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A/N: This was already halfway written a while ago before the Siren's Call one shot. I'm finishing it lol. It's bad tho and not perfect like I would like it to be.

"Joocie- mate, I'm in need of assistance." Laff says trying to move his ankle away from a few wires. Joocie chuckles and walks out of the kitchen to Laff, gets on the ground, and starts untangling the variety of colored wires around to free his foot. Laff sighs in relief once he is able to step away from the wires. "Thanks mate, another minute there and I would've bit my own foot off." He says jokingly. "I wouldn't doubt it." Joocie chuckles and moves the wires further under a desk. "Hey uh.. thanks for helping me pack." Joocie nods, "No problem. I'll miss you, love." He mutters. Laff turns to him, "Sorry mate what'd youse say?" Joocie shakes his head, "Nothing sorry. Talking to myself." Laff hesitantly nods then silently walks to his bedroom to move the last few boxes into the living room. Joocie sighs and picks up a box, setting it upon the dark wooden table.

-2 days later-

"My dad and his side of the family is taking everything there himself, there's no need for worry." Laff says in the passenger seat, patting Joocie's tense shoulder. "Still.. there are a lot of bad possibilities." Laff chuckles, "Didn't know you would care that much." Joocie steps on the brakes so quick Laff had to put his hands in front of him to stop himself from crashing into the dashboard head first. Luckily they had just made it to a parking space. "Jesu-" Laff starts but instantly gets cut off. "OF COURSE I CARE!" Joocie stops once he realizes he was yelling. He takes a deep breathe and tries to collect himself. "I care about everyone's safety. You were my first friend in middle school and one of the only people I could trust there. You've still stuck with me even after everything with that last bad friend group an- and.. I.." He pauses as Laff looks at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

Laff takes his attention off of him once his flight is heard being called. "I gotta go mate, thank you for everything." Laff quickly opens the car door and grabs his current suitcase and bags. Joocie nods, "Right. Bye!-" The car door slams and Laff runs off to hurry to his flight. Joocie watches him until he's no longer in sight. "Love you." His vision started getting a little blurry from a few tears, but he ignored his feelings and backed the car out of the parking space anyway. No matter what he was thinking.


It's been about two months and a half since Laff had finally gotten to America. He had already met up with Socks, Tbh, Meme, and Blaza and they had become roommates. Atleast, that's what Joocie heard from him. He had also met some of the others like Dino, Ally, Nadwe and Muffin. Mainly all of the gang was down in America. Except for Woolf, Tbvg, and himself. Of course, Tbvg was already planning a flight and Woolf was waiting till he was either 18 or 19 to move out of his parents house and to the US. But Joocie didn't have any plans for a move. So, he decided to make one.

"Hello?" Joocie smiles as his call was answered. "Did Ally answer you yet?" It was quiet before he heard an answer, "Yeah! She said yes. We're all going to meet up after the flight." Joocie fists bumps the air, "YES! Thank you Tbvg!" Joocie ends the call and quickly moves a few boxes to the donation pile he made. "Can't wait to see those idiot Americans."


The flight lasted a lot less since Tbvg was sitting next to Joocie on the flight there. The two worked a plan out with Ally and now the three of them are roommates. After the flight, Ally ran to the two and hugged the life out of them. "How's not being in the UK?" TBVG shrugs, "I've barely even set foot here and the weather is dastardly." Ally rolls her eyes, "A little rain can't hurt bro." She punches her shoulder and has the two follow her to her car.

In the car, Joocie was about to fall asleep in the last minutes of the ride when his phone starts buzzing. He picks it up and looks at the ID. He answers it with a small smile on his face. "Hey Laff." A few voices were heard on the other end of it, "BRI'ISH!" Joocie rolls his eyes, "Shut up Socks. Wheres Laff?" Somebody yells an incoherent word in the background, "He's busy with Blaza. Blaza got mad Laff stole his sunglasses." After a few seconds, another voice came through, "HI JOOCIEEEEEE!" Joocie rolled his eyes as Tbvg covered his ears from the scream. "Hello Tbh." Just then, a loud thud was heard, "What the hell are you guys doing?" Joocie asks listening to the chaos. "May or may not be a war." Tbh says, "Well don't make me come over there and beat you all up." Tbh laughs on the other end, "Your all the way in the UK, goodluck man." The phone hangs up and Joocie puts it away. "I won't need luck."

"We're here!" Ally shouts a bit loudly, "Goddamn- we are right here." Tbvg says and quickly gets out the car. "Just drop your stuff off and then we'll head to the idiots house." Joocie nods as he and Tbvg gather their suitcases and bags. Ally unlocks the doors as the two throw their stuff inside quickly and rush back into the car. Ally locks the door and hops into the drivers seat. They are instantly off and going down a steep road. Tbvg kept holding onto his seat trying not to hit his head since the road was so bumpy.

"Alright, can we just break in?" Ally says going up to a window. "Won't they think we're burglars?" Ally shakes her head, "Nah, they know I do this." That raised a bit of concern between the other two. She opens the window and climbs inside, as do the other two. Once they reached what seemed to be the kitchen, the five idiots were seen arguing about.. tea? Biscuits? American foods? Socks turns and notices the three and screams. Joocie and Tbvg wave to the others who seemed to be shocked they were there. "Joocie!" Laff speed walks over and give the British man a hug. "Did you gusy break into here?!" Meme laughs hysterically. "Maybe." Tbvg shrugs, "It was all Ally's idea." He points a finger at the woman. "Twas not-eth!" She dramatically says, putting a hand on her chest and forehead. "Whatever, what's the better option? British food or American food?" Tbh asks pretending to weigh imaginary options in his hands. "British food." The three answer. "What?! Ally?!" She shrugs, "I like British food. You can't blame me. Blame him." She points at Laff.

A/N: This was more of a really good friendship one shot. May have had its moments, and I do not have the motivation to make it a better one shot- I'm leaving it there just because although I have no idea why.

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