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As we left off...The Weather Forecast FF brought was a fraud, turns out to be just an illusion, none other than White Snake disguise as him, and with that said, White Snake brutally take out Anastasia, FF and Jolyne down and Pucci to find the Green Baby born at last in his grasp, but in before moving on, he then first wants to take out Jolyne first...but as he does, he then was startled in shock and see his son that he raised, (YN), caught him in the act, and finding out he's White Snake...

(YN):, it is're...White Snake.

Pucci Mind: N-NO! Damn it!!!

(YN): At I thought it was a lie...but now, now that I see it's not a's really the! You?!!?

Pucci was stammering a lot and yet to feel anxious and feared...Pucci dissolves White Snake away and to confront (YN)...

Pucci: (Y-YN), my son please, I-I can explain-

(YN): Explain?? Explain!? What's there to explain father!? Explain the fact you roam around, ordering prisoners to work for you to take down Jolyne and my friends!?! What the hell!!?

Pucci: (YN) if you can just give me a chance to even tell you why-

(YN): Oh no!! No No!! You...Y-You...just...N-Nrrgh!!! Just why?! WHY?!

Pucci: ...

(YN): Why...are you even doing this..?!

(YN) slowly drops down to his knees, and to have a little emotional breakdown, Pucci slowly began to walk towards him...

Pucci: My son, I know you're feeling angry and very disappointed in me for what I'm doing, but you have to understand that I'm doing this for a reason. I-

(YN): A reason?! And what is this "Reason", father!??

Pucci: ...To achieve Heaven my son, to see the glaze of wondrous heaven that your father, DIO has told me much about-

(YN) quickly grabs Pucci's outfit...

(YN): And what the hell does Jolyne have to do with the killing and beating?! What about her mother ms discs?! What's the pint of that huh?!! Tell me!!!

Pucci: ...Jolyne's mother and father were the reason why I didn't get the chance to learn how to achieve Heaven from your father...that is why, I had to steal his stand and importantly Jocelyn's memory to see the book DIO wrote on to achieve it, the book was burned either way.

(YN) grew more pissed and upset to hear that from his father...

(YN): So hurting Jolyne, my friends, and hurting her mother was all for some one lousy ass book that DIO wrote!??!

Pucci felt a bit disappointed...

Pucci: ...I'm sorry my son, I had no other way.

(YN) started to grunt emotional, tears running down from his eyes, and tightly grabbing onto Pucci, like if he's about to hurt him, which Pucci feared the most and didn't want to happen....but....(YN) slowly lets him go, and to slowly fall onto his knees again as Pucci holds him down and to hug him and to feel utterly upset about this...

Pucci: I'm...truly sorry again (YN)...but please understand what I'm doing is what I want. This, is what I've always dreamed of from your father as well.

All (YN) can do, is not even look at his own father, he looks away, tears still, and to slowly shove him away as Pucci stood up and feeling more bad for him...

Pucci: ...I understand your still upset with me son. But right now, we can discuss this later, right after I dispatch Jo-

(YN): No.

Pucci: ?!

Pucci notices his head down...and his tone voice change menacingly anger...

(YN): ...Don't you dare...get close to Jolyne.

Pucci: (YN)...please don't. What you're gonna do, you and I will both regret it. Please understand that-!!!

As Pucci turns around....up close to him, Fulgore was standing right in-front of him, as Pucci can hear it growl and seeing those red eyes of it glaring down at him, and to slightly tremble of it...

Pucci: P-Please...don't do this.

(YN) then slowly gets up...

(YN): If you're going to hurt her...then you're gonna have to hurt me too.

Pucci: N-No! (YN) please, don't be dumb! I-

Suddenly, threads began to surround Pucci, wrapping his arm around, Jolyne manage to do so and is breathing still, alive...

Jolyne: Father Pucci, never once I thought we meet again after realizing you're White Snake after all! You have three things I plan to take back: One, my mom's memories. Two, the disc you stole from FF's head. Three, your life! And also, you've really hurt (YN) real bad, so I'll kick your ass for that too!

She then wrap the threads around her arm as well, attaching her and Pucci's writs with cuffs on...

Pucci: I'll easily take you out!

Jolyne: Oh, I'm not alone.

Pucci also realize another cuffs from his wrist, and to see it being attach by (YN)'a hand...

Pucci: (Y-YN)!!?

