Date Night

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Highschool AU
Tw: None

"Yeah love, I'm on my way." Laff smiles hearing Joocie chuckle through the phone after talking. "Well ya better hurry up." Laff jokes as Joocie laughs a bit. "Yeah yeah, I'll try." Joocie hangs up the phone as Laff puts his phone into his pocket. He was a little excited, even if it was just for a small little movie date at his house. His father was on a business trip and took his sister with him, leaving Laff the house for a little while so it would be just himself. After a while of running around the house and making sure the place was nice and clean, there was a knock at the door. He dusts himself off and walks to the door opening it up to see Joocie. "I forgot to text you I was here heh.." He scratches his neck and puts his phone he was holding into his pocket. Laff moves aside so the British man could come into the house, "It's fine, I'm just glad you made it okay." He chuckles and shuts the door. He turns to the other british man who engulfs him into a hug. Laff's fingers traced circles on the man's back as they stayed there for a bit. They then pulled away from the hug, "Feels like it's been a fuckin' year." They chuckle, "It's been two weeks since school let out, obviously it's going to feel like a while lad."

Laff watches Joocie set down a backpack he had brought since he figured he would stay the night, maybe a few days if Laff were to allow him. Laff holds his hand out to Joocie and then walks him over to the couch which had a few blankets to the side, popcorn, candy, and the tv was already on. They sat down and Laff grabbed the remote, fiddling with it while looking through the different channels filled with movies, cartoons, and other things. "What do you feel like watching?" Joocie ponders for a moment, thinking of possible movies that Laff would like as well. As he does this, he brings a blanket close to them and wraps it around both of their laps. "Well.. what do you find interestin'?" Laff shrugs and scrolls through a few movie's that were recommended. "This?" Laff looks at Joocie while stopping on a movie. "Oh! Sure, I've seen this only once when I was much younger." Laff nods and presses the button on the remotes, pulling up the movie and pressing play.

He leans back after he puts the remote down a little bit away from him and leans on Joocie. He chuckles and also slightly leans on him.

About halfway into the movie they started to get a little bored. So, one of them decide to try to annoy the other. Joocie shoves Laff, making him fall sideways onto another cushion. He sits back up and grins as Joocie stands up with a pillow in his hands. "Pillow fight!" He announces before getting a pillow thrown at him. "Hey! I wasn't ready!" Laff rolls his eyes, "You said "Pillow fight" and started this, I think you were-" Laff feels a fluffy item hit his face as well. "L." Joocie giggles and picks up the pillow thrown at him earlier. The two continue to try to wack the other with pillows until eventually they both fall onto the floor on top of each other. Luckily it was carpet.

After some laughter, Joocie softly grabs Laff's face and gives him a quick but soft peck. "How sweet you are." Laff chuckles and leaves a trail of kisses from his neck to his jaw. The whole time Joocie was giggling since to him it tickled. Joocie playfully shoved him and heard the tv make a noise. He turned to it and the credits were rolling. "Oh!" Laff looked at the tv as well and shrugged after he sat himself and Joocie upright. He looked at the time, it was midnight. "Well.. Guess we should get to bed hm?" Joocie nods and stands up, offering a hand to Laff who took it but didn't let go so he could direct the other man to his room.

He opened his room door and flopped onto his bed, not caring that a pillow instantly flew off the bed and onto the floor. Joocie closed the door and walked over to the pillow, throwing it back on Laff's bed which instead landed on his face. They were going to clean everything up in the morning. Plus they were too tired at the moment and had planned to make a video with Socks and the gang at like 1 pm. So they needed some rest.

Laff moved over for Joocie to be able to get in and then threw the covers over them. Joocie sighs and hugs the gas man's torso after they both got comfortable. "I forgot we had to do things tomorrow with the gang." Laff sighs and runs his hand through Joocie's hair. "Nadwe and Muffin will be there this time. They just got out of school so.." Laff nods and chuckles, "Ya think they passed?" The two giggle for a minute before closing their eyes, relaxing even further into a deep sleep. "No."

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