??! Does he still has it or-

Then suddenly, they heard weird sounds behind, they turn around and to see more branches growing out from other inmate's bodies that were killed...

FF: Holy shit!! It's happening to the others as well!?

Anastasia: They're undeniably turning into plants, appearing to grow too.

(YN): But who can it be?? The enemy must be around here somewhere.

Suddenly, behind a wall, an inmate happens to hide from Jolyne and them, and seemingly to be part of looking for the bone Pucci has, he goes by D an G..

D an G Mind: Perhaps, I should think of this as a stand power as well, from the bone, this bone gives such power of a phenomenon, is, in doing, attempting to give life to something entirely new. Flowers bloom, as well as stems, leaves, and tiny little trunks. And at the end, well then, what should I do with the bone the little man drop??

Back with Jolyne and then, Jolyne roams around the dead inmates that happen to have plants growing out from their bodies, and suddenly, her face began to grow tiny flowers as well..

(YN): Jolyne! Stop, don't move! Somethings wrong with your face!

Anastasia: Jolyne Cujoh stop at this moment! Do as I say so!

(YN): ..The fuck??

Jolyne then stops...

Anastasia: That's right, stop right there, and turn around for me and look at me with your eyes.

(YN): Seriously?!

Jolyne then slowly turns and faces towards Anastasia and (YN)...

Jolyne: Okay?

Anastasia: That's good, I need to check something.

(YN): ??

Anastasia approach to Jolyne close, as he places his hand onto her forehead, and then to open her mouth and sniffing as (YN) rushes and shoved Anastasia away from her...

(YN): You fucking sicko! Hell you think you're doing!?

Anastasia: Quiet (YN).

(YN): Huh?! The fuck you say-

Anastasia: No for real, this is serious.

(YN): Eh?!

Anastasia: All the prisoners at this cell became like this due to the bone. It's not an enemy stand at all.

(YN): ...Well since you're actually getting into something, you may be right. If the enemy was around, he/she would have used their power to attack us directly. Guess whoever touches that bone becomes one of them, Jolyne, you wouldn't have to happen touching it physically or with your threads??

Jolyne: I..don't know...come to think of body does...feel weird.

Jolyne the spots the bone on top of a branch, and to fall and to roll away...

Jolyne: The bone! It's rolling away!!

As she goes after it, rapidly her whole body began to grow bits of branches and plants...

(YN): Shit No!!!

FF: Damn it you're infected too!!

(YN): Hell no, Jolyne!!! Fulgore!!

He emits Fulgore out and began slicing and cutting off the branches from her body and Anastasia with his help with Diver Down to punch through her body and to take out the plants...

(YN): Good! Try to yank them out of her body now!!

Anastasia: ....

(YN): Hey, you deaf or something!? Yank the plants out of her body before I do it myself!!

Anastasia: ...It's not correct or proper to say "Yank them out" (YN)...her body is actually being transformed into this. I may not be able to simply rip them off from her.

(YN): Nrgh!! If you can't, then take your stand out so I can use mines to mimic your abilities and do it myself then!!

Jolyne: No, (YN)...

(YN): What??! Jolyne-

Jolyne: It's still bad news...cause it means I touched the bone before since I'm turning floral, you'd better stay far away from me, you might get infected also.

(YN) stood quiet...but can't let nothing bad happen to he approaches to her, and to observe the tiny plants on her face, to gently touch them, making her feel a bit blush...

Anastasia: Hey! Get away from her! Let me-

(YN): Zip it Toadette.

Jolyne: (YN)??

(YN): ...It's simply a plant, nothing more to it. I don't know what kind it is, but I do know that it can be chlorophyll, just know...I'm going to do something about it, can't let you die on me.

Jolyne: *gently smiles*

Suddenly, as the sunlight moves towards Jolyne and (YN)'a direction, the plants on Jolyne began to grow more as (YN) shoves her towards the shade...

(YN): Right! It's sunlight! Jolyne, stay in the shade, if you stand on the sunlight, it'll grow faster and bigger, but stay on the shade, seems like they grow calmly. Stay right here.

FF: Okay I don't get this shit at all! What's this things purpose anyways?!

(YN): No idea at all, but we need to get that bone.

Jolyne: We HAVE to! That's the only thing that matters!

FF: But if you do so, you'll turn into a freaking tree, forget it!

(YN): ...Okay, I got it.

(YN) quickly takes his uniform off and to cover Jolyne...

(YN): Jolyne, I'll give you some shade while you walk towards to get that bone over to where that branch is.

Jolyne: Okay, good.

FF: Careful!

With (YN) using his shirt to lift it up, giving Jolyne shade to avoid the sunlight, they walk over to the flower where the bone can be they get closer and closer...suddenly, Jolyne spots something near the bone, something inside of a that flower, it can be seen through too...

Jolyne Mind: The hell!? Is that...a star, just like mines?? And what is this bruise like thing??! ...

She looks at it closer...and what she saw is a living thing...

Jolyne Mind: O-Oh my gosh!! It's a...child, a green child!?!


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