Chp.25 An Unkown "Green" Birth Pt.2

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As we left off, Jolyne and them focus on retrieving the bone, with only problem is to avoid touching it or else their bodies will mutate into plants...but Jolyne doesn't matter about that, she'll get that bone no matter what, and (YN) will do to help her...with trying to get the bone, Jolyne spots something near it, something inside a big stump, as if it looks like an egg, and something in it to see through...
it appears to be a green baby...

Jolyne Mind: What does it look like!? Carrots that are shaped like Snoopy, and radishes look like big tits, get harvested from farms all the time. This must be too, I mean it definitely looks that way.

Then she notices move a little ..

Jolyne Mind: It's alive!!

(YN): Jolyne, what's taking you-

(YN) too notices the green baby in the stump...

(YN): What the hell!? Is that a baby, a green baby?!

(YN) grabs Jolyne's hand..

(YN): Get away from it JoJo! We don't know what it'll do if you touch it! Look, the roots began to wrap around your legs if you haven't notice!

Jolyne: Wait, I have to know if this is a plant or human! It turned the whole cell ward into a greenhouse connected them by its roots then bloomed. *This weird baby probably absorbed the bone when it was germinating, and White Snake is here somewhere inside this prison to find out what's inside this. What happens if it comes out from the pod? He's here cause he wants to know what begins when it's finally born.*

(YN): Jolyne get back now! If you don't move, the sunlight will hit the west!

Jolyne doesn't waste time, she snatches the baby in the pod up and holds onto it...

(YN): Seriously??! You're picking it up?

Jolyne: Nah, more like stealing it. I won't let White Snake get it's hands on it.

(YN): Guess this has to do with White Snake then, okay, let's get out of here then!

As they make a run for to exit the cell...suddenly, Anastasia spots something inside the room, as it happens to be an inmate, pleading for mercy and crying...

Inmate: Please, you gotta help me, I'm freaking out! I'm begging you! After seeing everyone here dying by being drowned and turn into grass, it's terrifying! Please help!

Anastasia: Okay calm down, but first tell us your name.

(YN): Hey easy there, he can be our enemy. Hey you, are you a stand user?

Inmate: I-I don't know what the hell is even going on! My names Guccio, I...I just don't wanna die here!

(YN): ...Okay fine, quit your whining then, stand up for once no?

Guccio: O-Okay, Okay...

Guccio stands up and to edit the he does, he then leaves...just like that...

FF: So...he's not our enemy?

(YN): Guess not, doesn't even have a clue the fucks going on. Anyways, we have to get out of here now, but to avoid sunlight from Jolyne though. If the sun light is hitting the west side, then we must go and make a run for to the east side.

Anastasia: Agree, now let us take that point out exit up there, Diver Down!

As Anastasia uses Diver Down to climb up to the window to exit the cell, we then look back to D an G, as he saw everything about the green baby being taken by Jolyne...

D an G: A green baby? How has it come to this? I had only the barest of information. I have one job and simple, get rid of Jolyne Cujoh permanently. I just have to make sure I do that. Now where did they-Huh??

D an G notices Guccio walking towards his way, and yet to walk like some sort of zombie, minding his own business and to pass him...

D an G: Hey you, what are you doing? Where are the other four? And why haven't you turn into a plant-

Suddenly, Guccio began to act weird, as his spine Bursts out and for it to chomp D an G'a whole arm, bleeding and in pain...and to began crying..

D an G: AAARUGH!! What the shit!? Damn it, it hurts!! It hurts!! Ow!! I want my mama!! My left arm is now useless!

Guccio kept walking we then see his stand, Survivor, who he was the one that caused the whole inmates in the cell to fight to the death drop to the floor...

Guccio: That...was an awful experience...White Snake told me to make them fight using Survivor. And I'm pretty sure I did that, but what really matters now is...freedom...I can finally got out the sun...

Meanwhile, outside the maximum security cell building, Jolyne and the others made it out safety with taking the green baby with them...

FF: That was close.

(YN): Yeah, looks like we made a clean gateway from the other Stand User.

Jolyne notices the pod she's taken began to wither....

Jolyne: Huh, guess it was temporary thing anyway.

(YN): Guess you stole it for no reason.

Jolyne: Seems like it, but still, White Snake may want it no matter what.

(YN): Yeah.

Anastasia: The bigger problem is to worry about that any minute, prison staffer is going to realize what happen at the disciplinary cell.