(YN): ...I don't know if I should feel sorry about this...but, I really don't give a shit about it. Cause right now, you're not my're now my enemy!!

(YN) pulls Pucci towards him and emmiting Fulgore out...Pucci has no choice but to fight his own son...he too emits White Snake as he and Fulgore started throwing barrage punches to each other...

White Snake: BERSERRRK!!!


Fulgore manage to land a blow to White Snake to his chest, as Jolyne uses Stone Free to leap and land a back kick to his face as Stone Free and Fulgore throws barrage punches to White Snake..

Stone Free: Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!!


White Snake and Pucci were blocking those punches with all they got....Pucci notices the brute strength of Fulgore throwing those punches besides Stone Free, he can feel those punches being brute and powerful...

Pucci Mine: This...This is bad! (YN)'s stand is too powerful for White Snake! I didn't think he'll posses such powerful and mending stand like that! And as for Jolyne, I thought she was just a pathetic girl wasting her tears on a woman who deceived her! I'm...running out of time, and worst of all, the newly born entity will be...

Pucci was having a hard time to think what to do...all he does is stare down at his beloved son he truly cares, but not anymore, as (YN) is now his enemy, as he says so. He slowly felt this regret feeling already ready to unleash...and he knew what it'll be.

Pucci Mind: I...I'm sorry (YN)!!!

Pucci quickly grabs some dirt on the floor and to toss it to (YN)'s eyes, blinding him...and White Snake to rush at him and to then throw a job to his gut, and for it to inject inside his gut, not all the way, but went (YN) began to cough a lot of blood and White Snake to hold him and slowly drop him on the floor ...

Jolyne: Wh-Wha!!?! N-Noo!!!

And then White Snake quickly puts Jocelyn's memory disc onto (YN) Jolyne rushes over...

Jolyne: N-No No No No Nooo!!! (YN)!! Y-You fucking bastard! What-

She then realizes seeing her mom's memory disc in (YN)...and to began to slowly fade away...

Jolyne: H-Hey! What the hell!? What did you do!?!!

Jolyne notices Pucci she's couple of tears to notice what he's done...but has to hold it in...

Pucci: ...I never wanted this, never. But, (YN) left me no choice...besides, he said it himself, I'm no longer his father...I'm now his enemy...Discs are souls in convenient material item. They can be preserve for eternity. However, if a disc enters of a body of someone dying, it will simply fade out and die along with them. No matter what you to, you'll never be able to resurrect it. It's done.

Jolyne notices Jocelyn's disc began to fade away, and also that (YN) is slowly dying too...

Jolyne: Y-You...

Pucci: For you see, that is Jocelyn's disc you've been risking for! Why waste time when I have a better thought, (YN) is dying too, like I said, I didn't wanna hurt him, but he left me no choice and now I'm his enemy! So, what are you going to do?! Pull the disc out, or continue with this ridiculous death match!? I no longer need her memories anymore now that I've read it and memorized how to get straight to heaven now! Your mother's being dragged to her death with my son!  Aren't you upset?? Are you dead inside too!??

Jolyne: HRAAAAAGH!!!!!


Stone Free launches Pucci away with those punches, and yet to free him off from those cuffs...and isn't focus on him anymore, and more worried of (YN) for Pucci, he recovers from those punches...and yet to see and find the baby near him sleeping still...

Pucci: Now, spiral stairs, beetles, abandon town, fig tart, beetle, the Katy to Dolorosa, beetle, singularity, Giotto, Angel, Hydrangea, beetle, singularly. Secret emperor!

Then, the green baby awakens and notices Pucci, as Pucci uses White Snake to pull out DIO's bone out from his hand and bleeding a lot...and handing it to the baby...

Pucci: Was it this that you were interest? Will you come to me, of your own volition? Will this be the new beginning of everything?

The green baby reaches closer to the bone, and for to open its mouth, and gave a huge chomp towards it alongside Pucci's hand...

Pucci: Y-Yes! Bless you my child! Now, we can both enter your world together! Hallelujah, DIO!!

With that said...the green baby pulls Pucci towards it...and to fall over to a pile of grass...and vanish...
Back with Jolyne, she realizes the disc is still attach to (YN)'a guts, and fading away slowly still...

Jolyne: C-Come on (YN)! Just keep holding on!! I...I can't let you die! I can't...I can't...lose you!!

Suddenly....Jolyne can feel (YN) breathing again as she gasps in relief...

Jolyne: (Y-YN)!!


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