Chp.5 Mother & Daughter Reunion

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As we left off...Jolyne has a visitor, she arrives at the visiting room...and to expect her auntie, uncle, or her grandparents or even her maid...but she was wrong, the visitor that came to visit her and didn't expect to see...was none other than her own mother, Jocelyn Kujo...Jolyne remembers the time she was 14 years..where she was caught with theft and assault...she remembers the time her maid was talking to her mom on the phone, that she was leaving her alone, and didn't bother to come and bail her out...she was "busy with work"...and now, she decides to come...which bothered Jolyne a bit..

Jocelyn: Jolyne.

Jolyne:'s you, old hag.

Jocelyn: ...It's .. great seeing you too sweetie, I-

Jolyne rushes to the guard, and to brutally strike a punch to his face, knocking him down...

Jolyne: Tch! That'll put me in solitary confinement for a while! I wouldn't have come if I knew YOU were here! Hey guard! Get up and open the door, hey!! ...ah shit, must've punched him too hard, get up will ya!?

Jocelyn: *sighs* Yare Yare Daze...Jolyne, I know...I know I've not been there for you for couple of years...but you have to listen to me-

Jolyne: Oh!? And why bother!?

Jocelyn: ...Cause the contrary to what you might believe, the person who framed you for murder and out you here isn't your boyfriend Romeo.

Jolyne: ...Wh-What...?!! What are you-but-

Jocelyn pulls out a picture of a person..

Jocelyn: It's this bastard, Johngalli A. He's currently locked up in the men's section, he's a veteran and sniper, who's supposedly could nail his targets through wind speeds of 20 meters per second. According to investigation, his cataracts caused his vision to decrease considerable...he's the one that plotted everything honey, even that car accident, apparently the victim that got ran over was tossed in that car accident by one of Johngalli A's henchman...everything from hiring that no good money grubbing fuck lawyer, the judge that sentenced you, and that rich punk were all orders from Johngalli A....all of this was from him.

Jolyne couldn't believe it, all this time...since the car accident...her first love, her lawyer, and the judge...set up Jolyne the entire time, and has her locked up in prisons almost her youth years...she grunts in anager and swings her hands around...

Jolyne: ...Okay, tell me. Tell me now! Why did that son of a bitch plotted everything from the beginning and have me locked up!? Tell me now old hag, it's at least you can do to start acting like a mother that I SHOULD have!

Jocelyn: Jolyne, honey, listen...back when you were 14...I regretted leaving you alone, and it was the biggest mistake of my life, and I want to-

Jolyne: Oooh! So NOW you realize that leaving me was a fucking bad choice!? How fucking convenient! So tell me, how much doubt you had leaving me?! I bet you years!

Jocelyn: Jolyne just listen-

Jolyne: No!! You listen to me "Mother", during my years of growing up, I've always think "oh, maybe she'll come back soon and take me with ya, or come visit some day and get along with me" but no!! All you care about is work work work!! That's all you can think of!!

Jocelyn: You know how my work is important half pine! Besides, I've did the very best to make you happy while growing up, but-

Jolyne: Well guess what?! That ain't enough!! ...You were suppose to be my mother, my mother who's always on my life and part of my life forever! not some mother that just fucking leaves her daughter left behind like a bitch!

Jocelyn: Hey, watch it young lady! You don't speak your mother like that!

Jolyne: Oh now you wanna act like a mother??! What a big fucking surprise!! Oh, give a round of a applause to Jocelyn Kujo, mother of the year, or to say worst mother of the year!!

Jocelyn: Hey that's far enough! You-

Jolyne: Oh what you're gonna do?! Ground me?! Oh wait, I'm at prison no thanks to you!!

Jocelyn: Jolyne that's quite enough!! You're being disrespectful!! Look maybe-

Jolyne: Maybe dad would've been alive still if he hasn't left to Morioh and have YOU left over there and DIE FOR GOOD INSTEAD!!!!!

After what Jolyne said..she quickly reacts, and to cover her mouth...and to see her mother with an utter upset and disappointed look on her face for what Jolyne said...and also bringing up her husband...Jolyne's father of course...

