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Later that day with Pucci gone for good and not in prison anymore, (YN) and Anastasia was taken to the wing medic room to get their heals wound up,  in the meantime, Jolyne was taken to the disciplinary cell again, and yet she plans to official escape for good to go after Pucci left the island for good, which isn't good at all, Jolyne must know where he could be and take him down for good before he even does something! With that said, Emporio helps her getting out the cell and to go looking for (YN) and Ermes...
Meanwhile, somewhere in a city, we then see Pucci sitting on a bench near a market...and yet to be exhausted as if something was torturing him...then, a lady, who appears out from the market with a bag of groceries, walks and trips to then cause a carton of eggs to fell out from the bag, and luckily Pucci manage to catch them in luck...

Woman: O-Oh! Thank you father, how unfortunate you were here! Sorry to ask, but are you okay?

Pucci: N-No dear, just a bit fatigue, that's all.

Pucci walks up to out the carton of eggs back to the bag the woman was holding...and as he got close to her and his hands close to her watch, his stand, White Snake emitted for a little and to suddenly cause a connection to her watch, making a weird sound, and for the watch to suddenly rewind backwards...Pucci startled as he notices...but the thing is, White Snake doesn't have the ability to do something like that, only to steal stands and memories....

Woman: Goodness, are you sure you're okay father?

Pucci: I-I-

Pucci also notices her nails starting to grow inches bigger as well...he startled again, but doesn't give a full reaction to it or anything about it...he plays along...

Pucci: I-I need to go, please take care darling.

Woman: O-Okay.

With Pucci leaving...the woman notices the carton moving, like if something was inside in the eggs...she opens them...and her eyes filled with fear and yells as she drops them...

Woman: Wh-Wha-Oh my god! What's going on??! What's wrong with these eggs!?

The eggs inside turn out to be living fertilize chicks, half to be alive as well!
Pucci began to worry about his smog and his stand powers...

Pucci Mind: My stand...I don't have the slightest idea what it is, but it's painfully clear it's no longer White Snake....what could it be then?? ...I feel terrible, something inside of me is quickly raging out of control, some kind of independent power that's ignoring my will. But oddly, I feel hope in this power. Hope in fact, is the one and only thing I feel from it. DIO's note recorded in Jocelyn's memories. Perhaps that is what I need to control this power then. The time and place, North latitude, 28 degrees, 24 minutes. West longitude, 80 degrees, 36 minutes. Delightful, heaven appears to be there after all then...that place, where I will find at Cape Canaveral, Kennedy Space Center to be precise....the time for the new moon, six days from now one!

Back at Green Dolphin, hours left for the sun to rise up...and with that said, Jolyne, (YN), Ermes and also Emporio manage to escape the prison for good, but as for Anastasia and Weather Forecast, they'll catch up later on to them, but right now, Jolyne and (YN) is more focus to go after Pucci. (YN) can finally change back to his original clothes from before and can't disguise as a guard anymore now that he's outside of the prison...

Ermes: So, we are finally saying adios to the aquarium, huh?

Jolyne: and to think the place there is horrendous when I first got there locked up, and now that I see's clear...

Jolyne/Ermes: It was a shithole.

The girls laugh about it, making fun of the prison...until Jolyne notices (YN) quiet still...and yet isn't himself at all...

Ermes: Man, pobre muchacho, Poor guy, Emporio told me much what happen...never would of that White Snake's user was (YN)'s...father.

Jolyne: It's fucked up, I've never seen (YN) like this until what Father Pucci pulled...let me talk to him.

Jolyne walks up to (YN) and to stand aside with him, looking at the prison...

Jolyne: How you holding up?

(YN): ...Alright. Just...*sighs* Trying to not think about it much.

Jolyne: I hear ya...I'm sorry (YN). I didn't knew your father can take this "reach to heaven" up in the ass, like, how badly does he want it?

(YN): ...Now that you say it, I think I know.

Jolyne: Really?

(YN): ...Back when he still took care of me. I remember how he would always talk to me about what my other father, DIO, about how to reach heaven, it's all he could talk about know.

Jolyne: My mom had to.

(YN): I know, can't argue with that, I just didn't knew DIO could be that more of a cold hearted guy, who terrorize your great great grandparents and your parents...but, that's the other the hell did he manage to live long enough??

Jolyne: ...Okay yeah, funny story, my mom once told me that he...was a vampire.

(YN): ...Get the fuck out of here. Seriously?!

Jolyne: Not even kidding.

(YN): ...Huh, well that explains the sharp fangs he has too....but anyways, I think that what got Father Pucci so obsessed with after his death....*sighs* man, how did things turn out like this?

Jolyne can see (YN) still upset about it...she gets closer to him, and to reach to his for his hand and grabs it...

Jolyne: Don't worry, together we'll stop your father, you and me.

(YN): *smiles* Thanks, JoJo.

Jolyne: *blushing and smiling* Anytime.

(YN): ...You know...thought the days there in that prison...I've been thinking a-lot, about you.

Jolyne: O-Oh? *blushes* That's...odd cause...I think about you too, you know?

The two gently smile at each other, as Jolyne to look away shy...and to look back at (YN)..

Jolyne: The prison...looks small from right here.

(YN): Heh, you're small~

Jolyne: ...Really~

The two smile at each other, teasing each other for a bit, and for them to approach closer and closer....
Until Emporio and Ermes spoke...

Emporio: Jolyne? (YN)??

Ermes: Uh, hate to brake your little "teasing" here, but we got big fish to fry here.

Jolyne: O-Oh! Right, sorry.

(YN): Y-Yeah, my bad, heh.

Ermes: Mmm, anyways, now that we know what your dad's up to, and know about his plan to reach to heaven, do you know exactly where he could achieve it? I mean there has to be a reason why he left.

(YN): ...You know, I also remember where he told me where could achieve it, I think it's somewhere at the space center at Kennedy, Cape...Cape...-

Jolyne: Cape Canaveral?!

(YN): Y-Yeah! That's it! But shit, that's pretty damn far to get there. Then again, father won't get there as well too, so if we can somehow get there before him, but in vehicle.

Emporio: What if we take the bus stop at that gas station there? Never been on one before.

(YN): Too risky. But you do realize Ermes and JoJo are escape convicts, right? They'll get caught the second we step foot on a bus.

Emporio: O-Oh yeah, but if we're going after the priest, there's no way we'll be able to catch up to him on foot, he could be far away from us now on.

Jolyne: We will, we just need to find another way to get to Cape Canaveral before him.

Ermes: Yeah but the thing is how though?

Jolyne: ....I think I know how, and I know someone who can be a "help". Come on.


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