Chp.32 Goodbye FF

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As we left off, Pucci manage to escape away with the green baby, and with him taking it and escaping for good, he also had to take this heavy regret guilt up on him for hurting his son...but was left no choice, and either way...his son, (YN) didn't see him as the father is is anymore...they consider themselves as enemies...and so be it. We take a look at Jolyne, holding (YN) on the ground...who's severely injured from that gaping wound he's got from White Snake, but is still breathing surprisingly...

Jolyne: (YN)!! O-Oh thank god you're okay!

(YN): ...*coughs* ...Jolyne...I...couldn't do it...

Jolyne: Wha-??

(YN): I couldn't do it...I couldn't stop my dad...I know I had the advantage, and I knew I would've use Fulgore to easily take down his White Snake...but...I fucked up, Nrgh...I let him..take the baby...and now...h-he...he-

Jolyne: Hey, don't get it to you alright...I know it was hard for you, but right now you're critically hurt...! We can focus on going after Father Pucci later,  it right now...I'm more worried for you. Here, I'll use my threads to close that gaping-

(YN): N-No need to.

Jolyne: What?! B-But-

(YN): Fulgore..

(YN) emits Fulgore out...

(YN): Jolyne...try closing the gap wound of my gut.

Jolyne: O-Okay..??

Jolyne did what (YN) told her to do, as she does, Fulgore points his finger to the wound, and to shoot out a laser beam, and for the laser to reattach the gaping wound, causing some sizzling sounds, and (YN) grunting...afterwards, his wound closes...

(YN): Fucking hell...

Jolyne: You know it still needs to be treated, right?

(YN): Y-Yeah, just don't want to lose much blood now...

Jolyne: Mm, w-wait! Oh shit, my mom's memory disc! It's still inside of you..!

(YN): You mean the one I have in my hand?

Jolyne: H-How did you-

(YN): Doesn't matter...just be glad it's safe within my hands.

Jolyne smiles and to hug (YN)...

Jolyne: ...I'm glad to have you.

(YN) gently smiles, and to hug Jolyne with one arm...Jolyne helps him get up on his feet, as he holds him, they notices Anastasia on the floor hurt as well, and puddle of blood that led to FF's corpse...

(YN): Shit, Anastasia's loosing too much blood...!!

Jolyne: We have to take him back...! We just-

Suddenly...something off just happen from Anastasia's body...a yellow spirit appear out from his body...

Jolyne: O-Oh no! No No! Are we-

(YN): Shit! It can't be!! Anastasia!

The spirit spoke...and wasn't him after was FF...yet somehow she connect her body to Anastasia, using her powers to risk her life to save his...

Atroe Spirit: Jolyne, (YN), It's alright, don't worry. What matters is that the disc is in safe hands.

(YN): W-Wait, FF, is that you?!

Jolyne: the one talking!?

Atroe Spirit: ...I think what I was most afraid losing my friends I care for, and not have time to say goodbye to them, but...I finally got the strength and courage to do so in the end somehow. Hey, when Anastasia comes back to life, tell him that I patched and healed his wounds with his intelligence and his potent life force.

Jolyne: Heh wait! The hell you're talking about?? FF don't!

Atroe Spirit: Goodbye you two, my time here is finally up. The one you know as FF has disappeared, but it's alright, what you see right now, is the true me, my intellect, my soul. And is proof I was alive.

(YN): No!! Come on, we can fix this still! We can get your disc back, FF's disc! We promise! You'll come back and stay here with us!

Atroe Spirit: But that'll be a different FF. The me you know won't be in there, this is the true me...all I can say is goodbye. I couldn't have left you two without doing that. It's gonna be okay, you two are gonna be okay...and that's a promise to you two. I'm glad we got the disc back....take care you two...goodbye.

With Atroe (FF) giving one last moment...a gust of wind was to be blown, as her spirit vanished away...and truly and sadly to say that Atroe(FF) has died for good. (YN) and Jolyne felt really sad to lose a friend like FF...always cared for them and truly the best she ever was...all they can do remember her.


The next day...
Well to say the next morning at the entrance of the prison...we then see one of the gate to be open...and yet to see Father Pucci to then make his way out of the prison, as to say that he is now free...
But, he seems to be slightly different now, the hand that Green Baby chomp regenerate and has scars on, and his hair is now longer...and makes his way to the exit out of the prison and is free to go.

Pucci: The child that was born is already in my possession. Now I simply have to wait for my fated time to go to Heaven...and for that to do so, I'll need to head towards to where DIO has told me to go to wait for the next new moon...and to achieve heaven.

As he then walks his way over...he then drops something from his was a a charm he kept it for himself, and when it drop, it then open, and to reveal a picture inside of the charm, he picks it up...and to see the picture of him, DIO...and (YN) when he was a child, all three of them, smiling like one happy family...
He felt emotional seeing this...and yet for what he has done to (YN)...but didn't had no choice...he said it to his smog that he and (YN) are now enemies, not a family. He puts his charm back to his pocket...

Pucci: ...I will forever hold onto this guilt, I never thought it'll come like this...but...I truly hope you turn out okay at the end, my son, and therefore...we shall see each other very soon.


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