Jolyne: ...I-I..o-oh fuck..h-hey, mom...I-I didn't mean to say that, really! I..I know I'm mad, but not that mad, it just..slipped out and-

Suddenly, Jocelyn gave a loud grunt, as a sport hand appeared behind her, striking a brutal punch to the wall, leaving a huge gaping wound...and Jolyne saw that spirit arm striking the wall...leaving her trembling in fear...

Jocelyn: ...Don't you ever, EVER, bring up your father in an excuse!! You hear?! Just what kind of nonsense talking your saying?! Huh!? What could I've done?! I didn't wanted him to leave, but He chose to leave, and I let him, it was good to do so, we...we had some issues, that's why we needed to take some time off together and...and...Nrgh! Look, do me this favor if you can...don't ever bring your father within an bullshit excuse like you made up earlier, understand?!

Jolyne: I-I didn't mean it, really..! I-


Jocelyn raised her voice at Jolyne, and punching the table, almost braking it...Jolyne has never seen her mother this mad since the day her father was killed...and she has never seen her yelled at her, never in her life...all she can do, is feel guilty...and nod...and replies...

Jolyne: ...I-I'm sorry...

Jocelyn: ...Don't be better. Now...take a seat...please.

Jolyne doesn't say nothing after...she takes a seat, and Jocelyn as well....Jocelyn fixes her hat, wipes her eyes and to fix her hat...and takes a breathe...

Jocelyn: Listen...Johngalli A is after putting you in jail here, he can dispose of you anytime he wants.

Jolyne: But why..?? I don't even know this dude at all...!

Jocelyn: ..Cause of the blood that's running through your veins.

Jolyne: My...blood?

Jocelyn: Yes, the blood of the Joestar's. It's a family name that connects back to us from a few hundreds years ago. Somehow, He holds a grudge of it. To be able to communicate something to someone's heart is a wonderful thing, but sometimes remnants are left over....back a few years, when your father and I were younger...he kicked the ass of the Joestar bloodline's greatest enemy, and Johngalli A was that man's subordinate. He never met him in person though, but there's no doubt their connected. Even 20 years later, the blind fuck turns his fanaticisms into motivate for his grudge....look, all you need to understand is that you're being targeted right now...that's why I came here to bust you out. The law be damned.

Jolyne: out, really??

Jocelyn: Yes really...but anyways...that charm I sent to you, did it gave you a stand ability yet?

Jolyne: Stand?

Jocelyn: You didn't inherited anything specific from me, but as my daughter, you've got potential. Did anything weird started happening to you after you got it?

Jolyne: *Gasps*

Jocelyn: I'll take that as a yes then. It's known as a Stand.

Jolyne: A stand huh? Then...that spirit arm that appeared behind ya, and punched that wall...was that...yours?

Jocelyn: ...Yes.

Jolyne: ...What about dad? I mean, if you had one since you were young, I take it he had one as well?

Jocelyn: He sure did...a very strong and badass one too, hell, your uncle (Part 4 (YN)) has the same Stand like your fathers too, but different abilities and looks.

Jolyne: ...That's awesome.

Jocelyn: ...Anyways, with having Stands, we're getting out of here.

Jolyne stood quiet...and to think about if she even can get along with her mom, knowing she's finally came to her side for once in her lifetime...then again...

Jolyne: ...Hey know I'm hella pissed of you for leaving me through the years...and...about was really fucked up of me to mention father like that...but...I just...I just need some think about this...please.

Jocelyn: ...Take as much you need, remember...I'm now here for you.

Jolyne didn't respond to that...and to stood up and to walk around the room...and bring her thoughts she does...she then realizes something was off...her hands felt free, and to see the handcuffs on her are gone...

Jolyne Mind: Wha???! When did they..?

Back with Jocelyn, she sees a cigarette on the table lit up...knowing that the guard, who's still knock out didn't do it...

Jocelyn: *Who lit that cig?? And the brand is different ...! The guard didn't even approach to the table at the first place...unless...FUCK!!* Jolyne! Get away from that door now!!