(YN): Better for us, cause if they do, White Snake will realize that at the same time.

Jolyne: Also to try and come out to show his ugly ass face. Which gives me the best chance to take my mom's memory disc back-

FF: J-Jolyne, what the fuck is that?!

Jolyne: Huh?? *Gasps*

Suddenly, they spot something near Jolyne, this little troll look alike that happens to gobble down the green baby in the pod...

(YN): Shit! Fulgore!

Fulgore: Muda!!

Fulgore strikes a punch to that unknown little creature down and to spit lots of blood...

(YN): It's an enemy stand, knew it!

FF: Probably belongs to that guy that's playing army!

Jolyne: And took the fruit! I won't let it take it!! Stone Free-

It then spoke...

Yo-Yo Ma: Oooh! Are your shoes dirty cause of me? My, I'm embarrassed. How could I?

The stand, Yo-Yo Ma quickly creates a chair filled with sticks, and offers it to Jolyne...

Yo-Yo Ma: Here, please have a seat in this chair and clean your shoes! While I'm at it, wanna read these mangas I brought for you??

Jolyne: ....

(YN): ...The actual fuck is even going on?

Jolyne: I...have no idea.

FF: It's like...not even trying to attack us, or even a threat...

Anastasia: ...I'm literally lost here.

Yo-Yo Ma: Woah careful! A bee was about to sting you!

Yo-Yo Ma quickly snatched a bee that was flying around Jolyne and eats it like nothing...

Yo-Yo Ma: Let me tell you about my master, his name is D an G. The last time I saw him he was in that cell you people got out. His left arm was bleeding and bawling like a helpless baby.

FF: Well shit, guess he expose his user like a dumb Ass! It's a long range one, let's take him out-

It was too late, the siren starts to ring...

(YN): Fuck, they notice! They'll be out any minute! Jolyne, we need to get out of here now! There's a boat down at the marsh.

Jolyne: Right, but we can't leave, that little piece of shit swallows the green plant baby, we have to get it out of him, like

(YN): I agree. Hey FF, we'll take that weirdo with us, you go find after the user in the building.

FF: On it boss!

Yo-Yo Ma: So I'm coming along with you? Is that right, master? Goody! Goody!

(YN): Hurry it up, oh and don't forget *summons Fulgore* Try do something funny, I'll cut you in half.

Yo-Yo Ma: Loud and clear.

FF: Okay, I'll catch you guys up then.

Jolyne: Okay, let's go you two.

(YN): Yeah.

Anastasia: Right behind you my beloved wi-

(YN): Don't even start!!

Anastasia: Jackass.

They make their way over to the shore to find a boat...

Jolyne: Hey (YN)...I gotta ask.

(YN): Yeah??

Jolyne: That guy, Anastasia, he's been acting...really weird towards me, and always says some weird shit to me like "bride" and "beloved one" and "love".

(YN): *sighs* ...Dudes been like that when I asked him help, he agreed, but the weirdo then says he'll not only help me, but to help you most and then marry you and to be his bride.

Jolyne: ...The fuuck????

(YN): Yeah, my reaction right there when he said that, bastard couldn't shut up about it since then...really annoys me too.

Jolyne: ...Well for one, that ain't NEVER happening at all.

(YN): Of course it won't. Cause I'll be the one to marry yo-*covers mouth*

Jolyne: *flustering* C-Come again???

(YN): *flustering* N-Nothing, Nothing! L-Look, there's the boat...!

The two walk over to the boat...and yet, to feel awkward and embarrassed about what happen and fluster about it...
Minutes later, they arrive to the boat and to get on it...

Yo-Yo Ma: Splendid master! You've chose a great boat that has a spectacular propeller powered by the wind to sail it. It can really go fast too.

Anastasia: Okay, do we get it to work?

Yo-Yo Ma: Oh, well allow me to do the work!

Yo-Yo Ma takes the wheel as he then turns on the engine of the boat, and (YN) quickly to untie the anchor rope for the boat to be set free and to drive off on the lake to go far away from the prison...
But at the disciplinary cell, we then see FF, who happens to be standing still...and to see her face ripped in half!

FF Mind: Shit...Son of a bitch!! This isn't good...Jolyne, don't you dare take your eyes off that Stand! As long you got him under your watch, he'll be an excellent servant...perfect even, he's creepy, but useful...however, if you give him any'll attack you! Jolyne, (Yn), Anastasia, don't take your eyes off from that fucker for a second!


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