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As we left off, FF's face has been melted for some reason and that reason is by that creepy stand that has left with Jolyne, Yo-Yo Ma, she wants to go after Jolyne and the other to warn them about Yo-Yo Ma, but then again, in order to get rid of it, she has to go back to the bell and find the user and take him down for good...
In the meantime, back with Jolyne, she (YN) and Anastasia with Yo-Yo Ma, kept sailing on the boat, but then (YN) tells Yo-Yo Ma to stop the boat near a grove and hide and turning the engine off...

Jolyne: (YN), what is it? Why stop the boat?

(YN): ...Fulgore senses something.

Jolyne: Wait really??

(YN): Yeah, listen.

They stood quiet...and to hear other boats coming close to their way, they spot 3 boats with guards, looking for them, their security is on levels 4..

(YN): Well Damn, they got themselves a 12.7mm heavy machine gun. Seems the operational range for that weapon is between 1-2 thousand meters. If we get caught, they'll shoot right to us and be killed in a sec and the boat destroyed as well-

Then...Yo-Yo Ma notices them not facing towards he creepily and slowly walks up to them...but then to trip over and cause the boat to move...

Anastasia: Hey, don't move!

Yo-Yo Ma: S-Sorry! Sorry!

With the boat moving, it caused some little waves, which gave the guards attention and to sail over to their direction...

Jolyne: Shit! They're heading right towards us!

Anastasia: Tch, damn it you little shit! I told you not to make noise or-

Yo-Yo Ma: I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry honestly! B-But I can fix that! Look, why don't we uses these leaves and cover ourselves with them as a disguise! And covering the boat too, that way they won't see us!

(YN): Hmm, I guess that could be a smart idea.

Anastasia: What?! You're really agreeing with him-

(YN): You have a better idea pinkie?

Anastasia: What?! You mother-

Jolyne: Hey cool it! You can argue later, right now let's do what that thing says, hurry, their coming!

Anastasia: Why yes of course, whatever you say my lo-OUGH!

(YN) smacks Anastasia with some leaves...

(YN): Just shut up and start disguising.

Anastasia: Hmph!

They began covering themselves with the leaves and covering the boat with leave as well...afterwards, their disguise now, and to see the guards slowly passing by them, not noticing them, and to keep quiet...and then, on the their boat, the radio speaks from the prison...

Radio: Emergency! All units head back to the Discipline Cell War now! I respect, abode and return!!

Guard #1: Huh? Wonder what happen?

Guard #2: Whatever it is, sounds serious, let's go!

As the guards sail off and their propellers to give a boost, the wind from it blow Jolyn and the others disguise, exposing them and caught...

Guard #2: What the!? Hey we've found them!

Guard #4: And their with a guard! What the hell!?

They turn back and to sail towards them...

Anastasia: Shit, hey creep! Start the boat now!

Jolyne: We won't have time to escape once it starts up! We'll die when they catch us up before we escape!

Guard #1: Hey you rookie! What gives?! Why are you with this scumbags?!

Guard #3: Don't tell us you're working with them, are ya?!

(YN): Tch, shit, I guess my cover has been blown.

With them focusing on trying to find a way out...Yo-Yo Ma slowly creeps up behind Jolyne, and to open his mouth wide..

Out from his mouth, mosquitoes appears out from it, and one of them to land onto her neck...back with the guards, they pulled their weapons out and one of them holding onto the machine gun, pointing at them...

Guard #3: Don't move! Stay right where we can see you! That goes for you too rookie, you're in deep shit now!

(YN) stood up and to face towards them...

Guard #1: Hey! You wanna get shot!? Get on your knees!!

One of the guards shot the machine gun at (YN), as he emits Fulgore out...

Fulgore: Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!

Fulgore rapidly punches the bullets, ricocheting them away...and some hitting their boats, destroying it...

Guard #1: Wh-What the hell!? Their not hitting him!?

Guard #4: Keep shooting!!

They kept shooting at (YN) and Fulgore to keep punching the bullets away...

(YN): We need to get off this boat now! I suggest we take theirs.

Jolyne: How?!

Anastasia: Allow me.

Anastasia emits Diver Down and to punch Yo Yo Ma to the air and to crash land towards one of the guards boat, and Anastasia to use his stand to punch the other guards out from their boats...

(YN): Wow, you're being useful for once.

Anastasia: Shut up.

Jolyne: Come on, let's get on that boat!

They rush over to the boat that is not broken, and to then sail off with Yo Yo Ma as he takes the .
As they sail off somewhere else...a whistle is to be heard, and Jokyne to notice Yo Yo Ma whistling....but then...

(YN): Hey Pinkie, can you like, not whistle?