Jolyne: Huh-UAGH!!

Suddenly, Jolyne has been shot towards her neck...

Jocelyn: NO!! Star Platinum: ZA WARUDO!!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jocelyn summons her stand, Star Platinum, and uses Za Warudo, to stop she does, she approaches to Jolyne...and to see the bullet nearly going in her neck...luckily her stand, Stone Free's hand blocked that bullet in mere seconds...she grabs the bullet off from her, then, time resumes, as Jocelyn catches Jolyne from falling, and Jolyne feeling her neck being shot and blood pouring out...

Jocelyn: Jolyne, are you alright?!

Jocelyn: I-I'm fine!..the fuck!? Did I got shot!?

Jocelyn brings Jolyne to the wall and sits crouches...

Jolyne: What's going on-

Jocelyn: Don't move, he's begun his assault.

Jocelyn checks the door, and looks out at the hallways...

Jocelyn: What does the far right of this hallway look like? Any windows?

Jolyne: Y-Yeah, two or three, but they have iron bars around them....this bullet is the real deal. It's a sniper round used primarily in long range rifles. This is Johngalli A's doing for sure.

Jolyne: W-Wait hold on a sec! He's an inmate right?? How the hell can he have a weapon with him if we aren't allowed to have pens in here!

Jocelyn: Is that right? Well, rifles come in parts. If you divide into pieces, you can hide them in anything. Surely you'll have the whole damn thing with ya if you don't get caught.

Jolyne: I mean Yess it's true, but here, it's the women's prison! No way in hell he can aim it on the men's side! The building is on the other side.

Jocelyn: Then it could mean one thing, he must've have a stand ability, which can also mean he's a stand user too. Look there.

Jolyne takes a look out...and to see a floating object wondering around...

The object stand then flies up...

Jolyne: Eh?! Where did it-

Jocelyn: Don't let it see your face that much, looks like it's more than just a piece of trash.

Jolyne: Yeah but it's moving away though, seems really light, like if it's dancing in the wind.

Jocelyn: Look don't do anything at all, we need to determine that things power and find it's weakness.

Jolyne: W-Wait a minute! Out's fresh, the air conditioners out there are, wouldn't that mean it's reaching...damn, how can I say this...oh! The movement of air?

Jocelyn: ...So, it reacts to the current of air, in order to predict our location? ..Interesting.

Jolyne: Even if he knew our location, how the hell he managed to shoot a bullet from the mens prison from here!?

Jocelyn: Thats what I wanna know. survive that shot earlier with pure luck and coincidence form your stand. So don't move until we know the mechanism of his snipes? Clear?

Jolyne: ...

Jocelyn: Jolyne, sweetie, I know you're pissed at me, and I totally understand, but this isn't the time to argue still, all I want is to get you out of this hell hole and have you live free...and be part of your life again! That's all I ever want, even if works busy, that can wait! So please Jolyne...can you do this for me?

Jolyne: ...I-

Guard: Y-You bitch!

Suddenly, the guard Jolyne knocked out woke up...

Guard: Do you..have any idea how much trouble you're in!? For what you did to me?!

Then, Jolyne and Jocelyn notices the stand rushing at towards them...

Jocelyn: Shit!

Jolyne: It's coming towards us! Hey, don't move-

Guard: Shut the hell up you filthy whore! I'm gonna ale sure I want the living shit out of you!

Jocelyn: Hey! Don't talk to my daughter like that you ignorant fuck!

Guard: Y-You stay out of this you fucking hag!!

Jolyne: H-Hey! ..Don't talk to her like that!

Guard: Or what?! You're gonna hit me?! I like to see you try that again, you fucking bitch!!

Jocelyn: Jolyne!!

Jocelyn steps up front, protecting her daughter form the guard...but then, another bullet was shot, suddenly the bullet hit and ricochet towards the stand, and to wane through Jocelyn's shoulder, and through the guards brain, killing him...and wounding Jocelyn's shoulder , and to bleed out and be in immense pain...

Jocelyn: D-Damn it!!

Jolyne: M-Mom!!!


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