Anastasia: Me? I'm not the one whistling idiot, I was gonna say the same thing to you!

(YN): Well it ain't me.

Anastasia: Hmph! Jolyne, are you the one whistling??

Jolyne was going to respond...but as she was...she suddenly can't speak, she began to freak out the fact she can't hear her voice, she can't even speak nor talk...she tried calling for (YN) help, but doesn't notice as he was keeping an eye out.

Jolyne Mind: M-My voice!! It's gone!

We can see her mouth, her tongue is filled with tiny gaping holes, causing for the wind to make whistling sound...which means that Yo Yo Ma was fake whistling to think he was, but isn't...

Jolyne Mind: This freak! ...Stealing the green child and escaping wasn't just only his goal! He was secretly attacking us from behind!

Anastasia was the one that notices her panicking, so he approaches her close, and to hold her hands...

Anastasia: Are you feeling alright? You're breathing is sounding very erratic and shallow.

Jolyne: *nods*

Anastasia: So as mines. My heartbeat races for you every time I see your eyes and face of yours. Surely you'll understand my feelings for you.

Jolyne Mind: No you dumbass! My tongue, look!

Anastasia: Oh? Are you telling me you can't find any words?

Jolyne: *nods*

Anastasia: Ah, I understand that feeling all too well, but words are unnecessary...see.

He then approaches closer to Jolyne...

Anastasia: You want to kiss me don't you~? I feel the same way, now that I have the chance, I will show you that I, am the one that truly feels everything for you~ and not (YN). Now, how about we do a kissing type where our tongues join and-OOMPH!!!

(YN) surprisingly strikes a punch to Anastasia, backing him away from Jolyne...

(YN): You ain't slick you piss ant.

Jolyne then gets (YN)'s attention...

(YN): Woah Jolyne, what's the matter??

She points out Yo Yo Ma...

(YN): What, what about him??

She then opens her mouth for him and shows he tongue...(YN) notices the tiny gaps she has...and knew something was up with Yo Yo he tries not to make a scene and whispers at Jolyne...

(YN): Don't worry, I've always had my suspicions on that little shit, just stay calm, I'll find a way to get rid of it...but how do I know what exactly it does? There has to be something that gets him trigger to attack us.

Jolyne Mind: So, this stand, Yo-Yo Ma, secretly has been attacking us behind when we aren't looking, seems like he's an automatic pursuit stand. He obediently follows orders like some slave and grooves at your feet with harmless and pathetic, figures. But that's where he fucked up, i already knew if he plans to act innocent till the end and waiting for the moment to strike us from behind, (YN) will cut him half like nothing. Ok, let's see...*

Jolyne walks towards Yo Yo Ma, and to turn her back to him, and to let Yo Yo Ma try to attack her from behind and for her to be facing (YN) and Anastasia and say nothing...

(YN): Jolyne??

(YN) walks towards Jolyne...

(YN): What do you have in mind??

Jolyne slowly places her hand to his face, covering his eyes, leaving him a bit confuse and concern, and for her to close her eyes...and Yo Yo Ma to grin and open its mouth, as Jolyne quickly emits her threads around her and to then catch a little mosquito...

Jolyne Mind: I've stretch my thread around me and waits for something to get caught! When I looked away, that's when the attack starts, that's his power, hidden at your weakest points, and figure his sneaky ass methods too, Mosquitos!

(YN): J-Jolyne!? Your face, it's...

Jolyne notices half of her face slowly to be melted and to collapse...

(YN): Jolyne!!!

Anastasia: Jolyne!

(YN) holds her...

(YN): Jolyne, Jolyne!! Are you-

Jolyne then uses her threads to give off (YN) a note, the thread says "Don't look away, that's his attack method" ....and now he knows what to do, he then grunts in anger...

(YN): You fucking prick! What did you do to her!?

Anastasia: Yea tell us!

Yo Yo Ma: Tell me, Master! It's up to you of course. Should I continue driving to safety, or prefer to fight me?? One on One as the expression goes, or like to run away-UUUAAGH!!!

(YN) rushes at him, and to use Fulgore to ferociously stand Yo Yo Ma through his mouth, and for him to spat lots of blood, saliva and mosquitoes too...

Jolyne Mind: I was right then, the mosquitoes are one of his attack methods, but what else is he going to let loose?

Then suddenly, with Fulgore stabbing Yo Yo Ma, gaping holes started to appear out from (YN)'s face too and let's go of Yo Yo Ma...

Yo Yo Ma: Y-You might like to know...I believ this is the very last chance for you to run away...!

(YN): *clenches hands* Like hell I'm gonna run away! I'm going to make sure I cut you up to pieces for what you did to Jolyne!

Yo Yo Ma: O-Oh crap!!!


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